North Ottawa County School District USD 239

USD 239 North Ottawa County
Extra-Curricular Activities Substance Abuse Guidelines
North Ottawa County Schools, believe that school activities are a positive influence for students and the community.
The expectation for all of our students is to be lawful in the conduct of their daily lives. Students who voluntarily
represent North Ottawa County Schools in various activities are held to a high standard of conduct. The ExtraCurricular Activities Substance Abuse Guidelines reinforce the expectation of good conduct and positive
representation of the District by students who participate in the District’s activity programs.
Participation in extra-curricular activities as defined by KSHSAA and North Ottawa County District No. 239 is a
privilege. This privilege is available to a student for as long as the student complies with District policies, Kansas
State High School Athletic Association (KSHSAA) Rule 14 Bona Fide Student and coach/sponsor rules. Failure to
comply with any of the guidelines will result in suspension of the privilege of participating in extra-curricular
activities. These guidelines are an extension on the District’s substance abuse policy as well as the KSHSAA policy
concerning the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.
Under these guidelines, an offense shall mean the use, possession on their person, bag, or locker, disbursement, or
being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, or any illegal drugs , during a participation period. As an
extension of the District’s disciplinary policies, any offense at school or at a school-sponsored activity will also result
in appropriate District/school disciplinary action. Any student suspected of an offense shall be notified of the
suspected offense and due process will be afforded to the student. The parent/guardian will also be notified.
Appeals may be pursued through established school disciplinary policies.
Proof of violation of misconduct shall be defined as follows:
 Observance of violation by school staff or administration
 Direct reporting by parent of student involved
 Self-referral by student
 District canine search
 Notification by law enforcement of formal charges filed against student
The district hires coaches/ sponsors to manage their activities. Coaches may have stricter rules than what is provided
by these guidelines. If a coach or sponsor has stricter rules, those rules shall be provided to the student and parent by
the coach in writing and returned to the coach signed by the parent prior to the start of the activity. The substance
abuse guidelines provide a base line standard to which all extra-curricular programs will adhere. Coaches may go above
and beyond these guidelines with full support from the administration and Board of Education. Students are expected
to follow all written rules of the team activity in which they are involved.
If a student participant is found to be involved with a controlled substance during the school year within the
community, the following minimum consequences will be imposed:
A. Suspension from participation in extra-curricular activities for a minimum of 20% of the games
in a regular season up to the remainder of one full season. The length of the suspension will be determined
by the coach and building administrator.
B. A conference with the participant, school administrator, coach/sponsor, and parents before reinstatement;
C. Fulfillment of any additional responsibilities required by the coach/sponsor before reinstatement.
A. Suspension from participation in extra-curricular activities for a minimum of 30% of the regular season
contests. The length of the suspension will be determined by the coach and building administrator.
B. Fulfillment of any additional responsibilities required by the coach/sponsor before reinstatement; and
C. Verification of enrollment and participation in a professional alcohol, tobacco, or drug treatment
program may reduce the suspension time.
D. A conference with the participant, school administrator, coach/sponsor, and parents before
- Should the first and second offense occur in the same season of participation, in all circumstances the
player shall be dismissed from the team.
A. The student and parents shall meet with a Board of Review. The Board of Review will consist of two
teachers, two Board of Education Members, and the school administration. The case will be reviewed and a
determination for future eligibility shall be determined on an individual case by case basis.
I have read and understand the North Ottawa County School District Extra-Curricular Activities Substance Abuse
Guidelines for activity participation and fully realize that failure to follow these guidelines will result in disciplinary
Student’s Name
Student’s ID Number
Student Name (Printed)
Student ID Number
Student Signature
Parent Signature
20% Participation Defined
Track/Cross Country/Golf
2 games (2 consecutive dates of a level and all between)
2 meets (2 meets that a student could participate)
4 games max 7 innings
6 points (1 point per dual, 5 points for tournament)
7 points (1 point per match, 5 points for tournament)
30% Participation Defined
Track/Cross Country/Golf
3 games
3 meets
6 games
9 points
10 points