Appendix x-2 NATIOANL SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY Guidelines of Rewards for Kaohsiung Medical University Collaborated Journal Paper and Book Publications Amended and approved by the 3rd Academic Coordination Meeting on December 18, 2013, School Year 102. Amended and approved by the 10th Executive Council Meeting on January 8, 2014, 1 st Semester of School Year 102. Amended and approved by the 1st University General Fund Management Committee Meeting on March 14, 2014, School Year 102. Amended and approved by the 9th Executive Council Meeting on June 18, 2014, 2 nd Semester of School Year 102. Amended and approved by the 5th Executive Council Meeting on April 29, 2015, 2 nd Semester of School Year 103. Amended and approved by the 2nd University General Fund Management Committee Meeting on June 12, 2015, 2 nd Semester of School Year 104. I. II. III. Receivers of the rewards: full-time faculty members joint-appointed by National Sun Yatsen University (NSYSU) and Kaohsiung Medical University. Each faculty member may be rewarded for no more than three publications, with a maximum of 12 bases for the total rewards received. Criteria of the rewards: publications in the name of NSYSU, not limited to NSYSU being the lead unit, of the year before in the forms of books or book chapters, or journal papers (covered by SCIE, SSCI, AHCI, TSSCI, THCI Core). The rewards are processed in references to up-to-date databases of ISI, WOS, JCR, TSSCI, and THCI Core each year. Determinations of the rewards: A. Reward receivers are of lead authors or corresponding authors. Each publication may only be used as a reference of a reward application once. Apart from publishing papers on Science or Nature, an applicant who is neither the lead author nor the corresponding author may only have 20% of the bases described below accounted for the rewards. B. For each SCIE covered journal paper with a categorized impact factor ranks in top 10% of Journal Citation Report (JCR), 1.2 bases would be accounted for the faculty member; for each SCIE covered journal paper with a categorized impact factor ranks in top 11 – 40% of JCR, 0.6 bases would be accounted for the faculty member. Journal papers published by science, engineering, or marine science faculty members on SSCI journals that are covered by SCIE would be accounted in accordance with that of the SCIE covered journal papers. C. For each SSCI covered journal paper with a categorized impact factor ranks in top 30% of JCR, 1.8 bases would be accounted for the faculty member; for each SSCI covered journal paper with a categorized impact factor ranks in top 31 – 70% of JCR, 0.9 bases would be accounted for the faculty member. D. For each AHCI covered journal paper, 1.8 bases would be accounted for the faculty member. E. For each TSSCI covered journal paper, 0.45 bases would be accounted for the faculty member. F. For each THCI Core covered journal paper, 0.45 bases would be accounted for the faculty member. G. For an international collaborated journal paper (a paper collaborated with a foreign researcher), an extra 30% of the bases described previously would be added on top of the bases accounted for the faculty member. H. For a paper featured on the cover of a journal (in which case, please enclose proof), the original accounted bases would be doubled for the faculty member. I. For each paper published on Science or Nature (excluding serial papers), 14.4 bases would be accounted for the faculty member, or 7.2 for a faculty member who is neither the lead author nor the corresponding author. The rewarding process of this item is exempt from the 12-base maximum limitation. J. Book publications are accounted if they are reviewed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and awarded with subsidies in accordance with the “MOST Research Center of Humanities and Social Science Guidelines for Humanities and Social Science Book Publication Subsidy”, or books that are reviewed and published by domestic or international academic publishers/ organizations, and have ISBN’s assigned to them (please attach two copies or more of the review comments/feedbacks from the publishing organizations and proofs of approval). Academic books, textbooks, compilation books, conference paper collections, or research finding reports that are not officially reviewed and approved are not accounted for this application. For each book publication completed by one author of NSYSU, 2.7 bases would be accounted; for each book publication collaborated by different authors, including editors, the bases accounted for the collaborating authors or editors would be proportional to that of the ratio of the number of chapters to the number of authors (and editors). IV. For rankings of journals, each research field shall make a list of all relevant journals of the field. If there are less than 10 journals, the list will be combined with that of relevant fields when accounted, or will be arranged by the Office of Research and Development (R&D) after being recognized by a subject convener of the MOST. (The percentage of each rank would be rounded down to the nearest unit). V. The Office of R&D is authorized to arrange and process submissions of works (letters, short essays, or readers’ responses) and controversial papers. VI. The rewards are funded by the five self-raised funds of the University General Management Fund, tuition fees, and project funds approved by the government. Depending on budgets of the year when the rewards are issued, monetary rewards may be calculated proportionally to the total bases accounted collectively with the rewards given under the “NSYSU Guidelines of Rewards for Academic Paper and Book Publications.” Each base may be converted to a maximum of NT$10,000. The amount of a converted monetary reward is rounded down to the nearest hundred. VII. This set of guidelines shall be implemented after approvals of executive council meetings and the university general fund management committee meetings, and the authorization of the president. The same procedure shall be carried out when amendments are to be made.