Week - Central New Brighton School

Central New Brighton School
Principal’s Update
Nga mihi mahana ki koutou
(A warm greeting to everyone)
Student Led Conferences – next week
Next Tuesday and Wednesday our school shuts at 2pm
so we can meet with parents and children to discuss
All families were given the chance to nominate
meeting times – for those of you who did this we have
timetabled your appointment accordingly. If you did
not return a slip then you have been given a time by
the office. It is vital that if this time does not suit you
let the office know immediately.
These appointment times were sent home on Monday
Teachers and students put a lot of effort and time into
preparing to meet with you so please make the effort
to come along.
There is a gift for all families that attend!
Congratulations to Lara who won the $30 grocery
voucher for returning her booking slip to school.
Celebrating Our Successes
Congratulations to these children.
25 Orange Cards
Active learner: Tyson, Grace P, Andre
Safe: Lucas, Davontee, Trinity, Leah
Respect: Grace P, Rebekah, Stella
Responsible: Lucy
Caring: Aesha
Cultural Festival
This year we have our whole school performing at the
CBS Arena as part of the Cultural Festival.
As we are all performing there is no charge for
children’s entry however if you would like to attend as
a parent spectator then you will need to order tickets.
The early bird price for adults is $10, this increases to
$15 after August 5 2014. Please put this date in your
Return the slip below with the money for an early bird
parent ticket.
Cultural Festival
Early Bird Tickets
Number of Adult tickets@ $10 each ___________
Number of extra children tickets @$5 each _______
(these are for pre-schoolers who will need seats)
Total cost of tickets (money enclosed) _________
Room 6 and 7’s Camp Fundraiser
Bake Sale
Room 6 and 7 will be holding their Bake Sale event this
Thursday, 12 June, at 3:00pm outside Room’s 6 and 7.
This is to help fundraise for their camp in Hanmer
during Term 3. Both classes are in the process of
planning this event and are looking forward to selling
their goods on the day. We look forward to your
Thank you
Room 6 and 7.
Sausage Sizzle
Tomorrow is our 5th sausage sizzle at lunch time. We
will be doing this every week until the end of term.
Sausage and bread with tomato sauce will cost $1.50.
Orders will be taken outside Room 7 tomorrow
morning before school.
Senior students are also selling chocolate to help pay
for their camp costs. This is a great opportunity for
families to drastically reduce their camp fees.
Merger Update
Principal welcome; starting from next week we will
have a group of students from all three schools
forming a welcome kapahaka group; they will be
practicing once a week together. We are in the process
of finalising the date for the welcome ceremony – this
will be scheduled for sometime in week 1 of term 3.
Circus School
Room 3 have had their four weeks at circus school and
this week lucky room 1 get to go to circus school. They
will have regular weekly sessions for the next four
Impetigo - School Sores
I have attached a pamplet on impetigo, commonly
known as school sores. These sores are highly
infectious and can only be cured with antibiotics. If you
think your child may have them they will need to be
taken to the doctor.
Health Nurse
Our school health nurse will do a school visit next
Tuesday, 17 June to check up on our general wellbeing. If your child has any sores, itches or other issues
you would like our health nurse to look at please
return the slip below.
Some of these sores may be contagious so it is
important we keep a check on them.
Childs name:
Health issue to check out:
Important dates
Tues. and Wed June 17 &18 Student Led Conferences
Monday 23 Assembly at 2:20pm
Tues. &Wed. 24-25 June Miss Carroll, Miss Robertson
and Mrs Lumley in Auckland for professional
Friday July 4- School trip to Ferrymead Mini Golf
Friday July 4- end of term 2
Monday July 21 term 3 begins
School Photos
The photos were not taken today as the photographer
was unwell. We will let you know which day as soon as
we can.
Coffee Morning @ the Coffee Clinic
(School Dental Clinic)
This Thursday we will be sowing seeds and making
bucket gardens. Bring a bucket and your favourite
seeds or seedlings and join us.
Community Notices:
Circus Classes: For children 7-13yrs. After school
Mondays or Tuesdays at the Roy Stokes Hall. Learn
Acrobatics, Juggling, Unicycle, Trapeze & More.
Discount for CNB Students. For more info and
enrollments contact: circustrust@gmail.com
Vickie’s Vintage & Craft Expo
Is exposure to all the beautiful handcraft people
making exquisite items and all made in New Zealand?
Alongside this will be Vintage themed handcrafts and
items (i.e. produced in the 50s, 60s and 70s) everything
from Thornton Hall dresses to Canterbury suits for
men. Orange Tupperware through to beautiful
glassware. Miniature pineapple chunks. Cameras. Lace
and collectable buttons. Some antiques. Vintage
Jewellery, Forever bouquets, Vintage clothing and
accessories, men’s and women’s. All showcased and
for sale. This is a good way to see a piece of history.
$2 entry includes raffle ticket. Devonshire teas and
pretty linen. Handmade fudge......Like on Facebook:
Vickies Vintage & Craft Expo, A Hall full of interesting
Vintage and Craft items
Sunday 13 July 2014 - 11am – 3 pm
Bromley Community Hall, Bromley Road, Bromley.
$2 entry includes raffle ticket.Cash only no eftpos sorry
Brighten up your child’s July school holidays by
enrolling them into ‘Flying through Colour’ at the Air
Force Museum. We offer OSCAR-endorsed holiday
programmes that stay on site. We always have a
variety of crafts, art, Museum hunts, games and sports.
These holidays some of our activities include; creating
our own 3D winter scene, coloured weaving, kite paper
stars and making a tree house with an aircraft landing
strip. Early bookings are essential; please contact the
Public Programmes team on (03) 3439504 and visit our
website for details - www.airforcemuseum.co.nz
Active Kids Holiday Programmes
These are designed to provide opportunities for both
fun and learning, through a variety of sports and
activities in a safe, friendly environment.
Six Christchurch locations for Active Kids Holiday
Programmes offer age-appropriate activities.
Visit our website for full details.
www.sportcanterbury.org.nz DDI 03 373 5060.
E sport@sportcanterbury.org.nz Address Unit B, 1
Brynley Street, Hornby, Christchurch 8042
Postal Address P O Box 2606, Christchurch 8140
New Brighton Community Matariki Pot Luck Feast.
Saturday 28th June from 5:30 – 9:30pm at St Faiths
Hall, Hawke Street, New Brighton.
Pot Luck Dinner & Live Music Performances. Shared
music and dancing.
Please bring a plate of food to share and a gold coin
donation, musical instruments if you wish and a
heaped serving of love and laughter.
(if you are interested in performing please contact
Magenta on 027 291 3291).
Weaving Workshops – Make a Star
Sunday 15th June 1:30; Wednesday 18th June 3:30;
Sunday 22nd June 1:30. At New Brighton Library.
We will weave stars to decorate the hall for the feast
and are hoping to send them to Japan afterwards as
reciprocation for the Origami that they sent us after
the quake.