Writing Assignment 3 - University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Schaub 4:00
Brett Heintz (bjh81@pitt.edu)
For decades, our economy has thrived on the use of fossil
fuels, yet as our dependence on technology increases the need
for cleaner energy solutions becomes all the more prominent.
Hydrogen will allow us the opportunity to continue living our
modern lifestyles while making a minimal impact on the
environment; thus, the clean energy that hydrogen offers is
the solution to our future, making it a significant topic of
Produced from natural resources such as water, fossil
hydrocarbon, biogas, and municipal waste [1], hydrogen is the
answer to our clean energy crisis, providing an extremely
efficient, pollution eliminating fuel [2]. As hydrogen energy
becomes more popular and its production reaches a larger
scale, selection of raw materials will become increasingly
important in effective hydrogen production. Biogas,
composed mostly of methane from the decomposition of
waste and sewage, is one of the most efficient sources of
hydrogen [3]. Three main processes are used to extract
hydrogen from biogas including steam reforming, dry
reforming, and partial oxidation, all of which give off
hydrogen along with a syngas which can then be reformed
into usable fuel [4]. Steam reforming, the most efficient of
these processes, will likely become an irreplaceable source of
hydrogen due to its noninvasive effect on the environment.
Just as any other relatively ground breaking form of energy,
the steam reforming process will not go without accusation as
it relies on the chemical transposition of a few potentially
hazardous materials, carbon monoxide in particular.
Therefore, examining the reforming process and its potential
dangers holds a position of upmost importance as it raises
questions of ethical standings. One process in answering such
questions, involving danger posed by a theoretical scenario,
will be examined and assessed through both an ethical and
scientific approach within the following.
Utilizing the steam reforming method as a source of
hydrogen is an important technique that, with an energy
efficiency of up to 70% [5], will prove to be a vital energy
source. Once the steam reforming technique is widely
industrialized, it will provide an immense quantity of usable
energy, making it irreplaceable even in potentially dangerous
situations. Not only does steam reforming boast a high energy
University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering
Submission Date 2013-10-29
efficiency, but it also reduces the amount of pollutants in the
environment as its reactants are generally composed of 60%
methane ( 𝐢𝐻4 ) and 40% carbon dioxide (𝐢𝑂2 ) [3].
Therefore, the transposition of biogas to hydrogen and syngas
(carbon monoxide, or 𝐢𝑂 ), through steam reforming,
effectively reduces pollution causing substances. These exact
characteristics that make steam reforming a desirable
hydrogen production method add a layer of complexity during
ethically charged situations.
Consider a scenario in which a large hydrogen production
plant located in an urban area with a high population density
discovers a problem during a weekly inspection. The plant’s
main production area consists of two central chambers where
the first chamber facilitates the following reaction.
𝐢𝐻4 + 𝐻2 𝑂 → 𝐢𝑂 + 3𝐻2 [3].
This reaction between methane (𝐢𝐻4 ) and water (𝐻2 𝑂) takes
place in the first chamber where the products, hydrogen (𝐻2 )
and a reformable syngas(𝐢𝑂), are formed. These products are
then separated in order that the hydrogen enters a storage
device and the syngas (carbon monoxide) is sent to a second
chamber to undergo another chemical reaction yielding more
hydrogen. The problem is found between the two chambers
where a leak in the separation process is releasing carbon
monoxide to the outside environment at a high rate. While the
hazardous gas is leaking, the plant continues to produce
hydrogen at a high rate of efficiency. Thus, management
decides to continue production until a replacement part can be
acquired. Such a scenario involving the leakage of a toxic gas
is sure to foster ethical concerns for at least one of the parties
Both engineers and business professionals are subject to
questions of ethical content at one time or another. In order to
label this hypothetical scenario as one which creates an
ethically charged situation, it is essential to define ethical
conflict within the professional world.
Ethical Conflict and Standards in Profession
Ethical conflict within engineering differs from that of
other professional fields in that “non-technical ethical”
conflict assumes the action of an “individual” whereas ethical
situations in engineering and technology involve
disagreements within “collective settings” [6]. In context,
management’s decision to continue production at the plant
Brett Heintz
may involve discrepancies between engineers who are
familiar with the process, safety professionals who
understand the dangers involved in the leakage of carbon
monoxide, and business professionals who are concerned
with profit and company standings. From the point of view of
an engineer, standards for ethical integrity are fundamental
aspects of the field and should be considered as a professional
guideline. Consequently, if an ethical opposition occurs at any
point during a process, it should be assessed and considered
before each of the parties involved. A general Code of Ethics
for Engineers, set by the National Society of Professional
Engineers, acts as a starting point for any questionable
cannon of the code of ethics. In conclusion, the CO leak from
the production plant threatens the health of the general public
thus, the cannon is not fulfilled defining this situation as
Application of the AIChE Code of Ethics
After consulting the ethical codes from the National
Society of Professional Engineers, it is important to consider
the scenario from a specific, applicable field of study. In this
way, each discipline strives to conform not only to the general
cannons of the previously examined code but also to codes
which complement each specific engineering field.
Considering the scenario, the codes set by the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers will act as a second guideline
to this process as the production of hydrogen in this situation
is based upon a chemical reaction. While considering these
goals, it is important to pay close attention to their direct
application to the scenario in order to determine their
In examining the first two goals, it is apparent that the first
goal, which exclaims that engineers “Shall hold paramount
the safety, health and welfare of the public” [10], has already
been broken as it is directly related to the first cannon – which
was previously discussed. In this manor, the first goal of the
AIChE code of ethics strengthens the argument created by the
first cannon declaring the decision to release CO unethical.
The second goal, which focuses on the concept that ethics
in engineering occurs in a group setting [6], accentuates the
importance of communication stating that engineers, “Shall
formally advise their employers or clients if they perceive that
a consequence of their duties will adversely affect the present
or future health or safety of their colleagues or the public”
[10]. In other words, engineers are obligated to communicate
the danger of the CO leak – which has been established
thoroughly -- to management. With that said, communication,
which is vital to solving this dilemma, proves the usefulness
of the second goal of the AIChE codes of ethics while
providing a route to the solution of the dilemma.
The Code of Ethics for Engineers and its Application
Upon examining the scenario, it is apparent that the plant’s
continued production is both a vital source of energy for the
community and, as a result of the escaping gas, a hazard to the
environment and the health of local residents. In order to
determine whether management’s decision to continue
producing hydrogen is ethical, the first fundamental cannon
of the Code of Ethics for Engineers must be examined. It
states, “Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional
duties, shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of
the public” [7]. In deciding whether this cannon is being
upheld by our company, the situation shall be inspected in
detail so that the significance the carbon monoxide leak is
To determine the severity of the leak, former knowledge of
carbon monoxide and its effects on human health must be
utilized and, if necessary, research should be conducted for
further clarification. Knowing that carbon monoxide is
hazardous and, in instances of excessive exposure, can lead to
death, further examination of the effects of CO exposure is
necessary. As further research explains, excessive carbon
monoxide exposure, having both long and short term effects,
can lead to “severe headaches” and “nausea” along with
“convulsions, respiratory arrest, and death” occurring “at
levels higher than 30%” [8]. Therefore, the rate of the leak is
vital in determining the level of risk at hand. Even though the
leak continues to expel CO at a high rate, the diffusion of gas
into the environment will not produce levels high enough for
death; thus, investigating a case study involving the effects of
CO on urban civilians will provide clues to this potential
health danger.
Choosing a case study in which CO levels in the lungs of
urban residence are compared with those of rural residence
will shed light on the potential impact that the leak may have.
One such study, comparing rural Mongolian children to
Mongolian children living in a polluted urban area, found that
children living in the urban area had a significantly higher
level of CO toxin in their lungs than that of the rural children
[9]. This study, which provides proof that CO released to the
open environment is significant enough to induce damaging
health effects, is important in addressing the first fundamental
Other Sources and Their Applications
Now that an ethical scenario has been successfully
identified, it is imperative that some sort of action toward
successful communication is taken. Although the leak of CO
proves to have an impact on human health, thus breaking two
codes of ethics, it may be necessary to consult other sources.
These sources will help determine a plan of action before
communication with management, a necessity by the second
goal of the AIChE code of ethics, can occur.
In order to create a valid plan, it is important to understand
management’s decision to continue production in the event of
a leak. Specific sources, focused on ethics from a business
standpoint, reveal that “economic desperation often creates
environments for increased risks” [11]. Likewise,
management’s decision to continue production could be
Brett Heintz
purely based on necessity as the plant provides much of the
area with energy. Shutting the plant down may cause larger
economic problems. That being said, the plant’s extremely
high energy efficiency and its ability to continue to acquire
profit are both valid reasons for its continued production;
therefore, both causes deserve to be investigated before
producing a plan of action.
