14F-SIW-038 - The Naval Postgraduate School`s MOVES Institute

A Javascript Implementation of the Binary DIS Protocol
Don McGregor
Curtis Blais
Don Brutzman
MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School
700 Dyer Road
Watkins Ext. 265
Monterey, CA 93943
(831) 656-7605, (831) 656-3215, (831) 656-2149
mcgredo@nps.edu, clblais@nps.edu, brutzman@nps.edu
Javascript, Distributed Interactive Simulation, DIS, Websocket, Web-based Simulation, WebLVC
ABSTRACT: Simulation applications running in a web browser offer the potential for simplified simulation
management and distribution. The Websocket and WebRTC standards allow applications running in web pages to
communicate with the server, or even directly with other web pages, but a format to use for message exchange in
distributed simulations has not been widely agreed upon. Javascript Object Notation (JSON) text format has been
used by some applications, but retaining interoperability creates a requirement for standardizing a JSON message
format for simulation applications. We have implemented a Javascript library that instead uses the IEEE standard
Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) binary format, and that runs in all recent major browsers. The DIS binary
Javascript library is able to process up to several thousand Protocol Data Units (PDUs) per second. The library
simplifies the integration of existing simulation applications with web based simulation applications.
1. Background
For the last decade or more business applications have
been migrating away from the paradigm of installing
applications on desktop machines and towards webbased applications running in the web browser. This
began with simple applications that were easy to
migrate to HTML, and the advent of Asynchronous
Javascript and XML (AJAX), fast browser Javascript
language implementations, and HTML5 technologies
have accelerated the process. The economics are
compelling: applications can be deployed once on the
server side, run in ubiquitous web browsers that are
already installed, and can scale out on the cloud. The
web applications are often cross platform across
Windows, Unix, Apple OS X, and mobile devices.
However, Distributed simulation applications, because
of their demanding requirements for low latency,
graphics, and computation, have generally not shared
in this trend. This is likely to change as new
technologies such as WebGL [1], Websockets, [2] and
WebRTC [3] are deployed more widely. WebGL
enables the creation of 3D virtual simulations, and
websockets and WebRTC allow applications access to
high bandwidth, low latency networking, relative to
older polling technologies such as AJAX. Faster web
browser Javascript engines and more sophisticated
Javascript libraries are also enabling more capable web
applications. This can allow Live, Virtual, and
Constructive (LVC) applications to be run entirely
within a web page, using no other applications or
Distributed simulation applications must exchange
state information and the Websocket and WebRTC
Javascript APIs are a mechanism to allow this. The two
APIs resemble, respectively, the TCP sockets and UDP
sockets used in conventional desktop simulation
applications. As with conventional TCP/IP socket
programming, the API is silent about the format or
content of the messages passed. It is up to the
programmer to choose a format to pass simulation state
information, and cooperating applications must agree
to use a mutually intelligible message format. On the
desktop a number of APIs and protocol wire formats
have been adopted for simulation applications,
including Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS),
High Level Architecture (HLA), and Test and Training
Enabling Architecture (TENA). Web-based simulation
applications are still in their infancy and formats for
exchanging information have not yet been widely
adopted or standardized. For example, HLA has no
Javascript API and the lack of an interoperable overthe-wire network format means that various proprietary
binary encodings cannot be consistently sent or
In the absence of a standard method for exchanging
state information most web-based simulation
applications have used the Javascript Object Notation
(JSON) format. JSON is human-readable, text-based,
and lightweight format for describing the content of
Javascript objects. A parser to convert data in the
JSON format to Javascript objects is included in most
Javascript implementations; this feature makes it easy
to rapidly prototype and implement message exchange.
An example representing an update to the state of an
entity using JSON format is shown in figure 1.
