International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (IJMER) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ NonlinearFree Vibration Response of Functionally Graded Materials Cylindrical Shell in Thermal Environment. 1 P. D. Khaire, 2N. H. Ambhore, 3K. R. Jagtap 1,2 Department of Mechanical Engineering,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Kondhwa, Pune-48 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Narhe, Pune -41 E,, Abstract- In this paper the nonlinear free vibration response of functionally graded materials (FGMs) cylindrical shell is investigated. The cylindrical shell is subjected to uniform temperature distribution with temperature independent (TID) material properties. The basic formulation is based on higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) with Von-Karman nonlinear strain kinematics using modified C0 continuity. A direct iterative based nonlinear finite element method (DIFEM)developed by last two authors for the Functionally Graded Materials plate is extended for cylindrical shell. The present outlined approach has been validated with those available in literature. Keywords: FGM, cylindrical shell, nonlinear free vibration, HSDT. I. INTRODUCTION cutouts in thermal environment by using higher order shear deformation theory with C 0 continuity. K. R. Jagtap et al. [2]presented stochastic nonlinear free vibration analysis of functionally graded material plate resting on elastic foundation in thermal environment by using higher order shear deformation theory with von Karman nonlinear strain kinematics with modified C 0 continuity. Achchhe Lal et al. [3] investigated nonlinear bending response of laminated composite spherical shell panel with system randomness subjected to hygrothermo-mechanical loading. A direct iterative based C 0 nonlinear finite element method combined with mean centered first-order perturbation technique (FOPT) for the plate is extended for the spherical shell panel subjected to hygro-thermo-mechanical loading. Singh B.N. et al. [4] investigated composite laminate plate using finite element method. The formulation is based on higher order shear deformation theory. Randomness in the system properties are computed by using first order perturbation technique. Hiroyuki Matsunaga [5]studiedfree vibration and stability of functionally graded shallow shells according to a 2D higher-order deformation theory. Hui-Shen Shen and Hai Wang[6]investigated the large amplitude vibration behavior of a shear deformable FGM cylindrical panel resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments. The formulation is based on a higher order shear deformation shell theory which includes shell panelfoundation interaction and the thermal effects. The material properties of FGMs are assumed to be temperature-dependent. The equations of motion are solved by a two-step perturbation technique to determine the nonlinear frequencies of the FGM cylindrical panel. Functionally Graded Material (FGM) is a composite, consisting of two or more phases, which is fabricated such that its composition varies in some spatial direction by changing the volume fraction index of constituent materials. This design is intended to take advantage of certain desirable features of each of the constituent materials. For example, if the FGM is to be used to separate regions of high and low temperature, thenat the hotter end it may consist of pure ceramic as the ceramic is having better resistance to higher temperatures. In contrast, the cooler end may be pure metal because of its better mechanical and heat transfer properties.Rapid advances in the manufacturing techniques of bulk FGMs have created exiting new possibilities of their applications in large scale structural system such as rocket heat shields, wear resistant lining in mineral processing industry, thermoelectric generators, plasma facing for nuclear reactors and electrically insulating II. FORMULATION metal/ceramic joints,thermoelectric generators, dental implantation, andbone replacement and electrically Consider schematic diagram a FGMs cylindrical shell insulating metal/ceramic joints. A large number of which consist of ceramic and metal at top and bottom literatures have been reportedon linear and nonlinear layer of length a, width b, and total thickness h. free vibration of plates. K. R. Jagtapet al. [1]investigated effect of random material properties on free vibration response of functionally graded materials plate with _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print) : 2321-5747, Volume-2, Issue-2,2014 37 International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (IJMER) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ the mid surface with respect to x and y axes, x and y are the slopes along x and y directions, θx = θy = dw dy dw dx and . The function f1 (z) and f2 (z) can be written as, f1 z = C1 z - C2 z ; and f 2 z = -C4 z With 3 C1 = 1, C2 = C4 = The properties of the FGMs shell are assumed