Heros Engine Lab

Name _______________________________________
Per. _____ Date _______________
Hero’s Engine Lab
A Hero’s Engine is like a miniature steam engine that can be constructed from simple materials,
such as a soda can and a heat source. A Hero's engine uses heat from a fire to create steam. That steam is
then forced to exit through a pipe or openings, which causes the entire engine to spin. The soda can will
force the steam through holes in the side, which causes the soda can to spin. This lab demonstrates the
law of conservation energy – with energy transformations occurring from chemical energy to thermal to
*If absent or need of a review watch the video below. Complete ALL Questions and submit.*
An Easy Hero's Engine  You Tube https://youtu.be/xKKCBzD7EQs
Preparing the Soda Can (Hero's engine): Safety goggles must be worn at all times.
1. Locate the black dots marked on the sides of the soda can – there are 2.
2. Lay the can flat with one black dot facing up.
3. Get a firm grip on the pin and the soda can. Push the pin straight through ONE of the black dots.
Note: the pin must go in beyond the tip. Don’t wiggle the pin as you will make the hole too large.
4. Hold the can tightly and remove the pin.
5. Hold the can over the sink. Now flip the can over and drain out the soda. DO NOT DENT THE CAN.
6. Make a second hole on the opposite side of the can.
7. Insert pin about ¼ way into the hole and lay the pin flat to one side. (The hole should bend to form
a scoop shape.) See Figure 5.
8. Rotate the can around to the second hole. Repeat STEP 1. Make sure to
the lay the pin down in the same direction as first hole. See Fig. 5
9. Face one of the holes under running water to partially fill the can. Count
to 10. NOTE: Before moving on, call Ms. Hernandez over to check the
amount of water in your can.
10. Attach the string which is on the ring stand to the pop top on the can. Do
not break the pop top off the can or open the top of the can.
1. Light the Bunsen burner. Carefully following the directions given in class.
2. Place soda can above the flame using the ring stand. Heat the can to boil the water.
3. When can begins to spin, count the number of spins in 20 seconds. Remove can from flame before
can spins violently.
4. Repeat steps 6 - 8 for two more trials. Record data below.
5. Turn burner off once you have collected the data.
Data: Use the black line on the top of the can to keep track of the number of spins.
Number of Spins
Burns 2015
Average # of Spins
Conclusion Questions: Use complete sentences to answer the questions below.
1. Why do you need to wear safety goggles during this lab?
2. The flame of the burner is fueled by methane gas. What type of energy is the methane gas?
Kinetic or Potential energy
What form of energy is this? _________________________________
3. That form of energy in the gas is transformed into __________________________ energy in the flame.
4. This heat energy is transferred into __________________________ energy in the water.
5. The energy in the water, is then transformed into ______________________________ energy in the
soda can or Hero’s Engine.
6. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?- _______________________________________________
7. How does this lab show the Law of Conservation of Energy? Explain, and give details.
8. Now we want to do an experiment, which tests the effect of the hole size on the number of spins the
can makes. Next you come up with a question- how does the size of the hole affect the number of
rotations of a can? Now write a hypothesis:
If __________________________________________________________________________________
9. What is the independent variable? ________________10. Dependent Variable? __________________
11. What are TWO controlled variables? __________________ & __________________
12. Predict the results of this experiment: If the holes were bigger than the ones we used on lab today,
how would it change the number of spins of the can in 20 seconds? ____________________________
Burns 2015