First-Year Seminar (FYS): Human Societies and Genomics

First-Year Seminar (FYS): Human Societies and Genomics
Department of Sociology
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Instructor: Guang Guo, Dr. George and Alice Welsh Distinguished Professor of Sociology,
Faculty Fellow at the Carolina Population Center, and Faculty Fellow at Carolina Center for
Genome Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Guang Guo
216 Hamilton Hall
Phone: 962-1246 (o)
Lectures: 11:00 am – 12:15 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays
Office Hours: 10:00 am – 11:00 am Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment
Wen Hu
The course focuses on how advances in molecular genomics over the past decades benefit
sociology and other social sciences. The course examines potential ways in which human
genomic and epigenomic information can be incorporated into social sciences. Topics include an
introduction to traditional biometrics (inferring genetic influences using genetically related
individuals without using molecular information); an introduction to basic principles of
molecular genetics; joint influences of social contexts and genetic heritage to human behaviors;
history of human evolution and contemporary race/ethnicity; evolutionary psychology; sex,
gender, and genomics; ethical, legal, and social issues in genetic studies (ELSI); genetic testing;
and epigenetics – the potential links between genes and environment. The course will review the
methods that are used for investigating these topics.
Although the course material includes some of cutting-edge topics in social sciences, it does not
have a prerequisite skill or course as a condition for enrollment. Many topics including health
behaviors, race/ethnicity, gender, and ELSIs are examined around how scholars pose problems,
discover solutions, resolve controversies, and evaluate knowledge. The course is designed to
encourage active learning, self-directed inquiry, and students taking responsibility for producing
knowledge. The course is also designed to develop students’ oral and verbal communication
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites. Familiarity with basic genetics or a social science field is
 25% Homework (reading notes: a single-spaced half page for each article stating main
ideas and a critique of the main idea] due at the beginning of each class)
 25% Article presentation and critique. The presentation focuses on main ideas especially
when the content is very technical. Each presentation uses 25-35 minutes with the
presenters responsible for posting questions for the class and leading discussion.
 30% A review paper (10-12 double-spaced pages) on a topic chosen by students in
coordination with instructor. The paper must consider both social/environmental
influences and genetic influences.
20% Class participation (attendance and participation in class discussion)
PAPER PRESENTATION AND CRITIQUE: All students will have at least one opportunity to
participate in presenting and critiquing a related paper. When you are presenting the paper, you
are responsible for running the discussion of the paper in class
PARTICIPATION: Attending classes and participation in class discussion are particularly
important for first-year seminars. Your active participation in all class discussions is expected.
RESEARCH: Considerable self-directed research is needed to conceive the idea of the review
paper and to develop the content of the paper.
READINGS: Journal articles and books.
1. Introduction
2. Genetic Studies before the Current DNA era
Animal studies: Gene-environment interaction (broadly defined)
Readings: Gene-environment interactions for aggression among mice (Ginsburg and Allee
3. Twin, Adoption, and Other Biometrical Studies
Readings: (Manolio, Collins, Cox et al. 2009): "Finding the missing heritability of
complex diseases." Nature 461:747-753. Twin Studies: How Much Can They Tell us
About Nature and Nurture? (Guo 2005)
4. Introduction to Genetics:
Eric Lander 1 (one class period)
Readings: New York Times article on Lander (2012)
Eric Lander 2 (one class period)
(not required) Strachan, T and A.P. Read. Human Molecular Genetics. 2d ed. Free online.
Also have a newer edition.
Genetic concepts
5. Genes, Social Context, and Human Behaviors: Delinquency and sexual behavior
Readings: gene-environment interactions for antisocial behavior (Caspi, McClay, Moffitt
et al. 2002); age at first sexual intercourse (Guo and Tong 2006).
gene-environment interactions for (Guo, Tong, and Cai 2008a); number of sexual partner;
gene-environment interaction for delinquency (Guo, Roettger, and Cai 2008b).
