Newsletter Dementia Awareness Week Monday 2 June

May 2014
Angus Services
Dementia Awareness Week
Monday 2 June – Sunday 8
June 2014
Pictures courtesy Jim Ratcliffe.
Alzheimer Scotland recently took part in an art project run by the T.H.A.T. (Tayside
Healthcare Arts Trust). The ceramics programme was held at the Old & Abbey Church hall
over eight weeks. The results were absolutely amazing and those concerned were
justifiably very proud of their creations. There were baskets, plaques, mugs, vases,
Christmas decorations and lots of mosaic pieces which have been made into a welcome
sign for our new premises. Our pictures above show left – The mosaic welcome plaque
and right – the exhibition of crafts made by people with dementia and their carers.
Alzheimer Scotland is currently offering free individual membership to new
The benefits of membership are that you are kept up to date by
receiving our quarterly magazine Dementia in Scotland and our
Annual Review free of charge.
Friday Fling – Let’s dance……..
Our dance sessions for people with dementia and their carers take place at
the O.A.P. Hall, Chapel Street, Forfar every second Friday from 2 pm – 4 pm,
and are now in full swing. The dates up to the end of June are:
6 June; 20 June and every two weeks thereafter.
If you are interested in this project further details can be obtained from Pat
Brodlie, Dementia Resource Worker - Tel: 01241 431770.
Angus Services, 1c Millgate, Arbroath DD11 1NN
Telephone/Fax: 01241 431770. E-mail:
Contact: Pat Brodlie, Dementia Resource Worker
Angus Service Newsletter
Our Monday music café provides an opportunity for people with dementia and
their carers to join in song in a friendly atmosphere. Tea and coffee will be served.
The music café meets every Monday in the East & Old Parish Church, East High
Street, Forfar, from 2 – 3.15 p.m. and you will be warmly welcomed. If you would like
further information please contact: Pat Brodlie, Dementia Resource Worker, Alzheimer Scotland,
Angus Services on 01241 431770 e-mail:
Scams take a variety of guises. They range from the doorstep
caller offering to “repair” the drive or roof of an older person,
through to the phone call from “Microsoft” offering to repair a
computer fault. Scammers attack us through phone calls and
mail shots.
Older people in particular can develop “chronic scam
syndrome” where they are dragged into a world based on lies
and delusion, where they really believe it’s just a matter of time
before the promised cheque arrives. Such cases can and indeed have led to not just
misery and poverty but to an early death.
Carers in Angus can play a crucial part in the fight to prevent our more vulnerable people
from becoming victims and by identifying people who are already being scammed. By
working together can help people already affected by the scammers as well as warn
potential future victims of the dangers.
If you know or suspect someone may be a scam victim and want to talk to someone about
it, you can call:
 Angus Trading Standards on 01241 435600:
 Angus Council Access Line on 08452 777 778
 The police on 101
 The Adult Protection Unit on 01307 473762
May 2014 was National Scam Awareness Month.
Every year 3 million people in the UK are scammed.
The criminals behind scams, can contact any consumer by Post, email, telephone or at the
They do often however target vulnerable consumers.
The best way to avoid this repeat targeting is by not responding to that first contact to
prevent an avalanche of mail or deluge of phone calls or even many cold calls at the door.
When scams are spotted they can be stopped if they are reported and early action can be
If you, those you care for, family or friends are scammed contact CAB consumer helpline
line on 08454 040506.
You can also report it to Action Fraud 0300 1232040.
On 1st May SAM14 was launched for Scotland in Edinburgh by Citizens Advice Scotland,
the Trading Standards Institute and Police Scotland.
Angus Service Newsletter
Did you know that there is a National Dementia Carers’ Action Network
We have a committee whose members meet every six weeks. We then share information with the wider
membership. We do sometimes elect to have a smaller sub-group for matters which may not require full
membership but we are an inclusive group and want and NEED every one to feel part of the whole picture.
We hold two meeting a year that ALL members are invited to.
WHAT do we do?
Committee members meet every six weeks or so in Glasgow at the offices of Alzheimer’s Scotland in Oxford
Street. We discuss what needs are to be met. How best to achieve what we want to change or improve.
We meet twice a year with Health Minister Alex Neil at the Scottish Parliament. We attend and speak at
conferences and have helped to train Dementia Champions in hospitals and medical centres across
Scotland. We have assisted in the training of Cordia Care Workers, all from a Carer’s perspective.
