Meeting Agenda

ICARUS II Conference
School of Natural Resources and Environment
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
May 5-8, 2011
Conference Schedule and Agenda
12:00pm – Registration Opens Ford Commons (First Floor Dana Building)
2:00 - 3:15pm: Opening Address: Rosina Bierbaum, Dean, School of Natural Resources and
Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, Room 1040
3:15 - 3:30pm Break – Ford Commons
3:30 - 5:00pm Paper Panel Session 1
Panel Theme 1a. Climate, Vulnerability, and Adaptation Among Indigenous Populations
Room 1024
Panel Chair: James D. Ford
 Marine Conservation, Society and Environmental Change in Raja Ampat, Indonesia (Coral Triangle). Ian Parker.
University of California, San Diego.
 Vulnerability and Adaptation of Indigenous Health Systems in Canada to Climate Change. James D. Ford. McGill
University, Canada.
 Dollars and Sense: Knowledge Flows, Participation, Carbon Markets. Janet M. Chernela. University of Maryland,
Panel Theme 2a. Forests, Livelihoods, and Adaptation
Room 1028
Panel Chair: Sonwa Denis Jean
 Experience in Mobilizing Different Stakeholders Around Forest and Adaptation in the Arena Dominated by
Biodiversity Conservation and Mitigation Efforts to Climate Change in the Congo Basin. Sonwa Denis Jean,
Youssoufa M. Bele, Olufunso A. Somorin and Johnson Nkem. Center for International Forestry Research, Cameroon.
 Adapting to Emerging Institutions: REDD+ Projects in the Territories of the Suruí and Cinta-Larga Indigenous
Peoples. Fabiano Toni, Isadora A.R. Ferreira and Igor A.R. Ferreira. Campus Universitario, Brazil.
 Participatory Forest Management: Supporting Adaptation and Reducing Vulnerability. Irmeli Mustalahti.
University of Helsinki, Finland.
Panel Theme 4a. Adaptation and Local Institutions
Room 2024
Panel Chair: Anne Kuriakose
 Pro-Poor Planning for Climate Adaptation: Lessons from Six Country Cases. Anne Kuriakose, The World Bank,
Washington, D.C.
 Property Rights and Climate Change Vulnerability in Turkish Forest Communities: A Case Study from Seyhan
River Basin, Turkey. Charlotta Chan. Yale University, Connecticut.
 Changing Environments, Challenging Markets: Pitfalls of Local Adaptation to Environmental Change in Northern
Ghana. Wolfram Laub. Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany.
 ‘Reconstructing Risk’ The Role of Deliberative Institutions in Enabling Locally Inclusive Adaptation Policy
Making in Nepal. Jessica Ayers. Climate Change Group. International Institute of Environment and Development,
United Kingdom.
Panel Theme 14. Adaptation and Water Allocation
Room 1046
Panel Chair: Alexander Pfaff
 Assessing Adaptation Outcomes under Asymmetric Climate Information. Alexander Pfaff, Maria Alejandra Velez,
Kenneth Broad and Renzo Taddei. Duke University, North Carolina.
 Vertical Collective Action: Addressing Vertical Asymmetries In Watershed Management. Juan Camilo Cardenas
and Luz Angela Rodriguez.
 Contracts vs. Trust In Water Adaptation: Incentives to Share for Growth from Sharing of Growth. Maria Alejandra
Velez and Alex Pfaff. University de Los Andes, Colombia.
 Does Water Scarcity Lead to Overuse? Evidence from Field Experiments. Maria Claudia Lopez, Ester Blanco and
Sergio Villamayor Thomas. University of Javeriana, Bogota.
6:00- 6:30pm Reception ~ Palmer Commons
6:30 - 8:15pm Dinner ~ Palmer Commons
9:00 – 10:15am: Plenary Keynote Presentation: Maria Blair, National Vice President American Cancer
Society, Room 1040
10:15 – 10:30am Coffee Break Dana Commons
10:30 – 12:00pm Paper Panel Session 2
Panel Theme 4c. Building Social Infrastructure to Enable Adaptation to Climate Change in
Developing Countries
Room 2560
Panel Chair: Eric Sarriot
 Building Infrastructure to Enable Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries. Eric Sarriot. ICF
International, Virginia.
 Disaster Risk Reduction in a Peri-Urban Informal Settlement: The Importance of Links Across Scales. Julianne
Baker-Gallegos. Yale University, Connecticut.
