Ashley Primary School Curriculum Map 2014-15 History Year 1 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 1. Changes within living memory. All About Me (photos, artefacts, timelines) 1 .Changes within living memory. All About Me (photos, artefacts, timelines) 1 .Changes within living memory. Toys 1. Changes within living memory. Homes Visit - Beamish 4. Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. Lighthouses/Lifeboats Souter, Tyne, William Wouldhave & Grace Darling or Seaside in the Past. 4. Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. Lighthouses/Lifeboats Souter, Tyne, William Wouldhave & Grace Darling or Seaside in the Past. 3. The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Florence Nightingale/Edith Cavell 3. The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Florence Nightingale/Edith Cavell SATs 4. Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. The Jarrow Crusade Text ‘The Road to London’ 2. Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. Guy Fawkes ? Year 2 2. Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. Great Fire of London - 1666 2. Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. Festival of Remembrance/The Poppy/Royal British Legion ? Year 3 2. The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. 5. Local history study Arbeia Fort Segedunum Hadrian’s Wall 2. The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. 5. Local history study Arbeia Fort Segedunum Hadrian’s Wall Year 4 7. The achievements of the earliest civilizations. Ancient Egypt 7. The achievements of the earliest civilizations. Ancient Egypt 3. Britain’s settlement by AngloSaxons and Scots. Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements & kingdoms. Art & culture – Bede/St.Pauls? Christian Conversion – Lindisfarne/Aiden/Oswald? 3. Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots. Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements & kingdoms. Art & culture – Bede/St.Pauls? Christian Conversion – Lindisfarne/Aiden/Oswald? 4. The Viking and Anglo-Saxon 4. The Viking and Anglostruggle for the Kingdom of Saxon struggle for the England to the time of Edward Kingdom of England to the the Confessor. time of Edward the Confessor. Viking raids and invasion – Viking raids and invasion – Lindisfarne, Jarrow, Jorvik Lindisfarne, Jarrow, Jorvik (York) ? (York). ? Cuthbert/Bede? Cuthbert/Bede? Year 5 5. Local study of an aspect of history/site & aspect of national history reflected in the locality. Coal Industry, St. Hilda’s Colliery Disaster, role of children in the mines & George Stephenson’s safety lamp. Text ‘Street Child’ 5. Local study of an aspect of history/site & aspect of national history reflected in the locality. George Stephenson and the railways. Visit – Beamish, Stephenson Railway Museum, Locomotion Shildon? Text ‘The Railway Children’ 8. Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. International Week – Greece Art, culture, food, politics, Ancient Olympics, Greek Gods & literature (Greek legends, Aesop’s Fables) 8. Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. International Week – Greece Art, culture, food, politics, Ancient Olympics, Greek Gods & literature (Greek legends, Aesop’s Fables) 5. Local study of an aspect of 5. Local study of an aspect of history/site & aspect of history/site & aspect of national history reflected in the national history reflected in the locality. locality. River Tyne River Tyne Shipbuilding (Swan Hunters Shipbuilding (Swan Hunters & Palmers) & Palmers) Visit – River Tyne boat trip Visit – River Tyne boat trip Geography links Geography links 1. Changes in Britain from the 1. Changes in Britain from the 9. Non-European society that Stone Age to the Iron Age. Stone Age to the Iron Age. provides contrast with British Early hunters, Skara Brae, Early hunters, Skara Brae, history. Bronze Age & Iron Age. Bronze Age & Iron Age. Early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c.AD900 9. Non-European society that provides contrast with British history. Early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c.AD900 Year 6 5. Local study of an aspect of history/site South Shields during World War 2 – bombing raids & impact, home guard, evacuation, DLI (1st VC of WW2 Richard Annand from South Shields). Literacy links – nonchronological reports etc Texts – ‘Friend or Foe’ Michael Morpurgo ‘The Machine Gunners’ Robert Westall (set in the local area). 6. Study of an aspect or theme in British history beyond 1066 Changes in social history post 1948 – Welfare State, NHS, nationalization of key industries, Festival of Britain, the decades, homes, entertainment, culture & leisure. SATs