Children’s Facilities Capital Program 2015-16 Guidelines Published by the Communications Division for Early Years and Primary Reform Division Department of Education and Training Melbourne May 2015 ©State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2015 The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, the National Education Access Licence for Schools (NEALS) (see below) or with permission. An educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution may copy and communicate the materials, other than third party materials, for the educational purposes of the institution. Authorised by the Department of Education and Training, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002. ISBN [to be inserted if required] This document is also available on the internet at es/capitalprogram.aspx. Contents 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Overview 3 1.2. Major Infrastructure Grants 3 1.3. Minor Grants 3 2. Major Infrastructure Grants 4 2.1. Integrated Children’s Centre Grants 5 2.2. New Early Learning Facility Grants 6 2.3. Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants 7 2.4. Major Infrastructure Grants - application process 8 2.5. Permission from land/building owner 11 3. Minor Grants 13 3.1. Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grants 13 3.2. Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grants 14 3.3. Information Technology Grants 15 3.4. Assessment Criteria 15 3.5. Minor Grants Application Processes 16 4. Further Information 17 4.1. Financial check and project acquittal 17 4.2. Announcement and acknowledgement 17 4.3. Requirements for major capital grants 17 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview The Victorian Government recognises that access to high quality early years services is central to giving every Victorian child the best start in life. Families deserve a choice of flexible, accessible and affordable early childhood education and care services, including kindergarten programs delivered in a range of settings, alongside other key services such as Maternal and Child Health, early childhood intervention services, playgroups and family services. The Victorian Government has committed $50 million over four years to support local governments and other service providers to invest in early childhood infrastructure. This investment through the Children’s Facilities Capital Program will support the provision of high quality early years programs for children and their families by: • increasing infrastructure capacity to deliver kindergarten programs for children in the year before school • promoting integrated service delivery at one location where families can access early childhood education and care, health and development and family services • improving access to local and responsive early childhood services for children from vulnerable and/or disadvantaged families • establishing early childhood infrastructure on or near school sites. These guidelines provide details of the 2015-16 Children’s Facilities Capital Program. As outlined below, the Program includes a new Expression of Interest process for Major Infrastructure Grants. This will enable local governments and other applicants to identify high priority projects across the four years as early as possible, respond to feedback from the Department of Education and Training (DET) about proposed projects, plan and budget with more certainty and, where possible, coordinate investment in early childhood infrastructure with co-located new or redeveloped schools. The 2015-16 Children’s Facilities Capital Program also includes a new Minor Grant category - Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grants - to support services that can increase licensed capacity to better accommodate new educator to child ratios from 2016 through minor works. 1.2. Major Infrastructure Grants • Integrated Children’s Centre Grants up to $1.6 million (Section 2.3) • New Early Learning Facility Grants up to $650 000 (Section 2.4) • Early Learning Facilities Upgrade Grants up to $350 000. (Section 2.5) 1.3. Minor Grants • Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grants up to $25 000 (Section 3.1) • Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grants up to $10 000 (Section 3.2) • Information Technology Grants up to $1 500 (Section 3.3). For profit organisations are not eligible for any grant type in 2015-16. 3 2. Major Infrastructure Grants Eligible Organisations The following organisations are eligible to apply for all Major Infrastructure Grants: • local governments • not-for-profit community organisations • government schools • non-government schools. What can be funded For all Major Infrastructure Grant categories the following items can be included as part of the total cost of the project for the calculation of the maximum Victorian Government contribution: • planning and design costs • project management costs • site preparation, including clearing and demolition if required • construction and commissioning • fittings, furniture and equipment. The following items cannot be included in project cost estimates for the calculation of the maximum Victorian Government contribution: • site acquisition costs • purchase of cars, buses and other vehicles • staff salaries and training • ongoing administration costs • toys, consumables and routine maintenance • cosmetic upgrades. 