 Social Participation and the Politics of Climate in Northeast Brazil. Renzo Taddei. Center for Research on
Environmental Decisions (CRED) & Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
 Topical Climatic Impacts in Australia and Bangladesh: Adaptation of Business Strategy for Insurance Sector. Paul
McShane. RMIT University, Australia.
Panel Theme 1c. Adaptation and Vulnerability in Urban Environment
Room 1024
Panel Chair: Natalia Andronova
 Gender, Assets, and Urban Water Insecurity: A Qualitative Study from Baguio City, the Philippines. Lisa Reyes
Mason. Washington University, Missouri.
 Sustainable City Index for Detroit. Natalia Andronova, Jessica Parker and Larissa Larsen. University of Michigan,
 Urbanization, Vulnerability and Adaptation: The São Paulo Coastal Zone, Brazil. Roberto Luiz Do Carmo.
University of Campinas, Brazil.
 Stratégies de Vie des Immigrants Tchadiens et Centrafricains dans l'Adversité Urbaine de Yaoundé au Cameroun.
Zoa Zoa Joseph Yves. Centre National d'Éducation, Cameroon.
Panel Theme 2a. Forests, Livelihoods, and Adaptation
Room 1028
Panel Chair: Ritwajit Das
 Linkages Between Community Forest Management Practices and Forest Ecosystem Goods and Services to
Address Climate Change Adaptation Strategies with Implication on Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction. Ritwajit
Das and Shabnam Lama Tamang. India.
 A Story of Conservation Refugees: Vulnerability and Coping Strategies. Rucha Ghate. SHODH, The Institute for
Research and Development, Nagpur, India.
 Agroforestry and Gender Sensitive Agribusiness as Tools to Climate Change Adaptation. Teija Reyes. American
University, Washington D.C.
 Climate-Induced Vulnerability and Risk Assessment: Adaptive Framework and its Economic Appraisal.
Mohammad Aatish Khan and Sunpreet Kaur. Winrock International, India.
Panel Theme 2c. Community-Based Adaptation
Room 1046
Panel Chair: Netra Chhetri
 Building Local Adaptive Capacity of Mountain Villages to Cope with Glacier Loss Due to Climate Change: Case
Study in Tajikistan. Stefanie Christmann and Aden A. Aw-Hassan.
 Livelihood Strategies under Climate Change Vulnerability in Quang Nam province, Vietnam. Thorkil Casse.
Roskilde University, Denmark.
 Interests, Perceptions and Ideas: Institutional Framework for Combating Climate Change. Samuel Munyua
Kimani and Jephine Mogoi Ajwala. Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Kenya.
 Local Institutions and Adaptive Capacity: Evidence from Northern Ghana. Wolfram Laube. University of Bonn,
Panel Theme 4b. Developing More Climate-Adaptive Institutions
Room 2024
Panel Chair: Jonathan Cook
 Climate-Adaptive Institutions: The Case of the Murray-Darling River Basin. Eliot Levine, Jonathan Cook and Sarah
Freeman. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C.
 Adaptation Planning: Lessons from the Application of the National Adaptive Capacity Framework. Aarjan Dixit
and Heather McGray. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
 From International to Local: The Role of Coordinating Institutions Working on Adaptation to Climate Change.
Laura Vallejo. Instituto Mora.
 Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesian Provinces: Identifying Current State and Key
Challenges. Saut Sagala. Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia.
 Moving from Technologization to Techno-Negotiation: Undoing the Anti-politics of Climate Change Adaptation.
Meaghan Daly. University of Colorado – Boulder, Colorado.
Panel Theme 1a. Climate Vulnerability Adaptation Among Indigenous Populations
Room 3556
Panel Chair: Shannon McNeeley
 Case Studies: Democracy at the Root of Sustainability: India and Africa. Jennifer Gajewski. Preservation Studios,
Buffalo, NY.
 Human Rights and the Warming World: The Role of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge in the Climate
Debate. Jessica Koski. Northwestern University, Illinois.
 Pygmy Organizations without Pygmies: Challenges of Pygmy Representation in Participatory Projects. AnneGaelle Javelle and Marine Robillard. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
 Climate Adaptation and Cultural Theory of Risk: Indigenous Understandings and Responses in Tuvalu and
Alaska. Shannon McNeeley and Heather Lazarus. The National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado.