MessageKind : 1,
ObjectName : “F-16 Alpha”,
ObjectType :
EntityIdentifier : [1,2,1],
EntityType : [1,2,225,1,3,0,0],
WorldLocation : [4437182.0232, 395338.0731, 873923.4663],
VelocityVector : [57.04, 32.77,
Orientation : [-1.65, 2.234, 0.771],
Marking : “F-16”,
DamageState : 0
Figure 1. DIS Object Update Expressed in JSON
This example is taken from the WebLVC SISO study
group [4], an effort to standardize message exchange
formats using JSON that is closely patterned on the
Real Time Platform Reference Federation Object
Model (RPR-FOM). Fields in the example include the
semantic information specified in the SISO Encoded
Bit Values (EBV) document, such as the entity type,
and other conventions such as the entity location,
expressed in the earth-centered, Cartesian world
location used by DIS and RPR-FOM.
JSON has surprisingly good performance, but also has
some unavoidable drawbacks. Because its design goals
include being human readable it uses text to describe
the contents of objects. Because of the tag-value
approach used by JSON, both the sender and receiver
must agree on the field names used in the messages.
Including the field name in the message takes more
space, but does allow the application code to be more
flexible when the format is still in flux. Using JSON
effectively requires the standardization of a text format
wire protocol of the sort discussed by WebLVC.
DIS takes a different approach: the simulation state
values are saved in an array of packed binary values.
The fields in the message are not tagged with a name,
but instead use the position of fields in the message, as
specified by the protocol external to the message. The
messages sent in a binary protocol are typically smaller
than the same information sent in JSON format, and in
principle are more efficient to encode and decode,
since the data does not need to be converted between
text format and a binary representation. As a result the
messages are more compact, and in theory fewer CPU
instructions can be used to decode them. In the
example shown in Figure 1, the update message takes
about 300 bytes of text, while a DIS entity state
Protocol Data Unit (PDU) (which carries similar
though different data) takes about 144 bytes.
Javascript applications adopted the JSON format in
part because Javascript, as a language, did not do the
sort of binary manipulations required to encode and
decode binary messages well. However new Javascript
API features have made it more practical to encode and
decode the packed binary messages used by DIS. The
Javascript Typed Array API [5] feature allows
programmers to encode and decode packed byte arrays.
This gives programmers the tools to implement binary
protocols such as DIS.
Javascript web programming is always an adventure in
cross platform compatibility; Javascript language
implementations are embedded in the web browser,
browser vendors add new APIs at different times, and
the browser version deployed at customer sites may lag
from the most recent released version. Deployed
browser support for the Typed Array API in various
browsers is shown in figure 2 [6]. These browsers
account for about 80% of the browsers in use on the
internet in general today, though specific market
segments such the Navy-Marine Corps Internet
(NMCI) may have less support. For the most part web
browsers released since 2011 or 2012 support the
feature. In any event as browsers are upgraded support
will steadily increase.
Figure 2. Web Browser Support for Typed Arrays
The JSON format is workable, but the DIS binary
format has a significant practical advantage: the
standard has already been approved. If it can be
implemented in Javascript then practitioners may be
able to avoid creating a new wire protocol standard.
Support for the DIS standard is also ubiquitous. Many
existing simulation applications directly support DIS,
and for those that don’t, there are usually protocol
gateways that can convert application state information
to the DIS format. This simplifies interoperability with
existing applications.
The task we set ourselves was to implement the DIS
protocol in Javascript. The potential outcome is web
simulation applications that can directly interoperate
with existing simulation applications in an efficient
way, without the extra layer of a syntactic binary-toJSON gateway and the requirement to create a new
standard. Implementing DIS in Javascript also allows
us to explore the current state of the art and tradeoffs in
Javascript protocol implementations.
2. Implementation
This shows the Websocket API’s onmessage()
function, which passes in an argument containing data
received from the websocket server. The Javascript
object passed as an argument has a property called
data, which contains the binary PDU data in IEEE
1278.1 DIS format. A new Entity State PDU is created,
and then initialized from an InputStream object.
The InputStream (and its converse, OutputStream) are
modeled on the Java standard library classes of the
same name. They read data from the binary Typed
Array and maintain a pointer to the current read
position in the binary buffer. As each value is read the
current read pointer advances by the size of the data
type just read.
The initFromBinaryDIS() function is written by
the Javascript code generator, as is the reverse
function, encodeToBinaryDIS(). For example to
encode an EntityStatePdu to a DIS PDU format the
code in figure 4 would be used.
