Marks: /53
1. What is the function of the nucleus in the cell?
(1 mark)
Controls the cell (1), contains the genetic material – DNA for reproduction (1)
2. Name the 5 kingdoms
(5 marks)
Plantae (1), animalia (1) fungi (1), protoctists (1)prokaryotes (1)
3. Name the main differences between organisms in the animalia kingdom and plantae kingdom (3
Note: As the question asks for differences, you won’t get the mark unless you have made a direct
Plantae are autotrophs, (produce their own food) animalia are heterotrophs (move about, find and hunt own food). (1)
Plantae have a cell walls to support the cell, animalia do not (1)
Plantae contain chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll, animalia do not (1)
4. How can you tell the difference between protocista and prokaryotae? (1 mark)
Note: Again , you have been asked for a difference , therefore it needs to be direct comparison
Protoctists have a nucleus (e.g. algae), prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus (e.g bacteria)
5. What does the word chordate mean?
(2 marks)
They have a supporting rod like structure (1) called a backbone or spinal cord (1)
6. What are the main characteristics of a bird? (What do we look for when we classify it?) (4 marks)
Absorption of oxygen – they breathe in through lungs (1)
Reproduction method – Oviparous, lay eggs (1)
Regulation of body temperature – homeotherms (1)
Body covering – Feathers (1)
7. What do we mean by an a) homeotherm b) poikilotherm? (2 marks)
Note: If you don’t specify which is which then you won’t get the mark
Homeotherms maintain their body temperature by homeostasis, warm blooded) (1)
Poikilotherm – Cold blooded, body temperature changes with external temperature (1)
8. How do amphibians absorb oxygen?
(2 marks)
Through gills when they are young and then skin when they are adults (2)
9. What do we mean by the term species?
(2 marks)
Organisms can interbreed (1) to produce fertile offspring (1)
10. What do we mean by the term hybrid?
(2 marks)
When a male from one species breeds with a female from another species (1) to produce a fertile
offspring (1)
11) What are the three limitations of the definition of a species? (3 marks)
Note: Any 3 of the following will get you the mark: Always link back to the main definition of
the term species:
Not all species interbreed as the definition suggests, some species like plants reproduce asexually but they still produce clones of themselves that are the same species. (1)
Some hybrids produce fertile offspring but they are not members of the same species (1)
Members of the same species should looks similar but there are many variations within a species e.g. different breeds of dogs but they are still members of the same species (1)
You have ring species , this is a group of related populations that live in neighbouring areas.
Populations that live near each other can interbreed to produce fertile offspring , those that live further apart cannot interbreed but are still the same species. (1)
12) Binomial means “2 names”. The binomial name for polar bears is Ursus maritimus. Maritimus refers
to which level of classification
(1 mark)
Maritimus – Species name (1)
13) Can you explain why binomial classification is useful when we are trying to identify and study
(3 marks)
Note: Any 3 of the following , however if it is a 4 or 6 mark question then you will need them all.
It avoids confusion when organisms have common names but are different species in different places e.g. the American and English robin (1)
Scientists can easily study and share information on them. (1)
It is easier to identify species that are endangered we can therefore conserve the species.
It’s easy to presume that 2 similar looking organisms are the same species when they are different. Only one species might be protected whilst the other becomes extinct . (1)
Can target conservation projects – can protect areas that have the greatest variety of different species (biodiversity) to prevent huge number of species being destroyed. (1)
14) What is a ring species? How do ring species make classification difficult? (3 marks)
According to the definition of the term species, members of the same species should be able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring (1).
A ring species is group of related populations that live in neighbouring areas. Populations that live near each other can interbreed to produce fertile offspring whilst those that live further apart cannot interbreed but are still the same species. (1).
This goes against the definition of the terms species and makes classification difficult (1)
15) Name the 2 types of variation and give examples of each (2 + 2 marks)
Note: Always read the question to see if it is asking you about animal, plant or micro-organims
examples, if it doesn’t specify (as in the question above) then any question will get you the mark.
Continuous variation (1) e.g. animals vary in height, weight, shoe size, (1) micro-organisms vary in
width, (1) plants vary in height (1)
Discontinuous (1) – animals vary in; eye colour, blood type, (1) Micro-organisms vary in: antibiotic
resistance or not (1) plants: colour of courgette, yellow, dark green, light green.
16) Which type of variation would be displayed on a) a bar chart, b) a normal distribution curve? (2
Bar chart – Discontinuous variation
Normal distribution curve –continuous variation
17) Name 3 ways in which a polar bear is adapted to survive in it’s environment (3 marks)
Note: Always link the adaptation to why this allows it to survive no matter which organism they
have asked about, they could ask about a penguin.
Big feet helps to spread the weight and reduce pressure on the ice, stops them sinking into the snow or breaking thin ice (1)
Compact round shape which gives a small surface area to volume ratio , this reduces heat loss (1)
Thick layer of blubber for insulation to reduce heat loss, also acts as an energy store when food is scarce (1)
Thick hairy coats to trap a layer of warm air next to the skin to help warm the body.
Greasy fur sheds water to prevent cooling by evaporation. (1)
Have white fur to match surroundings for camouflage (1)
18) Name 3 ways in which the Pompeii work is adapted to survive in it’s environment. (3 marks)
They have mutualistic relationships with bacteria, bacteria live on the worm and can produce their own food using chemical energy (chemosynthesis) , the work uses this food , they are producers (1)
The bacteria are adapted to cope with high pressure and temperature (1)
Pompeii worms don’t have eyes (1)
19) Name 2 changes in the environment that might lead to speciation. (2 marks)
Geographic isolation , populations are separated by physical barriers e.g. floods (1) or earthquakes
20) In an exam you might be asked how a particular species has evolved. What are the key pieces of
information that you need to include in your answer? (5 marks)
Note: In an exam you will often have to apply it to an example of the development of a particular
species in a particular environment.
There is always variation in a species (1) Name the species in the example
Most species give birth to more young than can survive to adult hood (1)
Individuals compete to survive in their environment (1) What are they competing for in the example that they have given you.
Those that have characteristics that are better adapted to compete have a better chance of survival (survival of the fittest). (1) Which feature in the example would help the animal survive?
Genes with this characteristic will be passed on when the species reproduces. (1) Remember, species need to reproduce if they are going to pass the genes on to the next generation, if you don’t reproduce then you won’t pass on the characteristics and the species won’t evolve over time.
The individuals that are less adapted are less likely to survive and more likely to die and won’t be able to pass on their genes to the next generation . (1)
Over time there will be more individuals with beneficial characteristics compared to those that haven’t, the species will evolve to have beneficial characteristics. (1)