 Existing Local Adaptation Practices of Biodiversity Dependent Indigenous Communities to Fight against Climate
Change Impact in Nepal. Shambhu Charmakar. Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources, Nepal.
Panel Theme 16. Vulnerability, Adaptation and Sustainability
Room 3038
Panel Chair: Nathan Engle
 Knowledge, Innovation and Adaptation to Climate Change in a Smallholder Livelihood System in China-Experience in Semi-Arid Northwest China through 1980 to 2010. Li Chen. College of Humanities and Development,
China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; visiting at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
 Sustainability, Livelihoods and Adaptation: Agricultural Communities in and around Protected Areas in Central
America. Claudia Rodriguez. University of Michigan, Michigan.
 Adaptation Policies: Implications for Forest People’s Rights in Semi-Arid India. Purabi Bose. Wageningen
University, The Netherlands.
 Making Sustainable Adaptation Decisions: Insight from the Past, Present, and Future. Nathan Engle, Richard
Moss and Elizabeth Malone. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Washington, D.C.
12:00 – 1:30pm Lunch
1:30 – 3:00pm Paper Panel Session 3
Panel Theme 1e. Climate, Health Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation
Room 3038
Panel Chair: Ashlee Cunsolo Willox
 Climate Change, Mental and Emotional Health, and Adaptation: What We Can Learn from Nunatsiavut Inuit in
Canada. Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, Sherilee Harper, Victoria Edge and the Rigolet Inuit Community Government.
University of Guelph, Ontario.
 Resilience in Environmental and Public Health: Is it Time For a Social-Ecological Resilience Approach? Lindsay
Galway and Dr. Tim Takaro. University of San Francisco, California.
 Health Vulnerability in a Changing Climate? Assessing Health Vulnerability at the National Level (US). Arie
Manangan. Center for Disease Control, Georgia.
 Using Actions to Inform Policy on Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Johnson Nkem. United Nations Development
Programme, Kenya.
Panel Theme 2c. Community-Based Adaptation
Room 1024
Panel Chair: William Collier
 Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Rural Coastal Areas. Kathryn I. Frank, Dawn Jourdan and Esther Obonyo.
University of Florida, Florida.
 Homegardens as Adaptation to Climate Change in Uasin Gishu, Kenya. William M. Collier, International Food
Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
 Vulnerable or Adaptable? Social-Ecological Dynamics in the Estero Real, Nicaragua. Karina Benessaiah. Arizona
State University and University of British Columbia.
 Organizational Mapping and Institutional Actors in Water Management Systems in Bolivia. Vijay Ramprasad and
Maria Lemos. University of Michigan, Michigan.
Panel Theme 6. Mapping, Analyzing, Modeling Institutional Actors and Policy Formation Network
Room 3325
Panel Chair: Darla Lindberg
 Institutional Analysis of Chicago’s Climate Action Plan. Zahra Golshani and Dr. Ashwini Chhatre. University of
Illinois, Illinois.
 Mapping Climate Variability and Geographical Distribution of Meningitis Epidemic in Nigeria. Oluwatoyin 'Seun
Ayanlade, D.O. Baloye and A. Ayanlade. Obafemi Aqolowo University, Nigeria.
 Measuring and Mapping Indices of Biodiversity Conservation Effectiveness. Benjamin E. Wright. Clark University,
 Biodiversity Conservation in the Circumpolar North: Engaging the Network in the World Wildlife Fund's Global
Arctic Program. Edward Maclin. University of Georgia, Georgia.
 Global Forces + Local Factors: Advancing Policy Formation as a Function of Feedbacks Between Behavioral and
Environmental Indeterminate Systems. Darla Lindberg, Timothy Reluga, Rachel Smith, Mary Poss, Jill Findeis and
Jing Li. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania.
Panel Theme 8. Vulnerability, Local Adaptive Capacities and Public Policies
Room 1040 (Please Note Room Change)
Panel Chair: Alejandro León
 Climate Change, Collective Action and Individual Responses: Flood Events in the Uplands of Thailand and
Vietnam. Andreas Neef, Iven Schad and Peter Elstner. Kyoto University, Japan.
 Vulnerability to Drought in Communal Lands in Semi-Arid Chile. Alejandro León. University of Chile, Chile.
 Institutional Transformation and Vulnerability to Climate-Change Induced Hazards in Rural Mongolia. Daniel J.
Murphy. University of Kentucky, Kentucky.
