Board of Selectmen Minutes of Tuesday, June 16, 2015 Bourne

Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Bourne Community Building
Bourne, MA 02532
TA Guerino
Stephen Mealy, Chairman
Don Pickard, Vice-Chairman
Michael Blanton, Clerk
Don Ellis
Peter Meier
Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or
videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time.
All items within the meeting agenda are subject to deliberation and vote(s) by the Board of
Meeting Called to Order
Chm. Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:12 pm.
Moment of Silence for our Troops and our public safety personnel /Salute the Flag
Public Comment –
Mr. Agrillo brought up Chester Park with regard to the parking and the speed.
William Nelson spoke about the Commuter Rail to Buzzards Bay and the Cape Flyer. He would
like to formally request this Board use its influence to see if we can’t find some way to
unequivocally and permanently kill those projects. He also spoke about the Dunkin Donuts on
the Bourne Rotary. Don Pickard suggested Mr. Nelson write to the Town Administrator to get
the items he wants to talk about on the agenda so we can spend more time discussing them.
Voted Don Ellis moved and seconded by Peter Meier to take item number 6 out of order for
the next item to discuss.
6) Hoxie Deed Signing
Mr. Bob Troy brought the Hoxie deed to pass around, the Board has already voted to do this. Mr.
Troy stated to comply with the open meeting law I wanted to do it in open session. When it is
complete the notarization will have to take place at Town Hall, because the notary is not here. I
will transmit it to the Town Administrator and she will notarize each of your signatures as you
come in.
Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to sign the deed. Vote 5-0.
Board Of Selectmen’s Minutes
June 16, 2015
4) Minutes April 30, 2015:
Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Don Ellis to approve the minutes from April 30,
2015 as presented. Don Pickard and Michael Blanton abstained. Vote 3-0-2.
5) Correspondence
Michael Blanton brought the committee up to date on the correspondence.
a. Letter from Bennett Environmental Associates. David Bennett, President of Bennett
Environmental Associates filed termination paperwork with Mass. DEP. He is no longer
the license site professional for the waste cleanup at 428 Barlows Landing Road in
b. A letter from Wayne and Lydia Manter from Bournedale; they wrote to Cape Cod
Commission and copied the Bourne Board of Selectmen with regards for concerns they
have with the wind turbine project being proposed by Future Generation Wind being
installed in Plymouth, but in close proximity to the Town of Bourne border.
c. A letter from Margaret Downey of the Cape Light Compact containing the April monthly
energy efficiency report
d. A letter from Richard Libin, Chair of the Shore Harbor Committee, expressing concerns
over the use of the pier at Barlow’s Landing in Pocasset
e. Two emails, one from Vincent Michienzi, from Gray Gables and another from Richard
Conron also from Gray Gables, both expressing interest in filling in the remainder of the
term for the Bourne representative for the vacated position for the Cape Cod Commission
f. Email from Wes Ewell expressed he is not seeking further appointment to the town’s
Transportation Advisory Committee
Tom Guerino believes the inspection of the regulatory team is meeting on that item, item b. The
selectmen at some point will be asked to grant an easement. Mr. Guerino also stated the Cape
Cod Commission unexpired term is on the agenda for next week.
7) Licenses/Appointments:
a. Request to install a 3’x24’ Street Banner for the Canal Fest on July 4 & 5
John Ford, representative for the Marine Life Center, they are asking to put up a 3’ by 24’ street
banner that states “Cape Cod Canal Fest”. It would go up at the same location as the Scallop
Peter Meier stated the normal area is not structural sound so they cannot be put up there
Tom Guerino stated they are looking for an alternate spot to put the banners up. He suggested the
board vote to allow this if we can find a place for it to hang.
Jonathan Nelson, Facilities Manager for the town, stated the pole in front of St. Peter Church, the
guide wire is on private property. We had issues with it last year where the guide wire snapped.
Board Of Selectmen’s Minutes
June 16, 2015
The church does not want us to put it back on their property. We are investigating other solutions
to put up banners.
Voted Don Ellis moved and seconded by Peter Meier that we allow this to be installed under
the discretion of Jonathan Nelson, representative of the town. Vote 5-0.
8) Town Administrator’s Report
Tom Guerino stated they are primarily working on the work by the Financial Planning Working
Group in an effort to put together the budget reduction numbers with the department heads
relative to a scenario if the override fails.
