October 2015 Newsletter

William Tell Elementary
October 2015
October Preschool News
A Great Start!
International Walk to School Day
Book Fair Grand Event
Preschool Visits Book Fair
Parent Teacher Conferences
Report Cards Home
Fall Break
Preschool Halloween Party
What a great start to our
school year! We hope by
now your child is
becoming accustomed to
our daily routines and that
he/she has made new
friends! We ask that you
please continue to check
your child’s backpack
each evening for crafts
and papers that are sent
home. Please take the
time to talk with your child
about his/her day and
what he/she learned at
school, as this will help
the overall development of
your child.
A Note From the Bus Drivers:
If your child is riding the
bus, please be sure they
are ready to board the bus
as soon as it pulls up to
your stop. Our student
numbers continue to rise,
and it’s important that the
bus stays on schedule in
order to get these kids to
school in a timely manner.
Also note: For the safety
of your child, there MUST
be a parent visible to the
bus driver in order for the
bus to drop them off at
their stop.
Snack Money:
Please remember to send
in your $10 per quarter for
snack money.
School attendance is very
crucial to your child’s
education. If your child is
going to be absent from
school, please call the
school office to let us
know. (812)547-9727
Beginning our Alphabet
Next week, we will begin
our alphabet in Preschool.
This year, we are doing
things a little differently
than we have done in the
past; we are going to first
go through our entire
Uppercase Alphabet,
THEN, we will go through
our entire Lowercase
Alphabet. Beginning next
week, we will go through 3
letters a week (one letter a
day), with show and tell on
Thursdays. Your child
may pick one of the 3
letters of the week, to
bring an item for show and
tell. Please reference the
calendar on the back side
of newsletter for the letters
of the day we are working
Sunform Alphabet
At William Tell, we use the
Sunform Alphabet
System. The Sunform
Alphabet transforms
abstract symbols into
meaningful letters. Each
letter is given a special
name, sound, and shape
which enhances the
students’ overall
understanding of the
concept. A copy of the
Sunform Alphabet
letters/meanings is
attached so you can work
on these at home.
The Letter People
Along with the Sunform
Alphabet, we also use the
Letter People Curriculum.
The students will be
introduced to the Letter
People Puppets who will
keep the children engaged
in learning through songs
and stories. This
curriculum encompasses
language and vocabulary
development, literacy,
math, science, social
studies, creative arts,
technology, large and
small motor development,
health, safety, and socioemotional development.
Cooler Weather
Please pay attention to
the weather as we are
beginning to have some
cooler temperatures.
Dress your child
appropriately as you send
them to school each day.
You may also go ahead
and send in a warmer
change of clothes to
exchange with your child’s
extra summer outfit. If you
see that your child came
home with a different
outfit, please send that
one back to school as
soon as possible so we
can be sure to have
extras. We also ask that
you put your child’s name
in his/her jackets/coats!
With our growing class
numbers, it is easy to get
things mixed up.
Page 3
New sletter Title
Inside Story Headline
Inside Story Headline
Special Interest Story Headline
You can also research
articles or find “filler”
articles by accessing the
World Wide Web. You can
write about a variety of
topics but try to keep your
articles short.
Much of the content you
put in your newsletter can
also be used for your Web
site. Microsoft Word offers
a simple way to convert
your newsletter to a Web
publication. So, when
you’re finished writing
your newsletter, convert it
to a Web site and post it.
A great way to add useful
content to this newsletter
is to develop and write
your own articles, or
include a calendar of
upcoming events or a
special offer that promotes
a new product.
“To catch the reader's
attention, place an
interesting sentence or
quote from the story
Page 4
Company Name
Street Address
Address 2
City ST, ZIP Code
New sletter Title
This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It
might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief
history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or
programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western
U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or members
It would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more
information about the organization.
Phone 555 555 0125
Fax 555 555 0145
E-mail E-mail address
Your business tag line here.
Back Page Story Headline
This story can fit 175-225
We’re on the Web!
Web site address
If your newsletter is
folded and mailed, this
story will appear on the
back. So, it’s a good idea
to make it easy to read at
a glance.
A question and answer
session is a good way to
quickly capture the
attention of readers. You
can either compile
questions that you’ve
received since the last
edition or you can
summarize some generic
questions that are
frequently asked about
your organization.
A listing of names and
titles of managers in your
organization is a good
way to give your
newsletter a personal
touch. If your
organization is small, you
may want to list the
names of all employees.
If you have any prices of
standard products or
services, you can include
a listing of those here.
You may want to refer
your readers to any other
forms of communication
that you’ve created for
your organization.
You can also use this
space to remind readers
to mark their calendars
for a regular event, such
as a breakfast meeting
for vendors every third
Tuesday of the month, or
a biannual charity
If space is available, this
is a good place to insert a
clip art image or some
other graphic.