NRSPPG Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 6th October 2015

New Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (NRSPPG)
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 6th October 2015
At New Road Surgery at 10.30 am
Heather Williams, Rosalie Dilkes, Pat Hackett, Isabel Hyde, Jessie James,
Nigel James, Sue Marsden, Peter Mcdonald, Sheila Oxspring,
Karen Leech, Phil Swarbrick , Robert Trigger
Item 2Minutes of Meeting held 9th September 2015. Approved and signed as
an accurate record.
Item 3 Matters arising from the Meeting held 9th September 2015, not covered
elsewhere on the Agenda. None
Item 4 -
Education Events.
a) Dementia Awareness Event 20th November 2015. IH reported that
arrangements were all in hand. HW asked for able bodied committee
members to help on the evening of 19th November. This would be to
set out the room with chairs etc. Members to arrive at 6.00 pm.
Committee members were also asked to arrive about 9.30am on the
morning of 20th November to help with tea/coffee and to meet and
greet people arriving. 70 tickets were to be printed. Patients could
collect their free tickets at reception. The event and how to collect
free tickets to be advertised on the web (IH) , to all NRSPPG members
(RT) and via a notice on the NRSPPG notice board (HW).
b) Men’s and Women’s Health Event. Date of 11th March 2016 was
agreed for this event. There was a general discussion about what the
committee might want to include in this wide topic. Various issues
were suggested including screening for prostate, breast, bowel and
cervical cancers; aortic aneurism; skin cancer; osteoporosis; ovarian
cancer; breast and testicular self-examination; cardiovascular risks;
health checks. It was agreed that the committee would consider this
further and that a questionnaire asking patients which issues were of
interest, should be handed out at the Dementia Awareness Event. IH
to draw up the questionnaire. This issue to be discussed again at the
next meeting 10th November 2015.
Item 5-
Fund Raising.
a) Sub-committee membership and Chair. It was agreed that the fund
raising committee should consist of Pat Hackett, Phil Swarbrick and
Peter Macdonald. Pat Hackett was elected as Chair of this
subcommittee (unanimous). It was reported that Jo Bleasdale, John
Wyatt, Alan Danter and Carol Killner had agreed to help with fund
raising events.
b) How NRSPPG funds should be spent. IH reported that there was
approximately £600.00 in the NRSPPG fund. It had been agreed at
the previous committee meeting, that £300.00 of this should be
contributed towards the gate to be erected between the Surgery car
park and the Ryland Centre. It was agreed that a small reserve should
be retained for future administrative costs etc. It was further agreed
that IH would consider what the surgery would like to use the
remaining funds for and to come back to the next meeting with
c) Date of May Fayre 2016. It was agreed to hold the May Fayre on
Saturday 21st May 2016. The fund Raising Sub-committee to begin
making plans as soon as appropriate.
d) Signatories to the NRSPPG bank account. It was agreed that the
following should be signatories: Karen Leech, Isabel Hyde, Heather
Williams, Phil Swarbrick.
Item 6Display of Pictures of Committee members. After discussion it was
unanimously agreed that this was not necessary and should not be pursued.
Item 7 Suggestions and complaints. IH reported that 3 complaints had been
received since the committee meeting held 18th August 2015. These were:a) One patient had complained about the time they had had to wait, in the surgery
waiting room, to see the doctor with whom they had an appointment. This
patient also complained about the time they had had to wait on the phone to
get through to the surgery. Action taken: IH stated that the staff at the surgery
had looked at this and there had been an unavoidable delay with the doctor
concerned. The patient had received an apology.
b) A patient had complained that they had run out of their medication and was
unable to book an appointment to obtain a repeat prescription. The patient
had booked a telephone call through the urgent telephone calls system. The
patient felt that they were told off for using the “emergency telephone
appointment” system. IH stated that the staff had telephoned the patient
concerned and explained the various ways that a repeat prescription could be
obtained. IH further stated that the duty doctor system had been changed so
that urgent requests for repeat prescriptions could be made via this system.
c) Another patient had complained about the waiting time to see a doctor, once
they had arrived at the surgery. A letter of apology had been sent, but the
practice had not yet had an opportunity to discuss this case.
A general discussion followed about the difficulty for doctors, trying to deal with
patients who had a large number of issues to discuss at one consultation. IH explained
that different doctors had different ways of dealing with this. Some doctors tried to
deal with all issues and this could take up a lot of time and therefore delay other
patients who were waiting for their appointments.
Item 8 Draft AGM Minutes. HW read through the draft minutes of the AGM
held 9 September 2015. It was agreed that they were accurate. These minutes could
not be accepted and signed until the AGM in September 2016. It was agreed that IH,
RT and HW would circulate these draft minutes in the usual way. IH to the web; RT to
the membership; HW to the notice board.
Item 9 Constitution. SO reported that updating the Constitution had been
raised at the AGM. The date of the annual accounting period was also to be
reconsidered. It was agreed that SO would circulate the members with the latest
constitution; Committee Members would consider this document and it would be
discussed at the committee meeting on December 15th. SO explained that the
constitution could not be changed until the next AGM.
Item 10 –
Affiliation to NAPP. IH gave the background to the use of NAPP in the
early days of NRSPPG. There was a general discussion about the benefits and costs of
this affiliation. It was agreed that committee members would look at the NAPP
website and consider whether the NRSPPG NAPP membership should continue. Views
of committee members to be sent to HW or SO.
Item 11.
Future Committee Meetings: Tuesday November 10th at 10.20am and
Tuesday December 15th at 10.30am.
Item 12. A.O.B
a) Letters of thanks to outgoing Chair and committee members. HW agreed
to send letters of thanks to John Wyatt, Alan Danter and Carol Killner.
b) Information and publicity. RT to be asked if he wished to be responsible for
all information and publicity or whether he would prefer that the committee
appointed an information and publicity officer.
HW closed the meeting at approx.. 11.50am.