Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 3/13/2012 Address: School of Mathematics and Physics, Queensland University, Queensland, 4072, Australia Phone: +61733651354 Fax(non-confidential): +61733651477 Email: dmd@maths.uq.edu.au Website: www.maths.uq.edu.au/~dmd NATIONALITY Australian ACADEMIC RECORD: B.A. (La Trobe Uni, Aust) (1978) Dip. Ed. (La Trobe Uni, Aust) (1978) Hons. Mathematics (La Trobe Uni, Aust) (1982) PhD. (The University of Queensland, Aust) (1987) CURRENT/PAST POSITIONS Associate Professor: The University of Queensland, 2003-Senior Lecturer: The University of Queensland, 1997--2002 Lecturer: The University of Queensland, 1993--1996 Postdoctoral Fellow: Queensland University of Technology, 1992--1993 Research Associate (part-time): The University of Queensland, 1987--1991 Expert Panelist: Queensland Core Skills Test, Board of Senior Secondary School Studies Queensland, 1991 Mathematics Teacher: Kenmore High School, July 1984--June 1985 Mathematics Teacher: Darwin High School, 1979--1981 MEMBERSHIPS AND AWARDS Postdoctoral Fellow: Information Security Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, 1992--1993 Promoting Women Fellowship: The University of Queensland, 2007, 2000 Scholarship: Commonwealth Teaching Service, 1975--1978 Foundation Fellow: The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications Fellow: The Australian Mathematics Society Life Member: Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita PROFESSIONAL ROLES Director (Research): Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing, School of Mathematics and Physics, UQ, 2008-Member of Research Committee: School of Mathematics and Physics, UQ, 2010-Postgraduate Coordinator: School of Mathematics and Physics, UQ, October 2011-January 2012 Postgraduate Coordinator: Discipline of Mathematics, UQ, January 2010-Director Internationalization: School of Physical Science, UQ, 2003--2009 Member: The University of Queensland Academic Board (formerly Professorial Board), 2001--2002 Chair: Accreditation Committee of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2003--2009 Member: Engineering Physical Sciences and Architecture Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee, UQ, 2000-2001 and 2003-2004 Director of First Year Studies: Department of Mathematics, UQ, 1996--2000 Assessor: The Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Initiative, 2009, and for the Discover Grant Scheme of the Australian Research Council, 2000-- UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING DUTIES Coordination, preparation and delivery of, on average 2.5, mathematics courses per year since 1993; courses are 3 hour per week, 13 weeks. Class sizes range from 10 to 500 students across the following topics. First year: introductory mathematics, first and second calculus courses, linear algebra, discrete mathematics Second year: linear algebra, number theory, discrete mathematics Third year: design theory, geometry, coding theory, cryptography, graph theory Fourth year: combinatorial design theory Average Teaching Evaluation: 4.35/5 across 15 courses over 10 years ranging from large first year classes to small fourth year classes Director of First Year Studies, Department of Mathematics, UQ, 1996--2000 GRADUATE SUPERVISION Page 2 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita Current PhD. Principal Supervisor: Trent Marbach, commenced Dec 2012 PhD. Principal Supervisor: Carly Bodkin, commenced July 2011 PhD. Principal Supervisor: Fatih Demirkale, commenced Dec 2009 Completed PhD. Principal Supervisor: Thomas McCourt, awarded 2010 PhD. Principal Supervisor: Carlo Hamalainen, awarded 2007 Ph.D. Principal Supervisor: Nicholas Cavenagh, awarded 2003 Ph.D. Principal Supervisor: Richard Bean, awarded 2001 Ph.D. Principal Supervisor: Philip Hawkes, awarded 1999 Ph.D. Principal Supervisor: Adelle Howse, awarded 1998 Ph.D. Associate Supervisor (50%): Rebecca Gower, awarded 1997 Honours Thesis: Nicholas Beaton, awarded 2008 Honours Thesis: Matthew Smith, awarded 2008 Honours Thesis: Thomas Wong, awarded 2007 Honours Thesis: Thomas McCourt, awarded 2006 Honours Thesis: Nicole Smith, awarded 2006 Honours Thesis: Jane Kempler, awarded 2000 Honours Thesis: Benjamin Burton, awarded 1996 Honours Thesis: Stuart Lee, awarded 1995 Honours Thesis: Adelle Howse, awarded 1994 SIGNIFICANT INVITED ADDRESSES Graphs, Codes, and Designs (GCD), CIMPA Research School, Thailand, May 2013 (both speaker and member of the organising committee) 2nd Mile High Conference on Nonassociative Mathematics, Denver, June 2009 Network Tomography Meeting, Adelaide, May, 2007 International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, (ICDM 2006), Bangalore, India, December 2006 The Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Uluru, 2006 The Winter Combinatorics Workshop, Open University, UK, 2006 Page 3 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita Workshop on Latin Trades, Charles University, Czech Rep, 2006 Discrete Mathematics Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, 1999 and 2003 Special Session for Teachers, Australian and American Mathematical Societies Joint Meeting, Melbourne, 1999 Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Darwin 1999 and Perth 1992 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Member: the Australian Mathematics Society's Standing Committee on Education 2000-2012 Council Member: The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 2007-08 Council Member: Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia 2003 Member: Queensland Board of Secondary School Studies Curriculum Review subcommittee 2000--2008 Editorial Board: Ars Combinatoria 2003-Associate Editor: Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1990-Co-editor: UQ's biennial newsletter, Infinity (URL www.maths.uq.edu.au/~infinity/). RESEARCH FUNDING Current Successful Australian Research Council: 2010--2012, $155K, Choice experiments to improve predictive power for policy makers, joint Principal Investigator with D J Street, Keywords: stated preference choice experiments, orthogonal arrays, health economics, discrete choice experiments, balanced incomplete block designs. Progress to date includes 2 papers submitted, 2 papers in preparation, 2 PhD students working on the project, with results achieved on techniques for performance comparison for efficient designs, new constructions for symmetric D-optimal choice experiments, and new efficient algorithms for isomorphism testing for structures such as OAs and Hadamard matrices. Requested Australian Research Council: 2013--15, $389K, A unifying theory for planar and near planar functions for applications in classical and quantum cryptography, joint Principal Page 4 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita Investigator with A Rao and K Hordadam, Keywords: near planar functions and their equivalences, combinatorial structures, semifields. Past Successful Australian Learning and Teaching Council: 2009, $215K, A national discipline-specific professional development programme for lecturers and tutors in Mathematical sciences, joint Principal Investigator with L Wood, N Joshi, B Loch, W Bloom, M Bower, N Brown, J Skalicky. Results include 3 publications and the completion of 12 modules for use in a professional development program. Australian Research Council: 2006--08, $252K, Security Applications of Combinatorial Puzzles, joint Principal Investigator with A P Street, C Ramsay. Results include 14 publications appearing in the period 2007 to 2009. Australian Research Council: 2004--07, $40K, The fundamental structure of combinatorial configurations, joint Principal Investigator with E Billington. Results include 11 publications. Australian Research Council: 2001--03, $197K+$250K industry funding, Modelling, simulation and risk analysis in Australian energy markets, joint Principal Investigator with H Thompson, K Burrage, A Howse. Results include 2 successful PhD completions. Australian Research Council: 1999--01, $165K, Enhanced Computer Security, from Interrelations between Combinatorial Structures, joint Principal Investigator with A P Street, P Adams. Results include 5 successful PhD completions and over 25 publications. Australian Research Council: 1999, $19K, The spectrum of critical sets, Sole Principal Investigator. Results include 5 publications. Australian Research Council: 1990--92, $42K, The applications of techniques of universal algebra to designs, joint Principal Investigator with S Williams, E Billington. Results include 2 successful PhD completions and 10 publications. University of Queensland ResTeach: 2006--2008, $60K, joint Principal Investigator with J Lefevre. Results include 12 publications. EPSA Faculty: 2008, $25K Getting real with MATLAB at UQ, joint