cv - Femke Reitsma

Femke Reitsma
Geography, University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand
+64 3 364 2987 ext 4180,,
I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the Geography Department at the University of
Canterbury, where I direct the MGIS programme locally and deputy head of the
Department of Geography. My research is focussed on data, information and knowledge
modelling for representing real world phenomena, which includes crowd sourced
knowledge of those phenomena, and food resilience.
Ph.D. Geography (2004), University of Maryland, College Park
MSc with First Class Honours (2001), Geography, Auckland University
BSc Honours with First Class Honours (2000), Geography, Auckland University
Permaculture Design Certificate (2013), Koanga Institute
2009 – present Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography, University of
2004 - 2008
Lecturer in the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh
2001 - 2004
Teaching and research assistant positions at the Department of
Geography, University of Maryland, Department of Geography, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Department of Geography, University of
Journal Publications
30. Nutsford, D, A L Pearson, F Reitsma, & S Kingham. Residential exposure to visible
blue space and distant green space is associated with lower psychological
distress. Manuscript submitted for publication.
29. Toth, A, S Rendall, F Reitsma (2015). Resilient Food Systems: A Qualitative Tool for
Measuring Food Resilience. Forthcoming in Urban Ecosystems.
28. Nutsford, D, F Reitsma, A L Pearson, S Kingham (2015). Personalising the
viewshed: Visibility analysis from the human perspective. Forthcoming in Applied
27. de Roiste, M, G Breetzke, F Reitsma (2015). Opportunities across boundaries:
lessons from a collaboratively delivered cross-institution Master’s programme.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
26. Sagnol O, C Richter, F Reitsma, LH Field (2015). Estimating sperm whale (Physeter
macrocephalus) daily abundance from a shore-based survey within the Kaikoura
submarine canyon, New Zealand. Forthcoming in New Zealand Journal of Marine
and Freshwater Research.
25. Sagnol, O, F Reitsma (2015). A spatio-temporal model to track individuals from a
shorebased station: A case study for sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off
Kaikoura, New Zealand. Forthcoming in Aquatic mammals.
24. Sagnol, O, C Richter, F Reitsma, L H Field (2015). Estimating sperm whale
(Physeter macrocephalus) daily abundance from a shore-based survey within the
Kaikoura submarine canyon, New Zealand. Forthcoming in New Zeland Journal
of Marine and Freshwater Research.
23. Sagnol, O, F Reitsma, C Richter, L Field (2015). Correcting positional errors in
shore-based theodolite measurements of animals at sea. Journal of Marine
Biology, Forthcoming.
22. Sagnol O, C Richter, L H Field, F Reitsma (2014). Spatio-temporal distribution of
sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand, in relation
to bathymetric features. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. Published online: 20th
October 2014.
21. Kalbasi, R, K Janowicz, F Reitsma, L Boerboom, A Alesheikh (2014). Collaborative
Ontology Development for the Geosciences. Forthcoming in Transactions in GIS.
20. Bartie, P, E Clementini, F Reitsma. (2013) A qualitative model for describing the
arrangement of visible cityscape objects from an egocentric viewpoint.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 38: 21-34.
19. Stock, K, V Karasova, A Robertson, G Roge, M Small, M Bishr, J Ortmann, T
Stojanovic, F Reitsma, L Korczynski, B Brodaric, Z Gardner (2013). Finding
Science with Science: Evaluating the Use of Scientific Knowledge and Semantics
to Enhance Discovery of Scientific Resources. Transactions in GIS 17(4).
18. Reitsma, F (2012). Revisiting the "is GIScience a science?" debate (or quite possibly
scientific gerrymandering). Guest Editorial in International Journal of
Geographical Information Science. [pdf]
17. Stock, K, Stojanovic, T, Reitsma, F, Ou, Y, Bishr, M, Ortmann, J and Robertson, A
(2012) To ontologise or not to ontologise: An information model for a geospatial
knowledge infrastructure. Computers & Geosciences 45: 98-108.
16. Rendall, S , S Page, F Reitsma, E Van Houten, S Krumdieck (2011). Quantifying
Transport Energy Resilience Active Mode Accessibility. Transport Research
Record: Journal of the Transport Research Board 2242:72 - 80.
15. Bartie, P., F. Reitsma, E. Clementini and S. Kingham (2011). Referring Expressions
in Location Based Services: The case of the 'Opposite' Relation. SeCoGIS 2010 :
Fifth International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic
Information Systems, Oct 31 - Nov 3 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
14. Bartie, P, F Reitsma, and S Mills. (2011). A combined GIS and stereo vision
approach to identifying building pixels in images to determine appropriate colour
terms. Journal of Spatial Information Science, No. 2, 59-83
13. Rendall, S.,S. Page, F. Reitsma, E. Van Houten, S. Krumdieck (2011). Quantifying
Transport Energy Resilience Active Mode Accessibility. Transport Research
Record: Journal of the Transport Research Board 2242:72 - 80.
