WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY VIRTUAL CAMPUS SCHOOL OF BEHAVIORAL & SOCIAL SCIENCES SYLLABUS 1. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. 2. Course: PUAD 5317 – {VC01}, Special Topics: Cybersecurity 3. Term: Summer 2015 (25 May -8 Aug 2015) 4. Instructor: William J. Cojocar, Ph.D. 5. Office Phone and Wayland Email Address: 210-835-5035 and Email: william.cojocar@wayland.wbu.edu 6. Office Hours, Building, and Location: M-W-F, 9a-5p; T & TH, Noon-5pm (San Antonio, TX, Home Office). 7. Class Meeting Time and Location: Virtual Campus class meeting time by weekly requirements in accordance with the course syllabus. 8. Catalog Description: This course provides a thorough examination of Cyberspace and Cybersecurity vulnerabilities, risks, and security measures for Information Systems and Infrastructures; examines Cybersecurity, Cyberspace, the role of the CIO, Cyberspace intrusions, defense, and law; and Cyberwarfare and Homeland Security. 9. Prerequisites: N/A. 10. Required Textbook and Resources: BOOK Cyberspace and Cybersecurity AUTHOR ED YEAR PUBLISHER Kostopoulos, 1st George 2013 CRC Press ISBN# eText: ISBN-13 9781466501348 Print: ISBN-13 9781466501331 REVIEW SPRING 16 11. Optional Materials: Course slides and additional materials provided by the instructor. APA 6th Edition (Version 2) Writing Style Guide is highly recommended for course learners. 12. Course Outcome Competencies: Students will be able to analyze the changing nature of Cyberspace and Cyber Security Protection. Students will be able to become familiarized with US Policy and Response, Threat Assessments and processes to analyze Cyber Security Policies at department and agency levels. Analyze DHS Cyber Security Assessments and Measures of Effectiveness. Examine roles of State, Local, and Private Industries lessons regarding the security of Cyber-Security Threats and national and international vulnerabilities. Students will become familiar with the evolving new role of the Corporate Information Officer (CIO). 1 13. Attendance Requirements: Class attendance for Virtual Campus classes is accounted for by students reading class requirements, and actively posting class homework requirements, and responses to another students posting. This course room activity occurs in Discussion Board for each class week. If you must be absent for any legitimate reason; i.e., you are providentially hindered due to work requirements, illness, or emergency—you must contact the instructor and advise or explain. The instructor will determine a makeup plan for missed class work. Three absences (25% of the 11-week period) will constitute course failure. If you anticipate excessive absences, you should consider withdrawal according to WBU’s policy. Three tardies/early departures may equal one absence. An unexcused absence or tardiness reduces grade average. 14. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.” 15. Course Requirements and Grading Criteria: Examinations: - Mid-Term Exam (22-26 Jun 15) / Final Exam (3-7 Aug 15) = 60% of final grade (30% each) Research Paper (written) - Written Paper (31 Jul 15; 15 pp/dbl sp; APA format) = 20% of final grade Attendance - 10% of final grade (late submissions/no submissions; see attendance requirements) Participation and Teacher Subjectivity - 10% of final grade (Class Participation and Homework; see Statement of Understanding) Grading: 100-90 (A); 89-80 (B); 79-70 (C); 69-60 (D); 59-below (F). a. Examinations. There are two examinations for this course; a midterm and final examination. Exams are 25 questions (100 points/4 points per question). Exams are a combination of multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short essay, and model/pictorial diagram identification. Each examination is worth 30% of the total grade, with both examinations totaling 60% of the final grade. b. Research Paper. The course research paper is a formatted APA paper. It is 15 pages, double spaced. Paper length requirement is 15 pages of content from paper from introduction through conclusion. All papers will contain a title page, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, and reference page. Research paper topics are approved by the course instructor and can be on any course related topic in the fields of Cyber Security. Students are requested to submit a Safe-Assign Originality Report with their class Research Paper. 16. Tentative Schedule: (Calendar, Topics, Assignments) Week Date Activity/Requirements/Reading assignments: 1 25-29 May 15 Class 1: Vulnerabilities in Information Systems Reading Assignment: Chapter 1: Vulnerabilities in Information Systems Homework: 5x Discussion Questions Select and submit a Research Paper Topic 2. 1-5 Jun 15 Class 2: Vulnerabilities in the Organization Reading Assignment: Chapter 2: Vulnerabilities in the Organization Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Submit Research Paper Outline 2 3. 8-12 Jun 15 Class 3: Risks in Information Systems Infrastructure Reading Assignment: Chapter 3: Risks in Information Systems Infrastructure Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Submit Abstract and References 4. 15-19 Jun 15 Class 4: Secure Information Systems Reading Assignment Chapter 4: Secure Information Systems Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Midterm Exam Study Guide Submit Research Paper Framework (Title Page, Abstract, Space Managed Embedded Outline, References 5. 22-26 Jun 15 Class 5: Midterm Examination and Cybersecurity and the CIO Reading Assignment: Chapter 5: Cybersecurity and the CIO Homework: Complete and Submit the Midterm Examination (Chapters 1-5) 6. 29 Jun-3 Jul 15 7. 6-10 July 15 Class 7: Cyberspace Intrusions Reading Assignment: Chapter 7: Cyberspace Intrusions Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Research Paper Draft Window Open 8. 13-17 July 15 Class 8: Cyberspace Defense Reading Assignment: Chapter 8: Cyberspace Defense Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Research Paper Draft Window Open 9. 20-24 July 15 Class 9: Cyberspace and the Law Reading Assignment: Chapter 9: Cyberspace and the Law Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Research Paper Draft Window Open 10. 27-31 July 15 Research Papers Due Class 10: Cyber Warfare and Homeland Security and Department of Homeland Security Policy Assessment on Critical Infrastructure and Cyber-Security Protection Reading Assignment: Cyber Warfare and Homeland Security and DHS Policy Assessment on Critical Infrastructure and Cyber Security Protection Homework: 300 Word APA Essay Final Exam Study Guide 11. 4-8 Aug 14 Final Examination and Course Evaluation Class 6: Building a Secure Organization Reading Assignments Chapter 6: Building a Secure Organization Homework: 5 x Discussion Questions Research Paper Draft Window Open 3 17. Additional information as desired by the faculty member. Statements of Understanding: This class will adhere to zero tolerance for using someone else’s work as your own. It will result in course failure if written or verbal presentations are plagiarized. Students are requested to submit a Safe-Assign Originality Report with their class Research Paper Students are responsible for reading, understanding, obeying, and respecting all academic policies. Added emphasis will be placed upon academic progress policies appearing in the WBU Academic Catalog applicable to their curriculum and/or program of study. Class participation is a key requirement to succeed. Student participation in discussions enriches each one’s knowledge and appreciation of the principles of management and how they can be applied to the work environment. Opportunities to participate include case studies, Q&A, reading assignments, and timely work turned in by due date. Untimely work will receive a markdown in points at the instructor’s discretion. There may be opportunities for bonus points on exams and extra credit for class work at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor holds the right to make adjustments to this syllabus and its contents in the best interest of the class and course objectives. 4