The description of the activities has the purpose to facilitate the relationship between the contracting party and the
contractor, as it intends to clarify what is included in each activity of the service hired.
KA01 – Open and close pit
This activity will be applied when the implanting of the post or of the forestay is canceled with the pit already open.
KA02 – Clear around the post
Cleaning around the post in a 0.75m radius to protect from fire.
KA03 – Additional for the removal of concrete post
This activity will be applied when the concrete of a base of the existing post is in direct contact (without concrete
manhole or any form between the concrete and the post) with the post.
This activity will be added to one of the activities of removal of post.
KA04 – To plumb the post
To put the post in vertical position, including re-tensioning, bindings and conductor connections.
It does not include joints of conductors.
KA05 – Concrete base for post
Preparation of the foundation and distribution of concrete on the base of the post, including the materials of the
foundation. The amount to be paid corresponds to the volume of concrete applied in the foundation.
KA48 – Sand base for post
Preparation of the foundation and distribution of sand on the base of the post, including the foundation materials.
KA06 – Pit in rock with explosive in rural area
Excavation of pit in rock independent of the depth, in rural area, for implanting of post or forestay using explosive,
including the explosive material.
KA07 – Pit in rock with explosive in urban area
Excavation of pit in rock independent of the depth, in urban area, for implanting of post or forestay using explosive,
including the explosive material.
KA08 – Pit in rock without explosive
Excavation of pit in rock independent of the depth for implanting of post or forestay without using explosive. It is
considered as a pit in rock when the excavation is performed with tools appropriate for rock.
KA09 – Install overhead forestay
Forestay in rod from post to post, crossbar to post or crossbar to crossbar, with all the fittings and interconnection to the
grounding system.
KA10 – Install soil forestay
Pit, plate, steel cable, fixing accessories and interconnection to the grounding system.
KA11 – Install post of 7m to 9m
Pit and implanting of post or counter post from 7m to 9m, without equipment or structure.
If the pit is in rock the payment includes this activity plus the activity of pit in rock.
KA12 – Install post 10m to 14m
Pit and implanting of post or counter post from 10m to 14m, without equipment or structure.
If the pit is in rock the payment includes this activity plus the activity of pit in rock.
KA13 – Install post 15m to 19m
Pit and implanting of post or counter post from 15m to 19m, without equipment or structure.
If the pit is in rock the payment includes this activity plus the activity of pit in rock.
KA14 – Install post above 19m
Pit and implanting of post or counter post above 19m, without equipment or structure.
If the pit is in rock the payment includes this activity plus the activity of pit in rock.
KA15 – Location of post
This activity is applied when the location of the posts of a work requires the use of theodolite for the location. The
number and type of the post and of the structure will be indicated in the pickets.
KA16 – Recovery of cemented pavement
Restoration of pavement or cemented sidewalk or with tile, damaged by the execution of any activity of the post items,
including the material necessary for the recovery.
KA17 – Recovery of pavement in Portuguese stone
Restoration of pavement or sidewalk in Portuguese stone, damaged by the execution of any activity of the post items,
including the material necessary for the recovery.
KA18 – Re-tensioning forestay
Re-tension the steel cable, remaking the necessary bindings and connections, including the substitution of any material.
KA19 – Remove overhead forestay
Forestay in rod from post to post, crossbar to post or crossbar to crossbar, with all the fittings and interconnection to the
grounding system.
KA20 – Remove soil forestay
Steel cable, fixing accessories and interconnection to the grounding system.
KA21 – Remove post 7m to 9m
Remove post from 7m to 9m, closing the pit. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA22 – Remove post 10m to 14m
Remove post from 10 to 14m, closing the pit. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA23 – Remove post 15m to 19m
Remove from 15 to 19m, closing the pit. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA24 – Remove post above 19m
Remove post above 19m, closing the pit. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA25 – Replace in soil forestay
Replace damaged materials such as plate, steel cable, precast handles, press wires, shoe manholes, etc. and installation
of new materials.
KA26 – Replace overhead forestay
Replace the rod from post to post, crossbar to post or crossbar to crossbar, with all the fittings and install the new
forestay with all the accessories and interconnection to the grounding system.