12. Bartie, P., Reitsma, F., Kingham, S. & Mills, S., (2010). Incorporating Vegetation into
Visual Exposure Modelling in Urban Environments International Journal of
Geographical Information Science 25(5):851-868.
11. Bartie, P., Reitsma, F., Kingham, S. & Mills, S., (2010). Advancing Visibility Modelling
Algorithms for Urban Environments. Computers Environment and Urban
Systems, doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2010.06.002.
10. Batcheller, J. and F. Reitsma (2010). Towards an open architecture geosemantic
web application for legacy geospatial data. Computers, Environment and Urban
Systems 34(4):333-344
9. Reitsma, F (2010). Geoscience Explanations: identifying what is needed for
generating scientific narratives from data models. Environmental Modelling &
Software 25(1):93-99.
8. Dawson, T., F. Jarvie and F. Reitsma (2009). A habitat suitability model for predicting
coral community and reef distributions in the galapagos islands. Galapagos
Research 66:20-26.
7. Duckham, M., F. Reitsma (2009) Decentralized environmental simulation and
feedback in robust geosensor networks. Computers, Environment and Urban
Systems 33(4): 256-268
6. Reitsma, F., J. Laxton, S. Ballard, W. Kuhn, and A. Abdelmoty (2009). Semantics,
ontologies and eScience for the GeoSciences. Computers and Geosciences
35(4): 706-709
5. Howard, A. S., B. Hatton and F. Reitsma (2009). Developing a geoscience knowledge
framework for a national geological survey organization. Computers &
Geosciences, 35(4): 820-835.
4. Reitsma, F. and R. Dubayah (2007). Simulating Watershed Runoff with a New Data
Model. Hydrological Processes, 21(18): 2447 - 2457.
3. Reitsma, F. and J. Albrecht (2005). Implementing a New Data Model for Simulating
Processes. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 19(10):
1073 – 1090.
2. Reitsma, F. and J. Albrecht (2005). Modeling with the Semantic Web in the
Geosciences. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(2): 86-88.
1. Reitsma, F. (2003). A Response to Simplifying Complexity. Geoforum 34(1): 13-16.
17. Semantic Web Technologies for Supply Chain Management of Spatial Infrastructures
$950,000 AUD
PI: Prof. Geoff West
Co-I: Dr. Femke Reitsma
16. Learning and Teaching Development Grant
An exploration, evaluation and trial of a new blended pedagogy in course delivery and
student learning support for use in a joint Master in Geographic Information Science
(MGIS) programme with the Auckland University of Technology, Victoria University and
the University of Canterbury.
PI: Dr. Barbara Breen
Co-I: Dr. Femke Reitsma
Co-I: Dr. Mairead de Roiste
15. 2 Summer Studentships
Canterbury University
14. Teaching and Learning Grant
An exploration, evaluation and trial of a new blended pedagogy in course delivery and
student learning support in a case study course (GIS 2.0) for use in a joint Master in
Geographic Information Science (MGIS) programme
PI: Dr. Mairead de Roiste
Co-I: Dr. Femke Reitsma
Victoria University
13. Summer Studentship
Canterbury University
12. Teaching Development Grant
An exploration, evaluation, and trial of new cyberlearning pedagogy in
course delivery and student learning support for use in the MSc in GIS Programme.