 Women’s Vulnerability and Adaptation Endeavour to Climate Change: A Case Study of Bangladesh. Mohammed
Abdul Baten, Niaz Ahmed Khan and Aisha Siddika. Unnayan Onneshan, Bangladesh.
 Israeli Drip Irrigation in the African Context: Has Technology Transfer Occurred and Failed or Failed to Occur?
Lonia Friedlander and Yaakov Garb. Stony Brook University, New York.
Panel Theme 12. Adaptation: What's in a Name?
Room 2024
Panel Chair: Elizabeth Malone
 Migration as a Sustainable Adaptation Strategy. Benoit Mayer. McGill University, Quebec.
 The Role of Decentralized Community-Based Renewable Energy Systems for Climate Change Adaptation. Debora
Ley. Jesus College, United Kingdom.
 Adaptation: Is a Single Definition Necessary? Lisa Schipper. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
 Climate Realism and Moral Limit in International Climate Change Politics. Mark Purdon. University of Toronto,
3:00 – 3:30pm Coffee Break – Ford Commons
3:30am – 5:00pm Plenary Discussion Rm. 1040
5:00 – 6:30 PM, Room 1024: Training session for TerraViva! SEDAC Viewer: Spatial Data Integration
and Data Gaps for Climate Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation. Organized by Alex de Sherbinin
5:00 – 6:00 PM, Room 2024: Video screening by Kim Nong. Title: Clear as Mud: Mangrove Conservation
and Community Participation in Cambodia: 1997 to 2009
6:30 – 8:30pm Dinner ~ The Michigan Union
Saturday, May 7
9:00 – 10:30am, Room 1040: Plenary discussion session: Methods
10:30 – 11:00am Coffee break – Ford Commons
11:00 – 12:30pm Paper panel session 4
Panel Theme 1c. Adaptation and Vulnerability in Urban Environment
Room 1024
Panel Chair: Ram Karan Singh
 CDM And Landfilling (MSW): Study of the Integrated Municipal Waste Processing Complex at Ghazipur, Delhi.
Ram Karan Singh and Sakshi Gupta. ITM University, India.
 Islanders’ Perceptions, Distress and Resilience to Changing Climate an Andaman Islands of India. Parul Rishi and
Ruchi Mudaliar. Indian Institute of Forest Management, India.
 Collective Action, The State, And Peri-Urban Flood Vulnerability: Evolving A Political-Ecological Research Agenda
Through Insights From Bangalore. Malini Ranganathan. University of Illinois, Illinois.
Panel Theme 1e. Climate, Health Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation
Room 1028
Panel Chair: Vladimir Kendrovski
 Adaptation in Health Sector in the Republic of Macedonia Due to Climate Change. Vladimir Kendrovski.
Department for Environmental Health, Macedonia.
 Linking Population, Health and Environment with Climate Change Adaptation. Kathleen Mogelgaard, Jason
Bremner, Karen Hardee and Heather D’Agnes. Population Action International, Washington, D.C.
 Assessing Climate Change and Health Vulnerability at the Local Level: The Case Study of Travis County, Texas.
Natasha Prudent, Adele Houghton and George Luber. U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Georgia.
 The Climate Compensation Fund for Climate Impacts. Detlef Sprinz. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research, Germany.
Panel Theme 1f. Social Networks, Vulnerability, and Adaptive Capacity
Room 1046
Panel Chair: Camille Washington-Ottombre
 Case Study in Northeast Thailand: Using Social Network Analysis to Understand Innovation and Diffusion of
Sustainable Agricultural Water Resource Management in a Changing Climate. Amanda Fencl, M. Mikhail, S.
Naruchaikusol and E. Kemp-Benedict. U.S. Center of the Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
 Role of Translated Literature in Dissemination of Knowledge and Creating Awareness on Global Change. Ghazala
Nasim. University of Punjab, Pakistan.
 United We Stand: Coastal Communities and The Rise of the Community Federation in Peam Krasaop Wildlife
Sanctuary, Koh Kong Province, Cambodia. Kim Nong and Tithout Vathna. Ministry of Environment, Cambodia.
 Livestock Exchanges and Risk Management: Fulbe Pastoralists in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Mark
Moritz. The Ohio State University, Ohio.
 A Multi-Layered Approach to Adaptive Capacity Across Social Networks: a Case Study in Rural Kenya. Camille
Washington-Ottombre. Oberlin College, Ohio.
