Villa Park High School PFSO Scholarship Application Scholarship Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student must be attending an institute of higher education after VPHS graduation Student must have a minimum GPA of 2.8, weighted Student should have participated in sports, clubs or extra curricular activities during high school Student must have demonstrated a willingness to work hard Student must have a defined career or life path Personal Information Full Name: Last First M.I. Address: Street Address Apartment/Unit # City Home Phone: State ( Cell Phone: ) ( ZIP Code ) E-mail Address: Birth Date: (DD/MM/YYYY) GPA on 5-pt scale (thru 1st Semester Senior Year) : Extracurricular Information Please list all activities you have participated in at VPHS and any other extracurricular activities, including paid jobs and volunteer work. Please be sure to list what years you participated in each activity and any offices you held. For example: JV Volleyball (9,10), Varsity Volleyball (11,12), Varsity Volleyball Team Captain (12), Club Interact (9-12,Club Interact President (11,12). Please list all extracurricular activities, including paid jobs and volunteer work. Please be sure to list what years you participated in each activity and any offices you held. For example: Worked at In-N-Out Burger 15 hours per week (11,12), NCL-National Charity League Inc.(9,10,11,12): Vice President (10), Ronald McDonald House (9,10,11,12); Prepared and served dinner to residents Please list your outside interests and anything else you want to tell us about yourself. Plans After High School What school are you attending after graduation from VPHS? Please list your career goal and explain the career/educational path you are trying to achieve. To fill out the application: Hit the ‘tab’ key to move to each blank. Each section will expand to accept your text. Hand written applications will not be accepted. Save your completed application using the file name: VPHS Scholarship App – Your Name Email completed form to: APPLICATIONS DUE BY: Midnight, May 10th