Canterbury University
PI: Dr. Kathryn Salm
Co-I: Dr. Femke Reitsma
11. Bright Ideas
Canterbury University
10. Virtual Geosemantic UC Campus
Early Career Small Research Grants
College of Science, Canterbury University
9. Cultures of Legibility: Emergent Urban Landscapes in Southeast Asia
AHRC; 2007
Dr. Stephen Cairns, Architecture, School of Arts, Culture and Environment,
Edinburgh University
CO-I: Dr. Femke Reitsma, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
The grant was awarded but I declined involvement due to leaving Edinburgh University
8. Travel grant
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
Funding to travel to Melbourne to complete collaborative work with Dr. Matt Duckham
7. COMPASS- COastal Marine Perception Application for
Scientific Scholarship
2007 - 2008
Dr. Medyckyj-Scott, EDINA national Data Centre
CO-I: Prof. Werner Kuhn, Institute for Geoinformatics, Muenster University
Dr. Kristin Stock, Social Change Online, UK
Dr. Sebastian Kruk, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway
Dr. Femke Reitsma, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
6. EUREQA! Edinburgh Undergraduate Resource for e-learning Quantitative
and Qualitative Applications
2007 - 2008
Edinburgh University
Dr. Femke Reitsma, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
CO-I: Prof. Andy Dugmore, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
Dr. Anthony Newton, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
Eduardo Serafin, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
5. Spatial Semantics for Automating Geographic Information (GI) Processes
eScience Institute, UK
Dr. Femke Reitsma, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh University
CO-I: Prof. Werner Kuhn, Institute of Geoinformatics, Muenster University
Dr. Alia Abdelmoty, Computer Science, Cardiff University
4. Edward Clarence Dyason Universitas 21 Fellowship
$6,400 AUD
Melbourne University
Fellowship for travel and accommodation to work with Matt Duckham at Melbourne University
3. COSIT’05 Doctoral Colloquium
$5,000 USD
As COSIT’05 Doctoral Colloquium organiser, I raised funding to assist postgraduate students
travelling to COSIT’05 conference
2. Scoping a Geospatial Repository for Academic Deposit and Extraction
2005 - 2007
Collaborating institution for prototype development
1. Go-Geo! Portal and Geospatal Metadata Development Programme
2005 - 2006
Collaborating institution for prototype development
Refereed Conferences
17. Kingham S, Martin A. and Reitsma F. (2014) Identifying the gaps – where are the
gaps and what should be prioritised in Christchurch’s planned $70m cycle
network. Nelson, NZ: 2 Walk and Cycle, 29-31 October 2014.
16. Pearson, A L, D Nutsford, F Reitsma, and S Kingham (2014). Relationship between
visibility of urban green and blue space and health: Evidence from the capital city
of New Zealand. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition, 15 - 19
November, New Orleans, USA.
15. Goodhue, P, F Reitsma, M Trotter (2014). Crowdsourcing Biomass Estimation in
Pastures. Digital Rural Futures Conference, 25-17 June 2014, University of
Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia.
14. Sagnol O., Richter C., Field L. and Reitsma F. (2013). Seasonal distribution of sperm
whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in a submarine canyon in relation to
oceanographic variables. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine
Mammals, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December.
13. Severinsen, J. and F. Reitsma. (2013) Finding the Quality in Quantity: Establishing
Trust For Volunteered Geographic Information. Dunedin, New Zealand: SIRC NZ
2013, 29th - 30th August, 2013.
12. Barthel, S., F. Reitsma, B. Güneralp, K. C. Seto (2013). Impacts of Future Urban
Expansion on Food Production. First International Conference on Global Food
Security, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 12th September-2nd October.
11. Reitsma, F., S. Bae, S. Barthel, B. Guneralp, and K. C. Seto (2013). Analysing
Global Spatial Datasets with Open Source GIS. Presentation at eResearch NZ
2013, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2nd-4th July 2013.
10. Reitsma, F., T. Dale and W. Pearse (2012). Towards Identifying the Best New
Connection in a Spatial Network: Optimising the Performance of Hole Discovery.
The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information
Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2012, January 30 February 4, 2012 - Valencia, Spain.
9. Bartie, P., F. Reitsma, E. Clementini and S. Kingham (2011). Referring Expressions
in Location Based Services: The Case of the ‘Opposite’ Relation. In: Advances in
Conceptual Modeling. Recent Developments and New Directions. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6999/2011, 231-240, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-
642-24574-9_30. Proceedings of ER 2011 Workshops FP-UML, MoRE-BI, OntoCoM, SeCoGIS, Variability@ER, WISM, Brussels, Belgium, October 31 November 3, 2011.
8. Rendall, S.,S. Page, F. Reitsma, E. Van Houten, S. Krumdieck (2011). The Minimum
Energy Transport Activity Access Model. Transportation Research Board
conference, Jan 2011 Washington DC
7. Reitsma F. and V. Tanasescu (2010). KnowledgeScapes: linking knowledge to spatial
features. GIScience 2010, 14th-17th September, Zurich, Switzerland.
6. Rendall, S., S. Krumdieck., E. Van Houten, F. Reitsma. and S. Page. (2010) The
Minimum Energy Transport Activity Access Model. Auckland: 4th International
Conference on Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science (NZSSES)
conference, 30th November to 3rd December 2010.
5. Stock, K., Robertson, A., Bishr, M., Stojanovic, T., Ortmann, J., Reitsma, F. and
Medyckyj-Scott, D. (2009). eScience for Sea Science: A Semantic Knowledge
Infrastructure for Marine Scientists. 5th IEEE International Conference on eScience, Oxford, UK, December 9-11.
4. Qiang, Y., F. Reitsma, N. Van de Wege. Towards a General Temporal Ontology for
Knowledge Integration (2009). International Conference on Knowledge
Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD). 6-8th October, 2009, Madeira,
3. Brodaric, B, F. Reitsma, Y. Qiang (2008). SKIing with DOLCE: toward a Scientific
Knowledge Infrastructure for the Geosciences. 5th International Conference on
Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS), Saarbrucken, Germany.