4 2.1. Integrated Children’s Centre Grants Purpose of grant Integrated Children’s Centres are key hubs for the community, bringing together a range of services where professionals work together to deliver education, care, health and support services to children and their families. They can provide a focal point for new communities in growth areas, but are equally valuable in improving the accessibility, quality and integration of early childhood services in established metropolitan and regional areas. Integrated service delivery is particularly important in establishing and maintaining engagement with vulnerable and disadvantaged families as their children move through the service system, e.g. from Maternal and Child Health to playgroups and then formal early learning programs. Integrated Children’s Centres may be co-located with schools or community facilities such as neighbourhood houses, community centres or libraries. For more information visit: Project requirements To be eligible for funding, Integrated Children’s Centres funded through the Children’s Facilities Capital Program must provide all of the following: • two rooms for a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school (this can be sessional and / or integrated within long day care) • long day care (unless evidence is provided that there is no unmet demand for long day care in the local area) • Maternal and Child Health services • Early childhood intervention services • family services. Integrated Children’s Centres may also incorporate flexible, multi-purpose spaces and provision for other services that meet the needs of the local community, for example: • three year old kindergarten • supported playgroups • parenting groups or programs • occasional care • family day care program coordination • counselling services • community meeting spaces • outside school hours care • adult education programs. Funding available Eligible organisations can apply for up to 40 per cent of the total project cost, capped at $1.6 million per grant (GST exclusive). The 40 per cent cap on the contribution to the total project cost should be calculated in relation to early childhood and directly related facilities only. For example, if a library or sporting and recreational facilities form part of the centre the estimated costs for these elements cannot be included in the calculation of the 40 per cent maximum contribution. Potential applicants should contact DET if they are unsure about how the 40 per cent requirement applies in relation to a proposed project. 5 Project completion Integrated Children’s Centres must be completed within 24 months of the execution of the Common Funding Agreement or as otherwise agreement with DET. 2.2. New Early Learning Facility Grants Purpose of grant New Early Learning Facilities enable the provision of high quality early learning programs, including kindergarten in the year before school, at a neighbourhood level. The location and design of New Early Learning Facilities should respond to the needs of local families and support partnerships with other local services for children and families. Project requirements New Early Learning Facilities funded through the Children’s Facilities Capital Program must include two rooms for the delivery of a kindergarten program for children in the year before school and provision for at least one other early childhood service from the following: • long day care • three year old kindergarten • Maternal and Child Health • playgroups A new early learning facility must be on a site that is not currently used by a licensed children’s service. Funding available Eligible organisations can apply for up to 75 per cent of the total project cost, capped at $650,000 per grant (GST exclusive). Project completion New Early Learning Facilities will be expected to be completed within 18 months of the execution of the Common Funding Agreement or as otherwise agreement with DET. 6 2.3. Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants Purpose of grant Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants are for the renovation or refurbishment of existing, licensed early childhood education and care facilities (including those not currently used for the delivery of a funded kindergarten program) to expand licensed capacity and / or improve the quality of the learning environment. Project requirements Facilities that are renovated or refurbished through the Children’s Facilities Capital Program must be used for the provision of a funded kindergarten program in the year before school upon completion of the project. Applicants are also encouraged to consider the potential for renovated facilities to support the provision of other early childhood services. Funding available Eligible organisations can apply for up to 75 per cent of the total project cost, capped at $350,000 per grant (GST exclusive). Exemptions may be made to the co-contribution requirement, where a service is located in an area of significant disadvantage and there is clear evidence that the applicant does not have the financial capacity to meet the additional costs. Exemptions will be made at the discretion of DET and the total State Government contribution will remain within the $350,000 limit Project completion Facilities refurbished with an Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grant will be expected to be completed within 12 months of the execution of the Common Funding Agreement or as otherwise agreement with DET. 7 2.4. Major Infrastructure Grants - application process The application process for all Major Infrastructure Grant categories includes two stages: • an Expression of Interest for projects planned to commence over next four years (2015-16 to 2018-19) • a Full Application upon invitation, following DET assessment of Expressions of