KA27 – Replace post 7m to 9m with BT
Replace post from 7 to 9m, with secondary structure. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA28 – Replace post 7m to 9m with BT and IP
Replace post from 7m to 9m, with secondary structure and public lighting. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary,
will be paid apart.
KA29 – Replace post 10m to 14m with binding AT 1F
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary binding structure of one phase. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary,
will be paid apart.
KA30 – Replace post 10m to 14m with binding AT 1F and BT
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary binding structure of one phase and secondary structure, independent of
public lighting. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA31 – Replace post 10m to 14m with binding AT 2-3F
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary binding structure of two or three phases. The recovery of the sidewalk, if
necessary, will be paid apart.
KA32 – Replace post 10m to 14m with binding AT 2-3F and BT
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary binding structure of two or three phases and secondary structure,
independent of public lighting. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA33 – Replace post 10m to 14m with suspension AT 1F
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary suspension structure of one phase. The recovery of the sidewalk, if
necessary, will be paid apart.
KA34 – Replace post 10m to 14m with suspension AT 1F and BT
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary suspension structure of one phase and secondary structure, independent of
public lighting. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA35 – Replace post 10m to 14m with suspension AT 2-3F
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary suspension structure of two or three phases. The recovery of the sidewalk,
if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA36 – Replace post 10m to 14m with suspension AT 2-3F and BT
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with primary suspension structure of two or three phases and secondary structure,
independent of public lighting. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA37 – Replace post 10m to 14m with automatic bench of capacitors
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with automatic bench of capacitors. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be
paid apart.
KA38 – Replace post 10m to 14m with fixed bench of capacitors
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with fixed bench of capacitors. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid
KA39 – Replace post 10m to 14m with bench of regulators
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with bench of regulators. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA40 – Replace post 10m to 14m with switches
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with switches and independent of the number and type. The recovery of the sidewalk, if
necessary, will be paid apart.
KA41 – Replace post 10m to 14m with recloser
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with recloser. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid apart.
KA42 – Replace post 10m to 14m with automatic disconnector
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with automatic disconnector. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid
KA43 – Replace post 10m to 14m with transformer 2-3F
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with transformer of two or three phases. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will
be paid apart.
KA44 – Replace post 10m to 14m with transformer 1F
Replace post from 10m to 14m, with transformer of one phase. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be paid
KA45 – Replace post 15m to 19m
Replace post from 15m to 19m independent of the structure and equipment. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary,
will be paid apart.
KA46 – Replace post above 19m
Replace post above 19m independent of the structure and equipment. The recovery of the sidewalk, if necessary, will be
paid apart.
KA47 – Paint post or equipment
Paint number of post and codification of the equipment, including the painting material. Consider each post or codified
equipment as a unit of measure.
KB01 – Install set of eyelet, hook and insulators
Install one or more sets of eyelet, hook and insulators in one same structure, including fixation and binding of
conductors. (Only in anchorage structures)
KB02 – Install primary structure of double crossbar
Install any primary structure with two crossbars, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of switches,
lightning rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
(Anchorage structure of compact network)
KB03 – Install primary structure of single crossbar
Install any primary structure with one crossbar, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of switches,
lightning rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
(Suspension structure of compact network)
KB04 – Install primary structure in two posts
Install any primary structure in two posts, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of switches, lightning
rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
KB05 – Install primary structure without crossbar
Install any primary structure which does not use crossbar, for spacing of conductors, for suspension or binding of
conductors or fixation of switches, lightning rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings,
fixation and binding materials.
KB06 – Install secondary structure in crossbar
Install secondary structure in crossbar, including metal fittings, insulators and fixation and binding materials.
KB07 – Install secondary structure
Install secondary structure independent of the number of conductors, including spacers, metal fittings, insulators and
fixation and binding materials. It also includes the structures for common neutral.
KB08 – Install disc or polymeric insulator
Install one or more disc insulators in one same chain in an already existing structure, including re-tensioning and
binding of the conductor. It includes one polymeric insulator.
KB09 – Install pin with insulator
Install one or more pins with insulator in one same already existing structure, including binding of the conductors.
KB10 – Level crossbar
Set one or two crossbars of one same structure in square and in the bisectrix in relation to the network conductors,
including binding the conductors.