Published in Frontiers in: Artificial Intelligence and Applications 183:208-219.
2. Reitsma, F. and S. Engel (2004). Searching for 2D Spatial Network Holes.
Computational Science and Its Applications -ICCSA 2004 Conference, Assisi,
Italy, May 14 – 17 2004, Proceedings, Part II: Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 3044 Springer: pp. 1069-1078:
1. Reitsma, F. and T. Bittner (2003). Scale in Object and Process Ontologies. In W.
Kuhn, M. F. Worboys and S. Timpf (eds) Spatial Information Theory: Foundations
of Geographic Information Science, COSIT’03, Ittingen, Switzerland, pp 13-30.
Vol. 2825, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin.
Other Publications, Posters and Presentations
36. Goodhue, P, H McNair, F Reitsma (2015). Poster on Trusting Crowdsourced
Geospatial Semantics. ISSDQ 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data
Quality, 29-30 September, La Grande Motte, France.
35. Reitsma, F, L Mutambo, P Goodhue, J Severinsen, H McNair (2014). Trusting the
Crowd. CRCSI Conference, 5-7 November, Perth, Australia.
34. Goodhue, P., F. Reitsma, and M. Trotter (2014). Assessing the Quality of
Crowdsourced Geographic Data from a Known Crowd. GeoCart’2014, 3-5th
September, Auckland, New Zealand.
33. Shah, S., F. Reitsma and J. Severinsen (2014). Trusting the Crowd in a Geospatial
Crowdsourcing Application. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial
(FOSS4G) Conference, Portland, USA, 8-13th September.
32. Reitsma, F., R. Kalbasi (2014). Linking features to ontologies with a geosemantic
data model. Geosemantic Web Seminar, Workshop and Hackfest, 16,17th April
2014, Christchurch, NZ.
31. Reitsma, F., J. Severinsen, R. Kalbasi (2013). Enabling VGI in SDI. CRCSI
Western Australia Roadshow, 30th May, Perth, Australia.
30. Sagnol S., Reitsma F., Field L. and Richter C (2013). Correcting positional errors in
shore-based theodolite measurements of animals at sea. Poster presented at:
27th European Cetacean Society conference; 2013 April 8-10; Setubal, Portugal.
29. Contributed maps to: Elmqvist, T, Fragkias, M, Goodness J, Güneralp B, Marcotullio
P, McDonald RI, Parnell S, Sendstad M, Schewenius M, Seto KC, Wilkinson C.
2013. Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and
Opportunities. Springer Verlag.
28. Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - Action and Policy (2012). Contributing author.
27. Abley, S., S. Rendall, S. Krumdieck, S. Page, F. Reitsma and E. Van Houten (2012).
Measuring Transport Choice and Energy Resilience. IPENZ Transportation
Group Conference 18-21 March, Rotorua, New Zealand.
26. Reitsma, F. and J. Thyne (2010). Facilitating a New Cross-Institutional Masters in
GIS in New Zealand. ESRI Education User Conference, San Diego, 10th – 13th
25. Salm, K., F. Reitsma, M. de Roiste and G. Breetzke (2010) Geospatial Capacity
Building: The MGIS for 2011. Presented at the NZ ESRI User Conference 15th
Annual Conference 2010 8-11 November 2010, Wellington
24. Salm, K. and F. Reitsma (2010). Technologies for Collaborative Teaching and
Student Cohort Development in a new MGIS programme. International
Conference on Learning and Teaching, Singapore, 9-11 June 2010.
23. Stock, K., M. Small, Y. Ou, and F. Reitsma (2009). OGC Discussion Paper 09-010 OWL Application Profile of CSW. Technical Report, Open Geospatial
22. Reitsma, F, K. Salm and G. Breetzke (2009). GIS Education in NZ, current status,
needs and future. NZ ESRI User Conference, 14th Annual Conference,
Wellington NZ, 2-5 November.
21. Reitsma, F. (2009). Connecting Spatial Databases to Ontologies. Workshop on
Geospatial Semantics, Auckland University, 9-10 September 2009.
20. Reitsma, F. (2009). Extending Primitive Spatial Data Models to Include Semantics.
EGU General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 19 – 24 April 2009.
19. C. Rider & F. Reitsma, PastureSim: A visualisation tool for pasture management,
Innovations in GIS 13, 2008.
18. Reitsma, F (2008). Review of Historical GIS: Technologies, Methodologies and
Scholarship. New Zealand Geographer 64(2): 173-174.
17. Reitsma, F., and M. Duckham (2007). Distributed Environmental Simulation and
Feedback in Robust Geosensor Networks. SSNIP/ISPRS joint international
workshop on distributed geoinformatics and sensing, ubiquity, and mobility,
DGSUM07, 19th September 2007, Melbourne.