2.1 Client Side
We implemented the Javascript version of the DIS
library using the Open-DIS project [7]. Open-DIS
contains an XML file that describes the fields, types,
and layout of the DIS version 6 and 7 PDUs. The code
to implement a PDU is mostly boilerplate. The
Javascript object PDUs must be able to marshal and
unmarshal themselves to the IEEE 1278.1 DIS standard
binary format, and the data fields of the DIS PDUs
must be accessible to other Javascript code. With the
information contained in the XML file a relatively
small Java program can generate the corresponding
Javascript code that implements DIS PDUs and the
code to marshal and unmarshal to DIS. The code, for
both the generator and the generated Javascript code, is
available at sourceforge.net and has a non-viral BSD
open source license.
Example code for creating and decoding an Entity
State PDU from a binary source in Javascript is shown
in figure 3.
websocket.onmessage = function(msg)
var disMessage =
new dis.EntityStatePdu();
var is =
new dis.InputStream(msg.data);
Figure 3. Creating an Entity State PDU from
Binary Data
var dataBuffer = new
var os =
new dis.OutputStream(dataBuffer);
var trimmedData =
Figure 4. Encoding and Sending an Entity State
PDU Object
This example writes data to a typed data buffer that is
large enough to allow it to hold any likely Entity State
PDU used in this context. After it is written to a binary
buffer and we know how much space it consumes we
create an array that is trimmed to fit the actual size of
the PDU, and then send it to the websocket server.
Different languages have different conventions for
accessing object values. The most common Javascript
programming convention is to not use getter or setter
methods, and to instead access an attribute directly
adopted this convention in our Javascript DIS
implementation in order to be aligned with industry
practice. Since the Javascript code is generated, the
code generator can be modified to adopt other
programming conventions if so desired.
Reducing web application page load time and
optimizing web applications can be a subject in and of
itself. The generated DIS protocol file is about 10,000
lines of Javascript code and has a size of about 400K.
The Javascript DIS code must be downloaded to the
web browser on page load. Application programmers
in a production environment often run their Javascript
files through a “minify” step that strips out code
comments, eliminates whitespace, and takes other steps
to reduce the size of the file. This will usually reduce
the size of the Javascript file by half or more. The web
browser and web server can also negotiate compression
of the Javascript file before sending it, which will
reduce the size further. A minified and compressed DIS
protocol implementation is about 20K bytes. The
server and browser can negotiate client-side caching
techniques that prevent repeated downloads of the file
from the web server; after the first download the
Javascript DIS implementation file is cached by the
web browser using local storage, and subsequent page
loads by any web applications that access the
Javascript resource do not have to retrieve the file from
the server. The Javascript resources can also be stored
on a Content Distribution Network (CDN) to reduce
load times.
It should be noted that the Javascript language uses
weak data typing, and that “classes” in Javascript do
not exist in the same sense as they do in Java or C++.
Javascript is a prototypical object language with weak
(or non-existent) typing. Object instances are just
collections of attribute-value pairs. Creating a new
instance of a “class” in Javascript creates an object
with a certain starting set of attributes, and attributes or
functions can be added to or removed from that
instance. For example the EntityStatePdu object
created above may have completely new attributes
added to it, such as a date attribute called
“lastHeardFrom,” and it may have existing attribute
values such as “entityLocation” removed. This means
two objects that were instantiated as EntityStatePdus
may not have identical data fields or functions after use
in the application program. This is in contrast to Java,
where all instances of a class must have the same
attributes and all share the same methods.
Receiving and decoding DIS PDUs on the client side
and being able to send IEEE 1278.1 compliant PDUs is
only part of the battle. The client must also make sense
of the entity position value decoded. DIS uses a
Cartesian, geocentric coordinate system with its origin
at the center of the earth to describe object locations.
