KS2 Long term plan for French 2015-16

St Barnabas KS2 French Long Term Planning
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
la rentrée
la rentrée
Greetings, Introducing France
and French, Introducing
yourself, je parle le français.
Numbers 0-10, First
phonemes, How old you are.
Days of the week, Classroom
Instructions, first colours r, b,
v, j, Finger rhymes, Autumn
colours. Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
Greetings, Introducing France
and French, Introducing
yourself, Je parle le français.
Numbers 0-10, How old you
are. First phonemes, days of
the week Classroom
Instructions, Alphabet chant
Finger rhymes, Autumn
colours, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
all Year 3& 4 elements. Use
who is it? in class introduce
negative, numbers 11-20,
introduce how old are you?
review classroom instructions
and introduce asking for
permission, review colours
and talk about likes and
dislikes and favourite colour.
introduce comment dit-on…?
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
all Year 3& 4 elements. Use
who is it? in class introduce
negative, numbers 11-20,
introduce how old are you?
review classroom instructions
and introduce asking for
permission, review colours
and talk about likes and
dislikes and favourite colour.
introduce comment dit-on…?
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
‘Moi’ & Noël
‘Moi’ & Noël
la salle de classe & Noël
la salle de classe & Noël
Revise numbers 0-10, how old
are you ?, introduce more
colours, numbers 11-20,
Alphabet Chant, Christmas in
France, Christmas vocab,
c’room instructions + can i…?,
continue with days of the
week, Finger rhymes,
Story/song as appropriate
each lesson
Revise numbers 0-10, how old
are you ?, introduce colours,
numbers 11-20, Christmas in
France, Christmas vocab,
c’room instructions + can i…?,
continue with days of the
week, Finger rhymes,
Story/song as appropriate
each lesson
introduce classroom objects
and notion of masculin and
féminine, un & une, le & la,
dictionary work, numbers 2131, introduce dates and
birthday. Christmas in France
& Christmas vocab – highlight
introduce some expressions
of annoyance etc Finger
rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
introduce classroom objects
and notion of masculin and
féminine, un & une, le & la,
dictionary work, numbers 2131, introduce dates and
birthday. Christmas in France
& Christmas vocab – highlight
introduce some expressions
of annoyance etc Finger
rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
Spring 1
Spring 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Arc en ciel
Arc en ciel
Bonne année
Bonne année
New year traditions in
France, Revise and expand
colours, My favorite colour,
numbers 11-20, add past and
future to days of the week,
sensitise to date and month
as routine, add ‘PE verbs’ to
classroom instructions,
classroom objects + notion of
masc/fem, Mardi gras,
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
New year traditions in
France, Revise and expand
colours, My favorite colour,
numbers 11-20, add past and
future to days of the week,
sensitise to date and month
as routine, add ‘PE verbs’ to
classroom instructions,
classroom objects + notion of
masc/fem, Mardi gras,
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
New Year traditions in
France, date routine
explicitly, past & future with
days of week only at this
stage, add PE verbs to
classroom instructions,
Mardi gras Finger rhymes,
Story/song as appropriate
each lesson
le calendrier
le calendrier
les animaux
Les animaux
Revise all above and continue
with routines. Introduce
months implicitly, numbers
0-31 and date format. Easter
in France, 1st April, alphabet,
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
Revise all above and continue
with routines. Masculine
animals and position,
numbers 0-31 and date
format. Easter in France, 1st
April, alphabet, Finger
rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
introduce some animals and
the verb avoir revise
dictionary use to find animals
independently and classify
masc/fem. Easter in France,
1st April
introduce some animals and
the verb avoir revise
dictionary use to find animals
independently and classify
masc/fem. Easter in France,
1st April
New Year traditions in
France, date routine
explicitly, past & future with
days of week only at this
stage, add PE verbs to
classroom instructions,
Mardi gras Finger rhymes,
Story/song as appropriate
each lesson
Summer 1
Summer 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
le calendrier
As above 1st May & le
Muguet, Date routine – with
past and present, Months
explicitly and when is your
birthday add adverbs to
classroom instructions
1st May & le Muguet
les animaux
Les animaux continued
Les animaux continued
use dictionary to widen own
vocab. Use sentence starters
to make nonsense sentences.
Introduce colour rules and
create crazy animals and
poems. 1st May & le Muguet
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
use dictionary to widen own
vocab. Use sentence starters
to make nonsense sentences.
Introduce colour rules and
create crazy animals and
poems. 1st May & le Muguet
Finger rhymes, Story/song as
appropriate each lesson
As above + introduce
masculine colours and rules,
1st May & le Muguet, Date
routine – with past and
present, Introduce months
Paris et les fêtes
Paris et les fêtes
Mon Uniforme
Mon Uniforme
Revise dates and create a
‘calendrier des fêtes’, le 14
juillet, Alphabet, Simple
Punctuation & simple dictée
Paris and web cam research –
main landmarks
Dictionary work & notion of
masculine and feminine
When is your birthday to pick
Revise dates and create a
‘calendrier des fêtes’, le 14
juillet, Alphabet, Simple
Punctuation & simple dictée
Paris and web cam research –
main landmarks
Dictionary work & notion of
masculine & feminine.
Introduce clothes and re visit
colour agreements more
explicitly and create crazy
outfits – link to the weather,
ideal uniform, add likes and
dislikes & simple opinions,
use expressions of
annoyance, disgust etc to
reinforce and add humour.
Self assessment in Language
le 14 juillet,
Introduce clothes and re visit
colour agreements more
explicitly and create crazy
outfits – weather, ideal
uniform, add likes and
dislikes & simple opinions,
use expressions of
annoyance, disgust etc to
reinforce and add humour.
Self assessment in Language
le 14 juillet,