We The People Chapter 10 & 17 Test Review The first Constitution

We The People Chapter 10 & 17 Test Review
1. The first Constitution of the United States was called what?
2. True or False: The Founders were worried about how much power to give the government.
3. What two fears influenced how they wrote the Articles of Confederation?
4. True or False: The Founders ended up creating a strong national government even though they
had those fears when they wrote the Articles of Confederation.
5. How many of the states had to approve a decision that was made by congress under the A.O.C?
6. The Northwest Ordinance was an achievement under the A.O.C what did it allow governments
to do?
7. Write the letter A next to the achievements and the letter P next to the problems of the A.O.C.
8. True or False: The states could pay what they wanted to pay to congress to help support it.
9. People started to think that states needed to use the same money and legal agreements needed
to be honored between states and the only way that would happen is with a what?
10. Shays’ Rebellion was started when farmers could not do what?
11. Shays’ Rebellion ended up forcing the states to meet and do what?
12. True or False: Ratifying the Constitution means that it did not get passed.
13. Who came up with the plan to ratify the new Constitution?
14. What was he afraid of when he came up with his plan?
15. Madison’s plan was based on the idea from where?
16. True or False: Madison wanted the people of the states to approve the Constitution at a state
17. Why did the supporters of the Constitution want to vote on the Constitution quickly?
18. True or False: People who supported the Constitution were called Federalist
19. True or False: People who were against the Constitution were called Anti-Federalist
20. The main way that the two sides debated and tried to persuade people was?
21. Federalist liked the idea of what type of government?
22. Anti-Federalist liked the idea power going with whom?
23. In order for the Constitution to get ratified by the Anti-Federalists, the Federalists had to include
24. The Necessary and Proper clause of the Constitution allows the government to do what?
25. The Anti-Federalists believed the Constitution gave too much power to whom?
26. The Federalist believed the government would be too far away from the people to allow what?
27. The Anti-Federalists believed the government would be so large that people would not be able
to agree on what?
28. The Bill of Rights helps protect what?
29. Why did the Federalists believe in a strong executive branch?
30. The three major points of the argument for or against the Constitution were whether the new
Constitution would maintain a republican form of government, whether the national
government would have too much power, and what is the third point?