Interest. Stage 1 – Expression of Interest Eligible applicants are invited to submit an Expression of Interest for Integrated Children’s Centre and New Early Learning Facility projects planned to commence over the next four years (2015-16 to 2018-19) and Early Learning Facility Upgrade projects planned to commence in the next two years (2015-16 to 2016-17). The new Expression of Interest process is designed to identify high priority projects that align with the Children’s Facilities Capital Program objectives and assessment criteria as early as possible. This will provide more certainty in forward planning undertaken by both early childhood infrastructure providers and DET. Please note that Expressions of Interest for Major Infrastructure Grants may also be considered for other infrastructure funding programs offered by the State Government. The Expression of Interest process seeks information and data that pertains to the strategic rationale and value proposition of each project, along with confirmation of eligibility and indicative scope, cost and timing. It does not require the submission of detailed plans and costings (noting that these may be well advanced for some projects that have already undergone detailed planning and are ready to commence). The Expression of Interest process will be reopened at approximately the same time in future years to enable the identification of new projects and the re-submission of Expressions of Interest that have previously been considered and feedback provided by DET. Applicants are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest in 2015-16 if sufficient information is available, even if construction is not planned to commence until the latter part of the four year period for Integrated Children’s Centre and New Early Facility projects. Online Expression of interest forms for the respective Major Infrastructure Grant categories can be accessed as follows: Integrated Children Centres'sCentreGrant2015-16 New Early Learning Facilities Early Learning Facilities Upgrade The Expression of Interest form requires applicants to demonstrate eligibility against the following information: • evidence the applicant is an eligible organisation • evidence of the financial viability of the organisation (except local government and government schools) • evidence that the proposed site will be available if not currently owned • a letter of support from the relevant local council for the project (if not the applicant) In addition, applicants will be asked to provide detail of the proposed project to enable it to be assessed and prioritised, including: • a project proposal that address the aims of the Children’s Facilities Capital Program, including the identified service need and responses to each of the assessment criteria (and supporting evidence as required) 8 • evidence that service providers that will be impacted by the proposal (e.g. community-based kindergarten services operating in existing facilities) have been consulted • indicative scope, cost, value of grant sought and commencement/completion dates • relative priority where an applicant is submitting multiple Expressions of Interest. Expressions of Interest must be submitted via the online application system as listed at the above web addresses. Expressions of interest submitted on incorrect forms will not be accepted. Expressions of Interest for Major Infrastructure Grants for consideration in 2015-16 must be submitted by 4.00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday 7 August 2015. Late submissions will not be accepted. DET may seek clarification about an Expression of Interest or ask applicants to provide further information where required. Assessment of Expressions of Interest DET will assess Expressions of Interest for all Major Infrastructure Grant categories with the guidance of an independent probity advisor against the following assessment criteria: • All required services for the grant type will be delivered • the proposed project will respond to unmet demand for kindergarten provision in the year before school and other early childhood services • the proposed project will improve access to high quality early childhood services for the local community, particularly for disadvantaged and vulnerable families • the proposed project will support the integrated delivery of early childhood and related family services and / or the establishment of partnership arrangements with other services • the proposed project is co-located with a government school or supports the establishment of other connections with local schools. Further detail about the assessment criteria, including examples of evidence that can be submitted, is at Attachment 1. As set out in Figure 1 on p.10, Expressions of Interest may be approved for progression to Full Application, provided with feedback and invited to re-submit in the future or rejected. To support the assessment process, DET may consult with relevant local councils, in their municipal planning role, and have reference to demographic and other data sets (e.g. population projections, SEIFA data and AEDC data) The selection of projects to proceed to the Full Application stage will be primarily based on ratings against the assessment criteria, however, other factors may be taken into account including: • the distribution of approved projects across applicants, local government areas and different regions of the state • the availability of funding in each financial year, noting that the number and value of eligible, highly rated projects may exceed the total available funding. Stage 2 - Full Application