Control of Size and Aspect Ratio in Hydroquinone

Control of Size and Aspect Ratio in Hydroquinone-Based Synthesis of
Gold Nanorods - Supporting Information
Carlo Morasso1, Silvia Picciolini1, Domitilla Schiumarini1, Dora Mehn2, Isaac Ojea-Jiménez2, Giuliano
Zanchetta3, Renzo Vanna1, Marzia Bedoni1, Davide Prosperi4 and Furio Gramatica1
LABION - Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Clinical Biophotonics, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, Via
Capecelatro 66, 20148, Milan, Italy
Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP), European Commission Joint Research Centre, 21027, Ispra
(VA), Italy.
Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale, Universitá degli Studi di Milano, via F.lli Cervi 93,
20090 Segrate, Italy.
NanoBioLab, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Piazza della
Scienza 2, 20126, Milan, Italy
UV Vis spectra of Au seed
Figure S1: UV-Vis spectrum of the gold seeds
Viscosity measure by Dynamic Light-Scattering:
Figure S2: viscosity of the CTAB solutions; with (black dots) or without (red dot) the addiction of hydroquinone .
Kinematic viscosity was measured with a capillary Ubbelohde viscometer.
Histograms with aspect ratio and length of AuNR with different concentrations of CTAB
Figure S3: Histogram of aspect ratio (left) and size distribution (right) of samples obtained using different
concentrations of CTAB (at least 200 nanorod for each sample)
10 mM CTAB:
20 mM CTAB:
40 mM CTAB:
60 mM CTAB:
80 mM CTAB:
100 mM CTAB:
TEM Images of AuNR:
Figure S4: TEM pictures have been taken on the samples centrifuged and resuspended in water.
10 mM CTAB:
20 mM CTAB:
30 mM CTAB:
40 mM CTAB
50 mM CTAB
70 mM CTAB
80 mM CTAB
100 mM CTAB
Histograms with aspect ratio and length of AuNR with different amounts of Ag +
Figure S5: Histogram of aspect ratio (left) and size distribution (right) of samples obtained using different
amounts of Ag+ ions (at least 200 nanorod for each sample)
Added Ag+ : 200 µL
Added Ag+ : 150 µL
Added Ag+ : 100 µL