16. Schroder C., W. Mackaness, F. Reitsma (2007). Quantifying Urban Visibility Using
3D Space Syntax. Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference,
Moscow, 4-9 August 2007.
15. Batcheller, J. K., Reitsma, F. and Gittings, B. M., (2007) Implementing ISO-compliant
Feature Metadata. Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 15th Annual Conference,
National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Republic of Ireland
14. Dawson, T.P., Jarvie, F. and Reitsma, F., 2007, Synthesising remote sensing data
for estimating the bioclimatic envelope of coral reefs in the Galapagos Islands, In
Proceedings of RSPSoc Annual Conference 2007, Newcastle, UK.
13. Batcheller J., Dunfey R., Reitsma, F. and Gittings, B. (2007) Automating geospatial
metadata using ESRI’s ArcGIS and Microsoft’s .NET. In: Proceedings of the 10th
AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Aalborg,
Denmark, May 9-11, 2007.
12. Reitsma, F. and J. Albrecht (2006). nen, a Process-oriented Data Model. Chapter
in Drummond, J., Billen, R., Forrest, D. and João, E. (eds) 2006, Dynamic &
Mobile GIS: Investigating Change in Space and Time. Taylor & Francis
11. Reitsma, F (2006). Analysing the nen: analysis of a process-based data model.
Abstract and Poster presentation at Fourth International conference on GIScience,
Munster, Germany 20th – 23rd September 2006.
10. Reitsma, F and K, Hiramatsu (2006). Exploring GeoMarkup on the Semantic Web.
9th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science: shaping
the future of Geographic Information Science in Europe, Visegrád, Hungary, 20-22
April, 2006.
9. Rider, C and F. E. Reitsma (2006). PastureSim: A Visualisation Tool for Pasture
Management. GISRUK’06, Nottingham 5-7 April, 2006.
8. Reitsma, F (2005). A review of GIS Basics by Stephen Wise. Transactions in GIS,
9(3): 449-450.
7. Bose, R and F. Reitsma (2005). Advancing Geospatial Data Curation. Conference on
Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical
Data (PV 2005). The Royal Society, Edinburgh 21-23 November.
6. Reitsma (2005). A New Process Data Model and its Application. GISRUK’05,
Glasgow April 6 – 8 2005.
5. Reitsma (2005). A Process Oriented Data Model. Association of American
Geographers Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado April 5-9, 2005.
4. Hiramatsu, K. and F. Reitsma (2004). GeoReferencing the Semantic Web: ontology
based markup of geographically referenced information.
EuroSDR/EuroGeographics workshop on Ontologies and Schema Translation
Services, 15-16 April, Paris (
3. Reitsma (2004). Ontologies for Modeling Geographic Processes. Association of
American Geographers Annual Meeting, Philidelphia.
2. Reitsma (2004). Time and Change in GIScience Modeling (as part of a panel).
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Philidelphia.
1. Reitsma (2001). Presented at Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT’01)
PhD colloquium, Morro Bay, California.
Other Conference and Workshop Attendance
2015: AAG Conference, 20th-24th April, Chicago, US.
2013: CRCSI Conference, 20-21st November, Christchurch, NZ
CRCSI Supply Chains Workshop, 29th May, Perth, Australia.
2012: Australasian Permaculture Convergence, 11-15th April, Turangi NZ.
2010: Attended Signs of Change, A national e-conference showcasing transition
to sustainability. 15-16th November 2010. Christchurch, NZ.
Spotlight on Tertiary Teaching in Canterbury and Beyond. AKO Aoteroa –
National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. 26/03/2010.
Christchurch, New Zealand.
2007: Invited to workshop on “refreshing e-Science”.19th November 2007. e-Science
Institute, Edinburgh.
Conference on Spatial Information Theory COSIT’07, Melbourne, Australia,
September 19-23, 2007
10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science,
Aalborg, Denmark, May 8-11, 2007
Invited to the MUSIL (Muenster University Spatial Information Lab) winter retreat
9-12th February 2007, Innsbruck, Austria.
2006: NIEeS workshop on “Genie modeling with GRID” 26th – 27th June 2006,
Cambridge, UK
Workshop on “Maintaining Long-term Access to Geospatial Data” 27th of
October, e-Science Institute, Edinburgh. (
2005: Workshop on “The Place of GIS in the Curriculum”, Leicester.
Organised by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centres for
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) 11th May 2005.
2003: International Spatial Cognition Summer Institute, Bad Zwishenahn, Germany, 24
August – 6 September. (
2002: Invited to the Research Workshop on Action-Oriented Approaches in Geographic
Information Science, Holden, Maine.
ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods at the University of
UCGIS Summer Assembly - student paper and poster.
