Q1 The circuit shown below is the linear equivalent model of a two-input single-output amplifier. Note that it contains a current dependent voltage source. One application of this amplifier is in a communications circuit where its two inputs are driven by two antennas. We can model the two antennas as two current sources: iIN1 and iIN2, as shown below. The elements in the circuit have the following values: R=9kΩ and rm=9kΩ Assuming that iN1=1mA and iN2=0A, what is the value of vOUT in Volts? unanswered Assuming that iN1=0A and iN2=1mA, what is the value of vOUT in Volts? unanswered Assuming that iN1=1mA and iN2=1mA, what is the value of vOUT in Volts? unanswered Assuming that Input 2 is left as an open circuit, what is the Thevenin equivalent resistance (in kOhms) seen from Input 1? unanswered You have used 0 of 3 submissions Q2 Your company has recently invented a new field effect transistor called ExpFET, with the symbol and terminal voltagecurrent characteristics given below. iG=0 iD={0K⋅(evGS−VTVN−1) if vGS<VTif vGS≥VT iG=0 iD={0K⋅(evGS−VTVN−1)if vGS<VTif vGS≥VT Your company believes that the ExpFET is superior to the MOSFET for certain applications. In particular, it believes that when an ExpFET is used instead of a MOSFET in a standard inverter circuit, the output voltage drops more quickly as the input voltage is increased. You are asked by your company to verify this belief using the standard inverter circuit shown below. The circuit parameters have the following values: VS=5V and R=2kΩ, and the ExpFET parameters are: K=1mA, VT=1V and VN=1V. Given that vIN=0.5V, what is the value of vOUT in Volts? unanswered Given that vIN=2V, what is the value of vOUT in Volts? unanswered What is the value of vIN in Volts when vOUT drops to VS2? unanswered Now you replace the ExpFET with a MOSFET with parameters K=1mAV2, and VT=1V. Assuming the MOSFET is operating in the saturation region, what is the value of vIN in volts when vOUT drops to VS2? (Recall that for a MOSFET in saturation: iD=K2(VGS−VT)2 unanswered Your company also believes that the small-signal voltage gain (voutvin) of a common-source amplifier is higher when using an ExpFET instead of a MOSFET. You are now asked to verify this using the common-source amplifier circuit shown below. Again, the circuit parameters are: VS=5V and R=2kΩ, and the ExpFET parameters are K=1mA, VT=1V and VN=1V. Given that VIN=2V, what is the small-signal gain (voutvin) of this circuit? unanswered Now you replace the ExpFET with a MOSFET with parameters K=1mAV2 and VT=1V. Given that VIN=2V and assuming that the MOSFET is operating in saturation, what is the small-signal gain (voutvin) of this circuit? unanswered You have used 0 of 3 submissions Q3 The impulse response of a circuit is its response to a unit impulse, δ(t). Knowing the impulse response of a linear circuit is extremely valuable as we can figure out the circuit's response to an arbitrary input from it. In this problem you will find the response of a circuit when it is driven by a unit impulse. Consider the circuit shown above in which vIN(t)=1δ(t) volt-seconds. That is, vIN is a unit impulse at time t = 0. In the circuit, L=5mH, R1=10Ω, C=33nF and R2=10kΩ. Note that since this circuit is driven by an impulse and there is no other source of energy, the capacitor voltage and inductor current at t = 0 will be zero. (a) What is the value of vR1(t) at t=0− in Volts (V)? unanswered (b) What is the value of vR1(t) at t=0+ in volts (V)? Hint: Recall that that ∫0+0−δ(t)dt=1 unanswered (c) What is the value for vR1(t) at t=1ms in volts(V)? (Hint: The L-R1 and C-R2 branches of the circuit are decoupled.) unanswered (d) What is the value of vC(t) at t=0+ in volts (V)? unanswered (e) What is the value for vC(t) at t=1ms in volts (V)? unanswered You have used 0 of 3 submissions Q4 In this problem we investigate the time response of the circuit shown below which contains two switches S1 and S2. Until time t=0, both switches are open and the circuit is initially at rest, i.e., vC(t=0−)=0 and iL(t=0−)=0. At t=0, switch S1 is closed but S2 stays open. After a VERY LONG time T, S1 is opened and S2 is simultaneously closed. Answer the following questions in terms of the parameters: V, R1 R2, C, L and t, as applicable. What is the expression for vC(t) during the time interval 0<t<T? unanswered What is the expression for vC(t) during the time interval t>T? unanswered What is the expression for iL(t) during the time interval t>T? unanswered You have used 0 of 3 submissions Q5 The circuits in this problem are driven by sinusoidal sources and are in the steady state. For each circuit, enter the letter corresponding to its magnitude and phase plot for the transfer funrction H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) from the magnitude (A-F) and phase (G-L) plots sketched in the figures below. The magnitude plots are on a log-log scale and the phase plots are on a linear-log scale. Note these are sketches, look for correct approximate shape. Transfer function H(jω) magnitude plots Transfer function H(jω) phase plots Which plot (A-F) corresponds to the magnitude of H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) in the above circuit? unanswered Which plot (U-Z) corresponds to the phase of H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) in the above circuit? unanswered Which plot (A-F) corresponds to the magnitude of H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) in the above circuit? unanswered Which plot (U-Z) corresponds to the phase of H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) in the above circuit? unanswered Which plot (A-F) corresponds to the magnitude of H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) in the above circuit? unanswered Which plot (U-Z) corresponds to the phase of H(jω)=Vo(jω)Vi(jω) in the above circuit? unanswered You have used 0 of 3 submissions Q6 This problem investigates how digital signals are distorted as they travel over real wires. A real wire is not a perfect short circuit, instead it has resistance, inductance and capacitance. In this problem we assume that the wire has been designed to have very low capacitance, so the capacitance can be ignored, and the wire can be modeled as shown in the figure below. Here Rw and Lw model the series resistance and inductane of the wire. The voltage source vS(t) models the signal source and RL is the resistance of the load where the signal is received. The signal source generates a square-wave voltage with period 2T and maximum value V0, as shown below. In steady state, the voltage signal measured across the load resistor appears as shown below Assume that in the circuit above, V0=10V, T=1ms, Rw=2Ω, Lw=1mH and RL=3Ω. What is the time constant (in milliseconds) associated with the rise of voltage vR? unanswered What is the time constant (in milliseconds) associated with the fall of voltage vR? unanswered What is the value of Vmax in Volts? unanswered What is the value of Vmin in Volts?