“Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hand we hold the future” Appendix B Administration of Medications Policy Rationale This policy is to provide clear guidance and procedures to staff and Parents/Carers. It forms the basis of a supportive environment in which pupils with medical needs may receive suitable medical care enabling their continuing participation in mainstream schooling. Aim To enable all children to be able to access school as frequently as possible despite medical conditions. Guidelines Consider each request for administration of medication to a pupil in school individually. In consultation with staff, Parents/Carers, health professionals and the local authority the Head teacher will decide whether the school can assist a pupil with medical needs. No medication will be administered without prior consultation with, and written permission from the parent or guardian. See Appendix C (In addition a note from the family GP confirming the child is fit to attend school and the necessity for the child to take the medication during school hours may be required.) Medicines will only be administered by staff willing and suitably trained to do so, and then only under the overall direction and responsibility of the Head teacher. It is a parental responsibility to ensure any medication (including epipens and asthma inhalers) are within date. Specific cultural and religious views on a pupil’s medical care will be respected but must be made known to the school in writing. Personal health care plans will be drawn up in consultation with the school, Parents/Carers and medical professionals for major or long term concerns. See Appendix D Medication must be delivered to school by the parent (not sent in the child’s bag) and given to the school office. Medicines brought into school should be clearly marked with the subscribers instructions: - In the correctly named container (not poured into another bottle) - clearly marked with the pupil’s name Administration of Medicines Policy – March 2015 1 “Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hand we hold the future” - Dosage (including method of administration and times) - Special storage requirements Medicines received will be logged onto the school’s drug file and held securely within the school. See Appendix E. All essential staff will be able to access medicines in case of emergency. The school will establish a medication chart, used in conjunction with the pupil’s individual health care plan. Persons administering medication will check medication type is correct, then log the time and date and sign the chart upon administering medication. See Appendix F For asthma sufferers please see Asthma Policy Appendix G For allergy sufferers please see Allergy Policy Appendix H For Epilepsy sufferers please see Epilepsy Appendix I Monitoring and Evaluation This policy will be monitored under the Health and Safety checks and reviews over the year, through examination of Appendices B-I. This will be reported to the Full Governing Body Meeting by the Governor with responsibility for Health and Safety. Policy reviewed: March 2015 Approved by the Full Governing Body Kay Allen (signed: Chair of Governors) 11/3/15 Administration of Medicines Policy – March 2015 2 “Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hand we hold the future” Appendix C Request for School to Administer Medication Form to be completed by Parents/Carers if they wish the school to administer medication. The school will not give your child medicine unless you complete and sign this form and the Head teacher has agreed that the school staff can administer the medication. Details of pupil: Surname: First Name: Tel No: Class: Male/female Date of Birth: Parent’s Name: Condition of illness: Name of Medication: Prescribers instructions (to be clearly marked on medicine or to accompany this form): Date Dispensed: Length of course: Expiry date: Method of administration: Times of administration: Storage requirements: Any other information: Completed by: Signed by: Administration of Medicines Policy – March 2015 3 AppendixD Proforma 2 PLAN NUMBER: HEALTH CARE PLAN FOR A PUPIL WITH MEDICAL NEEDS Name: Date of Birth: Condition: PHOTO Class/Form: Date: Review Date: Describe condition and give details of pupil's individual symptoms: Daily care requirements: (e.g. before sport, at lunchtime etc.) Describe what constitutes an emergency for the pupil, and the action to take if this occurs: Follow up care: “Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hand we hold the future” Who is responsible in an Emergency: (state if different for off site activities) CONTACT INFORMATION Family contact 1 Family contact 2 Name: Name: Phone No. (work): (home): Phone No. (work): (home): Relationship: Relationship: Clinic/Hospital contact GP Name: Name: Phone No: Phone No: Form copied to: NOTE: Please be aware of the confidential nature of this information, be discrete. Children’s photos will be used in the staffroom, classrooms and medical room identifying their medical needs for Health and safety reasons. 5 “Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hand we hold the future” Appendix E SCHOOL DRUGS FILE Pupil's Name Name of Medication Health Care Plan No. Signature of Staff Accepting Delivery Date/Time Medicine Accepted 6 “Believe, Achieve, Succeed. In our hand we hold the future” Appendix F RECORD OF MEDICATION ADMINISTERED IN SCHOOL Date Pupil's Name Time Name of Medication Health Care Plan No. Dose Given Reason for Administering Medication* Route of Administering Medication** Any Reactions Signature of Staff Print Name * For example routine, emergency, Anaphylaxis, distress, shortness of breath etc. ** For example inhaled, ingested, rectal infusion, injection, absorbed (skin), drops etc. 7