Workshop Organisation
Co-organised Geosemantic Web Seminar, Workshop and Hackfest, 16,17th April
2014, Christchurch, NZ.
Co-organised NZ Esri Users Group Christchurch Regional Conference, 10th April
2014, Christchurch, NZ.
Co-organised a “Women in GIS” meeting at Canterbury University, May 4th 2012
Co-organised a two day workshop on Google Sketchup, with the HitLabNZ,
visiting Google representative Bruce Polderman and local company, ZNO
October, 2010.
Co-organised and lead a two day workshop on the development of the Masters in
GIS for New Zealand 02/10 (~15 attendees)
Co-organised and lead a two day workshop on the development of the Masters in
GIS for New Zealand 01/10/09 – 02/10/09 (~10 attendees)
Organised and co-lead a workshop as part of the COMPASS project on
“Knowledge Acquisition for Coastal and Marine Data Capture Devices” 11/2/08 –
12/2/08 (~20 attendees)
Co-organised the Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructures Workshop, 26/11/07 –
27/11/07, Welsh eScience Centre, Cardiff:
(~30 attendees)
Organised workshop: “The Chris Date Seminar: Data and Knowledge Modelling
for the Geosciences”, 01/11/07 – 02/11/07, eScience Institute, Edinburgh: (~70 attendees)
Organised workshop: “Knowledge Infrastructures for the Geosciences”, 17/07/07
– 18/07/07, eScience Institute, Edinburgh:
(~25 attendees)
Co-organised the European GeoInformatics Workshop, 7/03/07 – 9/03/07,
eScience Institute, Edinburgh: (~120
Distinctions and Awards
2015: Royal Society of New Zealand COST grant
2010: Awarded an Erskine Grant from the University of Canterbury to travel to a
number of institutes in the US and attend 2 conferences.
2005: The GIScRG/Ordnance Survey Prize runner up for Young Researchers
2003: University of Maryland Goldhaber graduate student travel award
NASA graduate student summer program
2002: 2nd place in the UCGIS Summer Assembly poster competition
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduate Travel Award
University of Auckland, Geography Department Kenneth B Cumberland Prize –
jointly received for best Masters Thesis
2001: Mary-Jo Read Graduate Scholarship at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Auckland Faculty of Science Postgraduate Tuition Fees Bursary
2000: University of Auckland Faculty of Science Postgraduate Tuition Fees Bursary
Current Teaching
Geog324 Advanced GIS
Course delivery (1.0), UG 300 level
Geog205 Introduction to GIS
Course delivery (0.2), UG 200 level
Geog106 Global Environmental Change
Course delivery (0.1), UG 100 level
GISC401 Foundations of Geographic Information Science
Course delivery (0.9), run week long field trip, PG 400 level
GISC412 Spatial Algorithms and Programming
Course delivery (1.0), PG 400 level
GISC402 GIScience Research
Course delivery (1.0), PG 400 level
Past Teaching
University of Canterbury:
Programming and Spatial Databases
Course delivery (0.5), PG 400 level
University of Edinburgh:
Geoinformatics (MSc, ~20 students)
Environmental Modelling (MSc, ~30 students)
Spatial Modelling (MSc, ~35 students)
Research Design and Project Management (MSc, ~35 students)
MSc eScience, guest lecture (MSc, ~15 students)
GIS in the Field, field support (MSc, ~30 students)
Object Oriented Software Design (MSc, ~25 students)
University of Maryland:
Geographic Information Systems (UG, ~30 students)
University of Chicago Urban Planning Department:
One day GIS Workshop (graduate, ~10 students)
Add hoc lecture: Digital Worlds: (23/4/2010) a presentation given at Discovery Day at the
University of Canterbury – Introduction to University education for High School Students.
(* indicates primary supervision)
* Levi Mutambo (current and funded by NZaid and CRCSI)
* Hamish McNair (current and funded by CRCSI)
* Kierin Mackenzie (current)
* Paul Goodhue (current and funded by CRCSI)
* Ophelie Sagnol (2014). Spatial and temporal distribution of sperm whales (Physeter
macrocephalus) within the Kaikoura submarine canyon in relation to oceanographic
variables. University of Canterbury.
Stacy Rendall (2012). Minimum Energy Transport Adaptability. University of Canterbury.
Phil Bartie (2011). Advances in Visibility Modelling in Urban Environments to support
Location Based Services. University of Canterbury.
*James K Batcheller (2009). Multi-granular approaches for overcoming barriers to
geospatial asset exploration and exploitation using geospatial metadata. University of
*Trent Gulliver (current).