Culture or genes: a 30 video
Deep Ancestry Chapter two (pages 27-54)
6. History of Human Evolution and Contemporary Race/Ethnicity: an introduction;
Deep Ancestry by Spencer Wells (only required book)
Chapter 3-4 (pages 55-114)
Deep Ancestry: Chapters five and six (pages 115-162)
Readings: Genetic study of the 52 populations in the world (Li, Absher, Tang et al. 2008;
Rosenberg, Pritchard, Weber et al. 2002);
Career development section
Readings: commentary (Duster 2005); importance of using race categories (Burchard, Ziv,
Coyle et al. 2003); Guo et al: Bioancestry and Social Construction of Race (instructor will
present this)
7. Sex, Gender, and Genomics
(Gerald N. Callahan. 2009. Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two
Sexes: Pages 48-57, 61-67, and 75-78)
David Page’s lecture (1)
David Page’s lecture (2) (Read Udry for next time)
Debate on Dick Udry’s paper on femininity
Udry’s 2000 American Sociological Review article
Risman, Kennelly, and Miller responses (three responses) ASR, 2001
Udry’s 2001 response to responses
8. False positives in genetic studies: New Yorker article: The Truth Wears Off (2010);
(Ioannidis, Ntzani, Trikalinos et al. 2001); The GWAS for longevity paper in Science
(2010) (instructor will discuss longevity paper)
9. Genome-wide Association Studies: the height article and the type II diabetes article
(Allen, Estrada, Lettre et al. 2010; Frayling, Timpson, Weedon et al. 2007);
the GWAS for 250K persons for BMI in Nature Genetics (2010); GWAS for educational
attainment in PLoS ONE
10. Friend networks and genes; genes and pair bonding: (Fowler, Settle, and Christakis
2011); (Walum, Westberg, Henningsson et al. 2008)
11. The Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Genetic Studies
(Church 2006); (Angrist and Cook-Deegan 2006)
Charting the Course of DNA Medicine (2011) (we ask two students to present this)
designer babies? Movie: Gattaca
12. Epigenetics and Epigenomics
Readings: Unfinished symphony (excellent nontechnical piece) (Liu 2006); Methylation
and maternal care in mice (Meaney, Szyf, and Seckl 2007);
Epigenetics and Epigenomics: (Cooney 2007)(chiefly on the case of yellow agouti mice)
and [differences in the levels of methylation within identical twin pairs (Fraga, Ballestar,
Paz et al. 2005)]
13. Recent evolutionary selection: (Thompson, Kuttab-Boulos, Witonsky et al. 2004);
(Tishkoff, Reed, Ranciaro et al. 2007). (Thompson is very technical, just the main idea)
Term paper due
Allen, H. L., K. Estrada, G. Lettre, S. I. Berndt, M. N. Weedon, F. Rivadeneira, C. J. Willer, A. U.
Jackson, S. Vedantam, S. Raychaudhuri, T. Ferreira, A. R. Wood, R. J. Weyant, A. V.
Segre, E. K. Speliotes, E. Wheeler, N. Soranzo, J. H. Park, J. Yang, D. Gudbjartsson, N. L.
Heard-Costa, J. C. Randall, L. Qi, A. V. Smith, R. Magi, T. Pastinen, L. Liang, I. M. Heid,
J. Luan, G. Thorleifsson, T. W. Winkler, M. E. Goddard, K. S. Lo, C. Palmer, T.
Workalemahu, Y. S. Aulchenko, A. Johansson, M. C. Zillikens, M. F. Feitosa, T. Esko, T.
Johnson, S. Ketkar, P. Kraft, M. Mangino, I. Prokopenko, D. Absher, E. Albrecht, F. Ernst,
N. L. Glazer, C. Hayward, J. J. Hottenga, K. B. Jacobs, J. W. Knowles, Z. Kutalik, K. L.
Monda, O. Polasek, M. Preuss, N. W. Rayner, N. R. Robertson, V. Steinthorsdottir, J. P.
Tyrer, B. F. Voight, F. Wiklund, J. F. Xu, J. H. Zhao, D. R. Nyholt, N. Pellikka, M. Perola,
J. R. B. Perry, I. Surakka, M. L. Tammesoo, E. L. Altmaier, N. Amin, T. Aspelund, T.
Bhangale, G. Boucher, D. I. Chasman, C. Chen, L. Coin, M. N. Cooper, A. L. Dixon, Q.
Gibson, E. Grundberg, K. Hao, M. J. Junttila, L. M. Kaplan, J. Kettunen, I. R. Konig, T.
Kwan, R. W. Lawrence, D. F. Levinson, M. Lorentzon, B. McKnight, A. P. Morris, M.
Muller, J. S. Ngwa, S. Purcell, S. Rafelt, R. M. Salem, E. Salvi, et al. 2010. "Hundreds of
variants clustered in genomic loci and biological pathways affect human height." Nature
Angrist, Misha and Robert M. Cook-Deegan. 2006. "Who Owns the Genome?" The New
Atlantis:pp. 87-96.
Breitling, L. P., R. X. Yang, B. Korn, B. Burwinkel, and H. Brenner. 2011.
"Tobacco-Smoking-Related Differential DNA Methylation: 27K Discovery and
Replication." American Journal of Human Genetics 88:450-457.
Burchard, E. G., E. Ziv, N. Coyle, S. L. Gomez, H. Tang, A. J. Karter, J. L. Mountain, E. J.
Perez-Stable, D. Sheppard, and N. Risch. 2003. "The importance of race and ethnic
background in biomedical research and clinical practice." New England Journal of
Medicine 348:1170-1175.
Caspi, A., J. McClay, T. E. Moffitt, J. Mill, J. Martin, I. W. Craig, A. Taylor, and R. Poulton. 2002.