Many applications must position entities using other
coordinate systems, such as latitude, longitude, and
altitude. Virtual worlds typically use a local coordinate
system set up on a plane tangent to a given location on
the earth’s surface. In Java or C/C++ language
environments we could make use the SEDRIS Spatial
Reference Model (SRM) software development kit
(SDK) [8], but there is as of yet no Javascript
implementation of this valuable tool. We were forced
to implement a few classes that do basic
transformations among earth-centered (geocentric)
coordinate systems, local tangent plane cartesian
coordinate systems, and latitude/longitude/altitude
coordinate systems.
2.2 Server Side
For the server implementation we used Jetty, a
configurable Java-based implementation of a web
server and servlet container. It can also implement Java
Server Pages (JSP) and act as a websocket server side
implementation. The Jetty server listens on the server’s
local network on a Java UDP socket for DIS traffic.
When a PDU is received it sends it out on each
connected websocket to a web page, as shown in figure
Figure 5. Relay of DIS Messages
The Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF) application
shown in the diagram represents an existing,
unmodified DIS application; PDUs will be read by the
Jetty server via the native UDP socket and then
forwarded to each recipient. Likewise, the web pages
can send DIS PDUs, and the Jetty server will distribute
them to other web pages and to the server’s native
network. The Jetty server acts as a hub for all traffic to
the web-connected clients. This can provide a central
point for performing area of interest management or
distributed data management, but the ability to do this
is unexplored for now.
Websockets are in fact TCP sockets with a slightly
different API, and have all the inherent advantages and
disadvantages of any other TCP socket. This means
that while they are reliable, they also have on average
higher jitter, and may have “freeze” periods if state
update packets are dropped and the websocket goes
through a timeout/resend cycle.
3. Results
3.1 Performance Benchmarks
It is important to benchmark performance on multiple
browsers because each browser has its own
implementation of a Javascript engine and Javascript
standard libraries, and results can vary dramatically.
Javascript engine performance has been the subject of
intense R&D over the last several years and most
current browsers implement some version of a hotspot
compiler/interpreter. Most commercial browsers
currently implement a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for
Javascript, but implementing JITs is challenging and
performance characteristics can vary. When and
whether the JIT actually optimizes code can also
depend on code characteristics for even micro
benchmarks. This means making general claims of
performance in all web browsers difficult. At best only
general outlines can be described, and even that may be
A series of test cases to compare the performance of
JSON and binary DIS formats has been made available
at a public site [9], and users can benchmark their own
browser and hardware there. The results are shown
below in figures 6 and 7.
(Labeled as “Other” above), and Safari running on a
OSX Laptop, Windows 8.1 laptop, Samsung Note 2
tablet, and on an iPhone 5 mobile device were tested.
The blue and red bars are the results for decoding
binary DIS. Blue bars show the results for decoding
into a complex Javascript Entity State PDU (ESPDU)
object that contains separate objects for fields such as
the entity type, entity location, and other records, while
red shows results for decodes into a Javascript object
that is “flattened” with no contained objects, just
uniquely named fields. Orange and green bars show the
results for two techniques of decoding JSON-formatted
DIS information. Orange represents the use of
JSON.parse(jsonText). Eval() is an older
technique for parsing JSON that is still fairly widely
used, despite security concerns. JSON.parse() is
the preferred solution.
It is readily apparent that the browser’s implementation
of Javascript matters, both in absolute performance and
in which approach works best within a given browser.
Safari’s Javascript performance was quite good,
probably a reflection on the engine currently used by
that browser, and binary formats were faster than JSON
formats by a considerable margin. Internet Explorer 11
and Chrome 35 web browsers apparently have an
optimized native JSON parser that decodes a JSON
representation of an ESPDU as quickly as it does a
Javascript binary format message. (Or, alternatively,
the binary typed array libraries aren’t as well optimized
as those of Safari and Firefox.) Decoding the binary
DIS message in Firefox 30.0 was faster than decoding
a DIS PDU encoded in JSON—41,000 operations per
second for JSON vs 70,000 operations per second for
the binary DIS representation, though both were
smaller on an absolute level than Safari using any
Other results are unsurprising. Mobile devices are
slower than desktop devices. Still, modern mobile
phones can decode a respectable number of PDUs in
either format.
