Media Art Vocabulary List A Aberration Acid Additive color Auto exposure Auto focus Agitate Albumen Alkali Ambrotype Angle of view Aperture Aperture-priority Archive processing Artificial light ASA Astigmatism Automatic exposure Automatic flash Automatic focus Ambient light AV- Aperture Value Available light Axis lighting B Back lighting Barrel distortion Bellows Bit Bleed mount Blocked up Blotters Bounce light Bracket Brightness Broad lighting Built in meter Bulb Burn in Butterfly lighting Byte C Cable release Calotype Camera Camera obscura Carte-de-visite Cartridge Cassette Catch light Changing bag Characteristic curve Chromatic aberration Chrome Chromatic film Circle of confusion Close-up Close up lens Collodion Color balance Colorcast Color compensating filters Color printer filters Color printing filters Color temperature Color temperature meter Coma Complementary colors Condenser enlarger Contact printing Contamination Continuous tone Contrast Contrast filter Contrast grade Contrasty Convergence Cool Correction filter Coupled rangefinder Covered power Crop Cut film D Daguerreotype Darkroom Dark slide Daylight film Dedicated flash Dense Densitometer Density Depth of focus Designated flash Developer Development Diaphragm Dichroic head Diffuse Diffusion enlarger Digital image DIN Diopter Distortion Dodge Dropout Dry mount DX coding E Easel EL Electromagnetic spectrum Electronic flash Emulsion Enlargement Enlarger Etch EV Existing light Exposure Exposure meter Exposure Value Extension Tubes F Factor Farmer’s reducer Fast Ferrotype Fiber-based paper Field of curvature Fill light Film Film holder Film plane Film speed Filter factor Fisheye lens Fixer Flare Flash Flashbulb Flash meter Flat Flood light F-number Focal length Focal-plane Focal-plane shutter Focal point Focus Focusing cloth Fog Frame F-stop Full scale G Gelatin Glossy Graded-contrast paper Graininess Gray card Ground glass Guide number Gum-bichromate process H Halftone Hanger Hard Hardware Heliography Highlight Hot shoe Hyperfocus distance Hypo Hypo clearing agent Hypo neutralizing agent I Illuminance meter Incandescent light Incident light meter Indoor film Infinity Infrared Instant film Intensification Interchangeable lens Inverse square lens ISO K Kelvin temperature Key light Kilobyte L Latent image Latitude Leaf shutter Lens Lens shade Light meter Light tight Line print Lith film Local reduction Long lens Luminance Luminance meter M Macro lens Macro photograph Main light Manual exposure Manual flash Mat Mat knife Matte Megabyte Middle gray Midtone Modeling Mottle N Narrow lighting Negative Negative carrier Negative film Nonsilver process Normal lens Notching code O One-shot developer Opaque Open up Orthochromatic Overdevelop Overexpose Oxidation P Pan Panochomatic Parallax PC connector PC terminal Perspective Photoflood Photogram Photo macrograph Photomicrograph Photomontage Pincushion distortion Pinhole Pixel Plane of critical focus Plate Platinum print Polarizing filter Positive Posterization Presoak Press camera Primary colors Print Printing frame Programmed automatic Projection printing Projection Proof R Rangefinder Raster streak RC paper Rear nodal point Reciprocity law Reduction agent Reduction Reel Reflector Reflex camera Relative aperture Replenished Resin-coated paper Reticulation Reversal Reversal film RF Roll film S Sabattier effect Safelight Selective-contrast paper Sharp Sheet film Short lens Short light Shutter Shutter-priority Silhouette Silver halide Single-lens reflex Slave Slave eye Slide Slow Software Solarization Speed Spherical aberration Spot Spotlight Spot meter Stereograph Stock solution Stop Stop bath Stop down Strobe Subtractive Subtractive color Sync cord Synchronize Synchro-sun T Tracking iron Taking lens Tank Telephoto effect Telephoto lens Tenting Thin Tintype TLR Tone Transparency Tripod Tungsten film Tungsten light TV – time value Twin lens reflex Type A film Type B film U W Ultraviolet Underdeveloped Underexposed Warm Washing aid Wet-plate process Wetting agent White light Wide-angle distortion Wide-angle solution V Value Variable-contrast paper View camera Viewfinder Viewing lens Viewing screen Vignette Z Zone focus Zone system Zoom lens