AIMS 3770- Dr. Leon Project 2: Applichem’s Capacity Planning Problem Applichem management is faced with the difficult problem of allocating the capacity of its manufacturing plants to its customers that are located around the world. Management recognizes that the plants differ greatly in efficiency but has had little success in improving the operations of the inefficient plants. At this time, management must decide how to best meet the demand forecasted for existing markets next year using the capacity of its plants given the differences in manufacturing costs that currently exist. They also want to develop a longer term strategy to identify how the plant facilities should be modified to meet the emerging Chinese market. This longer strategy entails investigating the possibilities of expanding an existing plant, building a new plant in China and shutting down one or more of the existing plants. Applichem makes a chemical product called Release-ease. Plastics molding manufacturers use this dry powder product to make it easy to remove a plastic part from a mold. A recent study by Applichem’s market research team indicates that existing customer demand for Release-ease should be fairly steady for the next five years. Although Applichem does have some competition, particularly in the European markets, management feels that as long as they can provide a quality product at a competitive price, customers should stick with Applichem. The large growth in Chinese manufacturing during the 21st century has also created a new market that Applichem wants to exploit. Marketing research estimates that five years from now Applichem could easily sell three million pounds per year to China. Applichem currently owns six plants capable of making Release-ease in the following cities: Gary, Indiana; Windsor Ontario, Canada; Frankfurt, Germany; Mexico City, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela; and Osaka, Japan. These plants have traditionally focused on meeting demand for the immediate surrounding regions, but a considerable amount of exporting and importing of the product has occurred due to imbalances in the supply and demand for some of the regions. The following table shows the production/distribution policy that Applichem used last year where the amounts shipped are in 1,000 lbs. PRODUCT MADE AND SHIPPED LAST YEAR (x 1,000 POUNDS) From/To Mexico City Windsor Caracas Frankfurt Gary Osaka Mexico 300 Canada Venezuela Europe 630 United States Japan 790 260 410 560 2000 1240 1400 400 Differences in the technologies used and local raw material and labor costs create significant differences in the cost to produce Release-ease in the various locations. The costs can change dramatically due to currency valuation and labor law changes in some of the countries as well. This is especially true in Mexico and Venezuela. The following table provides estimated costs to produce next year along with the capacity of each plant: Plant Mexico City Windsor Caracas Frankfurt Gary Osaka Production Cost (per 1,000 lbs) $95.01 $97.35 $116.34 $76.69 $102.93 $153.80 Plant Capacity (in 1,000 lbs) 2200 370 450 4700 1850 500 In considering how best to use the capacity of its plants, Applichem management needs to consider the cost of shipping product from one customer region to another. Applichem now commonly ships product in bulk around the world, but it is expensive. The costs involved are not only higher transportation costs but also import duties that are assessed by customs in some countries. The following table describes the cost to transport 1,000 pounds of product from each plant to each country: TRANSPORTATION COST (per 1,000 lbs) Plant Mexico City Windsor Caracas Frankfurt Gary Osaka Mexico 0.0 $11.0 $7.0 $10.0 $10.0 $14.0 Canada $11.4 0.0 $10.0 $11.5 $6.0 $13.0 Venezuela Europe $7.0 $11.0 $9.0 $11.5 0.0 $13.0 $12.5 0.0 $11.0 $10.0 $12.5 $14.2 United States $11.0 $6.0 $10.4 $11.2 0.0 $18.0 Japan $14.0 $13.0 $14.3 $13.3 $12.5 0.0 Import duty is calculated on the approximate production plus transportation cost of product brought into the country. For example, assume that 1,000 pounds of Release-Ease are shipped into Venezuela from other country and that the production and shipping cost of these 1,000 pounds are $100. The import duty would then be calculated as $100 x .5 = $50 where the .5 is Venezuela’s 50% import duty shown in the following table. The following table describes each country’s current import duty along with the country’s estimated annual demand for Release-ease. Country Mexico Canada Venezuela Europe United States Japan Annual Demand (in 1,000 lbs) 300 260 1600 2000 2640 1190 Import Duty 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 9.5% 4.5% 6.0% Your assignment is to perform the following analysis: 1. Use the following table to help organize the production/distribution cost for each route in the problem: From Plant: XXX Production Cost ($/1000lbs) Transportation Cost ($/1000lbs) Import Cost ($/1000lbs) Total Cost per 1,000 pounds To Country: YYY 2. Develop a linear programming transportation spreadsheet model and use Solver to minimize the total production, distribution and import duty cost for the existing six plants next year. What is your optimal production distribution plan? How does it differ from Applichem’s current plan? How much money can Applichem save with your plan? Which plants are underutilized? 