Figure 6. Performance Benchmark Results
Figure 7. Performance Benchmark Results
Longer bars in figure 4 represent better performance.
Chrome, Netscape Firefox, Internet Explorer 11
We also benchmarked decoding the WebLVC update
message shown in figure 1. Again, the benchmarks are
available for inspection at the jsperf.com site [10]. This
message contains less information than a DIS entity
state PDU, but is larger—roughly 300 bytes for the
message displayed in figure 1, vs 144 bytes for a
standard binary DIS PDU. Results for Chrome are
shown in figure 8.
Figure 8. DIS vs WebLVC Update Message
This repeats the results of the earlier Chrome
benchmark—JSON and binary were both decoded
about as fast. The WebLVC JSON message was
decoded much faster than either, probably a reflection
of the smaller number of Javascript objects created and
less information contained in the message.
The low level benchmarks used here can be
misleading. In reality a simulation application will be
doing other things, such as physics, artificial
intelligence (AI), and graphics, in addition to receiving
and parsing network messages. Some of the CPU
cycles used by the simple benchmark code above will
instead by used by these tasks.
3.2 Example Application
We implemented a simple Google Maps Javascript API
application using the binary DIS implementation [11].
The web page loads the Google Maps Javascript API,
displays a map, and then displays the positions of DIS
entities visible to the server’s network using the
architecture shown in figure 5. In addition the web
page uses the browser’s geolocation API and sends
entity state PDUs back to the server to demonstrate
two-way communications. The web application works
on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and
IOS (iPhone/iPad) mobile Safari. A screen shot is
shown in figure 9
Figure 9. AIS Ship Locations Displayed in Google
This displays the results of an Automatic Identification
System (AIS) feed. AIS is a real time location system
that the Coast Guard and other agencies around the
world require to be present on commercial ships. The
AIS feed has been piped into Joint Simulation Bus
(JBUS), a gateway that can translate between several
protocols. JBUS converts the AIS messages into DIS
and sends it on the local network on broadcast UDP
port 3000. The websocket server application reads the
DIS and forwards it, in binary format, to the web page,
where the DIS entity state PDUs are decoded. Pins are
added to the map that represent each ship reported by
AIS. DIS’s geocentric position was converted to
latitude and longitude to place the pins. Information
about each ship can be displayed by clicking on the
pin. The application is able to decode approximately
3000 DIS Entity State PDUs per second while
displaying the map information when running on a
laptop. The primary limitation seems to be map
overhead and memory rather than the speed at which
the application can decode DIS PDUs.
We have also implemented small 3D virtual worlds
using WebGL and Three.js. Small virtual worlds of up
to perhaps a few dozen entities in a simple scene can be
It is realistic to expect that web applications on modern
desktop devices can process PDUs in the mid-four
digits per second range, depending on what else the
application is doing. 3D graphics applications will be
much lower; those that only collect summary statistics
will be at the high end of this range; and map
applications will fall between these two extremes.
4. Conclusions
Either JSON or binary DIS messages can be used to
display Live/Virtual/Constructive information in the
web browser. JSON is fast enough for most
applications, and some browsers decode JSON
messages as fast as they do binary. Binary formats
have the advantage of being more compact for
messages with the same content.
Web application architects should be aware of the web
browser being targeted. Javascript engines vary both in
absolute performance and in what tasks they do best.
Some decode JSON very well; others are better at
decoding binary. The efficiency of the Javascript
implementation can have a significant impact on the
performance of the web application.
Unification of mobile and desktop web applications is
possible, at least for some types of applications.
Application architects need to be aware of what
features are missing from mobile platforms. For
example, WebGL is not generally supported on
Apple’s IOS for mobile devices.
Binary DIS formats have one significant advantage: the
standard has already been specified. JSON formats, in
either WebLVC format or in JSON format DIS, do not
have a widely recognized standard. Using binary
format DIS reduces or eliminates the need for protocol
translation gateways, and reduces the need for
standards group efforts to define an acceptable JSON
message format. The appeal of using the binary format
for DIS in Javascript is straightforward: it’s already a
standard, while a JSON format is not. Existing
gateways can convert protocols like AIS to DIS, and a
number of gateways exist that convert HLA RPR-FOM
to DIS. Javascript simulation applications in the client
browser can be coded using the well-known DIS
specification without having to develop and maintain a
new protocol.