KB11 – Level secondary structure
Set a secondary structure in plumbline, verifying and replacing (if necessary) the materials which comprise the
structure, including general tightening and binding of the conductors.
KB12 – Remove primary structure of double crossbar
Remove any primary structure with two crossbars, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of switches,
lightning rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
KB13 – Remove primary structure of single crossbar
Remove any primary structure with one crossbar, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of switches,
lightning rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
KB14 – Remove primary structure in two posts
Install any primary structure in two posts, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of switches, lightning
rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
KB15 – Remove primary structure without crossbar
Remove any primary structure which does not use crossbar, for spacing of conductors, for suspension or binding of
conductors or fixation of switches, lightning rods, switch panels or equipment, including insulators, metal fittings,
fixation and binding materials.
KB16 – Remove secondary structure in crossbar
Remove secondary structure in crossbar, including metal fittings, insulators and fixation and binding materials.
KB17 – Remove secondary structure
Remove secondary structure independent of the number of conductors, including spacers, metal fittings, insulators and
fixation and binding materials. It also includes the structures for common neutral.
KB18 – Replace secondary frame or spacer
Remove a secondary frame or a spacer of a secondary frame and install a new frame or new spacer, independent of the
number of conductors, including metal fittings, insulators and fixation and binding materials.
KB19 – Replace set of eyelet, hook and insulators
Remove one or more sets of eyelet, hook and insulators in one same structure, and install one or more new sets,
including fixation and binding of conductors.
KB20 – Replace crossbar in structure in two posts
Remove one or more crossbars or beam in any primary structure in two posts, for suspension or binding of conductors
or fixation of switches, lightning rods, switch panels or equipment and install new crossbars or beam, including
insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
KB21 – Replace crossbar in structure of single crossbar
Remove one crossbar in any primary structure with one crossbar, for suspension or binding of conductors or fixation of
switches, lightning rods, switch panels or equipment and install new crossbar, including insulators, metal fittings,
fixation and binding materials.
KB22 – Replace crossbars in structure of double crossbar
Remove one or two crossbars in any primary structure with two crossbars, for suspension or binding of conductors or
fixation of switches, lightning rods, switch panels or equipment and install one or two new crossbars, including
insulators, metal fittings, fixation and binding materials.
KB23 – Replace disc or polymeric insulator
Remove one or more than one disc or polymeric insulators in one same chain and install new insulators, including
binding of the conductor.
KB24 – Replace pin insulator
Remove one or more pin insulators in one same structure and install new insulators, including binding of the conductor.
KB25 – Replace sheave insulator
Remove one or more sheave insulators in one same structure and install new insulators, including binding of the
KB26 – Replace bracket
Removal of one or more brackets and installation of new brackets in one same structure, including the tightening of the
structure, leveling and verification of the state of the crossbars.
KB27 – Replace pin
Remove one pin and install new pin, including reinstallation of the insulator and binding of the conductor.
KB28 – Replace pin with insulator
Remove one or more pin in and install new pin, including reinstallation of the insulator and binding of the conductor.
KC01 – Grounding
This activity pays for any grounding with a rod, excluding fences and includes the pit, rod, conduit, cable and
connections. In case the grounding has more than one rod, the activity is paid with additional rod in grounding, with
quantity equal to the number of rods minus one.
KC02 – Join bare conductor
Join primary or secondary conductor in bare aluminum or copper or CAZ, through precast, including re-tensioning of
the conductor.
KC03 – Additional rod in grounding
This activity is used for paying more for the grounding activity when it includes more than one grounding rod,
including pits, interconnections and connections.
It also comprises the inclusion of one rod to the existent grounding, including pits, interconnections and connections.
KC04 – Install steel cable
Install steel cable for sustention of the conductors of compact network, including tensioning, leveling, metal fittings
(primary structures of compact network), binding and fixation of spacers (the calculation of 0.0094 per kg was
transformed in 0.00415 per m for 9.5mm cable which weighs 441 kg/km – Belgo Mineira Catalogue).