Expressions of Interest that meet all eligibility requirements and rate highly against the selection criteria may be invited to submit a Full Application. Further details of the requirements for this stage will be provided to successful applicants following the Expression of Interest stage. Projects will not be further assessed against the Expression of Interest criteria at the Full Application stage, but will be required to meet threshold requirements based on the provision of detailed project information, e.g.: floor plans or architectural design plans technical and cost details 9 confirmation of all other funding contributions confirmation the project meets all regulatory requirements evidence of value for money confirmation the project is ready to commence construction. If DET is satisfied that all specified requirements have been met the project will be deemed eligible for funding (subject to availability of funding, approval by the Minister for Families and Children and execution of a Common Funding Agreement). To remain eligible for funding, applicants must not enter into a contract for any works proposed in their application prior to being informed of the application outcome. Figure 1 - The Application Process Confirm eligibility requirements Submission of EOI for ICCs and NELFs (2015-16 – 2018-19) and ELFUs (2015-16 – 2018-19) Project not approved in this round – feedback provided and invited to resubmit in future round Applicant may re-submit revised EOI in future round in response to feedback Independent Panel assessment of EOIs Application rejected (not eligible or does not address assessment criteria) Project approved to submit Full Application Applicant prepares detailed Application and submits online Project satisfies Threshold Requirements. Recommended for funding Common Funding Agreement signed Project funded 10 Funding agreements Organisations receiving a Major Infrastructure Grant will be required to enter into a Victorian Government Common Funding Agreement. This includes a commitment to a designated use period of at least 10 years after the date from which the new or upgrade facility is available for service delivery. The common funding agreement is available at: DET will not vary this agreement unless exceptional circumstances exist. No funding can be released until DET and the applicant have executed the common funding agreement. All Common Funding Agreements must be signed no later than 12 weeks following official notification of a successful grant application. Each party to the agreement must pay its own legal costs in the preparation, negotiation, execution and any variation of the agreement. Projects involving facilities on government school sites will be required to enter into a separate leasing agreement. Monitoring and reporting of project delivery Recipients of Major Infrastructure Grants will be required to comply with project monitoring and reporting requirements, including: • Online, bi-monthly progress reports with supporting evidence as required by DET • site inspections by DET staff or representatives if required • production of building contracts, receipts and/or invoices if required by DET. Payments and acquittals All Major Infrastructure Grant payments will be provided in milestone installments at the discretion of DET. Unless otherwise agreed, the first installment will be paid at the commencement of construction. Grant funds will be paid to successful applicants via an electronic funds transfer to a nominated account or through a variation of an existing service agreement. In cases where a project is delayed for an unreasonable length of time, or where substantive changes to scope are made after funding has been approved, DET reserves the right to cancel the grant and, if applicable, recoup any payments that have already been provided. On completion of the project, all grant recipients are required to complete and return the appropriate Certificate of Expenditure Acquittal form to DET. The form is available from: 2.5. Permission from land/building owner Land / Building owner permission If the land and/or building is owned by local government then only the relevant local council can be the applicant for a Major Infrastructure Grant. Where the land and / or building is not owned by local government, a service provider may be the applicant with the written approval of the land / building owner. 11 DET land ownership If the owner of the land is DET, the applicant must complete a DET Land Use Proposal Form (formerly known as the Land Permission form) and submit it with the application. The DET Land Use Proposal Form is available at: DET’s Infrastructure and Sustainability Division will determine whether or not the proposed project is appropriate for the selected site (in addition to approval from the school). It is important that applicants allow sufficient time to submit the DET Land Use Proposal Form for it to be reviewed and returned, to enable it to be attached to the application prior to the closure of the funding round. Service Approvals If the service is undertaking works of a structural nature that will change the design of an approved education and care service – for example, the addition of a children’s room or expansion of a children’s space, and/or where there will be an increase in the approved number of places – your service may be required to seek approval from DET prior to completion of the works. These applications may take some time to consider and approve. Please contact the Quality Assessment and Regulation Division at DET on 1300 307 415 or email to discuss your circumstances if you have specific concerns. Notifications and applications may be submitted via the National Quality Agenda IT system. The system may be accessed from Further information is available from the ACECQA website 12 3. Minor Grants Minor Grants will be allocated through annual grants’ rounds. They will not form part of the rolling, Expression of Interest process to be used for the identification and prioritisation of Major Infrastructure Grants. 