* Alwyn Danifotea (current)
2015 Jeremy Severenson. MGIS University of Canterbury
Andrew Clouston. The Applicability of Crowdsourced Geospatial Information to
the New Zealand Cadastre. MGIS Victoria University of Wellington
Daniel Nutsford. An exploration of the associations between urban natural
environments and indicators of mental and physical health. Awarded an A. MGIS
University of Canterbury.
*Stuart Reynolds. Resilience to food insecurity: Measuring access to food in the
urban environment. Awarded an A and the ESRI young scholars award for best
student research which includes a trip to the ESRI conference in San Diego. MSc
University of Canterbury.
*Dan O'Donohue. Matching of image features and vector objects to automatically
correct spatial misalignment between image and vector datasets. MSc University
of Canterbury.
*Yang Ou. Representing the Semantics of Geographic Information in
Ontologies/Constructing Ontology-based Geospatial Semantic Web Services.
MSc in GIS by Research, University of Edinburgh (top dissertation prize).
*Yi Quiang. Semantic Interoperation for Geoscience Models / Interoperating
Web Service Enabled Geoscience Models. MSc in GIS by Research, University
of Edinburgh. Has been awarded a fully funded PhD at Ghent University.
*Heather Barnshaw. Modelling Ocean Circulation Processes in the MITgcm using
Nen. MSc in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
*Sayaka Meada. GIS-based Multi-criteria Evaluation with AHP to assess suitable
areas for Willow Short Rotation Coppice production in Scotland. MSc in GIS,
University of Edinburgh.
*Peiran Zheng. The Representation of Non-Standard GIS Data on the Web. MSc
in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
*Anna Kostikova. Comparison of logistic regression, neural networks and rasterbased analysis for habitat modelling: a case study with musk oxen. MSc in GIS
by Research (distinction), University of Edinburgh (awarded £400 pounds in
small grants competition).
* Stephan Kamps. Network Holes. MSc in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
*Catherine Schroeder. Space Syntax in the Third Dimension. MSc in GIS
(distinction and top dissertation prize), University of Edinburgh.
* Jacky Wang. Visualisation of Forest Landscapes: Visualising and Assessing
Recent and Future Policy-Driven Woodland Expansion in a Valued Landscape on
the Isle of Wight. MSc in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
Felicity Jarvis. A 3-D depth and temperature 'spatial envelope' to predict the
present and future distribution of coral reefs around the Galapagos Islands. MSc
in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
Shane Engel. Using Spatial Network Holes as an Indicator for Vehicle
Accessibility. MSc in Geography, University of Maryland.
Lisa Anderson. The Application of Glacial Modelling to Diamond Exploration in
Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada. MSc in GIS, University of
Chris J. Donaldson. Interpolating Daily Rainfall: An investigation of accuracy and
reliability of geostatistical interpolation methods that incorporate supplementary
datasets. MSc in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
Suneet F. Kamath. Can vehicle telematics be used to improve the quality of route
planning? MSc in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
Kostas E. Kanasiadis. Stand-Level Forest Classification by means of
Multiresolution Segmentation and Object-Oriented Image Analysis. MSc in GIS,
University of Edinburgh.
Eli D. Lorimer. The Space-Time Trajectory Realizing Hagerstrand's Vision of a
Cube. MSc in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
Paul S. Radikonyana. What are the most important factors presently restricting
the wider adoption and more effective use of GIS in Developing Countries? MSc
in GIS, University of Edinburgh.
Michael M. Steven. Generalising Ordnance Survey height data to cartographic
contours at 1:50 000 scale: the depiction of steep terrain. MSc in GIS, University
of Edinburgh.
External Ph.D./MSc Examiner
2015 MSc University of Victoria Wellington
2014 MSc Auckland University; MSc University of Victoria Wellington
2011 Yunhui Wu, Ph.D., Department of Infrastructure Engineering, School of
Engineering, Melbourne University. Interpreting Destination Descriptions for Navigation
University/School/Institute Administrative Responsibilities
Deputy Head of the Geography Department at Canterbury University (2015)
Geography Masters director(2013-2014)
UC director of MGIS programme (2009 – present)
Geospatial Research Institute Capability Building committee (2013-2014)
member of working group for development of RSIC plans (2013 – 2014)
member of eResearch committee (2011 - 2014)
National director of the MGIS programme (2009-2014)
Member of Teaching and Learning Committee (2010-2012)
Director of MScGIS programme at Edinburgh University (2005 – 2008)
Member of the Knowledge Transfer Steering Group (2005 – 2008)
Responsible for the following staff members:
Dr. Kathryn Salm – Project Manager
Owen McDonald – GIS Technical Officer
2006 – 2008
2014 Abley Transportation: Realtime information for traveler and network efficiency
Crowdsourcing transportation information for travelers.
Professional Service and Membership
Member of Approval Panel for new Geospatial Planning major within the
Bachelor of Science degree at Auckland University of Technology, May 2014.