KC05 – Install insulated conductor BT 2#25(25)
Install multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#25(25), including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints,
passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC06 – Install insulated conductor BT 2#35(35)
Install multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#35(35), including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints,
passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC07 – Install insulated conductor BT 3#35(35)
Install multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#35(35), including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints,
passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC08 – Install insulated conductor BT 3#50(50)
Install multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#50(50), including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints,
passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC09 – Install insulated conductor BT 3#70(70)
Install multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#70(70), including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints,
passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC10 – Install insulated conductor BT 3#120(70)
Install multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#120(70), including tensioning, leveling, connections,
joints, passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC11 – Install aluminum bare conductor
Primary or secondary conductor in bare aluminum, including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups
and crossings.
KC12 – Install copper bare conductor
Primary or secondary conductor in bare copper, including tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups
and crossings.
KC13 – Install protected conductor <= 50mm
Install primary conductor of the compact networks, in gages 35mm² and 50mm², including tensioning, leveling, fixation
on spacers, connections and passages.
KC14 – Install protected conductor >= 70mm and <=95mm
Install primary conductor of the compact networks, in gages 70mm² and 95mm², including tensioning, leveling, fixation
on spacers, connections and passages.
KC15 – Install protected conductor 185mm
Install primary conductor of the compact networks, in gage 185mm², including tensioning, leveling, fixation on spacers,
connections and passages.
KC16 – Install stirrup and clamp in live line
This activity is paid only in existent networks and includes connections.
The transference of the linking extension to the stirrup is paid apart, for the activities of re-tensioning of the linking
KC17 – Install jumper or neutral passage
This activity is paid only in existent networks and includes connections.
KC18 – Install sectioning and grounding on fences
Install sectioning on fences through precast or brown insulators, including grounding, connections and re-tensioning of
the fence wire.
This activity is paid for each point of sectioning and grounding.
Example: If the network crosses a fence and this one is sectioned and grounded in two points, the payment will be for
two activities.
KC19 – Repair sectioning of fences
This activity consists of the replacement of any material of sectioned and grounded fence. Each material substituted
counts as an activity.
KC20 – Re-tension steel cable
Tension, level and tie the existent steel guide cable of sustaining the conductors of compact network, including tying the
spacers and if necessary, replace metal fittings and spacers.
KC21 – Re-tension insulated conductor BT 2#25(25)
Tension, level and tie multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#25(25), in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC22 – Re-tension insulated conductor BT 2#35(35)
Tension, level and tie multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#35(35), in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC23 – Re-tension insulated conductor BT 3#35(35)
Tension, level and tie multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#35(35), in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC24 – Re-tension insulated conductor BT 3#50(50)
Tension, level and tie multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#50(50), in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC25 – Re-tension insulated conductor BT 3#70(70)
Tension, level and tie multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#70(70), in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC26 – Re-tension insulated conductor BT 3#120(70)
Tension, level and tie multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#120(70), in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC27 – Re-tension bare conductor
Tension, level and tie secondary or primary conductor in bare aluminum, or bare copper in existent network, including
connections, passages and crossings. It does not include stirrups.
As for the linking extensions, these must be reconnected, if necessary, to an already re-tensioned network. The
extension must stay in the same form in which it was before the re-tensioning of the conductor of the network. If the
extension needs re-tensioning, the supervision must authorize and pay apart for the re-tensioning activities of the linking
KC28 – Re-tension protected conductor <= 50mm
Tension, level and tie on the spacers, the primary existent conductor of the compact networks, in gages 35mm² and
50mm², including connections and passages and if necessary replace the spacers.
KC29 – Re-tension protected conductor >= 70mm and <=95mm
Tension, level and tie on the spacers, the primary existent conductor of the compact networks, in gages 70mm² and
95mm², including connections and passages and if necessary replace the spacers.
KC30 – Re-tension protected conductor 185mm
Tension, level and tie on the spacers, the primary existent conductor of the compact networks, in gage 185mm²,
including connections and passages and if necessary replace the spacers.
