WEST SADSBURY TWP. 6400 N. Moscow Rd. Parkesburg, PA 19365 Phone: 610-857-5969 FAX: 610-857-1415 Email: wsadstwp@comcast.net Website: www.westsadsburytwp.org WITH DEEPEST SADNESS It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Frank Haas, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, on Friday, March 20, 2015. Frank will be greatly missed by all of us at the Township. He worked tirelessly for our community, in particular advocating for business development in the Township and the recent merger of the local fire companies. Frank was not just our Chairman, he was our friend. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Miller Keystone Blood Drive West Sadsbury Township will host a blood drive on May 14, 2015 at the Township Municipal Building located at 6400 N. Moscow Rd. Parkesburg. Miller-Keystone Blood Center relies on the support from the residents of our community to ensure that the blood needs of your family, friends and neighbors are met. It is the responsibility of the Blood Center to ensure that patients served by our community hospitals receive the blood products they need. Miller Keystone Blood Services organization distributes blood products solely to regional hospitals. The Blood Center can only be as successful as the support it receives from within the communities it serves. Call now to schedule a time. WALK-INS ARE ALSO WELCOME. Hours of donation are 12pm to 6pm. Call Kathy at 610-857- 5969 on MWF from 9-3, or 610-476-6422 M thru F from 9-5 to schedule. “Your donation has the opportunity to save lives.” SHREDDING EVENT– The annual Shred Day Event hosted by the Ryan Tyler State Farm Agency at 5581 West Lincoln Highway, Parkesburg will be held on Saturday, May 23, 2015 from 10 am to 1 pm. Participants are welcome to bring up to 3 large boxes for shredding. ALL materials will be shredded instantly and on-site by the East Coast Shredding truck. A certificate of destruction will be available at no charge. Additional parking will be available in the neighboring parking lot of L.C. Auto Body. This event is offered at no charge to our community. April 2015 NEWSLETTER TRASH REMOVAL AND RECYCLING – Regretfully, as a result of ongoing illegal dumping and abuse of the recycling program, West Sadsbury Township is no longer offering drop-off recycling at the Township parking lot. All Township citizens, however, are required by ordinance to use the services of municipal waste haulers, and recycling is mandatory. To maintain curbside fees at a minimum, the Board of Supervisors will keep trash collection and recycling private. Residents are free to contract with any hauler who has elected to register with the Township. The hauler will provide you with a recycling container. When contracting with a hauler, you should establish how the company will accept the recyclable items for the collection process. Haulers are as follows: AJ Blosenski - 610-942-2707 Country Disposal - 610-42-2480 Eagle Disposal - 717-355-9560 Republic Services - 610-869-2222 Residents may also collect recyclables and take them to Beartown Recycling or the Lanchester Landfill. Scrap metal usually has a monetary value and may be taken to scrap metal dealers like Atglen Recycling, Beartown Recycling, Bannons Metals, Harris Metals, and Metal Fabricating Co. BULK TRASH – Saturday, May 2, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the West Sadsbury Township municipal building. Refrigerators and air conditioners must be tagged, certifying that refrigerant has been removed. Car tires will be accepted at a cost of $3.00 per tire. Truck tires will be accepted at a slightly higher cost. “Hazardous” and “Electronic Waste” items cannot be accepted at this event. See the following article for dates and locations where these items may be disposed. Hazardous Waste Collection for 2015 4/11: CAT Pickering Campus 4/25 Octorara High School 5/16: Owen J. Roberts Middle School 6/26: Coatesville Learning Center 9/12: Oxford School District Admin. Bldg. 10/10: Government Services Center, West Chester ALL EVENTS: 9:00am – 3:00 pm Visit www.chestercountyswa.org or call the Township for more information. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY – Dial 911. For a non-emergency police situation, dial 610-857-5541. To contact an individual officer, call 610-857-5688. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT What is stormwater and why is it a problem? Stormwater is rainfall that runs off of roofs, driveways, lawns, roads, parking lots, sidewalks, farm fields, and other surfaces created or disturbed by manmade activities. This runoff picks up pollutants (such as dirt, oil, litter, pesticides, fertilizer, etc.) as it flows across these surfaces and eventually enters local streams. While rainfall is natural, stormwater is manmade. Large volumes of stormwater overwhelm, erode, and pollute local streams, and flood low lying areas. To lessen these destructive stormwater impacts and help ensure any existing problems do not worsen, municipalities across Chester County have adopted new stormwater management ordinance standards. These new standards are a key tool in reducing these stormwater impacts, safeguarding properties from flooding and erosion, and protecting streams and local water quality. 84% of Chester County’s watersheds are sources of public drinking water. 55% of Chester County’s streams are listed as “impaired” (polluted) by stormwater. You can help by washing your car on grass or gravel, instead of pavement. Better yet, take your car to the car wash where the water is treated and recycled. Leaking oil from cars goes on the street. When it rains, the oil gets washed into storm drains and finds its way into our lakes, streams and coastal waters, including the Chesapeake Bay. So please, fix oil leaks. SEPTIC SYSTEMS – By ordinance, ALL property owners in the Township are required to have their on-site septic systems pumped by a licensed hauler at least once every three years. Having your septic system pumped regularly is the best way to help prevent costly repairs to the system. If you are not sure when your tank was last pumped, contact the Township to see if there is record of it in the office. After having your septic tank pumped, a copy of the hauling receipt should be provided to the Township. For a list of licensed haulers, please call the Township office or consult the Yellow Pages. KEYSTONE VALLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAS YOUR NUMBER – The KVFD is providing highly visible 911 address signs at a minor cost of $15.00. In an emergency, every second counts, and it is critical that residences and businesses post easily recognized site address signs. Help the KVFD and police department find you. For a link to an order form, visit www.kvfd8.com or contact the Township. FESTIVALS AND FUN – This year’s community activities will again take place at the Landis Woodland Preserve, located at 610 Zion Hill Road. Our popular Fiddlers Picnic will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2015. Offsite parking with a shuttle bus service will be available. The cost to park is $5.00 per vehicle. The Civil War Encampment Event is CANCELLED for Saturday, August 22, 2015. For more details, check with the Township office at 610-857-5969. PICNIC FACILITIES – Consider renting a Township pavilion for your next family reunion, church picnic, or birthday party. Call the Township office at 610-857-5969 for more information. PUBLIC MEETINGS – Attending a planning commission or supervisors meeting is a great way to become informed about issues and projects occurring in the Township. It is also a helpful opportunity for Township officials to learn what issues are of concern to the residents. Check the meeting schedule on the front of this newsletter or call the Township office for more information at 610-857-5969. The public is always welcome. OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 9-4:30 pm TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS: Supervisors: Barry Edwards, John Keesey, Ed Haas Tax Collector: James Fuga Roadmaster: Joe Prekup Solicitor: Conrad O’Brien Chief of Police: James Peters Sergeant: Luke Fidler Emergency Management Dir.: Vacant Township Manager: Cindy Mammarella Zoning Officer: Bill Beers Auditors: Karen Gallagher, Ryan Dodds, Vacancy Planning Commission: Barry Edwards, Ed Haas, Dave Markward, Don McDermott, Jeff Sosack, Lee Wroten, Darren DeVoe, Zoning Hearing Board: Hank Cochran, Gerald Stoltzfus, Charlie Meyer, Rose Terriman (Alternate) MEETINGS: All meetings are in the Township Building Supervisors: Township Meeting - 2nd Tuesday Each Month at 7:30 PM Work Session – 4th Tuesday Each Month at 9:30 AM Planning Commission: 4th Tuesday Each Month at 7:30 PM Schedules are subject to change.