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NST 181; Networking 1 Exam #3
Take-home: Due by Tuesday Dec. 17 in class or via e-mail or place in my mailbox at South Academic 1st floor in
printer room
Book chapter: 11; Handout lessons: Network Management, Network Security
When managing a data network, routers and switches are known as:
a. Nodes
b. Hosts
c. Network management station
In a managed data network, end user PCs and various application servers are known as:
a. Nodes
b. Hosts
c. Network management station
A server that contains applications that enable discovery and mapping of IP addressable devices and
interconnections among them is known as:
a. Nodes
b. Hosts
c. Network management station
A Network Management station can discover and map any device with an IP addressable network
a. True
b. False
A switch without IP addressable administrative interface connected to the network cannot be detected
by a Network management station
a. True
b. False
A network management station can monitor status of IP addressable nodes, hosts and interconnection
among them in real time
a. True
b. False
Network management station uses the following methods to discover and monitor nodes and hosts
(check all that apply)
a. Periodically pings all IP addressed interfaces on nodes and hosts
b. Collects statistics on ‘ping’ returns.
c. Uses SNMP protocol to get more detailed network traffic data from devices that run SNMP
Agents and associated MIBs
Network management station produces logical level (IP) map of the network, nodes and hosts and
provides visual alarms (red color) of down nodes, hosts and links
a. True
b. False
Network management stations can be programmed to filter various alarms, do preliminary
troubleshooting and communicate specific alarms to specific operators.
a. False
10. Management Station uses SNMP protocol on nodes/hosts that run SNMP agents and contain associated
MIBs. The Management Station has to contain the same MIBs as the managed nodes/hosts.
a. True
b. False
11. Ping and SNMP packets represent Management traffic that does not convey end user data (payload).
Check all true statement about the management traffic.
a. It..a high priority traffic, routers process it first
b. It is the lowest priority traffic, routers process it if they are not busy with end user data traffic
c. Use UDP transport protocol
d. Use TCP transport protocol
12. Network management station can be programmed to produce periodic statistical reports of network
availability, and on demand reports initiated by an operator
a. True
b. False
13. I am given permission to perform specific operations on specific data. This is known as:
a. Encryption
b. Norepudiation
c. Authentication
d. Authorization
14. A system verifies that I am a user with a valid permission to access specific data. This is known as:
a. Encryption
b. Norepudiation
c. Authentication
d. Authorization
15. I receive confidential data from John Smith. A system that verifies that most likely the sender is indeed
the John Smith, and that the data were not altered by a third party is called:
a. Encryption
b. Nonrepudiation
c. Authentication
d. Authorization
16. A method for scrambling text or data so that uninvited readers cannot make sense out of it is known as:
a. Encryption
b. Norepudiation
c. Authentication
d. Authorization
17. Text or data before encryption are referred to as:
a. Plaintext
b. Clear text
c. Cipher
d. Algorithm
e. Ciphertext
f. Encryption
g. Decryption
18. Output of encryption process is a humanly unreadable set of characters known as:
a. Plaintext
b. Cleartext
c. Cipher
d. Algorithm
e. Ciphertext
f. Encryption
g. Decryption
19. A mathematical method for scrambling of data that makes it hard for a hacker to unscramble it is known
a. Plaintext
b. Cleartext
c. Cipher
d. Algorithm
e. Ciphertext
f. Encryption
g. Decryption
20. A computer program that implements mathematical method for scrambling of text/data is known as:
a. Plaintext
b. Cleartext
c. Cipher
d. Algorithm
e. Ciphertext
f. Encryption
g. Decryption
21. Process
of recovering the original data from scrambled text/data is known as:
22. To scramble text/data, one needs a specific Algorithm and a fixed length number known as Key. Algorithm
uses the Key to scramble data specific way.
a. True
b. False
23. Algorithm needs a Key to encrypt text/data and a Key to decrypt text/data. Algorithm that uses the same
key to encrypt and to decrypt is known as:
a. Symmetric-key algorithm
b. Asymmetric-key algorithm
24. Algorithm that uses one key to encrypt and a different key to decrypt text/data is known as
a. Symmetric-key algorithm
b. Asymmetric-key algorithm
25. Text encrypted with Asymmetric-key algorithm is generally harder to break by a hacker than text
encrypted with a Symmetric-key algorithm
a. True
b. False
26. Public key cryptography is an Asymmetric-key Algorithm where encryption is done with a private key and
decryption is done with a public key. Most popular public key cryptography is the RSA Algorithm
a. True
b. False
27. Examples of Symmetric-key algorithm are DES and RC4.
a. True
b. False
28. A Block cipher is a method of encrypting fixed pieces of text/data at a time
a. True
b. False
29. A stream cipher is a method of encrypting one bit of text/data at a time
a. True
b. False
30. A Hash function, Digital signature and Certificates are methods used for:
a. Authentication
b. Authorization
c. Nonrepudiation
31. A hash function is most commonly used to detect whether a received file has been altered from the
original one
a. True
b. False
32. Digital signature is a function performed by sender on message and private key and by a recipient on
received data and public key to verify sender’s signature. It is most commonly used by e-mail
a. True
b. False
33. A certificate method is used by a sender to verify that an un-known recipient (a Web site) is genuine.
Certificates are issued by a trusted third party known as a Certificate Authority.
a. True
b. False
34. Authentication is designed to prevent an unauthorized person or computer to access a remote host
through a network. Authentication methods very according to network topology
a. True
b. False
35. For point-to-point links, which Authentication protocols or standards are used?
a. Extensible Authentication protocol (EAP)
b. Kerberos
c. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
d. Radius
e. Challenge Handshake Authentication (CHAP)
36. For any client to any server authentication through any network topology, which protocols or standards
are used?
a. Extensible Authentication protocol (EAP)
b. Kerberos
c. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
d. Radius
e. Challenge Handshake Authentication (CHAP)
37. For wireless networks, which Authentication protocols or standards are used?
a. Extensible Authentication protocol (EAP)
b. Kerberos
c. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
d. Radius
e. Challenge Handshake Authentication (CHAP)
38. For multiple links leading to a single point on the network, which Authentication protocols or standards
are used?
a. Extensible Authentication protocol (EAP)
b. Kerberos
c. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
d. Radius
e. Challenge Handshake Authentication (CHAP)