Matthew Thomas Beard

Matthew Thomas Beard
Curriculum Vitae – March 2015
Ph.D (University of Notre Dame, Australia)
School of Philosophy and Theology
Thesis: War Rights and Military Virtues: A Philosophical Re-appraisal of Just War
B.Phil (Hons) (University of Notre Dame, Australia)
School of Philosophy and Theology
Employment History
University of Notre Dame, Australia
Research Associate | Centre for Faith, Ethics & Society
Edited Volumes
“Political Leadership, Professional Ethics and the Problem of Dirty Hands,” edited by
Matthew Beard, Sandra Lynch, Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations 14 (2015)
Refereed Journal Articles
Matthew Beard, “Keeping hands clean in war: the double-effect approach to killing,”
Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations (2015) (forthcoming)
Matthew Beard, “Shielding humanity: a new approach to military honour,” Journal of
Military Ethics (2015) (forthcoming)
Matthew Beard, “Virtuous Soldiers: A Role for the Liberal Arts?,” Journal of Military
Ethics 13:3 (2014): 274-294
Matthew Beard, “Enriching Rights: Virtue and Moral Sacrifice in Just War Theory,”
Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations 13 (2014): 59-74
Matthew Beard, “Risking Aggression: toleration of threat and preventive war,”
Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology Online first
(2014): DOI 10/1111/heyj.12031
Matthew Beard, Sandra Lynch, “Personhood, harm, and interest: a reply to Alberto
Giublini and Francesca Minerva,” Journal of Medical Ethics 39:5 (2013): e1-e4
Matthew Beard, “Two views of conscience for the Australian people,” Solidarity: the
Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 1:1 (2011)
Book Chapters
Matthew Beard, "Wounds that Leave No Scars: Why Moral Injury Needs
Philosophers," in Unseen Wounds: The Personal Costs of Modern Warfare, ed.
Thomas Frame (UNSW Press) (forthcoming)
Matthew Beard, “Militarising Space: Weapons in Orbit,” in Commercial Space
Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance, ed. Jai Galliott (Ashgate) (forthcoming)
Matthew Beard, “The Human Costs of Torture” in Ethics and the Future of Spying;
Technology, Intelligence Collection and National Security, edited by Jai Galliott &
Warren Reed (Routledge) (forthcoming)
Matthew Beard, “Cyberwar and Just War Theory? A moral framework for cyberespionage” in Ethics and the Future of Spying; Technology, Intelligence Collection
and National Security, edited by Jai Galliott & Warren Reed (Routledge)
Matthew Beard, “The Code of the Cyber-warrior,” in Binary Bullets: The Ethics of
Cyberwar, edited by Fritz Allhoff, Bradley J. Strawser and Adam Henschke, (Oxford
University Press) (forthcoming)
Matthew Beard, “Cyberwar and Just War Theory,” in Applied Ethics, Risk, Justice and
Liberty, edited by the Centre for Applied Ethics and Philosophy (Hokkaido University
Press: Centre for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, 2013): 1-12
Manuscripts in Submission
Lynch, S., Beard, M., Inside the Mind of a Catholic University: Philosophical and
Theological Perspectives on Tradition, (under review)
Other Publications
I have an extensive record of media appearances in online, print, radio, and television
mediums. The full list is available on request. A short list of appearances is below.
Matthew Beard, “’It’s a Hell of a Thing’: American Sniper and the True Costs of
Killing,” ABC Religion and Ethics, 11 February 2015
Matthew Beard, “Confronting the Complexity of ‘Evil’ from Islamic State to Ebola,”
ABC Religion and Ethics, 30 September, 2014
Matthew Beard, “Free your mind – but are there ideas we shouldn’t contemplate?,”
The Conversation, 15 September, 2014
Guest panellist, “The Moral Compass”, ABC TV, 31 August, 2014
Matthew Beard, “Sacrificing Liberty in Pursuit of Security,’ ABC The Drum, 7 August
Matthew Beard, “The world is burning, but remember our sympathy only goes so far,”
The Guardian, 22 July, 2014
Matthew Beard, “Accusations of Moral Blackmail are Cruelly Simple,” ABC The Drum,
9 July, 2014
Guest radio commentator, ABC Radio National Drive, 8 July, 2014.
Matthew Beard, “Honour killings: crossing the line with a dangerous idea,” The Age,
25 June, 2014
Awards and Honours
2011-2014, Morris Scholarship for Ethics, University of Notre Dame Australia,
$75,000 (approx.)
