Senior Scholarship Bulletin: October KSBA First Degree Scholarship Program One male & one female senior, $2,500 each. Good to any two-year, four-year college or university, in state or out. Non-renewable. Nominations of one male and/or one female student per public school district, selected by the school board. Eligibility: Nominees must be 1. A high school senior intending to go to college 2. From an immediate family (parents, guardians, siblings) who has not earned a college degree 3. Have obtained an ACT reading score of at least a 20 as a junior or senior The one page application with ACT reading score, age address and verification that there is no college graduate among immediate family must be signed by guidance counselor, board chairman and superintendent. Deadline: November 13th Application: In guidance office with Mrs. Cooper Covington Art Club Scholarship The Covington Art Club is sponsoring a writing contest for high school seniors in Northern Kentucky First Prize: $500 Second Prize: $400 Third Prize: $300 Prizes awarded at Covington Art Club annual luncheon May 12- Winners and parents invited. Two essays/high school chosen to send to panel of judges. Essay topic: What do you, as a senior in high school, think if your greatest challenge? Why? Specifications: 500 to 700 words Typed on 81/2 X 11 paper Double spaced Essays will be judged on the following: Relevance to topic Clarity Style Grammar Deadline: February 1st to Ms. Sizemore Application: No application- just write the essay using the info above Kentucky Ready-Mixed Concrete Association Scholarship The winner of the KRMCA essay contest will receive a $1,000 scholarship to the winner’s school of choice. The winning essay will then be forwarded to our National association where the essay will have a chance of winning the national scholarship of $5,000 if they enroll for freshman year in a concrete related curriculum. Should the winner not enroll in such a program, they will receive a $2,000 award at the college of their choice. The contest is open to all students between the ages of 16-18 at the beginning of the 2015-2016 school term and the rules are as follows: An entry form must be completed with all essays returned. That form, along with the essay must be forwarded for KRMCA & postmarked by Saturday, Oct. 31 Entries should be typed and double spaced and not exceed 600 words Essays will be judged on content and writing ability. Possible themes: Concrete’s benefits to society How concrete affects the environment Using concrete to build homes, commercial buildings, bridges and roads Essays should demonstrate a student’s awareness of concrete’s role as a building material in homes, commercial buildings, streets and highways. Deadline: October 31st Application: In Guidance Office with Mrs. Cooper University of Dayton Leadership in Service Scholarship If you have any interest in the University of Dayton, see Ms. Sizemore! Deadline: January 30th Mensa Foundation Scholarship Merit-based scholarships available based solely on essays submitted online. Over $80,000 awarded last year! Scholarship winners receive their check directly which enables them to use funds for the winner’s highest priority needs during the school year Applicants required to write up to 550 word essay, as well as fill out a general application Deadline: January 15 Application: Online at Horatio Alger Scholarship As one of the nation's largest need-based college scholarship programs in the country, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. While many programs are directed primarily to recognizing academic achievement or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger program seeks students who have exhibited determination, integrity, and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as critical financial need. Deadline: October 25th Application: Online at SportQuest Playing for a Purpose Scholarship Student Athletes that meet the scholarship criteria may be nominated for the scholarship in two ways: 1. Nominated by school, coach, youth pastor, parent, or others The nominator simply informs the athlete of the scholarship and provides instructions of how to apply online. The nominator does not complete forms or paperwork. Helpful links to understanding the program include: benefits, time table of events and how to apply. 2. Peer or self-nomination Applying student athletes must meet ALL of the following criteria: 1. Currently a high school sophomore, junior or senior. 2. Maintains a minimum "C" grade average or higher. 3. Currently a varsity level athlete in one or more sports. 4. A committed follower of Christ who embodies the Playing with Purpose message. Deadline: February 1st Application and all info available: Online at AXA Achievement Scholarship The AXA Achievement Scholarship offers college scholarships of $10,000 and $25,000 to high school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their activities in school, the community or the workplace. The scholarship is sponsored by the AXA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AXA US. The 2016 program will be accepting applications from September 10, 2015 until 10,000 applications are submitted or 11:59 p.m. CST on December 15, 2015, whichever comes first. Your application MUST be one of the first 10,000 submitted electronically by the deadline date. The program is administered by Scholarship Management Services, a division of Scholarship America. Scholarship Management Services is the nation's largest designer and manager of scholarship and tuition reimbursement programs for corporations, foundations, associations and individuals. Deadline: December 15th Application: Online at Coca-Cola Scholarship The Coca-Cola Scholarship Program is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors each year. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, and their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. Deadline: October 31st Application: Online at