Principal investigator with P Isaac, J Grotowski, A Roberts, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H Thompson, V Scharaschkin. Two training manuals developed and a number of modules for student use. Page 5 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita The University of Queensland PVCA: 2007, $12K, A review of the international students experience in the School of Physical Sciences, joint Principal Investigator with M Waterhouse, J Lefevre, H Thompson, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop. Report written for the Pro Vice Chancellor Academic. Promoting Women's Fellowship: 2007, 2000 $11K and $8K, Sole Principal Investigator. Results include 5 publications. Research Development Grant: 2005, $59K, The application of Random Graph Theory to Modelling the Thermodynamic and Physio-chemical Properties of molten Silicates, joint Principal Investigator with E Jak, P Hayes, H Thompson. Results include 2 publications and 2 technical reports. New Staff Research Grant Scheme: 1994, $23K, A mathematical approach to problems in information security, Sole Principal Investigator. Results include 5 publications QUT: 1993, $14K, Secret sharing schemes; theory and applications, joint Principal Investigator with E Dawson. Results include 3 publications. Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute: 2006, $16K, joint Principal Investigator with J Lefevre, C Hamalainen, T McCourt. Results include the staging of 4 successful workshops at UQ. ATERB: 1993, $4K, Secure and efficient key management systems, joint Principal Investigator with E Dawson. Results include 1 publication. REFEREES Prof John Eccleston (Previous Head of School) PO Box 4204, St Lucia South, Queensland, 4067,Australian Email: majeccle@gmail.com or jae@maths.uq.edu.au Prof Ales Drapal (Collaborator, direct knowledge of research) Head katedra algebry Page 6 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita MFF UK Sokolovska 83 186 75 Praha 8 Czech Republic Email: drapal@karlin.mff.cuni.cz Prof Mirka Miller (knowledge of research and professional activities) Director, GTA (Graph Theory and Applications) Research Group School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The University of Newcastle NSW 2308, AUSTRALIA Email: mirka.miller@newcastle.edu.au THREE RECENT SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS 1. Diane Donovan, James Lefevre and G H J van Rees, On the spectrum of critical sets in latin squares of order 2n, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 16 (2008) 25--43. 2. D M Donovan, A Drapal, M J Grannell, T S Griggs and J G Lefevre, Quarter-regular biembeddings of Latin squares, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 692-699. 3. Diane M Donovan, Mike J Grannell, Terry S Griggs, James G. Lefevre and Tom McCourt, Self-embeddings of cyclic and projective Steiner quasigroups, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 19(1) (2011) 16-27. ALL PUBLICATIONS Books 1. E J Billington, D M Donovan, B D Jones, S Oates-Williams, A P Street, Discrete Mathematics: Logic and Structures, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1990, 281+(x). 2. E J Billington, D M Donovan, B D Jones, S Oates-Williams, A P Street, Discrete Mathematics: Logic and Structures, (2nd ed) Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1993, 316+(x). Book Chapters 3. Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar and Anne Penfold Street, On minimal defining sets in AG(d,3), in Designs 2002: further combinatorial and constructive design theory (edited W.D. Wallis) Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, 2003. Page 7 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 4. D M Donovan, E S Mahmoodian, C Ramsay and A P Street, Defining sets in combinatorics: a survey, in Surveys in Combinatorics, 2003, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Series 307, Eds. C D Wensley, Cambridge University Press (2003), 115-174. Co-Editor Special Journal Issue 5. D Donovan, C Iliopoulos, and M Miller (eds.) Selected papers from 13th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Special Issue, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, Vol.8, Number 4 (2003), 555. Journal Articles 6. Diane M. Donovan, James G. Lefevre, Thomas A. McCourt, Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Distinct equilateral triangle dissections of convex regions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, accepted to 2/12, to appear. 