2009, Vice Chancellor’s Medal, University of Notre Dame Australia, School of
Philosophy and Theology
2008, Vice Chancellor’s Medal, University of Notre Dame Australia, School of
Philosophy and Theology
Grants and Fellowships
“Cyberwar: Ethical Risks and Opportunities,” Australian Army Research Scheme,
University of Notre Dame Australia, 2015, $5500, Chief Investigator: Matthew Beard,
Associate Investigators: Sandra Lynch, Jai Galliott
“Soldier Enhancement: Ethical Risks and Opportunities,” Australian Army Research
Scheme, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2015, $5500, Chief Investigator:
Matthew Beard, Associate Investigators: Sandra Lynch, Jai Galliott
“Militarising Space: Weapons in Orbit,” University of Notre Dame Australia Research
Incentive Scheme, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2013, $3000, Chief
Investigator: Matthew Beard
“The Code of the Cyberwarrior,” University of Notre Dame Australia Research
Incentive Scheme, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2013, $3000, Chief
Investigator: Matthew Beard
Conference Activity/Participation
Conferences Organisation
Organising Committee member, “Conscience, Leadership, and the Problem of ‘Dirty
Hands’, University of Notre Dame Australia, 22-24 June, 2014
Organising Committee member, “Tradition,” University of Notre Dame, Australia, 35 July, 2013
Papers Presented
Matthew Beard, “Teaching double-effect for resilience: perpetration and moral
injury,” (paper presented at the annual meeting of the Australasian Association of
Philosophy, Australian National University, Canberra, 7-11 July, 2014)
Matthew Beard, “Supreme emergencies and the soul of the antihero,” (paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Australian Association for Professional and Applied
Ethics, University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney, 22-24 June, 2014)
Matthew Beard, “Shielding humanity: a new approach to military honour,” (paper
presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Military Ethics,
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 13-16 October, 2013)
Matthew Beard, “The code of the cyberwarrior,” (paper presented at “Cyberwar,
Cybercrime and Cyberdefence: Mapping the Ethical Terrain,” Australian National
University, Canberra, 5-6 August, 2013)
Matthew Beard, “The trouble with rights: moral sacrifice and just war theory,” (paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Australian Association for Professional and
Applied Ethics, University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, 27-30 June, 2013)
Matthew Beard, “Virtuous soldiers: a role for the liberal arts?” (paper presented at the
twelfth annual “Conversation on the Liberal Arts: ‘War and Peace as Liberal Arts’”,
Westmont University, Santa Barbara, 21-23 February, 2013)
Matthew Beard, “Risking aggression: toleration of threat and preventive war,” (paper
presented at the seventh annual conference on applied ethics, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, 26-28 October, 2012)
Matthew Beard, “St. Augustine’s Just War Theory: some lessons for modern warfare,”
(paper presented at the biennial conference for philosophy, religion, and culture,
Catholic University of Sydney, Sydney, 7 October, 2012)
Matthew Beard, “Human dependency as luck: some insights on human relationships,”
(paper presented at the Australasian Philosophy Postgraduate Conference, Monash
University, Melbourne, 29 April – 1 May, 2011)
Matthew Beard, “Guilt, Shame, Private Indiscretion and the Public Sphere,” (paper
presented at the New Horizons in Political Philosophy Annual Conference, Australian
National University, Canberra, 9-10 December, 2010)
Teaching Experience
University of Notre Dame Australia
Masters Research Supervision
The Ethics of War
(Semester 2, 2015)
Logos 2: Ethics
(Semester 2, 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015)
Logos 1: Philosophy
(Semester 2, 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015)
Introduction to Ethics
(Semester 2, 2011)
Invited Talks
“The Ethics of Online Dating,” (discussion panel, hosted by the St. James Ethics
Centre, Sydney, 17 March, 2015)
"Wounds that Leave No Scars: Why Moral Injury Needs Philosophers," (presented for
Unseen Wounds: The Personal Costs of Modern Warfare, hosted by the Australian
Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society, UNSW Canberra, 18-19 February,
Departmental Talks
“The Catholic Code of Healthcare,” School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame
Australia, 20 January, 2015
“War,” Guest Lecture – ‘Global Politics and International Relations,’ School of Arts
and Sciences, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2 September 2014
“Shielding Humanity: a new approach to military honour,” School Research Seminar
Series, School of Philosophy and Theology, University of Notre Dame Australia, 16
September, 2013
Service to Profession
Submission reviewer
Research in Ethical Issues in Organisations, 2014-2015
Submission reviewer
Journal of Medical Ethics, 2013
Manuscript editorial
Hayden Ramsay (ed.), Truth and Faith in Ethics, (Exeter:
Imprint Academic, 2011)
Service to University
Social media ambassador, Centre for Faith, Ethics &
Teaching Areas
Applied Ethics
Military Ethics
Moral Philosophy
Professional Memberships
Society of Applied Philosophy
Australasian Association of Philosophy
Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics