12/18/2008 IRRIGATION DESIGN FOR THE REYES AND ROMERO PIPELINES, EL SALVADOR E.S. Brooks, J. Boll, and the ICUBED Senior Design Team Reyes and Romero Canals The Reyes and Romero pipelines were designed to provide irrigation water to 73.55 manzanas (mz) and 18.7 mz, respectively, in the El Centro/Las Pilas Regions of El Salvador. The irrigated water for both systems is taken out of the Qda. El Salto, known to the local residents as the Rio Reyes. Irrigated Water Demand. The crop water demands in this region were calculated using monthly weather records from the Las Pilas weather station. According to the weather records the potential evapotranspiration (ET) during the dry season (Dec-Jan) is close to 90 mm/month. According to crop coefficients published by the World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) the crop coefficient relating potential ET to actual ET for cabbage during the peak growth season is 1.05. As a conservative estimate to account for extreme hot, dry periods when the potential ET will exceed 90 mm/month we used a design crop coefficient of 1.3. Therefore our design irrigated crop water requirement was set to 117 mm/month (i.e. 117 mm/month = 90 mm/month * 1.3). The total design flow for the Reyes and Romero systems was determined by multiplying this rate by the total irrigated area. This design flow rate was 22.98 and 5.84 liters per second for the Reyes and Romero systems, respectively. Design Constraints The pipe sizing was based on several constraints. The smallest sprinklers that our currently used in the region operate on a design pressure of 28 pounds per square inch (PSI), therefore one of the constraints of the design was to provide at least 28 PSI wherever water would be delivered to end users. Another constraint was to limit the pressure in the pipe to a maximum of 40 PSI less than pressure rating for the PVC pipe to provide some factor of safety to minimize pipe failure by water hammer. Another related constraint was to limit the water velocity in the pipes to less than 5 ft/sec to minimize the risk of pipe failure by water hammer. Inlet: The pipe inlet should be a ditch in the river, 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep, filled with gravel, where the lower part of the 6 inch pipe will be 3 inches above the bottom of the ditch and the upper part of the 6 inch pipe will be 9 inches bellow the water surface, refer to Figure 3. The pipe inlet itself should be covered with a 2mm, strong, chicken wire to serve as screen for the pipe system avoiding gravel and other big particles to get inside. The intension is that the pipe inlet will be deep enough in the deepest part of the river and buried itself on gravel to provide constant water flow. The gravel will serve as screening system for sediment and the sediment deposited above the gravel will be flushed away during every big flow event. This gravel might have to be protected to avoid loss by placing a bigger, fix screen on top of it. Refer to figure 4. Pipe cover The top of the pipe must be buried at least six inches bellow the ground surface, including at pints where pressure regulators, valves and manifolds are placed. Pipes must be buried at least one foot on gravel roads cross sections and where on risk of damage do to vehicle pass over it. Pipe cover The top of the pipe must be buried at least six inches bellow the ground surface, including at pints where pressure regulators, valves and manifolds are placed. Pipes must be buried at least one foot on gravel roads cross sections and where on risk of damage do to vehicle pass over it. Reyes System The Reyes system design consists of 8 unique pipeline sections, see Figure 1. The pipeline diameter and design flow for each section was based on irrigated area, length of pipe, and change in elevation along the pipe. Figures 2 and 3 show the distribution of pipe diameter and design flow for the Reyes system. Table 1 provides a detailed breakdown of water pressures and pipe sizing throughout the system. Table 2 lists the size, length and cost of piping for the Reyes system. Table 3 lists the number and cost of pressure regulators, valves, and fittings for the Reyes System. Pressure regulators The Reyes canal system will require three pressure regulators on the Terciaria Graciela, Terciaria Armando Ramirez, and Terciaria Arturo Chacon. These pressure regulators will drop the pressure down to 10 psi in each of these systems. Table 1 identifies the exact distance and elevation of where these regulators should be installed. These pressure regulators are required to maintain the design pressure at the outlet of the system and to prevent over-pressurizing the pipes. The 120-bZ hYflow Pressure Reducing Valves sold by Bermad Water Control Systems (http://www.bermad.com/) are well suited for this application. In addition to maintaining a constant downstream pressure during peak flows, these pressure reducing valves also sense downstream pressure fluctuations and close a valve as the downstream demand for water decreases or stops for periods of time. The TORO company (http://www.toro.com/index.html) also sells these pressure regulators as part number B120-XZ-03-Y-NP for the three inch regulator and B120-XZ-02_Y_NP for the two inch regulator. Both companies list the price of these regulators at $332 and $278 for the three inch and two inch regulators, respectively. The Bermad sales associate mentioned that the price of these regulators could be cut in half if we wanted to set up an account with Bermad. I suspect TORO would offer similar lower prices if we set up and account with them. Valves We recommend installing 6 valves in the Reyes system; one valve for each major branch of the pipe system. This includes a 6 inch valve at the beginning of the Primaria section, a 6 inch valve at the beginning of the Upper secundaria Los Chacones, a 4 inch valve at the beginning of the Secundaria Guillermo Reyes, a 3 inch valve at the beginning of the Terciaria Graciela, a 3 inch at the beginning of the Terciaria Arturo Chacon and a 2 inch valve should be placed at the beginning of the Terciaria Armando Ramirez. Note: Globe valves and needle valves are recommended. Globe valves provide more precise control of flows and minimize the risk of shutting a valve too quickly which increases the risk of water hammer. Gate, ball and butterfly valves are not recommended in a location since they are quick acting valves that are only used to open and close water flow not to regulate the flow. Fittings The Reyes System will required two 6 inch and one 4 inch Ts, two 6 inch to 4 inch reducers, one 6 inch to 3 inch reducer, one 4 inch to 3 inch reducer and one 4 inch to 2 inch pipe reducer, see Figure # 1. We recommend avoiding the use of elbows at all times since they greatly reduce pressure. Similarly Ys should be used instead of Ts if at all possible. Note on Manifolds The required fittings at each manifold location in the system will include a T of the same size as the pipeline and enough reducer fittings to reduce to 1 inch lines. If the budget allows we recommend that each farmer is provided with a 1 inch valve to control flow to their farm at the manifold. At a minimum the design requires one 1 inch T for every irrigation line connected to the pipe system. If a particular farmer has more than one irrigation line connected at a particular manifold location then the manifold should be designed such that the 1 inch valve provided to the farmer by the project controls all his irrigation lines. Currently, there is not enough information to identify the number of required manifolds and provide a list of the exact number of irrigation lines attached to the system. This information will become clearer as the system is installed. Special Design Notes for Los Chacones Section Special care should be taken when installing the Los Chacones pipelines. This tributary of the mainline starts as a 6 inch diameter pipe and continues 313 m where it then converts to a 4 in line and extends out another 297 m. The topographic