KC31 – Remove steel cable
Remove steel cable of sustaining the conductors of compact network, including metal fittings, binding and fixation of
KC32 – Remove insulated conductor AL BT 2#25(25)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#25(25), including connections, passages, stirrups and
KC33 – Remove insulated conductor AL BT 2#35(35)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#35(35), including connections, passages, stirrups and
KC34 – Remove insulated conductor AL BT 3#35(35)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#35(35), including connections, passages, stirrups and
KC35 – Remove insulated conductor AL BT 3#50(50)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#50(50), including connections, passages, stirrups and
KC36 – Remove insulated conductor AL BT 3#70(70)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#70(70), including connections, passages, stirrups and
KC37 – Remove insulated conductor AL BT 3#120(70)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#120(70), including connections, passages, stirrups and
KC38 – Remove aluminum bare conductor
Remove primary or secondary conductor in bare aluminum, including connections, passages, stirrups and crossings. For
calculations the 2 awg cable was considered.
KC39 – Remove copper bare conductor
Remove primary or secondary conductor in bare copper, including connections, passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC40 – Remove protected conductor <= 50mm
Remove primary conductor from the compact networks, in gages 35mm² and 50mm², including connections, passages
and stirrups.
KC41 – Remove protected conductor >= 70mm and <=95mm
Remove primary conductor from the compact networks, in gages 70mm² and 95mm², including connections, passages
and stirrups.
KC42 – Remove protected conductor 185mm
Remove primary conductor from the compact networks, in gage 185mm², including connections, passages and stirrups.
KC43 – Replace jumper or neutral passage
Remove a jumper or neutral passage and install a new one including the connections.
KC44 – Replace binding in pin insulator
Remove the binding and install a new binding in a pin insulator, including the installation or replacement, if necessary,
of protection tape. It includes the verification of the state of the insulator.
KC45 – Replace binding in sheave insulator
Remove the binding and install a new binding in a sheave insulator, including the installation or replacement, if
necessary, of protection tape. It includes the verification of the state of the insulator.
KC46 – Replace steel cable
Remove steel cable of sustaining the conductors of compact network, install a new cable, including tensioning, leveling,
metal fittings, binding and fixation of spacers.
KC47 – Replace insulated conductor AL BT 2#25(35)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#25(25), and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the
linking extensions of consumer units.
KC48 – Replace insulated conductor AL BT 2#35(35)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 2#35(35), and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the
linking extensions of consumer units.
KC49 – Replace insulated conductor AL BT 3#35(35)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#35(35), and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the
linking extensions of consumer units.
KC50 – Replace insulated conductor AL BT 3#50(50)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#50(50), and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the
linking extensions of consumer units.
KC51 – Replace insulated conductor AL BT 3#70(70)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#70(70), and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the
linking extensions of consumer units.
KC52 – Replace insulated conductor AL BT 3#120(70)
Remove multiplexed secondary conductor in aluminum gage 3#120(70), and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the
linking extensions of consumer units.
KC53 – Replace aluminum bare conductor
Remove primary or secondary conductor in bare aluminum, and install a new conductor, including tensioning, leveling,
connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the linking extensions of
consumer units.
KC54 – Replace copper bare conductor
Remove primary or secondary conductor in bare copper, and install a new conductor, including tensioning, leveling,
connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings and the re-tensioning and connections of the linking extensions of
consumer units.
KC55 – Replace protected conductor 35mm
Remove primary conductor from the compact networks, in gage 35mm², and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC56 – Replace protected conductor 70mm
Remove primary conductor from the compact networks, in gage 70mm², and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC57 – Replace protected conductor 180mm
Remove primary conductor from the compact networks, in gage 185mm², and install a new conductor, including
tensioning, leveling, connections, joints, passages, stirrups and crossings.
KC58 – Replace connector for compression
Remove connector, independent of the type and install a new connector of the compression type.
KC59 – Replace connector for wedge
Remove connector, independent of the type and install a new connector of the wedge type.
KC60 – Replace connector for impact
Remove connector, independent of the type and install a new connector of the impact type.
KC61 – Replace connector for slotted screw
Remove connector, independent of the type and install a new connector of the slotted screw type.
KC62 – Replace stirrup or clamp in live line
Remove a stirrup or clamp in live line and install a new one, including the connections and transference of the linking
extensions of the consumer units.
KC63 – Replace sectioning and grounding in fences
This activity consists of replacing the materials of the sectioning and grounding of the fence, including re-tensioning of
the fence wire.
