Grade 1, Reading Foundations Assessment Teacher Material for 1.RF.1.a Reading Standards: Foundational Skills – Print Concepts Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF. 1.a. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (first word, capitalization, ending punctuation). Procedure: Teacher opens Animal Habitats to a page with print. Prompt: Say: 1. Point to the first word in a sentence. 2. Point to a capital letter. 3. Point to a punctuation mark. Scoring: Put a check next to items child is able to point to: First word: ____ Capital letter: ____ Punctuation mark: _____ Raw Score:____/3 (Mastery = 3) Teacher Material for 1.RF.2.a Reading Standards: Foundational Skills – Phonological Awareness Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF.2.a Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). a. Distinguish long from short vowels sounds in spoken single-syllable words. Directions: Orally present two words and have student say which word has the short vowel sound or the long vowel sound. (For instance, use cat/cape as an example.) Prompt: Short Vowels: Say: Listen, I am going to say two words. Tell me which word has the short vowel sound? 1. cap lake 2. time pig 3. pup cube 4. week met 5. lot smoke Long Vowels: Say: Listen, I am going to say two words. Tell me which word has the long vowel sound? 1. boat hop 2. mat cake 3. hut mule 4. feet red 5. skid kite Correct or Model Answer: Put a check next to correct response(s): Short Vowels cap ____ pig ____ pup ____ met ____ lot ____ Long Vowels boat ____ cake ____ mule ____ feet ____ kite ____ Scoring guide or rubric: Raw score:____/10 (Mastery = 9 - 10) Teacher Material for 1.RF.2.b Reading Standards: Foundational Skills – Phonological Awareness Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF.2.b: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). b. Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes) including consonant blends. Prompt: Say: Words are made by putting sounds together. I am going to say the sounds, and I want you to tell me what word they make. For example, /s/ /ă/ /t/ makes the word sat. Practice: Say: /p/ /l/ /ā/ What word would I have if I put together the sounds /p/ /l/ /ā/? (If needed, say /p/ /l/ /ā/ makes play) Student answers: play Continue with remaining words. 1. /p/ /ă/ /k/ 5. /s/ /ĭ/ /t/ 2. /r/ /ĕ/ /s/ /t/ 6. /sh/ /ā /k/ 3. /c/ /ŭ/ /p/ 7. /h/ /ŏ/ /t/ 4. /f/ /l/ /ō/ /t/ 8. /s/ /k/ /ī/ Correct or Model Answer: Put a check next to correct response(s): pack ___ sit ____ rest ___ shake ____ cup ___ hot ____ float ___ sky ____ Scoring Guide or Rubric: Raw Score: _____/8 (Mastery = 7 - 8) Teacher Material for 1.RF.2.c Reading Standards: Foundational Skills – Phonological Awareness Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF.2.c Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken singlesyllable words. Procedures: You will ask students to tell you the beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words. Place a checkmark on the blank if the student is able to correctly identify the sound. Remember, the 3 second wait rule applies. ( Use /cat/ as an example.) Prompt: Say: Tell me the sound you hear in the beginning of … Beginning Sounds gate ______ strong _______ chin________ fun ______ block _______ Prompt: Say: Tell me the sound you hear in the middle of… Middle Sounds wait ______ toad ______ wet ______ hit ______ mud ______ Prompt: Say: Tell me the sound you hear at the end of… Ending Sounds bite _______ fly_______ wish______ made______ soft______ Scoring Guide or Rubric: Raw score: ____/15 (Mastery = 14 – 15) Teacher Material for 1.RF.2.d Reading Standards: Foundational Skills – Phonological Awareness Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF.2.d Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes). Procedure: Say a word and have student segment the word into individual phonemes. Prompt: Say: I am going to say a word. Tell me the sounds in the word. You are going to tell me all the sounds in the word. Listen. Cat Tell me the sounds in cat (Practice until the student understands the directions) Correct or Model Answer: Put a check above each correct response: milk /m/ /ĭ/ /l/ /k/ ____/4 tie run /r/ /ŭ/ /n/ _____/3 lunch cap /c/ /ă/ /p/ _____/3 slim chicks /ch/ /ĭ/ /k/ /s/ /t/ /ī/ _____/2 /l/ /ŭ/ /n/ /ch/ /s/ /l/ /ĭ/ /m/ _____/4 _____/4 ____/4 Scoring Guide or Rubric: Raw Score: ____/24 (Mastery = 20 – 24) 1.RF.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Teacher Materials 1.RF.3.a Reading Standards: Foundational Skills – Phonics and Word Recognition Grade 1 1.RF.3.a. Know the spelling – sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs (two letters that represent one sound) 1. 2. 3. 4. Procedure: Have students read the ten nonsense words. Listen for the consonant digraph sound as this is the objective of the assessment. Do not pay attention to other vowels or consonants in the word when scoring. Example: If the student says lish for lesh we are still marking the word correct as we are testing only for the /sh/ sound. Directions : Give student test sheet. Say prompt below and practice example. Have student point to and read the ten nonsense words. Record results. Student gets credit if they have pronounced the digraph correctly. Prompt: Say: Here is a list of nonsense words. The words are not real. I want you to read them to me. Let me show you. Point to guth. Guth. Now you try. Student points to chup and says chup. Sample: (Tell the student this word is:) (Now have the student read:) guth chup lesh_____ voth_____ jing_____ gack_____ mich_____ whum_____ chun_____ thog_____ shof_____ phig_____ Raw Score_____/10 (Mastery = 9 – 10 ) 1.RF.3.a Student Materials Example: (teacher reads) (student reads) guth chup lesh voth jing gack mich whum chun thog shof phig Teacher Material 1.RF.3.b Reading Standards: Foundational Skills-Phonics and Word Recognition Grade 1 CCSS:1.RF.3 b. Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. Directions: 1. Place student materials in front of student. 2. Have student point to, sound out, and read each word. Prompt: Say: Point to the first word. Sound it out if you need to, and read the word. Point to the next word. Sound it out and read the word. Continue with remaining words. Correct of model answer: /iiiifff/ if_____ /fflaag/ flag_____ /lleeeg/ leg_____ /ffrroog/ frog_____ /ssoood/ sod_____ /sssleed/ sled_____ /rraaap/ rap_____ /craaab/ crab_____ /suuuum/ sum_____ /brrraaag/ brag_____ /limp/ limp_____ /grrriiiim/ grim_____ /ruusst/ rust_____ /laaamp/ lamp_____ /beend/ bend_____ /cluuump/ clump_____ /aaask/ ask_____ /sstraand/ strand_____ /sstriiing/ string_____ /ssspriiig/ sprig_____ /bloook/ block_____ /ruuush/ rush_____ Raw Score:_____/22 (Mastery = 20 – 22) Student Material for 1.RF.3.b if flag leg frog sod sled rap crab sum brag limp grim rust lamp bend clump ask strand string sprig block rush Teacher Material 1.RF.3.c Reading Standards: Foundational Skills-Phonics and Word Recognition Grade 1 1.RF.3c.Know final –e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds Directions: 1. Put student materials in front of the student. 2. Ask student to point to and read words aloud. Note: The objective of this assessment is to determine if the student can read words containing long vowel combinations. Prompt: Say: Point to the first word, sound it out if you need to, and read the word. shake chain chin math slide roam will hay show use queen high beam lie note foe Raw Score:_____/16 (Mastery = 14 – 16) 1.RF.3.c Student Material shake chain chin math slide roam will hay show use queen high beam lie note foe Teacher Material 1.RF.3.d Reading Standards: Foundational Skills-Phonics and Word Recognition Grade:1 CCSS: 1.RF.3.d. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. Prompt: Say: A syllable is a unit of pronunciation. Every syllable needs a vowel sound. Read the words. How many syllables are in each word? How many vowel sounds are in each word? Number of Syllables Number of Vowels Sounds Red _________________________ ________________________ Basket _________________________ ________________________ Boat _________________________ _________________________ Raining _________________________ __________________________ Mouse __________________________ __________________________ Home ___________________________ __________________________ Raw Score:_________/12 (Mastery = 11 – 12) Student Materials for 1.RF.3.d SAMPLE: rabbit red basket boat raining mouse home Teacher Material 1.RF.3.e Reading Standards: Foundational Skills-Phonics and Word Recognition Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF.3.e. Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables. Directions: 1. Place student materials in front of student. 2. Have student point to words. 3. For each word, have student read the word by parts, then read the whole word. Prompt: Say: Point to the first word. Read the words by parts then read the whole word. If the student reads the whole word, ask them to go back and read the word syllable by syllable. We are assessing whether students can segment words into syllables. Teacher Model: Say: I’ll point to the first word then I’ll read it by parts, and then read the whole word. /up/ /grade/ upgrade Student Practice: Please point to the word. Read the word by parts, and then read the whole word. /use/ /less/ useless Continue with the remaining words. Correct or Model Answer: /state/ /ment/ statement /be/ /gin/ begin /mis/ /take/ mistake /si/ /lent/ silent /rail/ /road/ railroad /tur/ /nip/ turnip /moon/ /beam/ moonbeam /mer/ /maid/ mermaid /plas/ /tic/ /rid/ /dle/ riddle plastic /bas/ ket/ basket /jin/ /gle/ jingle Raw Score ____/12 (Mastery = 11 – 12) Student Materials for 1.RF.3.e Teacher example: upgrade Student practice: useless statement begin mistake silent railroad turnip moonbeam mermaid plastic riddle basket jingle Teacher Material 1.RF.3.f Reading Standards: Foundational Skills-Phonics and Word Recognition Grade: 1 CCSS: 1.RF.3f. Read words with inflectional endings. Directions: 1. Place student materials in front of student. 2. Have student point to words. 3. For each word, have the student read the underlined part, then read the whole word. Prompt: Say: Point to the first word. Read the underlined part then read the whole word. Point to the next word. Read the underlined part then read the whole word. Watch me as I try this. I point to a word. I read the underlined part then the whole word. lights light lights Now you try with the rest of the words. Correct or Model Answer: lighter lightest lighting lighted lighten Raw Score _____/5 (Mastery = 4 – 5) Student Materials for 1.RF.3.f Teacher Model: lights lighter lightest lighting lighted lighten