Infrastructure Minutes Aug 12 13

Infrastructure Forum Meeting
12 Aug 2013
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Online/Conference Call
GoToMeeting Info.
Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in
using your telephone.
Dial +1 (312) 878-3082
Access Code: 260-958-312
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 260-958-312
BYU Idaho
Shaun Sessions
X Stephen Parker
X Blake Grover
X Todd Smith
Tony McCarty
BYU Hawaii
X Mark
X Neal Moss
X Bruno
Manate Chung
BYU Provo
X Mark Andersen
X Nyle Elison
X Brent Goodman
X Robert LeBlanc
X Todd Berrett
X Kaleb Kunzler
X MikeTracy
Dan Rigdon
Prayer: Mark Andersen
Topics for Discussion:
1. Discussion of inter-campus communication without internal 10 dot to 10 dot
BYU received a mandate to not increase 10 dot and then phase them out. The major
concern with this, was that 10 dot is a key point of contact for Hawaii’s inter-campus
IPv6 was discussed as a solution to this problem, but more discussions need to take
place to come up with a strategy of implementation. Hawaii may not be able to
implement this strategy as fast as the other campuses and so contingency plans need to
be developed.
Things to consider:
VPN Tunnel
Unencrypted files
Compatible equipment to ipv6
Allocation of disk space
Currently, we need to plan not to use the same 10 dot addresses in the same space so
that conflicts don’t occur until a better solution is determined.
Next Meeting we will take more time to how we should implement IPv6 and/or other
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solutions. Realistically, we are 18-24 months out on any IPv6 implementation and we
should be preparing for it.
The suggestion was made that this should be a whiteboard discussion at the next face to
Challenge for Hawaii is that they do not have an ISP that supports IPv6 and any IPv6
prep work also needs to be done internally. They might be able to work something out
with tunneling IPv6
Action Items:
All - Prep your budgets now for infrastructure, do internal testing, and work on ideas
for the next discussion in October.
BYU and Hawaii will work off line to make sure that conflicting 10 dot addresses do
not occur.
Map out strategy in the next face to face.
Jen place this item on the next agenda.
All- Prep budgets for the next big thing.
2. Status of connectivity between Idaho and Provo using Iron and Integra
It looks as if the connection between Idaho and Provo is happening through American
Falls 343 link and UEN. Broadcast traffic seems to follow that direction. There are some
applications that have dependencies on the VLAN 343, so we need to keep it on our
radar. May need to phase it out.
Question as to whether the VDC is still being used between Provo and Idaho. Check
with Shaun. BYU would like to decommission it.
Action Item:
Jen will set up a meeting next week with Nyle, Mark, John, Brent, Kaleb, Shaun, and
Stephen to discuss the matter further.
3. Brief refresh of experiences with Palo Alto, F5 (if any), Splunk, etc.,
Still in throws trying to figure out monitoring wise. Wait until Shaun is available for this
4. Review of Action Items from CES Workshop
 ERC: Emergency Radio Communication Conference
This was held at BYU-Idaho August 10, 2013 and it was a huge success. They
had over 400 participants from across the United States and Canada. Jim
Manookin and his Wife were able to make it.
BYU and BYU-Hawaii need to hook their test cases together for the VDI
No progress on this item. BYU hasn’t nailed down key driver, so far we need
something virtual it will cost us more money. It was suggested at the face to face
that Todd Berrett work with Cindy Tutor on test cases.
Kelly will check into using the BYU Salt Lake Center linking through UEN.
Jen will follow up
Kelly look into the Church’s involvement with IPv6.
Jen will follow up
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Look into a Cloud back up system in a collaborative way.
BYU-I is taking the lead on this and currently working on a solution. Blake and
Stephen will send email to the other groups to let them know what we are doing
as things get settled.
BYU hasn’t looked into it more.
All Institutions - Create top 10 list of Critical Infrastructure and give that to
your respective CIOs.
No progress on this item.
All Institutions - Create top 10 services for Backup Disaster Recovery.
No progress on this item.
Jen send Shaun current group charter.
Jen sent it and Shaun can report on it next time.
Brent show Shaun how to trace routes with IFPS*. (IPV6)
This was an action item from the face to face and it was IPv6 trace routes.
It was mentioned that there is a latency on broadcasting stuff. Learning
management system is having problems with Cogent.
Neal Moss needs access to BYU Data Center area where BYU-Hawaii’s
disaster recovery is stored. Run tests.
We still have no logins. Who can get them? Need to get VPN. Hawaii was told
that they have a DR site at BYU that they can bring up storage space, but they
don’t know where it is or how to get there. Provo has allocated virtual space to
the other institutions.
Action Item:
Brent Goodman will work with Neal or Mark on that.
Shaun write a letter to Kelly Flanagan regarding inter-connectivity at the
different institutions.
Waiting on Shaun to report.
Shaun write a letter to the CIO’s on Wireless.
Waiting on Shaun to report.
Need to plan for the next big thing so that when it hits, we don’t have to
wait for the next budget cycle to get it.
Next Meeting: October 14, 2013
Action Items:
Action Items:
All - Prep your budgets now for infrastructure, do internal testing, and work on ideas
for the next discussion in October.
BYU and Hawaii will work off line to make sure that conflicting 10 dot addresses do
not occur.
Map out strategy in the next face to face for IPv6.
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Jen place dot 10 discussion item on the next agenda.
Jen follow up with Kelly on UEN and church involvement in ipv6.
All- Prep budgets for the next big thing.
Jen will set up a meeting next week with Nyle, Mark, John, Brent, Kaleb, Shaun, and
Stephen to discuss the matter further.
Brent Goodman will work with Neal or Mark on Access to Hawaii’s DR area in the
BYU Data Center.
Shaun Report back on letter to CIO’s and group charter.
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