Saving our Soil

A Plea for Soil Help
Wrap up Activity
Students will use their prior learning about soil to make a classroom book
promoting that soil is crucial to all life on planet Earth. The students will be
working to make their poster.
Grade 3
April 3 and 4, 2014
Equipment/ Materials
Large white paper for all students
Description page with what the
students need to include
Teaching Strategy and/or Strategy
Classroom Management
I chose to have the wrap up activity in a fun format for the students. I think a
prompt will help lead them in making their page and will show me what the
students have learned throughout. I am letting the students use the work pages
they have done because I do not expect them to have remembered everything
we learned in only three weeks. By having the students present their poster the
next day they are able to share what they have learned to their classmates and
take pride in it.
I will clearly explain what the
students need to have on their page
that way there is no confusion. I will
also give them a checklist so they can
make sure they have everything.
When the students are working I will
circulate around the classroom to
answer and help with any questions.
ES3.1 - Investigate the characteristics, including soil composition and ability to
absorb water, of different types of soil in their environment.
ES3.2 Analyze the interdependence between soil and living things, including
the importance of soil for individuals, society, and all components of the
All indicators used throughout the unit
Prerequisite Learning (if necessary):
This is a wrap up to our unit so students will have to have extensive knowledge on soil from the unit.
The posters will be evaluated to see what the students were able to learn from the unit. There will be 5 marks for creativity of the
page (having pictures, colour, uniqueness, extra things they learned, and neat and readable writing). 3 marks for why soil is
important, 4 marks for the types of soil, 6 marks for each component, 2 marks for what is in the soil, 3 marks for human impact,
and 1 mark for view of the Earth.
A Plea for Soil Help Wrap up Activity
Set: (estimated time___10 min__)
To begin the lesson we will go over what we have learned throughout the unit. We will have a web at the beginning of the lesson
with soil in the middle. On the first day I had the students make a web of what they knew about soil and this time I hope they can
add a lot more to it after learning about it. Then I will read the students the prompt about the soil crisis. The students will each get
the prompt and what needs to be included on their page.
I will then handout the student’s duo tangs so that they can look at the pages they have completed as they make their poster.
Development: (estimated time___30 min___)
The students will be working to create their own page on what they have learned in the unit. Students must include why soil is
important, the four types of soil observed, components of soil, what is found in the soil (plants and animals), how humans impact
soil, how we should view soil (First Nations perspective), and pictures.
Closure: (estimated time___Day 2: 30 min______)
On April 4 the student’s pages will have time to finish their posters and then have the option to present it to the class. The students
can present their own poster and what they have learned throughout the unit.
Adaptive Dimension:
If Tomi or Prince need help they can work with a partner on their poster. I am also letting the students use their duotangs, which
has all of their pages from the unit. This way students who might not remember everything can use the pages for reference.
Professional Plan/Target:
My professional plan for this lesson is to have the students share what they have learned in a creative and fun way. I want to make
sure that my instructions are clear as to what they need to include on their poster, but also let them have the freedom to include
other things they have learned.
A Plea for Soil Help Wrap up Activity