Just a few weeks ago, one of our Members, Mrs Jeanette Maitland, travelled to the Alzheimer’s Disease
International Conference in Puerto Rico to present a paper on her experience. Another member, Lorna,
travelled with her at her own expense simply because she wanted to support Jeanette. Friendships have
formed out of adversity and shared experiences. It is a wonderful group but we are not what you might
consider a SUPPORT group.
We want to make changes and that is our reason for meeting. Individually we can contact each other and
talk or let off steam but when we are at those meetings we are working towards a common goal.
Our members travel from all over Scotland, so, those six weekly meetings are for a sole purpose on the day!
What difference have we made?
 We have been part of shaping the Scottish Government’s second National Dementia strategy,
making sure that Carers’ voices are part of it.
 We have influenced the development of a new model of community support for people with dementia
which is currently being piloted in five areas across Scotland. Our collective stories about problems
with accessing the care in the home helped influence this model and make sure it is more Dementia
and Carer focused.
 We are currently working with the Care Inspectorate to develop a new resource on promoting
continence amongst people with dementia. We’ve been able to bring lots of real life examples to the
table which has meant it’s written more with Carers in mind.
 We have, and continue to provide assistance with leaflets and posters for allied health professionals.
That’s people like Speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and of course speak to different
groups. Also the Social Services and Mental Health teams.
Since it’s inception in November 2011 we have done much which would take pages to write about but I’m
sure you’re beginning to get a flavour of what we’ve done.
I am an original member and let me assure you that I do know what you are going through. I have travelled
the road and walked in your shoes.
If you care for a loved one who has dementia I absolutely KNOW that NDCAN can help you. Not quite as
you might expect – we will not fight battles for you or get involved in individual personal cases. Our aim is to
improve the Rights of Carers. Our voices need to be heard – YOUR voice. There are many different ways
you can become involved or contribute.
You could be contacted for your opinion on a particular issue or your experience of a particular situation.
The work of the committee is led by the wider membership so it is really important that you are listened to.
Angus Service Newsletter
You will also get the opportunity to attend conferences and events. You might decide in time that you want
to get more involved and join a sub-group or the committee.
We are planning an open-day in the early autumn for new members and we would love to see you there –
watch this space!
I hope I have whet your appetite to at least thinking about becoming a member of NDCAN, but you know - I
understand if you feel unable at this time. There are other matters taking your time and attention. If that is
you, keep the thought at the back of your mind and perhaps just come along to our open day. You might just
find the time is right to meet us, learn a bit more about what we are up to, and hopefully join in in some small
In the meantime, if you have any questions surrounding NDCAN please do not hesitate to contact me,
Christine Beaton, through the Arbroath office or you can call or text me on 07841 435 800 alternatively,
speak with our National Co-ordinator, Sarah Gurney whose contact details are 0141 410 0100
We would love to hear from you…….
Forfar Drop-in
Offers an informal setting for both people with dementia and their carers. The group meets
every Wednesday at Forfar Farmington, Market Muir, from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
The Drop-in offers a supportive, friendly and stimulating environment for people with
dementia and their carers to meet others in similar circumstances.
Left - We had a wonderful Christmas
party, lots of fun and great company
Right – Birthday celebrations are
much appreciated at Forfar Drop-in.
In our picture is Jack who is about to
cut his birthday cake watched by staff
and volunteers..
If you would like to know more about Forfar Drop-in please contact Pat or drop in to Forfar
Farmington any Wednesday afternoon. You are sure to receive a very warm welcome from
Maureen and her team.
Milk bottle elephants made at the Forfar Drop-in
Angus Service Newsletter
Dementia Awareness Week 2014
Monday 2nd – Sunday 8th June
Alzheimer Scotland works throughout the year to raise awareness of dementia; however, during
our annual Dementia Awareness Week we can really concentrate our efforts and reach people
across Scotland with a wide range of activities.
We hold a national conference, launch new reports or campaigns, provide information stands in
public buildings, advertise in newspapers and on radio, talk to local groups and much more.
This years theme is:
Let's talk about dementia
"Never in the history of mankind did not talking about something scary make it disappear."
Dementia is frightening. Talking about it helps us make sure that nobody faces dementia alone.