7. Diane Donovan and Birgit Loch, Closing the feedback loop: Engaging students in large first year mathematics test revision sessions using pen-enabled screens, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, accepted to 2/12, to appear. 8. Diane Donovan, James Lefevre, Mary Waterhouse and Emine Sule Yazici, Defining sets of full designs with block size three, II Annals of Combinatorics, accepted to 10/11, to appear. 9. D M Donovan and M J Grannell, On the number of designs with affine parameters, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, accepted to 5/11, to appear, DOI:10.1007/s10623-011-9528-7. 10. Diane M Donovan, James G Lefevre, Thomas A McCourt, Nicholas J Cavenagh and Abdollah Khodkar, Identifying flaws in the security of critical sets in latin squares via triangulations, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 52 (2012) 243-268. 11. Leigh N. Wood, Tori Vu, Matt Bower, Natalie Brown, Jane Skalicky, Diane Donovan, Birgit Loch, Nalini Joshi and Walter Bloom, Professional development for teaching in higher education, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 42(7) (2011) 997-1009 Special Issue: Volcanic Delta 2011: Rotorua, New Zealand, 27 November - 2 December 2011. 12. EJ Billington, Diane Donovan, James Lefevre, C.C. Lindner and Thomas McCourt, The triangle intersection problem for nested Steiner triple systems, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 51 (2011) 221-233. 13. D M Donovan and M J Grannell, Designs having the parameters of projective and affine space, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 60 (2011) 225-240. 14. Diane Donovan, James Lefevre, Mary Waterhouse and Emine Sule Yazizi, On defining sets of full designs with block size three, Graphs and Combinatorics 25 (2009) no. 6, 825-839. Page 8 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 15. Diane M Donovan, Mike J Grannell, Terry S Griggs, James G. Lefevre and Tom McCourt, Selfembeddings of cyclic and projective Steiner quasigroups, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 19(1) (2011) 16-27. 16. Asha Rao, Diane Donovan and Joanne L Hall, Mutually orthogonal Latin squares and mutually unbiased bases in dimensions of odd prime power MOLS and MUBs in odd prime power dimensions, Cryptography and Communications 2(2) (2010) 221-231. 17. D M Donovan, M J Grannell, T S Griggs and J G Lefevre, On parity vectors of Latin squares, Graphs and Combinatorics 26(5) (2010) 673-684. 18. D M Donovan, M J Grannell and T S Griggs, Third-regular biembeddings of Latin squares, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 52(3) (2010) 497-503. 19. D M Donovan, A Drapal, M J Grannell, T S Griggs and J G Lefevre, Quarter-regular biembeddings of Latin squares, Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 692-699. 20. J G Lefevre, D M Donovan, M J Grannell and T S Griggs, A constraint on the biembedding of Latin squares, European Journal of Combinatorics 30(2) (2009) 380-386. 21. James Lefevre, Diane Donovan and Ales Drapal, Permutation representation of 3- and 4homogeneous latin bitrades, Fundamenta Informaticae 84 (2008) 1-12. 22. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Emine Sule Yazici, Minimal homogeneous Steiner 2-(v,3) trades. Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008) no. 5-6, 741-752. 23. Diane Donovan, James Lefevre and G H J van Rees, On the spectrum of critical sets in latin squares of order 2n, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 16 (2008) 25-43. 24. Diane Donovan, Elizabeth J Billington and Nicole Smith, Packing a complete graph of order 5 (mod 6) with triangles: a new method, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 53 (2008) 77-81. 25. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, Minimal defining sets of 1factorizations of complete graphs, Utilitas Mathematica 76 (2008) 191-211. 26. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar and G H J van Rees, When is a partial latin square uniquely completable, but not its completable product?, Discrete Mathematics (special issue in honour of Jennifer Seberry, Eds. Arasu, Warwick de Launey, Dinesh Sarvate) 308 (2008) 2830-2843. 27. James Lefevre, Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Ales Drapal, Minimal and minimum size latin bitrades of each genus, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 48 (2007) 1892003. 28. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, On the spectrum of critical sets in back circulant latin squares, Ars Combinatoria 82 (2007) 287-319. 29. Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Emine Sule Yazici, Minimal homogeneous latin trades, Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006) no. 17, 2047-2055. Page 9 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 30. Birgit Loch and Diane Donovan, Progressive Teaching of Mathematics with Tablet Technology, eJournal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST) 9(2) (2006). 31. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Ales Drapal, 3-homogeneous latin trades, Discrete Mathematics 300(1-3) (2005) 57-70. 32. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Ales Drapal, 4-homogeneous latin trades, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 32 (2005) 285-303. 33. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Rebecca A.H. Gower, A new class of critical sets for direct products of back circulant latin squares, Utilitas Mathematica 67 (2005) 285-300. 34. Diane Donovan, Trevor Pickett and Richard Wilson, Visualising energy data, ANZIAM Journal (electronic supplement), Proceedings of the 2004 International conference on Computational Techniques and Applications, Melbourne, Australia, September 2004, (2005) C956-C97. 35. Diane Donovan, Saad El-Zanati, Charles Vanden Eynden, and Somporn Sutinuntopas, Labelling of unions of up to four uniform cycles, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2004) 323-336. 36. Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, Uniform critical sets in Latin squares, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 48 (2004) 3-23. 37. Diane Donovan, Chin Mei Fu and Abdollah Khodkar, An investigation of 2-critical sets in latin squares, Ars Combinatoria 72 (2004) 223-234. 38. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Carlo Hamalainen, Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, On Greedy Critical Sets in Latin Squares, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA2004), Eds. Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney (2004) 1157-163. 39. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Ales Drapal, Constructing and Deconstructing Latin Trades, Discrete Mathematics 284 (2004) no. 1-3 97-105. 40. Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and G.H.J. van Rees, A note on the completion of partial latin squares, Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing. Congressus Numerantium 168 (2004) 109-118. 41. Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, Product constructions for critical sets in latin squares, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 46 (2003) 227-254. 42. Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar and Anne Penfold Street, On doubling and tripling constructions for defining sets in Steiner triple systems, Graphs and Combinatorics 19 (2003) no. 1, 65-89. 43. Diane Donovan and E.S. Mahmoodian, An algorithm for writing latin interchanges as the sum of intercalates, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications 34 (2002) 90--98. (Correction to a paper on critical sets: "An algorithm for writing any Latin interchange as a sum of intercalates" Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications 37 (2003) 44). 44. Diane Donovan, Rebecca A.H Gower and Abdollah Khodkar, Latin interchanges and direct products, Ars Combinatoria 64 (2002) 271-287. Page 10 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 45. Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar, Somporn Sutinuntopas and Siriwan Thappia, A note on critical sets in Latin squares of order 2n-1, Congressus Numerantium 159 (2002) 215-219. 46. Richard Bean, Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar and Anne Penfold Street, Steiner trades that give rise to completely decomposable latin interchanges, International Journal of Computing Mathematics 79 (2002), no. 12 1273-1284. 47. Diane Donovan, The completion of partial latin squares, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2000) 247-264. 48. Richard Bean and Diane Donovan, Closing a gap in the spectrum of critical sets, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2000) 191-200. 49. Diane Donovan and Adelle Howse, Towards the spectrum of critical sets, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 21 (2000) 107-130. 