"Role of genotype in the cycle of violence in maltreated children." Science 297:851-854.
Church, G. M. 2006. "Genomes for all." Scientific American 294:46-54.
Cooney, C. A. 2007. "Epigenelics - DNA-based mirror of our environment?" Disease Markers
Cordell, H. J. 2002. "Epistasis: what it means, what it doesn't mean, and statistical methods to
detect it in humans." Human Molecular Genetics 11:2463-2468.
—. 2004. "Definition, detection and interpretation of gene-gene interaction (epistasis) in complex
disease." American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics
Dixon, M. J., M. L. Marazita, T. H. Beaty, and J. C. Murray. 2011. "Cleft lip and palate:
understanding genetic and environmental influences." Nature Reviews Genetics
Duster, T. 2005. "Medicine - Race and reification in science." Science 307:1050-1051.
Enattah, N. S., T. G. K. Jensen, M. Nielsen, R. Lewinski, M. Kuokkanen, H. Rasinpera, H.
El-Shanti, J. K. Seo, M. Alifrangis, I. F. Khalil, A. Natah, A. Ali, S. Natah, D. Comas, S. Q.
Mehdi, L. Groop, E. M. Vestergaard, F. Imtiaz, M. S. Rashed, B. Meyer, J. Troelsen, and
L. Peltonen. 2008. "Independent introduction of two lactase-persistence alleles into human
populations reflects different history of adaptation to milk culture." American Journal of
Human Genetics 82:57-72.
Foster, M. W. and R. R. Sharp. 2004. "Beyond race: towards a whole-genome perspective on
human populations and genetic variation." Nature Reviews Genetics 5:790-796.
Fowler, J. H., J. E. Settle, and N. A. Christakis. 2011. "Correlated genotypes in friendship
networks." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 108:1993-1997.
Fraga, M. F., E. Ballestar, M. F. Paz, S. Ropero, F. Setien, M. L. Ballestart, D. Heine-Suner, J. C.
Cigudosa, M. Urioste, J. Benitez, M. Boix-Chornet, A. Sanchez-Aguilera, C. Ling, E.
Carlsson, P. Poulsen, A. Vaag, Z. Stephan, T. D. Spector, Y. Z. Wu, C. Plass, and M.
Esteller. 2005. "Epigenetic differences arise during the lifetime of monozygotic twins."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Frayling, T. M., N. J. Timpson, M. N. Weedon, E. Zeggini, R. M. Freathy, C. M. Lindgren, J. R. B.
Perry, K. S. Elliott, H. Lango, N. W. Rayner, B. Shields, L. W. Harries, J. C. Barrett, S.
Ellard, C. J. Groves, B. Knight, A. M. Patch, A. R. Ness, S. Ebrahim, D. A. Lawlor, S. M.
Ring, Y. Ben-Shlomo, M. R. Jarvelin, U. Sovio, A. J. Bennett, D. Melzer, L. Ferrucci, R. J.
F. Loos, I. Barroso, N. J. Wareham, F. Karpe, K. R. Owen, L. R. Cardon, M. Walker, G. A.
Hitman, C. N. A. Palmer, A. S. F. Doney, A. D. Morris, G. D. Smith, A. T. Hattersley, and
M. I. McCarthy. 2007. "A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass
index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity." Science 316:889-894.
Ginsburg, B. E and W. C Allee. 1942. "Some effects of conditioning on social dominance and
subordination in inbred strains of mice." Physiology and Zoology 15:485-506.
Guo, G. and Y. Y. Tong. 2006. "Age at first sexual intercourse, genes, and social context:
Evidence from twins and the dopamine D4 receptor gene." Demography 43:747-769.
Guo, G., Y. Y. Tong, and T. J. Cai. 2008a. "Gene by Social Context Interactions for Number of
Sexual Partners among White Male Youths: Genetics-Informed Sociology." American
Journal of Sociology 114:S36-S66.
Guo, Guang. 2005. "Twin Studies: How Much Can They Tell Us about Nature and Nurture?"
Contexts 4:43-47.
Guo, Guang, E. Michael Roettger, and Tianji Cai. 2008b. "The Integration of Genetic Propensities
into Social Control Models of Delinquency and Violence among Male Youths." American
Sociological Review 73:543-568.
Harris, D. R. and J. J. Sim. 2002. "Who is multiracial? Assessing the complexity of lived race."
American Sociological Review 67:614-627.
Houle, D. 2010. "Numbering the hairs on our heads: The shared challenge and promise of
phenomics." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 107:1793-1799.
Houle, D., D. R. Govindaraju, and S. Omholt. 2010. "Phenomics: the next challenge." Nature
Reviews Genetics 11:855-866.
