Application for a White Rose BBSRC DTP studentship (University of Sheffield 2013 entry) Application deadline: Friday 19th October 4pm Please send completed applications to: Supervisor Name: Department: Tel: Email: Co-Supervisor Name: Department: Research area Tel: Email: World class bioscience/Food Security/Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (please select one) Project title Project outline (300 words max) Please describe succinctly the proposed project using the headings: Background, Objectives, Novelty and Timeliness. If part funding is agreed or sought from other sources for this project please give details. How does the project embrace ‘new ways of working’? (300 words max) Distinctive elements of the training e.g. interdisciplinarity, specialist techniques etc. Relevance to BBSRC DTP remit and impact (300 words max) How does the project fit the remit mechanistic biology and the selected research area. Relationship to current/planned research proposals; key non-academic impact areas Justification for consumables requested – up to £5,000 p.a. (200 words max) Predominantly theoretical / computational projects are expected to be within £2.5k p.a. Key relevant publications from applicants (last 5 years, up to 4) Highlight any postgraduate coauthors PhD supervision a) Supervisor’s current number of PhD students b) Number (and percentage of total) of students submitted on time in last 5 years. Supervisors’ current BBSRC grant income - project title(s) date (s) and level of funding. Other current project grant income. Number of BBSRC grants held in last 5 years.