Member of Scientific Committee and Steering Committee for
Research@Locate’14 conference, Australia and New Zealand’s primary GIS
Member of Steering Committee for the Geospatial Data Discovery workstream of
the Canterbury SDI project led by the New Zealand Geospatial Office (2013)
Member of National Steering Committee for SIRC NZ 2013 conference
Chaired a session at GEOProcessing conference 2012, January 30 - February 4,
2012 - Valencia, Spain.
Member of Editorial Committee for International Journal of Transactions in GIS
Examined PhD for Melbourne University 2011 and Masters at Victoria University
of Wellington 2014 and Auckland University 2013
Reviewed for workshop on “Semantic Integration of Spatiotemporal Information (SISI2011)” at AGILE 2011.
Reviewed Grant Proposal for NSF
Programme Committee member for workshop “Towards Digital Earth: Search,
Discover and Share Geospatial Data”. Berlin, September 20th 2010 held in
conjunction with the 3rd Future Internet Symposium (FIS2010).
Programme Committee for OneSpace 2010: Third International Workshop on
Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on the Internet, Berlin, Germany, 20/09/10
Programme Committee member for SWDF-ISWC2010 9th International Semantic
Web Conference
Programme Committee for OneSpace 2010: Third International Workshop on
Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on the Internet, Berlin, Germany, 20/09/10
Programme Committee member for workshop “Towards Digital Earth: Search,
Discover and Share Geospatial Data”. Berlin, September 20th 2010 held in
conjunction with the 3rd Future Internet Symposium (FIS2010).
Programme Committee for GIScience 2010 Doctoral Colloquium, Zürich,
Switzerland, on 18th September 2010
Co-investigator providing expert advice on the project “Environmental Health
Indicators” funded by the Ministry of Health and managed by Prof. Barry Borman
and Assoc. Prof Simon Kingham. 2010
Conference Program Committee Member for:
- GeoCart'2010 CARTOGRAPHIC CONFERENCE / ICA Symposium on
Cartography for Australasia and Oceania , 1st to 4th
SEPTEMBER 2010, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- AGILE 2014, Castellon, Spain, 3-6 June 2014; AGILE 2013, AGILE 2012,
AGILE 2011; AGILE 2010 conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, 11-14 May;
AGILE 2008 Conference, 5-8 May, Girona, Spain; AGILE 2007
Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, 8 – 11 May
- GIScience 14th-17th September 2010 Zurich, Switzerland; GIScience 1821 September 2012, Columbus Ohio, USA; GIScience 23-26 September
2014, Vienna Austria
- Locate, 7-9 April 2014, Canberra, Australia; Locate 2015
programme committee member for OneSpace workshop, as part of FIS2009 –
Future Internet Symposium, 1/9/09 Berlin.
member of working group for MoRST funded Grid Middleware project BeSTGRID
Member of the Programme Committee for ISSNIP/ISPRS joint international
workshop on distributed geoinformatics and sensing, ubiquity, and mobility
(DG/SUM’07), Melbourne, Australia, September 19th 2007.
Member of the Programme Committee for GI-Days 2007 - Young Researchers
Forum, Muenster, Germany September 10-12, 2007.
Doctoral Colloquium organiser for Conference on Spatial Information Theory
(COSIT’05). Ellicottville, NY, September 14-18, 2005.
Reviewer for: Transactions of British Geographers, Transactions in GIS,
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Computers and
Geosciences, Computers and Graphics, Office of Statistics NZ report, Semantic
Web Journal, Geoforum, Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information
Science, Earth Science Informatics, Computers and Graphics; Journal of Urban
Technology; ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Member of Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2003-2006
Member of Association of Geographic Information (AGI ) 2005-2006
Professional Development
2013: Design Thinking Workshop, 26th of November 2013
Workshop on Negotiation with Persuasion and Power, 17th of June 2013
2009: Workshop on Growing Personal Resilience, 18th and 25th June 2009.
2008: Career Planning for the Early Career Academic, 1-2 December 2008.
Canterbury University
2007: Teaching and Learning with WebCT Vista, 30-31 August 2007. Edinburgh
Stage two of Edinburgh University’s professional Certificate in University
Teaching. ½ week workshop 10/04/07-12/04/07.
Introducing Management. A course run by Human Resources at the University of
Edinburgh through Grange Management Consultancy Services 26/03/0728/03/07
Developing Leadership Skills. A course run by the City of Edinburgh Council Corporate Services Personnel, 15/09/2005- 17/09/05.
Time Management for Researchers. A course run by Human Resources at the
University of Edinburgh, 18/05/2005
Postgraduate training for Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh.
Single day workshop.
2004: Stage one of Edinburgh University’s professional Certificate in University
Teaching. Week long workshop.