Panel Theme 2c. Community-Based Adaptation
Room 2024
Panel Chair: Judy Oglethorpe
 Examining External Interventions in a Context of High Vulnerability and Unequal Power Relations: A Case from
the Highlands of Peru. Luz Maria Vazquez Garcia and Gina E. Castillo. York University, Ontario.
 Integrated Ecosystem and Livelihood Climate Adaptation in Nepal. Shubash Lohani, Moon Shrestha and Judy
Oglethorpe. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C.
 Local Perceptions of and Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change in the Western and Central Himalayas.
Mirjam Macchi, Dr. Brigette Hoermann and Dr. Dhrupad Choudhury. International Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development, Nepal.
 Climate Change, Adaptation and Water in the Central Andes. Armando Lamadrid. Center for International
Climate and Environmental Research, Norway.
 Local Institutions for Water Management and Forest Conservation in Western Honduras. Catherine Tucker,
University of Indiana, Indiana.
Panel Theme 3a. From Coping to Adapting
Room 3556
Panel Chair: Olufunso A. Somorin
 Engendering Local Coping Strategies to Climate Variability: The Case of Southern Cameroon. Olufunso A.
Somorin. Center for International Forestry Research. Yaounde, Cameroon
 Institutional Adaptive Capacity and Climate Change Response in the Congo Basin Forests of Central Africa. H.
Carolyn Peach Brown, Denis Sonwa, Olufunso Somorin and Johnson Ndi Nkem. University of Prince Edward Island,
 From Coping to Adapting: Lessons from Forest and Livestock Dependent Communities in Northern Mali. Houria
Djoudi and Maria Brockhaus. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Indonesia.
 From Vulnerability to Coping Strategies under Variable Climate. Humaira Daniel. United Nations University,
Panel Theme 7. Methodological Challenges for Vulnerability Reduction: Research and Practice
Room 3038
Panel Chair: Sarah E. Vaughn
 Assessing Stakeholder Impacts and Adaptations to Low Water Levels in the Trent-Severn Waterway. Fabiola
Sosa-Rodriguez, Jennifer M.A. Coleman, Dr. Peter Deadman, Dr. Linda Mortsch and Dr. Jean Andrey. University of
Waterloo, Canada.
 Preventive Urban Planning Tools for Emergency and Crisis Management in La Paz (Bolivia). Sébastien Hardy,
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Bolivia.
 Species Matter: An Ethics of Vulnerability for Adaptation. Sarah E. Vaughn. Columbia University, New York.
Panel Theme 8. Vulnerability, Local Adaptive Capacities and Public Policies
Room 1040
Panel Chair: Leticia Merino
 Forest Protection, Rights, and Carbon. Alejandra Navarrete. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
(FLACSO), Mexico.
 The Permanent Re-Definition of Property Rights and Forest Management in the Context of the REDD Initiative
and Global Climate Change. Leticia Merino. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM, Mexico.
 The Federal Program of Payment for Hydrological Environmental Services in the Context of Climate Change: Case
of Mexico City. Maria Perevochtchikova and Adrian Vazquez Beltran. El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico.
 Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Tourisms: Why Non-Climatic
Factors and Climate Change Need an Equal Platform. Zainab Moghal. University of Waterloo, Ontario.
12:30 – 2:00pm Lunch
2:00 – 3:30pm Paper panel session 5
Panel Theme 1d. Geospatial Analyses of Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation
Room 3556
Panel Chair: Alex de Sherbinin
 Spatial Data Integration and Data Gaps for Climate Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation. Alex de Sherbinin.
Columbia University, New York.
 Agricultural Adaptation to Monsoon Variability in India. Meha Jain. Columbia University, New York.
 A Geospatial Approach for Climate Change and Adaptation Due to Sea-level Rise and Hazards in Apodi Region,
Northeast Brazil. Mukesh Singh Boori. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
 Local Public Health Surveillance of Climate Change through GEMSS: A Web-based Visualization Tool. Natasha
Prudent. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Georgia.
Panel Theme 1f. Social Networks, Vulnerability, and Adaptive Capacity
Room 1024
Panel Chair: Camille Washington-Ottombre
 Why Climate Change Adaptation is NOT Just Good Development: Evidence from Building Adaption Coalitions in
Five Latin American Countries. Maximillian Ashwill, Cornelia Flora and Jan Flora. World Bank. Washington, D.C..
 Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in failing states: Zimbabwe's drought struggle. Mukundi Mutasa.
