Year 10 Photography Timeline Term 1 2013


Week 1

28/1 – 1/2

Week 2

4/2 – 8/2

Year 10 Photography Timeline

Term 1 2013

 No classes

 Overview of course / Class expectations / Assessment requirements

Introduction to alternative processes – photograms

Students work on creating a collage – examples shown

Introduction to the darkroom

The enlarger and printing photograms

Continue with collage or print in darkroom

 Photogram production and framing Week 3

11/2 – 15/2

Week 4

18/2 – 22/2

Week 5

25/2 – 1/3

Week 6

4/3 – 8/3

Week 7

11/3 – 15/3

Week 8

18/3 – 22/3

Week 9

25/3 – 29/3

 Introduction to Composition Devices

Continue with Photogram production

 Photogram folio due (ASSESSMENT TASK)

 Continue with Composition Devices

Introduction to the Camera

Camera worksheets to be completed

Introduction to Aperture control and depth of field

Aperture photo shoot (Group Activity)

Film processing

Printing from a negative

Composition Devices Assignment due (ASSESSMENT TASK)

Possible reshoot or continue with darkroom printing

Possible reshoot or continue with darkroom printing

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