3.1. Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grants Purpose of grant This grant is a contribution towards the cost of a small refurbishment project designed to increase the usable space of a licensed service, with a view to better accommodating new educator to child ratios to apply to children aged three years and over from 1 January 2016. Examples of small refurbishment projects that may increase useable space include enclosing verandahs, moving storage and door swings and alterations to existing foyer areas to enable them to be included within the licensed space. It is acknowledged that the scope for older facilities to be expanded in a cost effective way will vary and that this will not be practical in all cases. Funding available and project completion Eligible organisations can apply for up to $25,000 per Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grant. There is no mandatory co-contribution. Projects funded through Minor Infrastructure Grants will be expected to be completed within 6 months of the funding being received (unless otherwise agreed with DET for projects of greater scope and complexity). Eligible organisations The following organisations are eligible to apply for a Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grant: • local government • not-for-profit community organisations offering a funded kindergarten program • kindergarten cluster managers • government schools offering a funded kindergarten program. If the applicant is not the building owner they must have written evidence of permission from the building owner to undertake the proposed works. Funding cannot be applied to services operated by or on non-government school sites. Assessment Criteria Applications for a Minor Infrastructure Ratio Change Grant will be required to demonstrate that the project will contribute to increasing the licensed space of the service and that demand exists to fill the additional licensed places that will be created. It is expected that the service will accept enrolments up to the new licensed capacity. If eligible applications exceed the maximum number of Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grants that are available, priority will be given to applicants in areas with identified infrastructure suitability and capacity constraints for accommodating the new educator to child ratios and/or in areas with high levels of disadvantage and vulnerable populations. 13 3.2. Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grants Purpose of Grant This grant is a contribution towards the cost of a small refurbishment project designed to enhance the quality of education and care for children attending a funded kindergarten program. The grant can be used to improve any indoor or outdoor spaces used by children during the program, including bathrooms, particularly where they are designed to improve access for children of all abilities. This grant cannot be used for routine maintenance works, cosmetic upgrades, staff offices or other areas not used as part of the delivery of the program or for the purchase of consumables. Funding available and project completion Organisations can apply for up to $10,000 per Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grant. There is no mandatory co-contribution. Projects funded through Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grants will be expected to be completed within 6 months of the funding being received. Eligible organisations The following organisations are eligible to apply for a Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grant: • local government • not-for-profit community organisations offering a funded kindergarten program • kindergarten cluster managers • government schools offering a funded kindergarten program. If the applicant is not the building owner they must have written evidence of permission from the building owner to undertake the proposed works. Funding cannot be applied to services operated by or on non-government school sites. Assessment Criteria Applications for a Minor Infrastructure Grant will be required to demonstrate that the project will contribute to improving the indoor and outdoor space used by the children. Priority will be given to services located in areas with high levels of disadvantage and vulnerable populations (as indicated in AEDC data and SEIFA data). 14 3.3. Information Technology Grants Purpose of Grant This grant is a contribution to the cost of the purchase of digital hardware for services for administrative use or for use as part of the learning program. Funding Available Organisations can apply for up to $1,500 per Information Technology Grant. Eligible Organisations The following organisations are eligible to apply for an Information Technology Grant: • community-based, stand-alone kindergartens • kindergarten cluster managers Services that received an Information Technology Grant as part of the 2014-15 Children’s Facilities Capital Program are not eligible to apply in 2015-16. Funding cannot be applied to services operated by schools and/or on non-government school sites. Note: when a kindergarten service is operated by a cluster manager, the cluster manager must be the applicant. 