 Mapping Village Social Networks to Analyze Vulnerability to Climate Change and Adaptive Capacity in the Semiarid Tropics of India. Padmaja Ravula, Cynthia S. Bantilan, D. Parthasarathy and Naveen P. Singh. International
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India.
 Multi-Relational Networks and Land Use in Rural India a Conceptual Model for Analyzing Scenarios of Uncertain
Land Access. Sobhi Mohanty. Indiana University, Indiana.
 Adaptation to Floods and Cyclones: Building Climate Resilience. Sunpreet Kaur and Mohammad Aatish Khan.
Panel Theme 2b. Integrating Ecosystem and Livelihoods Approaches in Climate Adaptation
Room 1028
Panel Chair: Fobissie Blese Kalame
 Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Among Coast-dependent Communities: Understandings from a Coastal SocialEcological System Along the Bay of Bengal in India. Jyotiraj Patra. KIIT University, India.
 Using a Livelihood Asset-Based Approach for Measuring Risk-Management Abilities and Adaptation Policy
Targeting. Kristian Thor Jakobsen. UNEP Risoe Centre, Denmark.
 Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in Vulnerable Communities in Nigeria. Ellen Woodley and John Ajigo.
 Ecosystem Services, Governance and Livelihood Adaptation to Climate Impacts: A Conceptual Application.
Fobissie Blese Kalame, Markuu Kanninen and Olavi Luukkanen. Viikki Tropical Resources Institute, Finland.
 Impacts of Climate Change in the Atacama Desert: A Case of (Mal)adaptation? Alejandro Leon. Universidad de
Chile, Chile.
Panel Theme 3a. From Coping to Adapting
Room 1046
Panel Chair: Kimberly Medley
 Adapting to Variability Before Change - An Analysis of Preexisting Adaptation Strategies for Climate Variability
through a Socio-ecological Resilience Framework: The Case of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Kaitlin Butler
and Erin Coughlan. Columbia University, New York.
 Ecology of Poverty, Food Insecurity, and HIV/AIDS in Buhaya, Northwestern Tanzania. Valerie Githinji.
Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands.
 Short-Term Chaos or Long-term Change: Participatory Learning on Resource Extraction Activities at Mt. Kasigau,
Kenya. Kimberly E. Medley. Miami University, Ohio.
 The Malagasy Tanala Erosion Coping Management: An Opportunity for Climate Change Adaptation. Serpantié
Georges. Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France.
Panel Theme 4a: Climate Adaptation and Local Institutions
Room 2024
Panel Chair: Ewan Robinson
 Large-Scale Movements and Small-Scale Institutions: Promoting Herd Mobility in an Era of Decentralized
Resource Governance in West Africa. Leif Brottem. University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin.
 Meta-Analysis of Institutional Networks and Adaptation Practices. Ewan Robinson, Ashwini Chhatre and Betsy A
Beymer. University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, Illinois.
 Adaptation to Climate Change: The Role of Local Government in Formulating Regional Adaptation Strategies.
Jayanath Ananda. La Trobe University, Australia.
 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Nepal. Ryan Bartlett, Luna Bharati, Dhruba Pant, Heather Hosterman
and Peter McCornick. Duke University, North Carolina.
Panel Theme 8. Vulnerability, Local Adaptive Capacities and Public Policies
Room 3038
Panel Chair: Naveeda Khan
 Death in the Era of Climate Change: Perspectives from Silt Islands in Bangladesh. Naveeda Khan. Johns Hopkins
University, Maryland.
 Neoliberalism, Water Policy Reforms, and Climate Vulnerability in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. Pamela
McElwee. Arizona State University, Arizona.
 Co-Producing Knowledge for Climate Adaptation in the National Policy Context: Opportunities, Constraints and
Implications. Andrew Newsham (Via Video-Conference), Lars Otto Naess and John Thompson. Institute of
Development Studies, United Kingdom.
 Fossil Fuel Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Policies in Nigeria. Oluwatoyin 'Seun Ayanlade, D.O. Baloye
and A. Ayanlade. National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria.
3:30 – 4:00pm Coffee Break – Ford Commons
4:00 – 5:30pm Paper Panel Session 6
1a. Climate, Vulnerability, and Adaptation Among Indigenous Populations
Room 1024
Panel Chair: Ranjay Singh
 Adapting to Climate Change with International Funding: Indigenous Groups and GEF Improving Conservation
Inside Indigenous Lands. David Ivan Fleischer. University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, Illinois.