This year, we want to get people talking about dementia. At home, at work, in the street and on the
bus. In cities, towns and villages across Scotland. We will be holding local events all over the
Events in Angus:
2014 Forget-me-not
Charity Sale
Masonic Lodge, Coutties Wynd, Forfar
Monday 26th May – Saturday 7th June
From 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
For further information call Maureen on 01307 465397, Mabel on
01307 465302 or Isabel on 01307 462439.
All proceeds to Alzheimer Scotland Angus Services
Snail Race Night:
Charity Fun Night
on 7th June
at the Station Bar in Arbroath
at 7pm
£2 per snail.
Angus Service Newsletter
Our Christmas Concert
The Company pictured in the beautiful Edwardian sitting room
created at the Town Mission Centre for our annual Christmas
concert. The Company were, back row, from left – Garry
Mitchell, Douglas Cant, Jonathan Milne, Pat Brodlie, Dementia
Resource Worker, Sheena Guthrie, musical director, Jim
Ramsay, John Henderson, John Kerr and Joan Macgregor,
elocutionist. Front – Maggie Findlay, Jill Kerr, Vicki Whyte,
Eileen Craig, Louise Murray, Caroline MacFarlane and Pat
Our concert at the Town Mission Centre on
Friday December 20 was a very happy occasion and just a bit special for our Friends. On
display with them was the special commendation awarded to the group by Alzheimer
Scotland for their volunteering and fund-raising over the past 14 years. This year’s concert
raised just over £1900 for Angus Services and will be used to pursue Pat Brodlie our
Dementia Resource Worker’s dream of a Dementia Resource Centre in Angus. Several of
our carers joined the audience and each and everyone enjoyed a delightful programme of
seasonal music. Thanks go to all concerned in presenting the concert and to the Trustees
and friends of Arbroath Town Mission for their hospitality and welcome.
Support Groups and Information Sessions
Angus Services are currently running carer support groups in Arbroath, Montrose, and
Carers of people with dementia in long term care can still benefit from attending a carers
support group meeting.
We provide information sessions for carers. Benefits include –
 accurate information about dementia and caring for someone with dementia
 advice about community connections and other available services
 a chance to meet others who are living with a person with dementia
 an opportunity to use your own experience to help other carers
Carers who feel they may benefit from attending one of these groups or information
sessions should contact Pat on 01241 431770 for further details.
Staff Changes at Angus Services
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Beaton as our Community
Activities Organiser. Christine has taken over the reins at Carnoustie Drop-in and our
Football Memories Project as well as being involved with the Early Stage Dementia Cafes.
If you would like to contact Christine please phone the office on 01241 431770.
Our Dementia Advisor Bernie Dawkes has recently left the service and we wish her every
success. A replacement will be in post soon.
And, after 14½ years as Angus Services Administrator Muriel decided it was time to retire.
She left us on April 25th and we hope she will have a very happy retirement. A new
administrator, Janet Quantock, has been appointed and has been in post from Monday
28th April.
Angus Service Newsletter
Apologies: To any of our carers or colleagues who may have been trying to contact
us by telephone during the past few weeks. Unfortunately we have an ongoing
problem with intermittent interference on our lines, this is under investigation,
please bear with us in the meantime as we hope to have this resolved very soon.
Service Newsletter
If you would like to receive this newsletter by e-mail please email us at:
This will give us your email address.
Our newsletter can also be read online at
New Address! Not just yet…. but hopefully very soon.
You may already know we are looking for new premises for our Angus Services office, keep your
eyes on the local press and watch this space for updates.
Ways you can help:
Have you thought of having a coin collection box in your home?
Every penny counts and it all adds up!
Boxes are available from our office.
Do you know anywhere: shops, café’s, clubs or pubs that would help Alzheimer Scotland by having a
collection can in their premises? Please let us know and we can supply one to them.
Angus Service Newsletter
Jewellery Recycling Envelopes are available from our office.
Available to buy:
Forget-me-not cards and envelopes – 10 for £3.00
These cards are left blank for your own message.
Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia
National Office
22 Drumsheugh Gardens
Edinburgh EH3 7RN
Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia is a company limited by guarantee and is recognised as a charity
by the Office of the Scottish charity regulator. Registered in Scotland No. 149069. Scottish Charity No.
We rely on fundraised income to help us to campaign and to provide services for Scotland's 68,000 people
with dementia and their carers.