3.4. Assessment Criteria Applications will require a brief statement that specifies the need for new information technology hardware. Applicants are able to apply for both an Information Technology Grant and one of either a Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grant a Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grant. Priority will be given to services located in areas with high levels of disadvantage and vulnerable populations (as indicated in AEDC data and SEIFA data). 15 3.5. Minor Grants Application Processes The application form for Minor Infrastructure Expansion Grants is available at: The form requires information about: • how the project will increase the usable space of the service to assist in meeting the 2016 educator to child ratio changes, and • quotes or cost estimates on proposed work. The application form for Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment Grants is available at: The form requires information about: • how the project will support services to improvements to the indoor and outdoor areas used by the children, and • quotes or cost estimates on proposed work. The application form for Information Technology Grants is available at: The form requires information about: • the need for new digital hardware • quotes or cost estimates on proposed work. Applications must be submitted via the online application form by 4.00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday 17 July 2015. Late submissions will not be accepted. Financial check and project acquittal The annual Financial Accountability Requirements (FAR) will be checked by DET on submission of a Minor Grant application. An acquittal form will need to be submitted on completion of the project; before and after photos may also be required as part of the acquittal process. 16 4. Further Information 4.1. Financial check and project acquittal For all general enquiries regarding the all grant categories under the Children’s Facilities Capital Program 2015-16 grants round email: or phone: (03) 9651 3399. For assistance with any technical difficulties with the online application form, please contact Smarty Grants Support Desk: or call (03) 9320 6888. This service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 4.2. Announcement and acknowledgement The Minister for Families and Children or a nominated representative will announce the successful grant applicants. All communications in relation to the promotion of projects receiving a grant under the Children’s Facilities Capital Program must cite the Victorian Government contribution. 4.3. Requirements for major capital grants Recipients of the Major Infrastructure Grants must: • comply with the following Victorian Government’s guidelines on signage, available at: d_Authorisation_Guidelines_January_2015.pdf • hold a ground breaking event to which the Minister is invited (Integrated Children’s Centres and New Early Learning Facilities only) • hold an official opening once the project is completed • submit a completed event alert three months prior to the proposed official opening date and/or ground breaking event to the relevant regional office to ensure that the Minister for Families and Children is able to open the facility, or nominate a representative to open the facility. (DET’s regional staff can provide assistance with this). 17 Appendix 1: Summary table of grants available in the Children’s Facilities Capital Program 2015-16 grant round. Grant Type Max. Grant $1,600,000 Integrated Children’s Centre New Early Learning Facility Early Learning Facility Upgrade Minor Infrastructure Expansion $650,000 $350,000 $25,000 $10,000 Minor Infrastructure Refurbishment $1,500 Minor Infrastructure Information Technology Purpose of Grant Integrated Children’s Centres are key hubs for the community, bringing together a range of services where professionals work together to deliver education, care, health and support services to children and their families. Integrated Children’s Centres are important community assets that meet the needs of families and children across the early years. They can provide a focal point for new communities in growth areas, but are equally valuable in improving the accessibility, quality and integration of early childhood services in established metropolitan and regional areas New Early Learning Facilities enable the provision of high quality early learning, including kindergarten in the year before school, at a neighbourhood level. The location and design of New Early Learning Facilities should respond to the needs of local families and support partnerships with other local services for children and families. Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants are for the renovation or refurbishment of existing, licensed early childhood education and care facilities to expand licensed capacity and / or improve the quality of the learning environment. This grant is a contribution towards the cost of a small refurbishment project designed to increase the usable space of a licensed service, with a view to better accommodating new educator to child ratios to apply to children aged three years and over from 1 January 2016. This grant is a contribution towards the cost of a small refurbishment project designed to enhance education and care for children attending a funded kindergarten program. The grant can be used to improve any indoor or outdoor spaces used by children during the program, including bathrooms, particularly where they are designed to improve access for children of all abilities. This