9) Selectmen’s Reports
a. Establish Goals setting session(s)
Stephen Mealy would like to establish a date for setting goals; it may take the place of the
regular meeting. July 14th will be the date for the goal-setting meeting. Tom Guerino
recommended a facilitator for that evening. Mr. Mealy agreed that a facilitator would be good
for that evening.
Peter Meier for a future agenda item – for one of the board members to be certified in CPR.
Don Ellis would like to thank Jonathan Nelson and George Sala for their participation in a very
comprehensive CPA project, at the Indian Cemetery on South Herring Pond. Mr. Ellis would
also like to request through this board, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Sala to look into the problem of the
trees that are being defoliated on town property because of the winter moth situation, and
whether there will be an effect down the road and we will loose these trees. Should they be
sprayed, looked at, or maintained, because there may be a possible safety issue involved.
Michael Blanton attended; a civic group in town organized, a screening of a documentary called,
what happened here the untold story of opioid addiction on Cape Cod. It was well attended.
Stephen Mealy would like to recognize the Hospice Unit here in Bourne, The Life Choice
Hospice Program for their Hospice Honors award. The Financial Project Working Group
reviewed the financial policies and we will be looking at those next week at the Selectmen’s
meeting, in anticipation of review and adoption for use during the summer in preparation for the
override. Mr. Mealy stated he also received a new population for the town of Bourne. The Town
Clerk has released a population of 19,507 people as a result of the last census. This is a 3.6
reduction. The reduction may be attributed to the changes in population at Joint Base Cape Cod,
at the two nursing homes, and at the Mass Maritime Academy. There will be a fall conference on
October 3rd by the MMA, Mass Mutual Association, for selectmen.
10) Selectmen’s Business –
a. Discussion of possible future warrant article for Home Rule Petition to allow the
Town to offer an early retirement program.
Board Of Selectmen’s Minutes
June 16, 2015
b. Discussion with the Town Administrator to prepare an incentive plan and meet with
union representatives to determine if the Town can institute a bonus program for
employees who provide cost saving ideas.
c. Open House at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy
10 a. Don Pickard spoke about offering an early retirement program for the town employees to
reduce the town’s salaries. Ask Mr. Guerino to follow up with Town Counsel/Town Moderator
and his department heads for a head count to find out how many people that would effect and
come back with a recommendation what the item would be and if we want to bring it forward for
Michael Blanton concurs with Mr. Pickard. If the town is facing an override request we need to
show the public and the voters we are making every effort to curb the budget.
Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Michael Blanton for the Board to direct the
Town Administrator to investigate a possible home rule petition to allow for an early
retirement program. Vote 5-0.
10. b. Stephen Mealy spoke about preparing some type of incentive plan so the town can institute
a bonus program for employees that have cost saving ideas. Trying to improve the way we do
things day to day.
Don Pickard stated there are a number of employees who can think of ways the town can become
more efficient and save money. We will ask the Town Administrator to meet with the union
representative to see if the town can do this without opening contracts. Mr. Pickard suggests that
a committee of several department heads and several representatives of the bargaining units
determine how it could best happen. I would recommend that if a person brings forward an idea
it should go to a committee including management and representatives of the bargaining units
who will evaluate and bring forward to the Town Administrator and the Board of Selectmen. The
first step would be to discuss the incentive plan with the bargaining units.
Tom Guerino has discussed with some of his collogues to see if any communities currently doing
Voted Don Pickard moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to direct the Town
Administrator to initiate an initial investigation into instituting a bonus program regarding
cost savings. Vote 5-0.
Mr. Blanton questioned Mr. Pickard if he has any conceptual ideas for what the bonus would be.
10 c. Stephen Mealy spoke about Mass Maritime’s open house. Mass Maritime has held an open
house for the residents of Taylors Point. In a recent meeting I had with Rear Admiral Gurnon I
asked if he might extend that to other residents in the Town of Bourne. He suggested the
academy hold an open house to all the resident s of the Town of Bourne on August 8, 2015.
Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to accept the invitation from
Rear Admiral Gurnon. Vote 5-0.
Board Of Selectmen’s Minutes
June 16, 2015
10) Adjourn
Voted Peter Meier moved and seconded by Don Ellis to adjourn. Meeting adjourned.
Vote 5-0.
Future Agenda Items
 Appointment of MBTA Representative
 Selectmen’s Appointments
 Discussion of Public-Private Partnerships as it relates to funding for the Third Canal
 Presentation of the Third Bridge Plans and status of MassDOT review
Respectfully submitted – Carole Ellis, secretary.
I wrote from DVD