5. Future Work
In a distributed simulation web application the program
logic can span two locations: the client side and the
server side. For example in a web application we could
configure the server side to forward only new or
changed entity state PDUs to the web page; this would
eliminate the need for heartbeat PDUs to be forwarded
across the bandwidth-constrained websocket link to the
web page, while also remaining compliant with the DIS
standard from the standpoint of external DIS
applications. This illustrates the more general case of
Distributed Data Management (DDM) or Area of
Interest Management (AOIM) on the server side.
Modern commercial web applications such as Google
Mail or web-based games are cloud-based, and serverside web applications can dynamically scale as demand
goes up. From an architectural standpoint, CPU
capacity available on the server side is essentially
unlimited. The implications of this insight have not
been thoroughly explored. It may make sense to
migrate more computation to the server side and
offload mobile devices, or provide richer computation
for applications by exploiting the resources available in
the cloud.
The WebRTC API standard is just beginning to emerge
from the standards process, and implementations exist
on the most recent Chrome and Firefox browsers.
WebRTC allows access to UDP sockets, the traditional
mechanism for exchanging state information in
distributed simulations. WebRTC also allows direct
peer-to-peer communications between web browser
pages. This capability is an obvious avenue for future
Support for the Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics
International Standard DIS nodes (EspduTransform
and Signals PDUs) will next be demonstrated by
integrating these capabilities into the open-source
X3DOM javascript library. X3DOM provides pluginfree X3D rendering within HTML pages, allowing
direct composition of X3D and HTML in a single web
page (http://www.x3dom.org).
A web-based architecture can also be subject to other
factors, such as the latency inherent in communications
between the client and server. The tradeoffs have not
been fully explored.
[1] The Khronos Group, “OpenGL ES 2.0 for the
Web,” https://www.khronos.org/webgl. Retrieved
June 10 2014.
[2] Internet Engineering Task Force, “RFC-6455: The
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455. Retrieved June
10 2014.
[3] World Wide Web Consortium, “WebRTC 1.0:
Real-time Communication Between Browsers,”
Retrieved June 10 1014.
[4] Simulation Interoperability Standards Group,
“Web Live, Virtual, Constructive Study Group”,
Groups/WebLVCSG.aspx, Retrieved June 10
[5] Khronos Group, “Typed Array Specification”
Retrieved June 10 2014.
[6] Anonymous, “Can I Use Typed Arrays?”,
http://caniuse.com/typedarrays. Retreived June 10
[7] McGregor, Don; Brutzman, Don: “Open-DIS: An
Open Source Implementation of the DIS Protocol
for C++ and Java”. SISO Interoperability
Workshop 2007.
June 12 2014
[9] Don McGregor: “Javascript DIS Native vs JSON,”
Retrieved June 12 2014.
[10] Don
http://jsperf.com/dis-vs-weblvc. Retrieved June 12
[11] Don McGregor: “Web-Based DIS Map,”
https://movesinstitute.org/DIS/. Retrieved June 12
Author Biographies
DON MCGREGOR is a member of the research
faculty in the Naval Postgraduate School Modeling,
Virtual Environments, and Simulation (MOVES)
His research interests include cloud
computing, web programming, and network protocols.
CURTIS BLAIS is a member of the research faculty in
the Naval Postgraduate School MOVES Institute. He
has over 40 years of experience in management,
specification, design, development, and application of
M&S for training, analysis, and mission planning, and
in M&S education. His research interests include
application of web-based technologies for M&S
DON BRUTZMAN is Technical Director for 3D
Environments in the MOVES Institute. As an
Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School
in Monterey, California he is a member of two
Academic Groups: Undersea Warfare and Modeling,
Virtual Environments and Simulation. He is an
investigator in the NPS Center for Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle Research. His research interests
include underwater robotics, real-time 3D computer
graphics, artificial intelligence and high performance