Notice to Councilors


East Knoyle Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of The Full Council on Tuesday 10 th September 2013 at East Knoyle Village Hall which started at

7.30 pm.

Present Chairman Tim Hyde,Vice Chair Neil Southerden, Cllr Sue Dawson, Jo Johnson, Louise Carmicheal, Laura Coffin,

Deb Bateman, Ian Small, Simon Master, Paul Wharton


PUBLIC OPEN FORUM – Paula Turner –Cook and Barry and Fiona Hunt-Taylor were present and were invited to comment during the meeting concerning matters of interest.


Apologies for Absence.-Alistair Campbell


Notices of Interest.-Laura Coffin and Neil Southerden - Application 03618


Minutes of meetings held on Tuesday 9 th July and Planning meeting of Aug 6 th July 2013- Signed as a true record


Matters arising- Ian Small has walked footpath 24 and reported the path was clear with a diversion and signage in place. Clerk gave details of quote received (£300) from Phil Buttress for work to clear overgrown area on far side of KHG currently blocking Cricket net. Deb Bateman will also obtain details of Community Team’s ability to undertake such work. Clerk gave cost of Concrete Table Tennis Table £2345+ vat for one and £3600+vat for two.

Councillors were shocked and stunned at the cost and would reflect on the feasibility of this scheme. The

Millennium sign had arrived (to accompany Millennium Stone) and it was outside the Hall for all to view. Tim discussed plans for fixing the plaque and cementing the stone in place.


Chairman’s Report - Tim Hyde and Martin Snell had pulled and old finger post from the hedge on Friars Hayes

Lane and Martin was replacing it, cost for this to be covered by WCC grant. Bob Bourne had taken one of the vacant allotments, 5 were now taken. Tim will meet with Bramall Gardens to discuss future work at Milton grassed areas and Adam Cleal had once again offered to contribute to the maintenance of the area. The KHG wall measuring device had shown no sign of movement. Tim asked Clerk to thank all those in the community (via newsletter) who undertake work around the roadways and common lands for the good of the community. Such works included clearing streams and drains, picking litter and generally taking pride in the area in which we live.


Discuss Planning Applications – 13/02931/Ful - Corfe Mullen to Salisbury Pipeline Update. – Noted ,supported

13/02713/LBC – Park Farm, East Knoyle.-Paula gave details of the planned changes -Supported Unanimously,1 abstention

13/03618/Ful- South View, Millbrook Lane, East Knoyle.-Supported, Unanimous

13/02936/LBC-Clouds House, East Knoyle-Supported with abstention who had not seen plans.

Clerk to inform Wilts Planning over problems experienced with access to site prior to the meeting.

8 No item 8

9 Common Lands- Paul Wharton gave details of e mail received from Adam Cleal in which Adam expressed his his views on plans for fruit trees to be planted. Paul also advised the Tree Council would not fund fruit trees.

Paul read the report supplied by Tree Warden Digger Booth in which Digger outlined plans for further tree clearance during the winter to maintain the views from the windmill. The second and third parts of the work would cover the clearance of Gorse from around the base of mature trees and the removal of self seeded

Sycamore and Ash at top of Sandpits Hill. This would encourage woodland ground floor species.

The Windmill Owners Mr and Mrs Torrok had asked for the boughs overhanging the windmill plinth to be cut back and Digger would organize this. Also clearance of Knot weed had started and Deb Bateman had asked highways to become involved in this work. Clerk volunteered to empty rubbish bin in KHG weekly from now on.

East Knoyle Parish Council


Sue asked if “Dumpy Bags” could be removed now that Village Hall Bonfire was cancelled; Clerk to ask Digger to remove. Chairman thanked Paul Wharton and Deb Bateman for acting quickly to have the fly tipping cleared from Wise Lane. It was known that the culprits had been contacted by the Police and it was hoped a prosecution would follow.

10 Highways-Deb Bateman reported the water leek in Milbrook Lane had been acknowledged by Wessex Water who were fixing the problem. Touchorn Lane ditch had been cleared and both Wise Lane and Holloway Lane at

Sandpits were on the list to be patched.

11 Wrens Store-Laura Coffin reported that sales had been good during the summer and that equipment (freezers etc) had been replaced and paid for during that period. An incredible strain was being placed on the Coffin family who have a presence in the shop every day and still more volunteers are needed to alleviate this burden.

Neil wished to record a vote of thanks to the Coffin/Evans family for all their hard work and Clerk will mention volunteer shortage in Newsletter item.

12 Village Hall Report- Alistair Campbell not present.

13 Discuss/ review of Common Lands access permissions and agree annual review date of October 1 st 2013.- Tim proposed that at the meeting on 8 th October The PC discuss Common Lands in detail. This discussion would cover how we manage the lands, tender for work on the lands and review the grant of access over the lands.

Fiona Hunt- Taylor said that she would pass the original grant of access given when they moved into Four Winds to the Clerk to review.

Clerk advised that he had been approached by Michael and Tish Crotty who were concerned that the grant of access to the Windmill should be reviewed and granted only on the condition the maintenance and upkeep work was ongoing. Clerk had subsequently contacted the Torroks who own the Windmill and they gave reassurances and a list of further work being undertaken over the next year and beyond. On this basis the Parish Council voted to grant a further year’s access to the Torrok’s starting on October 1 st 2013 ending 30 th Sept 2014. This access would be reviewed in September 2013 when Mr and Mrs Crotty’s concerns would be revisited. Proposed

Paul Wharton seconded Laura Coffin. Vote Unanimous.

14 Resolution-Vote to accept Tim Hyde and Simon Master as new Signatories to PC Bank accounts.- This resolution was proposed by Neil Southerden and seconded by Ian Small- Vote was unanimous. Clerk to complete paperwork and pass to bank.

15 To note and accept Bank reconciliation as prepared by Clerk to end Aug 2013.- Clerk ran through detail of

Income and outgoings and Sue Dawson checked bank statements. PC voted to accept the reconciliation, proposed Neil Southerden seconded Ian Small, vote unanimous.

16 To note Local Government Pay settlement revising Clerks Hourly rate from £9.94 to £10.04 = 1%increase-


17 Wilts Council- Bridget Wayman not present.

18 Agree dates for litter pick and footpath audit for Autumn 2013-Clerk to give details of volunteers so far.- Paul

Wharton suggested 12 th October for the litter pick and Clerk will advertise this in the newsletter. Footpath audit had received 6 volunteers and these would be coordinated and given the choice of which path to walk and when to walk .

East Knoyle Parish Council


19 AOB- Sue asked about the blocked path through the wood between Holloway Lane and the back of Park

Houses and Simon Master advised that the land was owned by Georgia Tennent who did not with the woods to be open to the public other than to view the Bluebells in the spring. Simon did not believe this situation was about to change. Neil Southerden raised the issue of an elderly couple in the village who were about to become homeless and asked if any council members had knowledge of any suitable accommodation. Neil had contacted

Wilts Council who had advised there was a 19000 strong waiting list for accommodation in Wiltshire and that the couple had made contact with Wilts CC to join the list. A discussion followed concerning the housing of East

Knoyle old folk in the Council owned old peoples accommodation behind the church. It was known that one of these had recently become empty and this seemed to be a good match. It was agreed the PC would write to

WCC to express our views that local people should be allocated to local Council accommodation.

Meeting Ended 9.42pm

Next Meeting 8 th October 2013

Signed as a true record………………………………………………………….Chairman………………………………………….Date

Kevin Stow

Clerk to the Council

Limetree Cottage, Underhill, East Knoyle SP3 6BS. Tel: 01747 830431, email:
