EXTINCTION AND EXTIRPATION by Editor on October 2, 2011

by Editor on October 2, 2011
Science 4th Grade Packet on
Name ___________________
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by Editor on October 2, 2011
The American Red Wolf Has Been Extirpated From Most Of Its Range. Only a handful remains at large in the wild.
Extirpation Means ‘Local Extinction’
Everyone knows what the words “extinct” and “extinction” mean. They tell us that a species has
vanished from the earth, just like the dinosaurs. Since life began on our planet, about 99 percent
of all species that ever lived have gone extinct—most of them due to natural causes. Extinct are
the tyrannosaurus rex, the woolly rhinoceros, the mastodon, the trilobite, and the saber-toothed
Humankind played no role in most of these extinctions. However, we are responsible for many
hundreds of the most recent ones. The passenger pigeon is gone because of us; so is the wild
dromedary camel, the dodo bird, the Javan tiger, the dusky seaside sparrow . . . the list could go
on and on.
But many other species, although not yet extinct, have disappeared from large areas of their
original, natural habitat. Wildlife experts say that these creatures have been extirpated from parts
of their former range.
“Extirpation” means completely gone from a particular region—in other words, “locally extinct.”
For one example, the American red wolf used to be common throughout much of the
Southeastern U.S. But by 1980, Canis rufus had been extirpated everywhere but along a narrow
strip of coastal eastern Texas. If that last small band of less than two dozen wolves had been
killed off, the species would have gone extinct. Fortunately, they were spared.
In fact, the remaining red wolves were rounded up and placed in a captive breeding program.
Since then, some of these captive animals have been released into one area of North Carolina,
where they have since been breeding successfully. Red wolves still roam the wild thanks to the
efforts of wildlife conservationists.
Similar successful efforts have been made on behalf of other animals, including the California
condor, the American bison, and the white rhinoceros. Some of the saved species have then been
able to repopulate areas from which they were extirpated by humans.
However, many other species have not been so fortunate. They have gone extinct—and
extinction is forever.
Page 2
by Editor on October 2, 2011
Extinction vs. Extirpation
Complete the Venn Diagram.
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by Editor on October 2, 2011
Answer the following question in a complete sentence.
1. What does extinction mean? ___________________________________________
2. What does extirpation mean? ___________________________________________
3. In the article the American Red Wolf has been ________________ from most of its
4. Why would anyone want a particular species extinct? _______________________
5. How would you explain to someone that extinction is forever? ________________
6. Why would people want a certain species extirpated from a certain region? _______
7. Name some of the species of animals that have become extinct? _______________
8. Name some of the species of animals that were extirpated? ___________________
9. Do you extirpation is a good thing or a bad thing? Explain. __________________
10. How can we prevent extinction with any population? Explain. _______________
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