map indicates a 9 m drop in elevation for the 6 inch line and then a 5 m rise in elevation for the 4 inch line. We assumed that since this line will be installed in an existing diversion ditch and that the elevation difference actually does not increase in this section. With this assumption the pressure at the end of the end line is at 22 PSI which is below the minimum design sprinkler pressure. However by assuming that roughly half the flow will be extracted to irrigate fields at the junction between the 6 in and 4 inch line the pressure at the end of the 4 inch line will be equal to minimum design pressure, 28 psi. If this 4 inch line is actually installed to run uphill, then the pressure at the end of the pipe will drop below the minimum sprinkler design pressure. Figure 1. Names of each pipe section of the Reyes system. Figure 2. Pipe diameter and pressure distribution within each pipe section in the Reyes design. Numbers in yellow boxes represent pressure readings in pounds per square inch (PSI). Black dots represent locations of pressure regulators which drop the pressure down to 10 psi. Figure 3. Design flow rate and pressure distribution for each pipe section in the Reyes design. Numbers in yellow boxes represent pressure readings in pounds per square inch (PSI). Black numbers next to the pipes represent flow rates in liters per second for each pipe. Black dots represent locations of pressure regulators which drop the pressure down to 10 psi. Table 1. Reyes system design by pipe section. Description Canal Segment Cumulative ID Length Length (m) Number (m) Elevation (m) Total Flow In Pipe Q (l/sec) Pressure Diameter Pressure after Number of Price per 6 of Pipe at end of Total Cost Regulator Pipes m pipe (in) Pipe (psi) (psi) Main Line: Pipeline ID Numbers 1-3 (Reyes) At river Primaria Secundaria escuela centro Secundaria Guillermo Reyes 1 2 3 610 480 230 0 610 1090 1320 2007 1989 1983 1976 23.0 23.0 13.3 9.0 6 6 4 0.4 19.0 25.4 31.8 102 80 39 $51.50 $51.50 $29.50 $5,253 $4,120 $1,151 Pipeline ID numbers 4 and 5 (Los Chacones) Junction with 1 Upper secundaria Los Chacones; End of 4 Lower secundaria Los Chacones; End of 5 4 5 313 297 610 1090 1570 1989 1980 1980 9.7 9.7 5.0 6 4 19.0 30.8 28.0 53 50 $51.50 $29.50 $2,730 $1,475 Pipeline ID number 6 (Graciela) Junction with 2 Upper Terciaria Graciela; Middle of 6 Lower Terciaria Graciela; End of 6 6 6 202 111 1090 1292 1403 1983 1950 1932 4.2 4.2 4.2 3 3 25.4 70.3 34.7 10.3 34 19 $17.00 $17.00 $578 $323 Pipeline ID number 7 (Armando Ramirez) Junction with 3 Upper Terciaria Armando Ramirez; Middle of 7 Lower Terciaria Armando Ramirez; End of 7 7 7 170 133 1320 1490 1623 1976 1930 1912 1.7 1.7 1.7 2 2 31.8 95.1 33.4 10.3 29 23 $8.19 $8.19 $238 $188 Pipeline ID number 8 (Arturo Chacon) Junction with 3 Upper Terciaria Arturo Chacon; Middle of 8 Lower Terciaria Arturo Chacon; End of 8 8 8 428 147 1320 1748 1895 1976 1928 1910 3.1 3.1 3.1 3 3 31.8 97.8 35.1 10.3 72 25 $17.00 $17.00 $1,224 $425 Total Pipe Costs = $17,704 Table 2. Total pipeline costs for the Reyes design. Pipe Size Total Pressure Number of Length Rating Pipes (m) Reyes Design 6" PVC 4" PVC 3" PVC 2" PVC 100 PSI 100 PSI 150 PSI 150 PSI 235 89 150 52 1410 534 900 312 Price per 6 m pipe Total Cost $51.50 $29.50 $17.00 $8.19 $12,102.50 $2,625.50 $2,550.00 $425.88 Total Pipe Costs = $17,703.88 Table 3. Total valves, regulators, and fittings costs for the Reyes design. Description Diameter(in) Quantity Unit cost Total Cost Valve 2" 1 $7.66 $7.66 Valve 3" 2 $63.82 $127.64 Pressure Regulator 3" 2 $332.00 $664.00 Pressure Regulator 2" 1 $278.00 $278.00 T fitting 6" 1 $35.50 $35.50 Reducer 4"x 3" 1 $1.13 $1.13 Reducer 3"x2" 1 $2.73 $2.73 Reducer 6"x4" 1 $12.16 $12.16 Reducer Y or T 4"x3" x 2" 2 $12.16 $24.32 Reducer Y or T 6"x4"x3" 1 $13.29 $13.29 Valve per farm 1" TBD $7.66 TBD T per irr. Line 1" TBD ? TBD Subtotal $1,166.43 Romero Canal System The Romero system design consists of 6 unique pipeline sections, see Figure 4. The pipeline diameter and design