DRAFT Middle School and Secondary Career & Technical Education (CTE) Program Development Guidance Document DEFINITION – Career and Technical Education programs or courses are identified as: 1. State approved occupational preparation concentrations for job entry or advancement into continuing education leading to skill set attainment and credentials as identified in the CTE Programs of Studies http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ AND the most current WVEIS Manual http://wveis.k12.wv.us/wveis2004/support.htm (click on link and find on the right side of the screen): 2. CTE Foundation courses State approved CTE courses for middle and high school students. These courses are identified in Section 2 – page 32-33 in the WVEIS 2015-2016 Course Code Manual. 3. IWRC IWRC, provides students with mild learning deficits the opportunity to gain valuable work readiness and occupation specific skills through a CTE career concentration cluster designated as IWRC. These concentrations are listed as 2015-2016 IWRC Certificate on the CTE website for each cluster. These concentrations will be added to each school’s Approved Curriculum List. 4. CIEL Concentrations (Institutional Education and Transfer Students) Career-Integrated Experiential Learning Certificate (CIEL) are restricted to approved juvenile centers; however, students transitioning from these centers should enroll in a CIEL concentration at their home school. These concentrations are listed as 2015-2016 CIEL Certificate on the CTE website for each cluster. These concentrations will be added to each school’s Approved Curriculum List. 5. Virtual Concentrations Virtual concentrations are listed as 2015-2016 Virtual Concentrations and identified on the CTE website for each cluster. 6. Local concentrations Counties can develop local concentrations but will not receive any CTE funds. 1 DRAFT APPROVED CURRICULUM – CTE concentrations must be approved by the West Virginia Department of Education, Career Technical Education Division in order to receive any funding allocations In order to comply with the Approved Curriculum requirements, new concentration requests must meet the current requirements of the WVDE CTE Program of Study (POS). The Program of Studies are located on http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ under the appropriate cluster. New concentration additions for the Approved Curriculum follow the LEA Process on Form 4 which includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Exact name of concentration must be consistent with POS, All required courses and WVEIS numbers for the POS are included and scheduled, Identify electives, WVEIS numbers and schedule sequence, Assure teacher endorsements are identified for each course, Have 135 contact hours which is consistent with Policy 2510 8,100 minutes, Assure labs are scheduled for 90 consecutive minutes where applicable, Industry credentials aligned with program are identified, Labor market analysis supports program need, Evidence of student interest to assure enrollment, Business/industry or advisory committee involvement and signature, Resource needs are identified, Cost of new program and funding sources are identified, and Local board support for teacher position is verified. Note: Completers in the same cluster receive completer funding credit for the first concentration. The additional courses will be factored into the FTE calculation for enrollment funding but will not impact completer funding. DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING NEW CONCENTRATIONS FOR 2016-2017 IS DECEMBER 31, 2015 2