50. Diane Donovan, Critical sets in Latin squares of order less than 11, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 29 (1999) 223-240. 51. Diane Donovan, Critical sets in families of Latin squares, Utilitas Mathematica 53 (1998) 3-16. 52. Diane Donovan and Adelle Howse, Critical sets in latin squares of order 7, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 28 (1998) 113-123. 53. Diane Donovan, Sheila Oates--Williams and Cheryl E. Praeger, On the distance between distinct group Latin squares, Journal of Combinatorial Design 5 (1997) 235-245. 54. Diane Donovan, Adelle Howse and Peter Adams, A discussion of Latin interchanges, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 23 (1997) 161-182. 55. Diane Donovan and D.G. Hoffman, Critical sets in a family of groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 16 (1997) 21-28. 56. Joan Cooper, Diane Donovan and Rebecca A.H. Gower, Critical sets in direct products of back circulant Latin squares, Utilitas Mathematica 50 (1996) 127-162. 57. Diane Donovan and Joan Cooper, Critical sets in back circulant Latin squares, Aequationes Mathematics 52 (1996) 157-179. 58. Ed Dawson, Diane Donovan and Alan Offer, Quasigroups, isotopisms and authentication schemes, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 13 (1996) 75-88. 59. Diane Donovan, Joan Cooper, D J Nott and Jennifer Seberry, Latin squares: critical sets and their lower bounds, Ars Combinatoria 39 (1995) 33-48. 60. Joan Cooper, Diane Donovan and Jennifer Seberry, Secret sharing schemes arising from Latin squares, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications 12 (1994) 33-38. 61. Ed Dawson and Diane Donovan, The breadth of Shamir's scheme, Computers & Security 13 (1994) 69-78. Page 11 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 62. Diane Donovan, Some interesting constructions for secret sharing schemes, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 9 (1994) 37-66. 63. Diane Donovan and Alan Rahilly, The central spectrum of the order of a Steiner loop, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 16 (1992) 115-121. 64. Rebecca A.H. Gower, Sheila Oates--Williams, Diane Donovan and Elizabeth J. Billington, The quasigroup variety arising from a 2-perfect 6-cycle system of order 13, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 10 (1991) 119-128. 65. Joan Cooper, Diane Donovan and Jennifer Seberry, Latin squares and critical sets of minimal size, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 4 (1991) 113-120. 66. Diane Donovan and Sheila Oates--Williams, Single laws for sloops and squags, Discrete Mathematics 92 (1991) 79-83. 67. Diane Donovan, Single laws for two subvarieties of squags, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 42 (1990) 157-165. 68. Diane Donovan, The centre of a sloop, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1 (1990) 83--90. 69. Diane Donovan, Methods for constructing balanced ternary designs, Ars Combinatoria 26B (1988) 217-226. 70. Diane Donovan, More balanced ternary designs with block size four, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 17 (1987) 109-133. 71. Diane Donovan, Balanced ternary designs with block size four, Ars Combinatoria 21A (1986) 81-88. 72. Diane Donovan, A family of balanced ternary designs with block size four, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 33 (1986) 321-327. 73. Diane Donovan, Balanced ternary designs from 1-designs, Ars Combinatoria 19 (1985) 95-104. 74. Diane Donovan, The quiddity of the isomorphism classes of some balanced ternary designs: including some anomalies, Ars Combinatoria 17A (1984) 133-144. Refereed Conference Proceedings 75. Diane Donovan, Birgit Loch, H.B. Thompson and Jayne Thompson, Change detection through clustering and spectral analysis, Proceedings of 18th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Editors Ljiljana Brankovic and Yuqing Lin, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, 5-9 November 2007, 59-68. 76. Diane Donovan, James Lefevre and Leonie Simpson, A discussion of constrained binary embeddings with applications to cryptanalysis of irregularly clocked stream ciphers, Proceedings of International Page 12 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ICDM 2006), 75-87, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 12/06. 