Miss Patel
Year 9 Computer Science Term 1 - Checklist
You must use keywords when answering the following questions. Write in full sentences and remember to check spelling, punctuation and grammar. All these writing tasks will make up the content for your end of term projects
Lesson / topic / task Completed
Lesson 1 - ICT vs. Computer Science
Writing task must include:
Why was computing introduced in schools and who was behind the move ICT to Computer Science
What is computing all about? Explore some topics covered and future technologies/developments
Explore career options in computer science.
Benefits of studying computer science and the skills you build
Summarise why an education in computing is valuable
For this task you can use the presentation you watched on the first week. This is available on misspatelcomputing.weebly.com
Lesson 2 - Introduction to programming
Writing task must include:
What skills do you need for problem solving
What is LightBot - why is it useful for learning programming?
Lesson 3 - Introduction to programming
Writing task must include:
What does the word autonomous mean? How does this link to computer science? Give some examples and link this to lesson 2 when we discussed the importance of instructions being precise and clear.
What is the importance of computing in society? - entertainment, medicine, education, transport etc.
What is a procedure? Link how Lightbot introduces procedures.
Why are procedures useful and when might they be used?
What is a programming language? Why are there so many?
Discuss the uses of some programming languages in industry, their advantages and disadvantages.
What is Python? Why is it a good language to learn programming?
Why do we teach Python in school? Advantages of Python
Lesson 4 - Introduction to Python
The following keywords all need to be in your glossary
Autonomous - Program
Commands - Prompt
Computer Program - Python
Condition - Selection
Debugging - Software
Hardware - String
IDLE - Syntax
IDE - Syntax Errors
Operators - Syntax Highlighting
Procedure - Variable
Lesson 5 - print statement, syntax errors, variables
You must have completed all of Python workbook 1 (this is available at misspatelcomputing.weebly.com - year 9 - lesson materials)
Make sure you are confident with the following:
(use the workbook to help you check your progress)
Writing a simple print statement
Understand syntax highlighting
Identifying syntax errors
Understand what a syntax error is
Debug syntax errors when using print statement
Know python operators for carrying out calculations
Write calculations in python that use multiple operators
Understand what a variable is
Set up a variable
Assign a value to the variable
Store numbers in variables and use these variables to carry out mathematical calculations
Embed user input into print statements
Understand the different between python window types - shell and text editor window.
Miss Patel
Miss Patel
Lesson 6 - Selection (IF statements)
You must have completed all of Python workbook2 (this is available at misspatelcomputing.weebly.com - year 9 - lesson materials)
Make sure you are confident with the following:
Understand all of the comparison operators
Write a simple IF statement using comparison operators and print statement
Write an IF …else statement using comparison operators and print statement
Write an ELIF statement using comparison operators and print statement
Spot syntax errors in IF statements
Miss Patel