Options in Seven Transition Activities/Services

Options to Consider in Each of the Seven Transition Activities
Each student has to have at least one goal in the areas of postsecondary employment and postsecondary
education/training. A goal in independent living is optional based upon the determined abilities of the
child to function in society as either independent or in need of further development.
1. Transition Instruction
Study Skills Training
Self-determination Training
Driver’s Education
Social Skills Training
Computer Training
Self-directed IEP Training
Employability Skills Training
Job Search Skills Training
Time Management Training
Functional Reading Skill
Functional Math Skills Training
Self-advocacy and Disability
Rights Training
Self-Management of
Behavior Training
Self-management of Schedule
Relaxation Training
ACT / SAT Preparation
Peer Monitoring
Advanced Placement
Courses for College
Occupational Skills Training
Occupational Work
Adjustment Training
2. Community Experiences
Campus or Independent
Living Experiences
School Supervised Paid Community
School Supervised Volunteer
Community Work
Paid Summer Work
Volunteer Summer Work
Service Learning Projects in the
Paid Internships or
Leisure Experiences
In-school Work Experience
3. Development of Employment and Adult Living Objectives
Career Counseling
Personal Futures Planning
with Graphics
Career Interest Assessment
Career Aptitude Assessment
Student Survey of Needs and
Parent Survey of Student
Needs and Preferences
3. Development of Employment and Adult Living Objectives (continued)
Job Shadowing
Informational Interviews
with Employers
Job Clubs
Tours of Postsecondary
Education Settings
Tours of Adult Service Programs
Tours of Independent
Living Programs
Tours of Employment
Computer-assisted Career
Planning (e.g. OCIS-IACP)
Computer-assisted Interest
Surveys (e.g. OCIS or YES)
4. Related Services
Assistive Technology
Training (OT, PT)
Teacher Use of Advanced
Organizers (e.g. outlines)
Teacher Use of Visual
Aids (e.g. Power Points)
Dividing Tasks into
Smaller Steps
Increasing the Density of
Reinforcements or Feedback
Decreasing Distractions in the
Sound-field Amplification
(e.g. FM or earphones)
Enhancing Kinesthetic
(movement) Opportunities
Enhancing Relaxation
Peer Mentoring
Computer-assisted Instruction
Universally Designed
Classroom Materials
Family Counseling
Dietary Monitoring
Exercise Classes
5. Daily Living Skills Training
Life Skills Classes
Hygiene Training and Monitoring
Dressing Training and
Health Training and
Eating Training and Table
Sexuality Training and
Cooking Training
Menu Planning
Cleaning and Home
Phone Skills Training
Travel and Mobility Training
Handling Emergencies (911)
Reciting Name, Phone,
Purchasing and Transactions
(e.g. expected change, depositing)
Shopping Training
Checkbook Training
Leisure Skills Training
Budgeting Training
6. Functional Vocational Assessments
Work Adjustment Inventory
Transition Planning Inventory
Achievement Tests
Observations and Task
Environmental or Situational
Adaptive Behavior
Career Aptitude Tests
Interests and Work Values
Personality or
Preference Tests
Career Maturity and
Employability Tests
7. Linkages with Adult Services
Referral to Rehabilitation
Services (BVR, BSVI) for
Job Training
Referral to Rehabilitation Services
(BVR, BSVI) for Job Placement
Referral to Rehabilitation
Services (BVR, BSVI) for
Referral to Rehabilitation
Services (BVR, BSVI) for
College Assistance
Referral to Rehabilitation Services
(BVR, BSVI) for Equipment
Referral to Rehabilitation
(BVR, BSVI) for Business
Start Up
Referral to MR/DD for
Referral to MR/DD for Supported
Referral to MR/DD for Day Case
Activity Program
Referral to MR/DD for
Residential Services
Referral to MR/DD for Family
Support Services
Referral to MR/DD for
Recreation and Leisure
Referral to Social Security
for Benefits Counseling
Referral to Social Security for
Work Incentive Programs
Referral to Health and Human
Services for Medicaid
Applications for Student
Scholarship or Loans
Referral to Student Disability
(or Support) Services at Selected
Colleges or Universities
Referral to Mental Health
Referral to WIA One-Stop
Jobs Programs
Referral for Memberships in
Community Recreation
Referral for Memberships in
Community and Religious
Referral to Bureau of
Children with Medical
Referral to Housing and Rental
Assistance Programs
Referral to United Way
Program Services
Referral to Community
Transportation Programs
Provide Information About
Enlisting in the Military
Provide Information on
Obtaining Driver’s License
Provide Information on
Registering to Vote
Provide Information on
Volunteer Activities
Provide Information on
Registering for Selective Service
Additional Specific Options for Children in Low-Incidence Programs
and/or Children with Autism
Verbal Psychological
Medication Management
Recreational Therapy
Social Stories
Story Frames
Social Scripts
Social Cue Cards
to Prompt Language or
Social Behavior
Environmental Setups to Promote
Social and Communicative Behavior
Opinion Circles
(peer modeling)
Social Rule Cards and
Sticky Note Reminders
Recognizing and Reducing
Applied Behavior Analysis
(before, during, after)
Developing Peer Supports
and Understanding
Developing Teacher Ability to Read
Student’s Signals and Behavior
Note Taking for Student
Highlight Important and
Relevant Information
Establish Consistent Routines
Use of Timers and Feedback
Palm PCs and Organizers
Direct Instruction (Repetition,
Demonstration, and Modeling
Video Modeling
Assignment Organizers and
Incorporate Student Interests
to Increase Motivation
Provide Guided Choice-making
and Problem-solving Activities
Extended School Year to
Prevent Regression
Delayed Graduation
Crisis Intervention
Re-direction and
Distraction Techniques
Deep Pressure and Sensory
Integration Approaches
Behavior Contracts
(e.g., If you …., then I will …..)