to be varying through the thickness. The effective mechanical and thermal properties of the FGMs shell at an arbitrary point within the shell domain are expressed as[2], (1) Where, t and b represents the ceramic and metal constituents, E,α,ρ and k are the effective young modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, density and thermal conductivity, VC is the volume fraction index, function of coordinate in the thickness direction (z), z Vc z 0.5 , h 0n v w y x y x ]T (4) 2.2 Strain Displacement Relations l nl t (5) k z k b [k t k b ]Vc z n [u The strain vector consisting of strains in terms of midplane deformation, rotations of normal and higher order terms associated with displacement for isotropic layer is, E z E b E t E b Vc z ρ z ρ b ρ t ρ b Vc z 4h2 . 3 The displacement vector for the modified model can be written as, Fig.1 Geometry of cylindrical shell α z α b α t α b Vc z 3 h h z , 2 2 Where l , nl and t are the linear and nonlinear strain vectors (Von-Karman sense), thermal strain vector respectively. The nonlinear strain vector can be written as, 1 2 nl [ Anl ] (6) Where (2) Where, n is volume fraction index and is always positive. For n=0, the shell is fully metal and when n=1, the composition of metal and ceramic is linear. The Poisson’s ratio depends weakly on temperature change and is assumed tobe a constant. w, x 0 0 w ,y w, x 1 Anl w, x w, y and 2 w, y 0 0 0 0 2.1 Displacement field model The thermal strain vector t is represented as, 0 Higher order shear deformation theory with C continuity has been used to find displacement field model. Displacement field is given as [4] u u f1 ( z)x f 2 ( z) x , v v(1 z ) f1 ( z ) y f 2 ( z ) y ,(3) R ww, Where (u, v, w) denote the displacement of a point along the (x, y, z) coordinates axe, (u, v, w) are corresponding displacements of a point on the mid plane, x and y are the rotations at z=0 of normal to t x 1 y 2 xy T 12 (7) 0 yz 0 zx Where 1 , 2 and 12 are the coefficient of thermal expansion in the x, y and z directions respectively which can be obtained from the thermal coefficient in the longitudinal 1 and transverse 2 directions of the ceramic and metal using the transformation matrix and T is the uniform and nonuniform temperature change. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print) : 2321-5747, Volume-2, Issue-2,2014 38 International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (IJMER) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The temperature field for nonuniform temperature change is expressed as, U T = T z T0 (8) Where T z is expressed as, 1 2 1 [ D] dA 2 [ D ] A dA 1 T 2 1 2 A l l [ D ] A T A l T 4 T 5 T Where [ D] , [ D3 ] , [ D4 ] and Where T z is the temperature distribution along z matrices and surface, and parameter z is defined as, 1 z k z ktb2 z 0.5 h (2n 1) kb2 2 n 1 z 0.5 h 4 n 1 4 tb k (2n 1) kb4 shell stiffness is the linear mid-plane vector. The l strain energy function calculated for each element above can be summed to get the total strain energy. e 1 n 1 {q}T [ Kl K nl (q)]q (13) 3 n 1 z 0.5 h 5 n 1 k (2n 1) kb5 [ D5 ] are NE ktb3 z 0.5 h (3n 1) kb3 5 tb (12) U U e tb ( z ) 0.5 0.5 c h (n 1)kb h 3 dA T z Tb Tt Tb z direction, Tt and Tb , are temperature of top and bottom l dA A [ D ] A A T A Where [ Kl ], [ Knl ] and {q} are defined as global linear, nonlinear stiffness matrix and displacement vector respectively. 2.5 Work done With ktb kt kb and k is defined as thermal conductivity. The uniform temperature change Eq. can be written as, Where, T0 is initial temperature. Because of uniform and nonuniform temperature change, pre-buckling stresses in FGM shell are generated the in-plane pre-buckling stress resultant per unit length are reason for buckling. The work done (W) by in-plane stress resultants in producing out of plane displacements ‘w’ can be expressed as, 2.3 Stress strain relation W T ( z) T0 (Tt Tb ) (9) The stress strain relation accounting thermal effect can be written as, 1 [ N x ( w, x ) 2 N y ( w, y ) 2 2 A 2 N xy ( w, x ) 2 ( w, y ) 2 ]dA T x y Q or xy (10) yz xz 1 w, x N x 2 A w, y N xy Q11 Q12 Q 21 Q 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 66 0 0 Q 44 0 0 N xy w, x dA N y w, y Where N x , N y and N xy are thermal in plane, thermal compressive stress resultant per unit length. Using finite element method and summing over the entire element above equation can be written as, 0 0 0 l nl t 0 Q 55 Where Q ij , and are the transformed stiffness matrix, stress and strain vectors for isotropic shell respectively. 2.4 Strain energy of the shell The strain energy of the FGM shell is given by, U (14) T 1 dv (11) v 2 NE NE e 1 e 1 W W ( e ) {(e ) }T T [ K g(e ) ]{(e ) } T {q}T [ K g ]{q} (15) Where T and [ K g ] are defined as critical thermal buckling temperature and global geometric stiffness matrix. 