Sept 2014 - Arkansas Dietetic Association

Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Board of Directors Meeting
Date: September 9, 2014
Conference Call
Item of Business
Call to order
Declaration of Quorum
Responsible Party
Taryn Hehl
Brandi Nichols
Call to order @ 10:00
Quorum: Declared
Members Present: Taryn Hehl, Stacey Finch, Brandi Nichols, Polly Carroll, Ruth Johnston, Sara Long, Ashley Anderson, Mary
Wells, Nina Roofe, Michelle Justus, Erin Moore, Brooklyn Pyburn, Kristen Rowe, Serena Fuller, Andi Ridgway, Monica Stewart,
Lynda Anderson, Claudia Carberry, April Hobbs, Pam Towery, Margaret Pauly
Members Absent: Carole Garner, Michelle Morgan, Amanda Dawson, Sarah Money, Brenda Cox, Ashley Meek, Emily Bryson,
Jennifer Main, Peggy Carter, Amanda Rocket, Stacee Smith, Chris Henson, Kathy Murdock
Proxies: Stephanie Alsbrook
Review and Approve Consent Agenda:
A motion to accept the consent agenda including the minutes from the June 2nd BOD meeting and orientation was made by Nina
Roofe. The motion passed with no discussion.
Items for Discussion : None
Items for Board Approval: None
New Business/Announcements
Polly Carroll
Additional information has been posted from the House of Delegates. The Backgrounder can be
found on ArAND’s website and has some very interesting information. The next meeting will cover
the mega issue on the 1st day and the 2nd day agenda has not yet been announced.
Ruth Johnston
AND has established a taskforce to discuss the NDA designation. There is an awareness of the need to
increase internship spots and available preceptors. There are various non-RD designations under
Ashley Anderson
There is a social media grant opportunity for an AME speaker. Stacey will investigate.
Taryn Hehl
Taryn reports that the LTC-DPG has been dissolved since no one volunteered to replace Rose Hoenig
as chair. Rose’s departure also leaves a vacancy in the newsletter as she compiled the “freebies”
feature. There was some discussion as to whether the communications committee could possibly
take that over.
Taryn also reported that Bonnie Bradley was seeking an MD or RD to speak at an event on 9/13
regarding diabetes in the African American population. Her phone number is available upon request.
The public policy committee has finalized the contract with our lobbyist group. Plans are underway
for the BOD executive committee to meet to discuss the contract and ArAND budget shortfall.
Finally, Taryn reported that AR, OK, MO & KS will be partnering to host a reception at FCNE 2015. She
has received support from her employer for this. Response was positive.
Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Board of Directors Meeting
Date: September 9, 2014
Conference Call
As there were no further announcements or motions, Nina Roofe made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 AM. The
motion passed.
Respectfully submitted: Brandi Nichols, Secretary/Treasurer