 First Nations and Climate Change in the Boreal Forest of Northern Ontario: A Collaborative Approach to
Research and Shared Learning. Peggy Smith and Denise Golden. Lakehead University, Ontario.
 Weather Anomalies and Climate Change: Community Based Adaptation Practices in Sustaining Natural
Resources and Livelihoods by Tribal Communities of Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya. Ranjay Singh and Arun
Agrawal, University of Michigan, Michigan.
 Women in the National Program for Adaptation Actions to Climate Change in the Villages Bordering the
Biosphere Reserve of Hippos Pool in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Mamounata Belem and Joséphine Yamego.
University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Panel Theme 2a. Forests, Livelihoods, and Adaptation
Room 1028
Panel Chair: Ritwajit Das
 Local Adaptation Needs in Forest Conservation PES in Cameroon’s Rainforest. Chia Eugene Loh. Nowergian
University of Life Sciences, Norway.
 Potential of the Uttarakhand Forests of Western Himalayas to Adapt the Vulnerable Communities to Extremes of
Climate Change. Priyanka Kohli and Joachim Schmerbeck. TERI University, India.
 Policy Prescription for Climate Change Adaptation Strategy on Forestry Sector - Engaging Livelihoods Factor.
Ritwajit Das and CTRAN Consulting. Indian Institute of Forest Management, India.
 Vulnerability of Settlements, and Indigenous Adaptation to Coastal Flooding in the Cameroon Coastal Mangrove
Forest Zone. Cecilia Atuh Munji. Centre for International Forestry Research, Cameroon.
Panel Theme 2c. Community-Based Adaptation
Room 1046
Panel Chair: Céline Raimbert
 ClimateWise®: Promoting Locally Driven Adaptation to Climate Change. Alan Journet. Geos Institute, Oregon.
 Perceptions of Climate Risk: Autonomous Adaptation of Farmers in Gujarat, India. Amir Jina. Columbia
University, New York.
 Quilombola Communities as Social-Territorial Systems: a Conceptual Framework for Rural Adaptations’
Mechanisms. Céline Raimbert. Université de Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, France.
 Vulnerability and Adaptation Challenges of Households Living around Urbanized Drainage Basins of Ilorin
Metropolis, Nigeria. Awotayo Gbenga Paul and Raheem Usman A. Kwara State College of Education, Nigeria.
 Environmental Impacts on Groundwater Resources Due to Climate Change and Adaptation Measures in Sri
Lanka. Ranjana Udaya Kumara Piyadasa. University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Panel Theme 4c. Building Social Infrastructure to Enable Adaptation to Climate Change in
Developing Countries
Room 2024
Panel Chair: Andrew Bell
 Mapping Climate Information Demand in Vietnam. Andrew Bell. Columbia University, New York.
 Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in Kenya: Household and Community Strategies and Determinants.
Elizabeth Bryan, Claudia Ringler, Barrack Okoba, Carla Roncoli, Silvia Silvestri and Mario Herrero. IFPRI/EPTD,
Washington, D.C.
 The politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Central Vietnam. Ole Bruun. Roskilde University, Denmark.
Panel Theme 15. Researching Multi-scale Causes of Vulnerability
Room 3556
Panel Chair: Ashwini Chhatre
 The Multiple Dimensions of Vulnerability: Livelihoods, Assets, and Institutions in the Indian Himalayas. Ashwini
Chhatre. University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, Illinois.
 Understanding Risks as Encompassing Socio-Ecological Phenomena: Territorializing Landslides in Caracas and
Quito. Julien Rebotier. CNRS - Pau, France
 Defining Boundaries and Distributing Benefits: Forest Transformation in Highland Ethiopia. Kathleen Guillozet.
Oregon State University, Oregon.
 Analyzing the Multi-Scales Causes of Vulnerability to Floods in Buenos Aires City (Argentina). Silvia G. González.
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
 Intimate Structures! A Critical Gaze on Causal Structures of Vulnerability. Prakash Kashwan. Workshop in
Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana.
5:30 – 6:30pm Closing Plenary Discussion ~ Room 1040
Dinner: Self Organized
9:00am – 12:00pm Optional Event, Meet in Ford Commons
Guided Hike in Nichols Arboretum led by Professor Robert Grese, Director of the Matthaei Botanical
Gardens and Nichols Arboretum