This activity is paid for each point of replacement of sectioning and grounding.
Example: If the network crosses a fence and this one is sectioned and grounded in two points, the payment will be for
two activities if the two points of sectioning and grounding are replaced.
KD01 – Install capacitor
Install a cell of a bench of capacitors of any capacity, including the links and connections to the network.
KD02 – Install knife switch
Install a knife switch with fixation accessories and connection to the network. The installation of the post and of the
primary structure will be paid apart.
KD03 – Install fuse switch
Install a fuse switch with fixation accessories and connection to the network. The installation of the post and of the
primary structure will be paid apart.
KD04 – Install disconnector switch 3F
Install a dry or oil tripolar disconnector switch with the links to the network, operating mechanism and connection to
the grounding system. The installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD05 – Install structure for automatic bench of capacitors
Install crossbars, accessories for sustaining the cells, switches and equipment for protection and control, measure
transformers with their sustaining structures, links, connections and grounding system. The installation of the post will
be paid apart.
KD06 – Install structure for fixed bench of capacitors
Install crossbars, accessories for sustaining the cells, switches and equipment for protection and control, measure
transformers with their sustaining structures, links, connections and grounding system. The installation of the post will
be paid apart.
KD07 – Install structure for disconnector switch 3F
Install crossbars, metal fittings, sectioning switches and their sustaining structures, links, connections and grounding
system of the tripolar disconnector switches. The installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD08 – Install regulating structure on post
Install structures on crossbars, maneuver and protection equipment, links, connections and grounding system. The
installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD09 – Install regulating structure on platform
Install beams between posts, structures on crossbars, maneuver and protection equipment, links, connections and
grounding system. The installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD10 – Install recloser structure
Install crossbars, fixation accessories, switches and control equipment with their sustaining structures, links,
connections and grounding system. The installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD11 – Install automatic disconnector structure
Install crossbars, fixation accessories, switches and control equipment with their sustaining structures, links,
connections and grounding system. The installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD12 – Install 1F transformer structure on post
Install metal fittings, insulators, support for transformers, fixation accessories, fuse switch, lightning rod and grounding
system. The installation of the post and of the primary structure will be paid apart.
KD13 – Install 2-3F transformer structure on post
Install crossbars, metal fittings, insulators, support for transformers, fixation accessories, fuse switch, lightning rod and
grounding system with at least three rods. The installation of the post and of the primary structure will be paid apart.
KD14 – Install transformer structure on platform
Install posts, beams, structures on crossbars, maneuver and protection equipment, links, connections and grounding
system. The installation of the post will be paid apart.
KD15 – Install lightning rods
Install one lightning rod with fixation accessories, connection to the network and on the grounding system. The
installation of the post and of the primary structure will be paid apart.
KD16 – Install voltage regulator
Install voltage regulator of a bench, including links and connections to the network and on the grounding system.
KD17 – Install recloser
Install a recloser, including links and connections to the network and on the grounding system.
KD18 – Install automatic disconnector
Install an automatic disconnector, including links and connections to the network and on the grounding system.
KD19 – Install transformer on post
Install transformer on post with links to the primary and secondary network and to the grounding system.
KD20 – Install 225 to 500kva transformer on platform
Install 225 to 500kva transformer on platform including the links to the primary and secondary network and to the
grounding system.
KD21 – Install 1000kva transformer on platform
Install 1000kva transformer on platform including the links to the primary and secondary network and to the grounding
KD22 – Change transformer tap
Change the tap of a transformer, including verification of the oil, links, examine the housing, bushings and grounding.
KD23 – Operate switches or clamp on live line
Opening and closing of switches, equipment or clamps on live line, on one same structure, with the objective of
maneuvers for services of programmed constructions and maintenances.
On the fuse switches, it includes the replacement of the fuse links if necessary.
KD24 – Retighten and adjust switch
Retighten nuts, adjust contacts, fixation of crossbars and these on the post, of one or more switches in one same
structure. On the fuse switches it includes the verification of the fuse links and replacement if necessary.
KD25 – Remove capacitor
Remove a cell of a bench of capacitors of any capacity with fixation accessory.
KD26 – Remove knife switch
Remove a knife switch with fixation accessories.