3. Applichem would like you to use your model to figure out the best way to expand capacity in order to capture the emerging Chinese market in a couple of years. They estimate that the Chinese demand will eventually be three million pounds per year. China has a 20% import duty rate. Transportation costs to China from each of the existing six plants are estimated to be (per 1,000 lbs): $14 from Mexico City, $12 from Windsor, $14.5 from Caracas, $13 from Frankfurt, $13.5 from Gary and $5.0 from Osaka. As a first strategy, Applichem is thinking of expanding the European plant’s capacity by one million pounds. Make a copy of your LP model to a new worksheet and modify it as necessary to analyze this expansion and the addition of the Chinese market. Do you have sufficient capacity with this plan? 4. Applichem is also considering the second alternative of building a new plant in Beijing to capture the emerging Chinese market in a couple of years. This new plant would be built instead of the European plant expansion. This new plant would have a capacity of two million pounds per year and it would cost $90.10 to produce 1,000 pounds at this new location. Transportation costs from the new Chinese plant to the different market regions would be the same as from the Osaka plant with two exceptions: there is no transportation cost from the Chinese plant to China and the transportation cost per 1,000 lbs from Beijing to Japan is $4.50. Make a copy of your part 2 LP model to a new worksheet and modify it as necessary to analyze this new plant with the addition of the Chinese market. Which alternative is cheaper, the European plant expansion or the new Chinese plant? 5. Save each plant scenario that you optimized on a different worksheet in the same spreadsheet. Deposit the spreadsheet into MyLMUConnect when you are done. 6. Write a memo to Mr. Apple, the Operations manager at Applichem, that communicates how you think Applichem’s existing capacity should be allocated for the next couple of years. You should also communicate the capacity alternative you recommend for the future to help Applichem expand into the Chinese market. Defend your recommendation with the costs calculated in your models plus at least one other location factor that you think is important to the decision. Turn in a printed hardcopy of this memo in class. The following guidelines should be used to organize your memo: Paragraph 1 2 3 4 Content Summary of Applichem’s problem and your recommendations. This should briefly describe the potential savings over the next two years with the existing plants and your recommendation for longer term expansions. Description of production/distribution plan details using current plants for next two years. The capacity utilization for each plant should be identified and interpreted. (Table should be included to help communicate numbers). Recommended expansion and location plan for Chinese market. (Reference to table or graph for cost details may be needed). Concluding Comments PROJECT 2: LOCATION ANALYSIS RUBRIC Points Organization 3 Your memo is clearly and efficiently organized. After reading the first paragraph, the audience knows your general recommendation and the criteria on which you based your decision. 2 Your memo follows the suggested organizational guideline. Portions of the memo ramble however and/or the first paragraph does not summarize the decision criteria and recommended plan for the audience. 2 year Distribution Plan Description (Points x 2) A complete description of the production distribution plan for the next two years is provided. The audience knows exactly what actions to implement and understands which plants are not operating efficiently Writing Mechanics Complete details about either the particular quantities to ship over each route or the plant utilizations are not provided. Your memo has a few problems with grammar, word usage, sentence structure, punctuation and/or spelling, but they do not distract the reader to a significant degree. Your memo is substantially free from errors associated with grammar, word usage, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling. Long Term Expansion Recommendation (Points x 4) A persuasive argument is made to convince the audience of the supply chain structure that should be developed in order to expand into the Chinese market. This argument includes facility recommendations and references to key costs plus at least one other relevant factor that was considered at a non-superficial level. A reasonable argument is made to convince the audience of the supply chain structure that should be developed in order to expand into the Chinese market. This argument only includes facility recommendations and key costs and does not consider other reasonably developed factors. Communication of Numerical Results (Points x 2) Easy to read tables or graphs display insightful cost comparison of your recommended production strategies versus alternative strategies along with pertinent details of your production/distribution plan. These tables are appropriately labeled and help limit your memo to one page. Easy to read and appropriately labeled tables or graphs display a simple cost comparison of your recommended strategy versus alternative strategies or display pertinent details of your production/ distribution plan. Points Organization 1 Your memo jumps from idea to idea without a clear reason for moving in that direction. It is addressed to the appropriate audience however. 0 Your memo does not summarize the information for the appropriate audience. The distribution routes are not discussed in the memo at all or the routes are incorrectly communicated. 3 6 Points Earned: Points Possible: 2 year Distribution Plan Description (Points x 2) An overview of the distribution routes is made with insufficient detail about the quantities shipped. Writing Mechanics Your memo has an accumulation of errors associated with grammar, word usage, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling that distracts the reader from the points you are trying to make. Your memo is marred by many serious errors of grammar, word usage, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling 3 Long Term Expansion Recommendation (Points x 4) The costs, expansion plans and supply chain structure are not correctly communicated or are not defended with sufficient support or cost details. Communication of Numerical Results (Points x 2) Your tables or graphs are not easy to read or appropriately labeled and/or do not communicate pertinent information to the audience and/or contain serious miscommunication of information. The expansion plans are not addressed in this analysis. Tables or graphs are not included. 12 6