M&S Press Release – Fresher for Longer

Embargoed 00:01 5th March 2013
Food packaging perception and reality
A new report published today highlights that changes in consumer attitudes and behaviours around
packaging could help reduce household food waste.
WRAP produced the report – Consumer Attitudes to Food Waste and Food Packaging - in partnership
with INCPEN, The Packaging Federation, Food and Drink Federation (FDF), Kent Waste Partnership
and British Retail Consortium (BRC). The partners have come together to highlight a number of
simple solutions for consumers, local authorities and the food and packaging industry to help reduce
food waste in the home.
The research launched today reinforces that consumers do not realise the important role packaging
plays in helping to reducing food waste, particularly once they get products home. Whilst there is
recognition that packaging is important to protect food on its way to, and in, the store, only 13% of
consumers believe that it can play the same role in the home.
Despite continued packaging innovation to extend in-home life, through the use of intelligent
materials, vacuum-packing and more recloseable packs, most consumers still believe that keeping
food in packaging at home leads to it spoiling more quickly. As a result the group behind the
research are backing a new initiative from Love Food Hate Waste, ‘Fresher for Longer’ which shows
the important relationship that packaging can play to help reduce food waste.
The research also shows that consumers feel confident about how they store food. However only
22% currently look at storage guidance on pack which would maximise life in the home, and many
are in reality storing foods in less than ideal conditions. Bread is a great example, with many storing
bread in the fridge, even though it goes stale six times faster, similarly by storing apples in the fridge
in their original packaging can stay fresher for up to two weeks longer.
The report also suggests that food retailers, manufactures and their trade associations should raise
awareness with consumers about the existing innovations in packaging, food labelling, and design
that have been made in the last few years and how to keep food fresher for longer. Not surprisingly
the research found that, after price, freshness and how long food lasts for are the most important
factors for consumers. However throwing away food as a result of it not being used in time is costing
UK consumers £6.7 billion a year (*£270 for the average household).
The ‘Fresher for longer’ initiative launched with exclusive retail partner Marks and Spencer at
Tunbridge Wells store with the support of Kent Waste Partnership. The creative campaign shows
that apples should ‘keep their pack on’ and pears hold onto theirs ‘till lunch do us part’
demonstrating that packaging not only keeps it fresher for longer, but also protects food in the
home. The ‘Fresher for Longer’ campaign materials can be used by all retailers, brands and councils
from today. Visit Love Food Hate Waste website for all the campaign visuals including handy bag clip
postcards, on-pack artwork and posters.
In addition to the national report and campaign launch in Kent, a Parliamentary launch takes place
the same afternoon. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Packaging is hosting a special meeting at
2pm in the Houses of Parliament to raise awareness of the partners’ ‘Consumer Attitudes’ report,
and also the Fresher for Longer campaign.
Richard Swannell, Director of Deign and Waste Prevention at WRAP said: “Food waste is an
enormous problem that needs tackling throughout the whole supply chain. With 7.2mt of waste
occurring in the home, our latest report has investigated consumer awareness around packaging,
and how storing food effectively can help reduce that waste. By working with companies and
industry bodies, we can help consumers to take advantage of recent innovations and keep food
fresher for longer.”
Speaking at M&S Tunbridge Wells store, Adam Elman, Head of Plan A Delivery at M&S, said: “By
reducing the amount of packaging we use and ensuring its easily recyclable, we’ve worked hard to
make it as easy as possible for our customers to live more sustainably. Packaging plays an important
role in protecting the quality and freshness of our food, which is why we feature on-pack storage
advice and continue to introduce innovative packaging that keeps food fresher for longer.
We’re delighted to be part of this new campaign which is a win-win for our customers – not only will
it help them to keep their food fresh, but it will reduce their food waste and save them money too.”
Councillor Paul Barrington-King, Chairman of the Kent Waste Partnership, said: ““The groundbreaking consumer perceptions report, and the fantastic Fresher for Longer campaign, are the fruits
of a cross-sector partnership that is delivering results. Harnessing the collective clout of high profile
partnerships is a big part of maintaining the KWP's position at the vanguard of industry activities and
I’m delighted it is launching in Kent.”
Dick Searle, Packaging Federation stated: “The Packaging Federation is very pleased to be working
with this wide stakeholder group to examine the role of packaging. This will help enable us all to
reduce food waste. The Fresher for Longer campaign will highlight the ways that the food that we
buy can continue to be well protected until it is eaten.”
Jane Bickerstaffe, INCPEN, said: “INCPEN is delighted to be working with WRAP, Kent Waste
Partnership, the Food and Drink Federation, the Packaging Federation and the British Retail
Consortium. Together we can show consumers how packaging helps them reduce their
environmental footprint by keeping the food they need safe and fresh on its journey to the
shops. And also how, thanks to packaging, they can keep food fresher for longer at home.”
David Bellamy, Food and Drink Federation said: “The Food and Drink Federation is delighted to be
working with WRAP and the other project partners on this important piece of consumer research.
We believe the ‘Fresher for longer’ campaign will finally bring home to consumers that good
packaging does actually save waste.”
Alice Ellison, British Retail Consortium said: “I hope this research helps to end the demonisation of
packaging. We have long said that appropriate use of packaging preserves food and reduces
waste. Grocery retailers have already achieved notable reductions in food and packaging waste
through working with WRAP on the Courtauld Commitment targets and the Love Food Hate Waste
campaign. This report should stimulate further reductions in food waste by promoting the role that
packaging plays in keeping food fresher for longer in the home.”
Notes to editors:
1. WRAP’s vision is a world without waste, where resources are used sustainably. It works in
partnership to help businesses, individuals and communities improve resource efficiency.
2. Established as a not-for-profit company in 2000, WRAP is backed by government funding
from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
3. For more information on Love Food Hate Waste and fresher for longer visit
4. Download and use the new fresher for longer artwork including posters and postcards here
5. The full research report can be found here www.wrap.org.uk/fresherforlonger. More
information on all of WRAP's programmes can be found on wrap.org.uk
6. * £270 per family (the value of good food and drink that’s thrown away because it’s “not
used in time”). Helping consumers reduce fruit and vegetable waste September 2008 By
keeping fruit and vegetables in their original packaging in the fridge they will keep up to two
weeks longer.
7. Customers can find useful food storage tips via M&S’s Plan A website:
8. Kate Fox ditties used as part of the social media campaign.
Don’t get in a
it really is no
clip half your bag
in a bread bin
and the other
half in the
SPID your spud.
Store Potatoes In
the Dark
to keep your
tattles good.
Carrots and
can happily
at the bottom of
the fridge
in their packs
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For further media information contact:
Seona Shuttleworth
PR Officer
01295 817872
Easy peasy cheesy
Tupperware, fridge
Fridges and
are good for
hard cheeses.