Pg. 112-128 I. Wut r L0cl + P0pu1ar Cu1tur3z 1. Culture – group of belief sys., norms, + values practiced by ppl 2. 2 ways – ppl can call themselves culture or others can label them as culture 3. Folk cul – small, homogenous, rural, cohesive in cul. traits 4. Popular cul – large, heterogenous, urban, quickly changing traits 5. Most cultures b/w folk and popular 6. How ppl define themselves is the only thing that matters shit 7. Local cul – group of ppl in place as collective community, share stuff, try to preserve it to distinguish themselves 8. Material culture – wut ppl construct n stuff 9. Nonmaterial cul – beliefs, practices, aesthetics, values 10. Popular culture can change in a matter of hrs main paths of diffusion – transportation, marketing, communications 11. Kate M’s dress – 65k, fewer than 10 hrs ltr, Kleinfield Bridal Salon in NY replicated da dress, sold at 3.5k 12. Hierarchy of fashion starts @ London, Milan, my favorite city of Chanel (Pari), and NY (these are hearths) The next tier is fashion stores (like Chanel and Gucci) and editorial hqs 13. Local and popular cultures exist + work with each other a) Ex. Henna II. How r Local Cultures Sustained 1. 1800+1900s assimilation in US – want to make indigenous ppl into dominant culture. Canada, Australia, and Russia did dis too 2. 1888-1938 East Coast US women employed to teach native women how to be good housewives 3. 2008 – Australia apologize to Aboriginals, Canada to Inuit and First Nations 4. US never apologized 5. Custom – thing group of ppl routinely follow. To sustain local culture, you must keep customs alive 6. Harrison <<Local cultures 2 goals: keeping others out + keeping own in>> a) Examples (1) Notting Hill Festival in London – Londoners from West Indies claim it as their own (2) Originally not West Indian, but in 1970s there was unemployment, harassment, poor housing conditions, so they id’d themselves as local culture + defined festival as West Indian 7. Cultural appropriation – when cultures adopt customs + knowledge and use for their own benefit 8. As local cultures keep pop. culture out, places become moar important B. Rural Local Cultures 1. In Protestant Reform, Anabaptists broke from Catholic + Protestant. Anabaptist – baptized again, migrated to Moravia and Austria, then Russia and Ukraine. A group of em called Hutterites w/ leader Jacob Hutter moved to North Amer. in 2nd half of 1800 2. ^Live in colonies of 100 ppl, from infant to eldery. 30 min service everyday + Sunday, minister speaks archaic German 3. Colonies assign men + women dif. jobs. Women move to husband’s colony, so colony usually only has 1-2 surnames 4. Today, when local culture wants to reengage tradition, can’t decide in isolation 5. 1990s – Makah Indians reinstated whale hunt. 1994 – NOAA removed gray whale from endangered list. Int’l Whaling Commission said they had to kill whales w/ .50 caliber rifle, not harpoons (moar “humane”) 6. Neolocalism – finding regional culture + reinvigorating it b/c uncertainty of modern world a) Ex. Little Sweden USA in Kansas (pg. 120) C. Urban Local Cultures 1. D. Ethnic neighborhood – world apart to practice customs w/in major city Local Cultures + Appropriation 1. Commodification – something not an object to be bought/sold becomes just that in the world market 2. W/ commodification comes authenticity – one image/ experience “authentic”/what buyer desires. Authentic local culture is complex and not stereotyped E. Authenticity of Places 1. In colonization, Europeans # cultures they met as savage or mystic 2. Bascom<<How Branson has tapped its customs (food, history, music) to create authentic Branson. Surrounding towns trying to capitalize are “copies” 3. Guinness Brewing Comp. of Dublin made business plan 20 yrs ago for capitalizing trad. Irish pub. Offices in Dublin, Atlanta, UAE, Australia. All the stuff they do make what the Irish Pub Comp. calls craic (Irish 4 fun) 4. All local cultures dynamic, touched by external forces III. How da Popular Culture Diffused 1. Agriculture took 10k yrs to diffuse around world; printing press/Industrial Rev. 100+ yrs. 2. Fb passed 500 mil. in 2010. US has most Fb users 3. 2009 China bans Fb, Twitter, Google, only 1/3 population have internet (wanna use fb? Get proxy). Instead, RenRen (Fb ripoff) has 165 mil. Chinese. 2005+2006, Wang Xing made Xiaonei (“on campus”), sold for $4 mil, now worth bil. Renamed the Renren (“everybody”). 4. RenRen and Kaixin001 operate b/c they have agreed to pol. Cencorship by Chinee gov’m 5. Transportation + communication tech altered distance decay – the distance no longer describes how quickly something will diffuse 6. Harvey <<Time-space compression – how fast innovations diffuse + how interlocked 2 places r thru transport + com.>> 7. Place w/out trans + com even moar not interconnected 8. B/c tech links some places closer than others, ideas diffuse quickly in interconnected places, not at constant rates w/ similar distances