KD27 – Remove fuse switch
Remove a fuse switch with fixation accessories.
KD28 – Remove 3F disconnector switch
Remove dry or oil tripolar disconnector switch and operation mechanism.
KD29 – Remove structure for automatic bench of capacitors
Remove crossbars, accessories for sustaining the cells, switches and equipment for protection and control, measure
transformers with their sustaining structures and grounding system.
KD30 – Remove structure for fixed bench of capacitors
Remove crossbars, accessories for sustaining the cells, switches and equipment for protection and control, measure
transformers with their sustaining structures and grounding system.
KD31 – Remove structure for disconnector switch 3F
Remove crossbars, metal fittings, sectioning switches and their sustaining structures and grounding system of the
tripolar disconnector switches.
KD32 – Remove regulating structure on post
Remove posts, structures on crossbars, maneuver and protection equipment, links and grounding system.
KD33 – Remove regulating structure on platform
Remove posts, beams between posts, structures on crossbars, maneuver and protection equipment, links and grounding
KD34 – Remove recloser structure
Remove crossbars, fixation accessories, switches and control equipment with their sustaining structures and grounding
KD35 – Remove automatic disconnector structure
Remove crossbars, fixation accessories, switches and control equipment with their sustaining structures and grounding
KD36 – Remove 1F transformer structure on post
Remove metal fittings, insulators, support for transformers, fixation accessories, fuse switch, lightning rod and
grounding system.
KD37 – Remove 2-3F transformer structure on post
Remove crossbars, metal fittings, insulators, support for transformers, fixation accessories, fuse switch, lightning rod
and grounding system.
KD38 – Remove transformer structure on platform
Remove posts, beams, structures on crossbars, maneuver and protection equipment, links and grounding system.
KD39 – Remove lightning rods
Remove a lightning rod with fixation accessories, connection to the network and on the grounding system.
KD40 – Remove voltage regulator
Remove voltage regulator from a bench.
KD41 – Remove recloser
Remove a recloser.
KD42 – Remove automatic disconnector
Remove an automatic disconnector.
KD43 – Remove transformer on post
Remove transformer from post.
KD44 – Remove 225 to 500kva transformer on platform
Remove 225 to 500kva transformer on platform.
KD45 – Remove 1000kva transformer on platform
Remove 1000kva transformer on platform.
KD46 – Replace capacitor
Remove a cell from a bench of capacitors of any capacity and install a new cell including fixation, links and
connections to the network.
KD47 – Replace knife switch
Remove a knife switch and install a new knife switch including fixation, links and connections to the network.
KD48 – Replace fuse switch
Remove a fuse switch and install a new fuse switch including fixation, links and connections to the network.
KD49 – Replace 3F disconnector switch
Remove dry or oil tripolar disconnector switch with operation mechanism and install a new switch with the links to the
network, operation mechanism and connection to the grounding system.
KD50 – Replace lightning rods
Remove a lightning rod and install a new lightning rod including fixation, links and connections to the network and on
the grounding system.
KD51 – Replace voltage regulator
Remove a voltage regulator from a bench and install a new voltage regulator including links and connections to the
network and on the grounding system.
KD52 – Replace recloser
Remove a recloser and install a new recloser including links and connections to the network and on the grounding
KD53 – Replace automatic disconnector
Remove an automatic disconnector and install a new automatic disconnector including links and connections to the
network and to the grounding system.
KD54 – Replace transformer on post
Remove a transformer on post and install a new transformer including operation switches, change fuse links and cable
which links the bushings to the secondary network.
KD55 – Replace 225 to 500kva transformer on platform
Remove 225 to 500kva transformer on platform and install a new transformer including operation switches, change fuse
links and cable which links the bushings to the secondary network.
KD56 – Replace 1000kva transformer on platform
Remove 1000kva transformer on platform and install a new transformer including operation switches, change fuse links
and cable which links the bushings to the secondary network.
KE01 – Re-tension extension link of cable up to 16mm2
Disconnect the conductors of up to 16mm² gage of the extension link of a consumer unit to re-tension or transfer from
the secondary network to the stirrup, re-tensioning and connecting.
