Societies Starter Pack - Napier Students` Association


Student Societies Starter Pack

Step 1

•Request a Societies starter meeting with the VP Sports & Societies

•Read and understood the Societies Handbook

Step 2

•Organise a meeting or come and try session to guage student interest. It is important here to elect the committee: President, Secretery, Treasurer. The committee must register as volunteers with the Vbase.

•Agree a development plan and mission statement with objectives, events and activities, finance plans and set a membership fee. Minimum membership £1.

Step 3

•Submit atleast 10 completed membership forms to the Students Association and pay the agreed registration fee.

Societies must have a minimum of 10 members to operate.

Step 4

•Submit the Society Starter Pack containing the committee list, constitution, joining fee, development plan, mission statement, activity and financial plans and the funding application.

•If you were requested to complete a risk assesment, please include this.

Step 5

•Your starter pack will be sent to the Societies Executive.

•Once your pack has been recieved, along with the membership forms, your society will be deemed 'Active Pending Affiliation' and you can begin to plan activities.

Starter Society Checklist

Have you completed the following?

Society Starter Meeting with VP Sports and Societies

Downloaded the Starter Pack

Collected Membership Forms and Cards from the VP Sports & Societies

Hosted a Meeting or a “Come and Try” Session

Elected a Committee

Elected Committee registered as Volunteers with Vbase

Submitted 10 membership forms and fees to the VP Sports & Societies

Completed a Society Development Plan

Created a Society Mission Statement

Submitted the completed Starter Pack

Submitted the Risk Assessment (if any)

Submitted the Funding Application (if applicable and required)

Society Logo (not essential but would benefit)

Please ensure this list is complete before returning the pack via email to the VP Sports & Societies at

Membership forms are available on line at or from the reception desk at the NSA in Merchiston Campus Room B34.

If a Risk Assessment is required, this will be sent to you in addition to this Starter Pack.

Committee List






Student ID No.

The President has the responsibility of being the Chairperson at Society Committee meetings, and

General Meetings. It is also the President’s role to liaise between the Society and the Students’

Association. The Chair must also be the Society Representative at the Society Forums.

Position Treasurer




Student ID No.

The Treasurer has the responsibility of managing all financial transactions, including the yearly budget, collection of membership and weekly fees, and recording all withdrawals and deposits at the

Students’ Association. The Treasurer must also be a Society Representative at the Society Forums.

Position Secretary




Student ID No.

The Secretary has the responsibility of calling meetings, preparing the agendas and taking minutes.

The Secretery must also be a Society Representative at the Society Forums.

If your society has more than three of a committee, please use the list below to complete your society. If you require more, feel free to copy and paste the list.





Student ID No.





Student ID No.





Student ID No.

Edinburgh Napier University Student Societies Union


1.0 Name

1.1 The society will be called ____________________ and will be affiliated to the

Edinburgh Napier University Student Societies Union and run under the guidelines of

Napier Students’ Association.

2.0 Aims and objectives

2.1 The aims and objectives of the society will be:

[Add Objectives here]

3.0 Membership

3.1 Membership shall be open to all Edinburgh Napier Students.

3.2 All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the society will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct that the society has adopted.

3.3 Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories:


Full member – student


Associate member – alumni, staff or external

4.0 Membership fees

4.1 All society members must be affiliated to the Student Societies Union through registration and paying the appropriate fee if required.

4.2 Associate members fee being considerably higher.

4.3 Membership fees will be set annually by the Societies Executive and the Society

Committee and agreed by the Sports and Societies Council.

5.0 Committee

5.1There shall be an elected committee entrusted with the responsibility of persuing the Society objective above. The Committee shall consist of the following positions:

5.1.1 President

5.1.2 Secretery

5.1.3 Treasurer

5.1.4 [Add additional committee members]

5.2 Officers will be elected annually at the AGM

5.3 All officers will retire each year but will be eligible for re-appointment.

6.0 Committee General Responsibilities

6.1 Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Society

6.2 The Committee will be convened by the Secretary of the club and held no less than 4 per year. The quorum required for business to be agreed at

Management Committee meetings will be: 3 .

6.3 The Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the society.

6.4 The Committee will have powers to appoint sub-committees as necessary and appoint advisers to the Management Committee as necessary to fulfil its business.