In examining the probable motives behind management’s
decisions, two groups of research must be considered. First,
to determine the importance of the plant as an energy source
for the community, other sources of energy within the area
should be examined and assessed based on their energy output
and usage within the community. Second, communication
with the general public regarding their consumption of energy
and affiliation with the company will be useful as it can be
easily gathered through conversation with acquaintances.
Information from each of these sources will conclude whether
the plant must stay open or if it may be shut down until the
replacement part arrives, adding another supporting layer to
the ethical dilemma.
[1] T. Ghosh, M. Prelas. (2011). Energy and Resource
Systems. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. (print book). pp.
[2] J. Bockris. (2011). “Hydrogen.” Materials. (online
article). http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/4/12/2073.
[3] H. Alves, C. Bley, R. Niklevicz, E. Frigo,
M. Frigo, C. Coimbra-Arau´jo. (2013). “Overview of
Hydrogen Technologies from Biogas and the Applications in
Fuel Cells.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
[4] A. Galvagno, V. Chiodo, F. Urbani, F. Freni. (2013).
“Biogas as Hydrogen Source for Fuel Cell Applications.”
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (online article).
[5] I. Dincer, C. Zamfirescu. (2012). “Sustainable Hydrogen
Production Options and the roll of IAHE.” International
[6] N. Doorn, I. Poel. (2012). “Editors’ Overview: Moral
Responsibility in Technology and Engineering.” Science and
Engineering Ethics. (online article).
10.1007/s11948-011-9285-z. p. 1-11
[7] (2007). “Code of Ethics for Engineers.” National Society
[8] K. Hanafy, J. Oh, L. Otterbein. (2013). “Carbon Monoxide
and the Brain: Time to Rethink the Dogma.” Current
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3672861/. p.
[9] B. Dashdendev, L. Fukushima, M. Woo, E. Ganbaatar, D.
“Carbon Monoxide Pollution and
Lung Function in
Rural Mongolian Children.” Respirology. (online article).
10.1111/j.1440-1843.2011.01958.x. p. 653-658.
[10] “Code of Ethics.” American Institute of Chemical
Engineers. (online). http://www.aiche.org/about/code-ethics.
[11] J. Wachter. (2011). “Ethics: The Absurd Yet Preferred
Approach to Safety Management.” Professional Safety.
&AN=62395591&site=ehost-live. p. 50-57
[12] B. Salzbrg. “The Importance of Saying ‘No.’” University
of Notre Dame, Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership.
The compilation of information is quite possibly the most
crucial step in analyzing this ethically charged scenario as it
leads to completion of the second goal of the AIChE code of
ethics – formal communication with employers or clients
[10]. Although this goal is quite challenging and possibly
intimidating, the communication of ethical conflict is widely
endorsed throughout many areas of the professional world.
One author states, “A safety professional who chooses not to
do the right thing is making a personal and wrong choice;
however, not being able to do the right thing is typically an
organizational choice” [11]. In this way, communication of
the previous findings must take place as a personal and ethical
choice based on both the AIChE codes and general
professional standing. Similarly, if management does not
agree with these findings after they are presented, the
situation is no longer an individual responsibility but it
becomes the responsibility of the company itself.
In conclusion, both cannons and goals of the National
Society of Professional Engineers and of the AIChE code of
ethics, together with research, provide adequate information
for an ethical conflict. The disagreements with the codes and
other supporting research provide proof that the continued
production of hydrogen even during the leak of carbon
monoxide can be considered unethical. In the words of Barry
Salzberg, Global CEO of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,
“If you conclude that it is unethical, [or] inappropriate I think
it’s your responsibility to say no” [12]. The final step to this
process must be taken as the communication of unethical
findings to management is both a personal and professional
Dincer. (2012). “Green Methods for Hydrogen Production.”
International Journal or Hydrogen Energy. (online article).
Brett Heintz
Firstly, I would like to thank Gretchen and Rebekah Pratt
for their help editing this paper. They have proven to be an
invaluable resource for both the writing and editing process
by providing support and knowledge along the way. Lastly, I
send my regards to each of the engineers on the fourth floor
of Forbes Pavilion for their generosity and support during the
entire course of the writing assignment.