KE02 – Re-tension extension link of cable greater than 16mm2 up to 35mm²
Disconnect the conductors greater than 16mm2 up to 35mm² gage of the extension link of a consumer unit to re-tension
or transfer from the secondary network to the stirrup, re-tensioning and connecting.
KE03 – Re-tension extension link of cable greater than 35mm²
Disconnect the conductors greater than 35mm² gage of the extension link of a consumer unit to re-tension or transfer
from the secondary network to the stirrup, re-tensioning and connecting.
KE04 – Remove extension link
Remove an extension link or part of an extension link from a disconnected consumer unit.
KE05 – Install extension link for concentric cable
Install an extension link of a consumer unit in concentric cable, including the connections.
KE06 – Install extension link for multiplexed cable up to 16mm²
Install an extension link of a consumer unit in multiplexed cable up to 16mm², including the connections.
KE07 – Install extension link for multiplexed cable greater than 16mm2 up to 35mm²
Install an extension link of a consumer unit in multiplexed cable greater than 16mm2 up to 35mm², including the
KE08 – Install extension link for multiplexed cable greater than 35mm²
Install an extension link of a consumer unit in multiplexed cable greater than 35mm², including the connections.
KE09 – Standard in metal kit of 5m or 7m
Install an entry standard in metal post of 5m or 7m, including the pit of the post in normal land and the box for the
power meter and circuit breaker. In rocky ground pay more for the respective activity.
KE11 – Standard in concrete/prop kit of 5m or 7m
Install an entry standard in concrete post of 5m or 7m, including the pit of the post in normal land and the box for the
power meter and circuit breaker. For the prop, this activity also contemplates the recovery of the frontispiece. In rocky
ground pay more for the respective activity.
KE12 – Install Power Meter
Install power meter including connections and seals.
KE10 – Pit in rocky ground with standard in metal kit
This activity pays more for the activity of standard metal kit when it is installed in rocky ground.
KF01 – Open access road for the work
Open access road to the easement track of a network with 3m minimum width and enlargement every 250m to allow
passing of vehicles.
KF02 – Open land track 15m width
Deforest the land track for passage of network, with 15m width, independent of the type of vegetation, and clear stubs
in a 4m width for passage of vehicle assigned to the work.
KF03 – Additional for manual execution of activity
This activity will be applied when there is no possibility of using vehicle with a crane on the activities which require
this equipment.
Example: If the installation of a post or equipment needs the use of a crane and the location does not allow the access of
the vehicle with the crane, causing the installation to be executed manually, the activity is paid for the installation of the
post or the equipment plus the value of this activity.
KF04 – Drag materials with a tractor
Drag posts and/or materials using a tractor in order to allow it to reach the site of the application on the work. This
activity will be applied if the location of the access to the work does not have conditions for the use of vehicles.
The supervision must approve the type of dragging to be used, which will depend on factors such as: topography and
vegetation of the land, quantity of materials in tons, distance, availability and/or feasibility on the use of the most
adequate means, considering cost and time.
The payment is calculated by tons x kilometers.
KF05 – Drag materials manually
Drag posts and/or materials manually in order to allow it to reach the site of the application on the work. This activity
will be applied if the location of the access to the work does not have conditions for the use of vehicles.
The supervision must approve the type of dragging to be used, which will depend on factors such as: topography and
vegetation of the land, quantity of materials in tons, distance, availability and/or feasibility on the use of the most
adequate means, considering cost and time.
The payment is calculated by tons x kilometers.
KF06 – Prune or cut tree in rural area
Activity of eliminating trees or cutting branches of trees isolated or concentrated at the most of 10 units per 500m² and
which may interfere with the network.
Trees of the clump type (bamboo, banana tree, etc.), each clump will be considered as a tree.
Includes the removal of the trees or branches of the track of easement.
KF07 – Prune or cut tree in urban area
Activity of eliminating trees or cutting branches of trees located in urban areas defined as streets, squares or avenues
which may interfere with the network.
Trees of the clump type (bamboo, banana tree, etc.), each clump will be considered as a tree.
Includes the removal of the trees or branches.
KF40 – Construction team of 8 men in displacement
This activity must pay for the time during displacements for execution of the services located in municipalities distinct
from those of the headquarters of the contracting party’s installations.