Week 1
28/1 – 1/2
Week 2
4/2 – 8/2
No classes
Overview of course / Class expectations / Assessment requirements
Introduction to alternative processes – photograms
Students work on creating a collage – examples shown
Introduction to the darkroom
The enlarger and printing photograms
Continue with collage or print in darkroom
Photogram production and framing Week 3
11/2 – 15/2
Week 4
18/2 – 22/2
Week 5
25/2 – 1/3
Week 6
4/3 – 8/3
Week 7
11/3 – 15/3
Week 8
18/3 – 22/3
Week 9
25/3 – 29/3
Introduction to Composition Devices
Continue with Photogram production
Photogram folio due (ASSESSMENT TASK)
Continue with Composition Devices
Introduction to the Camera
Camera worksheets to be completed
Introduction to Aperture control and depth of field
Aperture photo shoot (Group Activity)
Film processing
Printing from a negative
Composition Devices Assignment due (ASSESSMENT TASK)
Possible reshoot or continue with darkroom printing
Possible reshoot or continue with darkroom printing