2.6 Kinetic energy of FGM shell The kinetic energy (T) of the vibrating FGM shell can be expressed as (k ) T {uˆ}T {uˆ}dV (16) V Where and {uˆ} { u v w } are the density and velocity vector of the shell respectively, above equation can be expressed as, Above equation can be expanded as, _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print) : 2321-5747, Volume-2, Issue-2,2014 39 International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (IJMER) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ NE NE v w y y 0, at x 0, a; e 1 e 1 u w x x 0 at y 0, b T T ( e ) {}T [m]{} (17) {q}[ M ]{q} 4.1 Validation of fundamental frequency and parametric study Where, [M] is the global mass matrix. III. EQUATION OF MOTION AND ITS SOLUTION The governing equation for thermally induced nonlinear free vibration of the shell analysis can be derived using Lagrange’s equation of motion. t2 (U W T )dT 0 (18) t1 Substituting the values and obtaining in the form of nonlinear generalized eigenvalue problem as, [ K ]{q} [M ]{q} 0 (19) Where, [ K ] {[ Kl ] [ K nl (q)] T [ K g ]} The above equation is nonlinear free vibration equation which can be solved as a linear eigenvalue problem assuming that the shell is vibrating in its principal made in each iteration, the above equation can be expressed as generalized eigenvalue problem as, [[ K ] [M ]]{q} 0 (20) Where 2 with is natural frequency of the shell. The nonlinear eigenvalue problem is solved by employing a direct iterative based C 0 nonlinear finite element method in conjunction with perturbation technique. IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A nine noded Lagrange isoparametric element with 63 DOFs per element for the present HSDT model has been used for discretizing, (4 × 4) mesh has been used for the study.The results are compared with those in literatures. The dimensionless nonlinear fundamental frequencyof the FGMs cylindrical shell is, b2 / h m / Em , (21) Table 2 shows the dimensionlessnonlinear fundamental frequency of FGM(Si3N4/SUS304)simply supported cylindrical shell in thermal environments with temperature independent material properties and a/b=b/R=1, a/h=20. Clearly, it is observed that the present results using C0 DIFEM are in good agreement with the available semi analytical method published results[6]. Table 2 validation of mean dimensionless fundamental frequency of cylindrical shell subjected uniform temperature distributionwith Wmax/h=1, a/h=20. T (K) n Present Shen H S [6] Tc=400K Tm=400K 1 14.8713 15.9915 5 11.9025 12.8445 Table 3 showsthe effect of temperature change (∆T), thickness ratio, volume fraction index (n), amplitude ratio(Wmax/h)and uniform temperature distribution on the dimensionless nonlinear fundamental frequency of SSSS supported FGM(ZrO2/ Ti-6Al-4V) cylindrical shell with R/a=10, ∆T=30K. Table 3The effect of temperature change (∆T), thickness ratio, volume fraction index (n), amplitude ratio(W max/h) and uniform temperature distribution on the dimensionless nonlinear fundamental frequency of SSSS supported FGM (ZrO2/ Ti-6Al-4V) cylindrical shell with R/a=10, ∆T=30K. a/h 0 10 Table 1The following temperature independent material properties are used Types of material E (N/m2) ZrO2 151e+9 Ti-6Al4V α (1/C) n K (W/mK) ( Kg / m3 ) 204 2707 18.591e-6 1 0 70e+9 6.941e-6 Boundary Condition: All edges simply supported (SSSS): 2.09 3000 20 1 Wmax/h 0.3 0.6 0.9 1 l 0.3 0.6 0.9 1 l 0.3 0.6 0.9 1 l 0.3 0.6 0.9 nl 6.8151 8.1318 9.8770 10.4496 6.2423 5.5676 6.6761 8.1393 8.6132 5.0831 6.8300 8.2435 10.0708 10.7317 6.1694 5.5736 6.7692 8.3069 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print) : 2321-5747, Volume-2, Issue-2,2014 40 International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (IJMER) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 l 8.8617 5.0113 [2] Jagtap K. 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[6] Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Nonlinear vibration of shear deformable FGM cylindrical panels restingon elastic foundations in thermal environments, Composites 2014; 60:167–177. V. CONCLUSION A C0 nonlinear finite element method based on direct iterative procedure [DIFEM] is used to compute the nonlinear fundamental frequency simply supported FGM cylindrical shell in thermal environment. Higher order shear deformation theory with von-Karman nonlinearity with modified C0 continuity is used for basic formulation. The nonlinear fundamental frequency of vibration increases with increase in the amplitude ratio. It is also observed that for same thickness ratio and the amplitude ratio, the fundamental frequency of vibration increases. It is also observed that for same thickness ratio and amplitude ratio, the nonlinear natural frequency decreases with increase in volume fraction index because of decrease in the stiffness. REFERENCES [1] Jagtap K. R., Achchhe Lal,Effect of random material properties on free vibration response of functionally graded materials plate with cutouts in thermal environment. International Conference on Modern Trends in Industrial Engineering, 2011. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print) : 2321-5747, Volume-2, Issue-2,2014 41