77. Igor Vladimirov, Diane Donovan, Bevan Thompson, Gibbs equilibrium in interacting particle systems with coordination constrained bonding on Bethe lattices, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA2006), Eds. Ryan and Dafik, Uluru, July 16 -19, 2006, Ballarat University 110-122, ISBN 0-064-6463101. 78. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Diane Donovan and Carlo Hamalainen, Are there three MOLS of order 10?, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA2005), Eds. J Ryan, P Manyem, K Sugeng, M Miller, Ballarat, Australia, September 18-21, 2005, 57--65. ISBN 0-0646-45252-5. 79. Nicholas J Cavenagh, Carlo Hamalainen, Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, On Greedy Critical Sets in Latin Squares, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA2004) Eds. Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney (2004) 1157-163. 80. Diane Donovan and Abdollah Khodkar, Premature Partial Latin Squares and Critical Sets, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA2002), Eds. E.J. Billington, D. Donovan and A. Khodkar, The University of Queensland (2002) 119-129. 81. Diane Donovan, Chin-Mei Fu and Abdollah Khodkar, A discussion of 2-critical sets in Abelian 2groups, Proceedings of the Twelfth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA2001), Eds. Edy Tri Baskoro, Institut Teknologi, Bandung Indonesia, 2001, 88-97. 82. Diane Donovan, Interactive discrete mathematics, Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial International Conference of the Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference EMAC 2000, Eds. R.L. May, G.F. Fitz-Gerald, I.H. Grundy, The Institute of Engineers, RMIT Melbourne, 2000, 131-133. 83. Richard Bean, Diane Donovan, Abdollah Khodkar and Anne Penfold Street, Steiner trades that give rise to completely decomposable latin interchanges, Proceedings of the Eleventh Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA 2000), Eds. L Brankovic and J Ryan, Newcastle University, Newcastle Aust. (2000) 17-30. 84. Michael Bulmer, Diane Donovan, Catherine Holmes and Bevan Thompson, Calculus Connection, A Multimedia Adventure, Proceedings of the Third Biennial Australian Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference EMAC '98, The Institute of Engineers, Adelaide, 1998, 147-150. 85. Diane Donovan, Michael Lucht, M. Rezny, H. Sidhu, and H.B. Thompson, Interactive Maple tutorials, Australian Engineering Mathematics Conference `96 (AEMC96), Sydney, (1996), 499-503. 86. Diane Donovan and Paulette Lieby, Completely separating systems of k-sets for Latin squares, Proceeding of AWOCA `96, Magnetic Island (1996) 47-56. 87. Diane Donovan, An update on Latin interchanges, Proceeding of AWOCA `96, Magnetic Island (1996) 30-38. Page 13 Diane DONOVAN: Extended Curriculum Vita 88. Diane Donovan, Key management systems and secret sharing schemes, Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms Conference, Brisbane (1995) 369-380. 89. Joan Cooper and Diane Donovan, Latin interchanges, Proceedings of Sixteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Darwin (1994) 29-35. 90. Ed Dawson and Diane Donovan, Shamir's scheme says it all, Proceedings of Computer Security IFIP/Sec '93, Ed. E. Graham Dougall, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., (1993) 91-102. 91. E.P. Dawson, Diane Donovan and Alan Rahilly, Methods for sharing cryptographic keys, Communications '92 (1992) 135-139. Other Publications 92. Diane Donovan, Carlo Hamalainen and Anne Penfold Street, Seeking Solutions to Sudoku Squares, Pi in the Sky, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), 10 (2006) 7-9 &11-12, available at http:www.pims.math.ca/pi/. 93. Diane Donovan, Carlo Hamalainen and Anne Penfold Street, Exploring Sudoku Squares, Teaching Mathematics, The Journal of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers 31(2) (2006) 1426. 94. Diane Donovan, Secretly sharing passwords, The Australian Mathematics Teacher, 53 (1997) 21-25. 95. Diane Donovan, More applications of mathematics in information security, Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers' Conference, Gold Coast, September (1994) 21 (1996) 27-29. 96. Diane Donovan, Applications of mathematics in information security, Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers' Conference, Gold Coast, September (1994), in Teaching Mathematics, 20 (1995) 21-25. Page 14