flow for each section was based on irrigated area, length of pipe, and change in elevation along the pipe. Figures 5 and 6 show the distribution of pipe diameter and design flow for the Romero system. Table 4 provides a detailed breakdown of water pressures and pipe sizing throughout the system. Table 5 lists the size, length and cost of piping for the Reyes system. Table 6 lists the number and cost of pressure regulators, valves, and fittings for the Romero System. Pressure regulators The Romero canal system will require one pressure regulator at the start of Secundaria Modesto Hueso pipe segment. We recommend putting a 2 inch diameter pressure regulator of the same model as the 2 inch regulator in the Reyes system. This pressure regulator will drop the pressure down to 33 psi to maintain the design pressure at the outlet of the system and to prevent over-pressurizing the pipe. Valves We recommend installing 4 valves in the Romero system; one valve for each major branch of the pipe system. This includes a 6 inch valve at the beginning of the Primaria section, a 3 inch valve at the beginning of the Secundaria Vicente Romero, a 3 inch valve at the beginning of the Secundaria Nehemias Upper, and a 2 inch valve before the pressure regulator at the beginning of the Secundaria Modesto Hueso. Note: Globe valves and needle valves are recommended. Globe valves provide more precise control of flows and minimize the risk of shutting a valve too quickly which increases the risk of water hammer. Gate, ball and butterfly valves are not recommended in a location since they are quick acting valves that are only used to open and close water flow not to regulate the flow. Fittings The Romero System will required one 6 inch T, two 6 inch to 3 inch reducers, two 3 inch to 2 inch reducers, and one 2 inch to 1 inch reducer, see Figure 5. We recommend avoiding the use of elbows at all times since they greatly reduce pressure. Similarly Ys should be used instead of Ts if at all possible. Note on Manifolds The required fittings at each manifold location in the system will include a T of the same size as the pipeline and enough reducer fittings to reduce to 1 inch lines. If the budget allows we recommend that each farmer is provided with a 1 inch valve to control flow to their farm at the manifold. At a minimum the design requires one 1 inch T for every irrigation line connected to the pipe system. If a particular farmer has more than one irrigation line connected at a particular manifold location then the manifold should be designed such that the 1 inch valve provided to the farmer by the project controls all his irrigation lines. Currently, there is not enough information to identify the number of required manifolds and provide a list of the exact number of irrigation lines attached to the system. This information will become clearer as the system is installed. Special Design Notes for Los Secundaria Modesto Hueso Section We recommended using a two inch pressure regulator before reducing to the 1 inch pipe size at the start of the Los Secundaria Modesto Hueso section. The pressure above the regulator at the end of the Terciaria Reservorio line will be at 70 psi which is greater than the minimum design pressure. After the two inch regulator this pressure will be at 33 psi which is much closer to the 28 psi design pressure and would be an ideal place to put a sprinkler manifold. If the regulator fails then the pressure at the lowest point during static conditions will be 195 psi, well above the pressure rating of the 1 inch pipe. With a working pressure regulator set at 33 psi this pressure will be 113 psi. Special care should be taken to open valves slowly to prevent water hammer at this location. Figure 4. Names of each pipe section of the Romero system. Figure 5. Pipe diameter and pressure distribution within each pipe section in the Romero design. Numbers in yellow boxes represent pressure readings in pounds per square inch (PSI). The Black dot represents and location of a pressure