6.5 If for any reason an Executive Committee member cannot fulfil their duties, they may be subject to removal or impeachment by two-thirds majority vote and/or by the

VP Sports & Societies. An EGM will be called and an election will then be held to fill the vacant position.

7.0 Finance

7.1 All society monies will be banked in an account held centrally at the NSA in the name of the club.

7.2 The society Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.

The financial year of the club will end on: May 31 st

7.3 A statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the

Annual General Meeting.

8.0 Annual General Meetings

8.1Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be given by the Club

Secretary. Not less than 14 clear days’ notice to be given to all members.

8.2 The AGM will receive a report from officers of the Committee and a statement of the audited accounts.

8.3 Nominations for officers of the Committee will be sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM.

8.3.1 Elections of officers are to take place at the AGM.

8.3.2 Any member of the Society who is fully registered within NSA has the right to run or be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee.

8.3.3 All members have the right to vote at the AGM.

8.3.4 The quorum for AGMs will be at least 50% of the clubs members

8.4 The Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.

9.0 Discipline and appeals

9.1 All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Secretary and passed on to the Student Societies President.

10.0 Dissolution

10.1 A resolution to dissolve the society can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership.

10.2 In the event of dissolution, any assets of the society that remain will become the property of Edinburgh Napier Student Societies Union to distribute to other clubs at their discretion.

11.0 Amendments to the constitution

11.1 The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.

11.2 Any changes must be approved by the Sports and Societies council

12.0 Declaration

_________________ hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.

Society President Name:


Society Secretary Name:


Society Treasurer Name:


Development Plan

A development plan is created based on your Constitutional aims and objectives but more can be added. The development plan should include both long (2-3 years) and short term (1 year) objectives.

Aim How we are going to achieve it?


Time required to achieve our aim

Action required to achieve our aim

Resources required to achieve our aim

Mission Statement

The Society mission statement should be a short paragraph of a couple sentences stating the purpose of the Society. The mission statement should guide the actions of the Society, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making.

Use this link for some advice on how to create an appropriate mission statement.

Activity Plan

Use the Activity Plan to detail your activities for the coming year. Include all aspects; meetings, social events, fundraisers, conferences and special events, for example.

Number of Committee Members

Annual Fee

Expected Number of Members

Trimester 1: September to December

Trimester 2: January to April

Trimester 3: May to August

Some societies choose to operate throughout Trimester 3. It is at the discretion of the society, and there is no obligation to work throughout this period.

Finance Plan


Total Expenditure

Total Income



Please include all expenditure that you think you may incur throughout the academic year.

Expenditure Costs


Please indicate how much income you expect to receive. Here, you should account for membership fees, fundraisers, entry price to events, and any cash you apply for from the Students’ Association.

Income Total

Societies Funding Application 2013/14

Funding will be allocated based on your current membership fee, planned activities, the budget application, previous membership fee and expenditures. Please refer to your Development Plan and its aims. Make sure that the grant will help you to achieve these aims.

Funding will not be allocated for alcohol, personal clothing, or where the society is not willing to make a contribution from membership fees or by asking members to pay a small amount.

If applying for funding for an event(s), please specify your location and date, expected number of guests, and entertainment and setup costs. If there is transport and accommodation costs, please source the most reasonable options.

Please note that all societies are granted £35 for advertising and printing costs. If you are applying for more please specify your reasons why and the exact advertising method (e.g roller banner, posters, banner) you are requesting.

Your Name: Email:

Society Name: Committee Position:

Advertising funding request (amount and details):

Reason for advertising fund request:

Grant Requested:

Amount already granted this year (if any) :

Reason for funding (Detailed Description) :

How will the funding benefit ENU students, and your members (inclusivity, equality and diversity)? :


We know that we can contact VP Sports & Societies for assistance, and have done so where necessary. We are paid members of the society, as well as registered committee members. We understand that if this form has not been completed in accordance with the policy, it will not be taken to the Societies Executive for consideration.

Authorisation by Committee Members

Signature (1)………………………………………………………... Date………………

Signature (2)…………………………………………………………. Date………………

N.B. - Funds will not be granted without approval from two authorised signatories.

Authorisation by Societies Executive

VP Sports & Societies (1)……………………………...……………………… Date………………

Societies Executive Representative (2)…………………………. Date………………