grant is a contribution to the cost of the purchase of digital hardware for services for administrative use or for use as part of the learning program. • • • • Eligible Organisation local governments not-for-profit community organisations government schools non-government schools. If the land and/or building is owned by local government then only the relevant local council can be the applicant for a Major Infrastructure Grant. Where the land and / or building is not owned by local government, a service provider may be the applicant with the written approval of the land / building owner. • local governments • not-for-profit community organisations offering a funded kindergarten program • kindergarten cluster managers • government schools offering a funded kindergarten program. Funding cannot be applied to services operated by or on nongovernment school sites. • not for profit community-based stand-alone kindergartens • kindergarten cluster managers Services that received an Information Technology Grant as part of the 2014-15 Children’s Facilities Capital Program are not eligible to apply in 2015-16. Funding cannot be applied to services operated by schools and/or on non-government school sites. 3 Appendix 2: Major Infrastructure Grants – Assessment Criteria for Expression of Interest Phase 1 2015-16 Major Grants Expression of Selection Criteria All required services for the grant type will be delivered Summary Detail of Criterion Examples of evidence The proposed project must include dedicated space for each of the services specified in the relevant category (e.g. for an Integrated Children’s Centre this includes a funded kindergarten program in the year before school, long day care, Maternal and Child Health, early childhood intervention services and family services) and a commitment to delivering these services (either directly or through another service provider). The proposed project should demonstrate: existing / future demand for funded kindergarten and other early childhood services in the local area alignment with local government’s municipal plan for early childhood services and infrastructure gaps in existing infrastructure provision At the Expression of Interest Stage applicants are asked to confirm that the required services will be delivered and demonstrate the demand for these in the response to Criterion 2. Further information will be required at the Full Application stage. Local area population forecasts Waiting lists / enrolment projections for existing services Reference to the project (or its need) in the Municipal Early Years Plan Council verification of demand for additional kindergarten places Evidence that existing infrastructure is insufficient / inadequate for meeting existing and long term demand Details of how the location of the new / upgraded facilities supports accessibility (i.e. proximity to service users, transport, co-location) Details of how the community will be engaged in the planning process Analysis of the characteristics and needs of the local community, in particular disadvantaged and vulnerable cohorts Evidence of current policies used by the service or service provider and / or strategies to engage disadvantaged and vulnerable families A description of how the proposed co-location of services will be used to maximise integration and coordination of service delivery to best meet the needs of families, particularly vulnerable families Evidence of specific partnerships that are or will be in place with other organisations that enhance integration with other services, e.g. MOUs, partnership arrangements and governance structures Evidence of partnerships with local Child Protection, Child First and Out of Home Care providers 2 The proposed project will respond to unmet demand for kindergarten provision in the year before school and other early childhood services 3 The proposed project will improve access to high quality early childhood services for the local community, particularly for disadvantaged and vulnerable families The proposed project should demonstrate: accessibility for all in the local community an understanding of and specific response to the characteristics and needs of the local community how services will respond to the particular needs of vulnerable / disadvantaged families The proposed project will support the integrated delivery of early childhood and relate family services and / or the establishment of partnership arrangements with other services The proposed project should demonstrate: established or planned partnerships between early childhood services to work together to meet the needs of families and children established or planned partnerships with related child and family services any additional services that will be provided to support greater integration and meet the local needs of the community. The proposed project is co-located on or adjacent to a government school site and / or has established links with local government schools. Credit will also be given to projects that are co-located with non-government schools where it is demonstrated that the service is broadly accessible to and used by the local community. 4 5 The proposed project is colocated with a government school or supports the establishment of other connections with local schools The location of the existing or proposed facility, i.e. on or adjacent to a school site. Evidence of partnership arrangements to support learning outcomes and transitions for children. Details of planning / partnership approaches for the planning of colocated facilities on new school sites, e.g. in growth areas. 4