regulator to drop the pressure down to 33.6 psi. Figure 6. Design flow rate and pressure distribution for each pipe section in the Romero design. Numbers in yellow boxes represent pressure readings in pounds per square inch (PSI). Black numbers next to the pipes represent flow rates in liters per second for each pipe. The Black dot represents and location of a pressure regulator to drop the pressure down to 33.6 psi. Table 3. Romero system design by pipe section. Description Canal ID Number Segment Cumulative Length Length (m) (m) Elevation (m) Total Flow In Pipe Q (l/sec) Pressure Diameter Pressure after Number of Price per 6 of Pipe at end of Regulator Pipes m pipe (in) Pipe (psi) (psi) Main Romero Pipeline At river Primeria Secundaria Vicente Romero Terciaria reservorio Secundaria Modesto Hueso Pt. 1 Secundaria Modesto Hueso Pt. 2 Secundaria Modesto Hueso Pt. 3 Secundaria Modesto Hueso Pt. 4 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 297 652 173 93 78 225 220 0 297 949 1122 1215 1293 1518 1738 2070 2068 2038 2013 1968 1990 1937 1982 5.8 5.8 3.8 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.4 3.0 38.1 70.9 94.5 55.4 113.6 28.6 Secundaria Nehemias Junction with 1 End of 4 End of 4 End of 4 End of 4 End of 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 75 310 24 34 480 297 480 777 960 1257 1440 2068 2049 2048 2030 2049 2030 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 3 3 3 3 2 3.0 28.5 27.7 51.7 21.5 33.1 36.6 Total Cost 50 109 29 16 13 38 37 $51.50 $17.00 $8.19 $2.71 $2.71 $2.71 $2.71 $2,575 $1,853 $238 $43 $35 $103 $100 13 52 4 6 80 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $8.19 $221 $884 $68 $102 $655 Total Pipe Costs = $6,878 Table 4. Total pipeline costs for the Romero design. Pipe Size Total Pressure Number of Length Rating Pipes (m) Romero Design 6" PVC 100 PSI 3" PVC 150 PSI 2" PVC 150 PSI 1" PVC 150 PSI 50 184 109 104 300 1104 654 624 Price per 6 m pipe Total Cost $51.50 $17.00 $8.19 $2.71 $2,575.00 $3,128.00 $892.71 $281.84 Total Pipe Costs = $6,877.55 Table 5. Total valves, regulators, and fittings costs for the Romero design. Description Diameter(in) Quantity Unit cost Total Cost Valve Valve Valve Pressure regulator Y reduced Reducer Reducer Valve per farm T per irr. Line 2" 3" 6" 2" 6" x 3" 3"x2" 2"x1" 1" 1" 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 TBD TBD $16.91 $63.82 $326.96 $278.00 $6.34 $2.73 $1.13 $7.66 ? $16.91 $191.46 $653.92 $278.00 $6.34 $5.46 $1.13 TBD TBD Subtotal $1,153.22 Inlet Design Both the Reyes and Romero systems extract water from the Reyes River using a 6 inch PVC pipe. Both designs require that the entrance of the pipe remain under at least 0.3 m (1 ft) of water at all times. In order to ensure that this condition is met during the dry season as well as the high flow season we recommend using a gravel trench. The 18 inch deep and 18 inch wide trench should extend out into the stream such that it will allow the water to flow over the trench even during the driest time of year. The trench will first be filled with 6 inches of washed rock (i.e. greater than 2 mm diameter rock) then the pipe is then laid into the trench and should extend to the deepest part of the stream. The end of the pipe should be covered with strong 2mm chicken wire to prevent the washed rock from entering the pipe. After the pipe is laid into the trench the trench should then be completely filled with the washed rock. This washed rock will serve to protect the pipe and act as a filter for the water. In order to prevent the trench from scouring out during high flows we recommend covering the gravel trench with a heavy metal screen having approximately 25 mm diameter openings. This screen should be staked down on each bank to prevent it from being pealed up during high flows. Securing this fence to larger stable rocks would also be beneficial if available. Diagrams of the intake trench is provided in Figures 7 and 8. Figure 7. Front and side view of intake pipe. Figure 8. Overhead view of intake pipe.