Ioannidis, J., E. Ntzani, T. Trikalinos, and D. Contopoulos-Ioannidis. 2001. "Replication validity
of genetic association studies." Nat Genet 29:306-309.
Kaminsky, Z. A., T. Tang, S. C. Wang, C. Ptak, G. H. T. Oh, A. H. C. Wong, L. A. Feldcamp, C.
Virtanen, J. Halfvarson, C. Tysk, A. F. McRae, P. M. Visscher, G. W. Montgomery,
Gottesman, II, N. G. Martin, and A. Petronis. 2009. "DNA methylation profiles in
monozygotic and dizygotic twins." Nature Genetics 41:240-245.
Li, J. Z., D. M. Absher, H. Tang, A. M. Southwick, A. M. Casto, S. Ramachandran, H. M. Cann, G.
S. Barsh, M. Feldman, L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, and R. M. Myers. 2008. "Worldwide human
relationships inferred from genome-wide patterns of variation." Science 319:1100-1104.
Liu, Jane. 2006. "Unfinished Symphony." Nature 441:143-5.
Manolio, T. A., F. S. Collins, N. J. Cox, D. B. Goldstein, L. A. Hindorff, D. J. Hunter, M. I.
McCarthy, E. M. Ramos, L. R. Cardon, A. Chakravarti, J. H. Cho, A. E. Guttmacher, A.
Kong, L. Kruglyak, E. Mardis, C. N. Rotimi, M. Slatkin, D. Valle, A. S. Whittemore, M.
Boehnke, A. G. Clark, E. E. Eichler, G. Gibson, J. L. Haines, T. F. C. Mackay, S. A.
McCarroll, and P. M. Visscher. 2009. "Finding the missing heritability of complex
diseases." Nature 461:747-753.
Meaney, M. J., M. Szyf, and J. R. Seckl. 2007. "Epigenetic mechanisms of perinatal programming
of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and health." Trends in Molecular Medicine
Moore, J. H. and S. M. Williams. 2009. "Epistasis and Its Implications for Personal Genetics."
American Journal of Human Genetics 85:309-320.
Morning, Ann. 2005. "Race." Contexts 4:44-46.
Ng, S. F., R. C. Y. Lin, D. R. Laybutt, R. Barres, J. A. Owens, and M. J. Morris. 2010. "Chronic
high-fat diet in fathers programs beta-cell dysfunction in female rat offspring." Nature
Palmie, S. 2007a. "Genomics, divination, "racecraft"." Pp. 205-222.
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American Ethnologist 34:245-251.
Rosenberg, N. A., J. K. Pritchard, J. L. Weber, H. M. Cann, K. K. Kidd, L. A. Zhivotovsky, and M.
W. Feldman. 2002. "Genetic structure of human populations." Science 298:2381-2385.
Shields, A. E., M. Fortun, E. M. Hammonds, P. A. King, C. Lerman, R. Rapp, and P. F. Sullivan.
2005. "The use of race variables in genetic studies of complex traits and the goal of
reducing health disparities - A transdisciplinary perspective." American Psychologist
Shields, A. E., C. Lerman, and P. F. Sullivan. 2004. "Translating emerging research on the
genetics of smoking into clinical practice: Ethical and social considerations." Nicotine &
Tobacco Research 6:675-688.
Thompson, E. E., H. Kuttab-Boulos, D. Witonsky, L. Yang, B. A. Roe, and A. Di Rienzo. 2004.
"CYP3A variation and the evolution of salt-sensitivity variants." American Journal of
Human Genetics 75:1059-1069.
Tishkoff, S. A., F. A. Reed, A. Ranciaro, B. F. Voight, C. C. Babbitt, J. S. Silverman, K. Powell,
H. M. Mortensen, J. B. Hirbo, M. Osman, M. Ibrahim, S. A. Omar, G. Lema, T. B.
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"Convergent adaptation of human lactase persistence in Africa and Europe." Nature
Genetics 39:31-40.
Visscher, P. M. and M. E. Goddard. 2010. "Systems genetics: the added value of gene expression."
Hfsp Journal 4:6-10.
Walum, H., L. Westberg, S. Henningsson, J. M. Neiderhiser, D. Reiss, W. Igl, J. M. Ganiban, E. L.
Spotts, N. L. Pedersen, E. Eriksson, and P. Lichtenstein. 2008. "Genetic variation in the
vasopressin receptor 1a gene (AVPR1A) associates with pair-bonding behavior in
humans." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 105:14153-14156.
Wang, K., M. Y. Li, and H. Hakonarson. 2010. "Analysing biological pathways in genome-wide
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Wang, X. F., R. C. Elston, and X. F. Zhu. 2010. "The Meaning of Interaction." Human Heredity
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biological interaction?" Nature Reviews Genetics 12:74-74.
Weiss, K. 2007. "On babies and bathwater." American Ethnologist 34:242-244.