G ‘El Camino’ Pilgrimage 2015 APPLICATION FORM APPLICANT’S DETAILS Title: (Mr, Miss, Mrs, Sr, Fr…) CEO PHRIS: First name: Last name: School: Position: Email: Contact number: Please respond briefly to the following questions How have you demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and learning in Religious Education? How have you shown an interest in ongoing professional and personal formation? What strategies have you adopted to develop and exercise religious leadership? (This might include in the classroom, school and wider Church community) How will participation in the El Camino Pilgrimage benefit you personally and professionally? How will you share the new insights gained from your participation in the El Camino Pilgrimage? Please provide the details of any further study that you have immersions/pilgrimages that you have undertaken during the last five years. completed or If selected, I undertake to make a $2000 contribution to the overall cost of this pilgrimage. Signature of Applicant: Date: Name of Parish Priest: Signature of Parish Priest: Date: Please submit this form with the Principal’s Endorsement by Friday 13 March 2015 to Sandra Bejjani by fax, post or email. Fax: (02) 9568 8434 Post: Catholic Education Office, Sydney PO Box 217 LEICHHARDT NSW 2040 Email: sandra.bejjani@syd.catholic.edu.au ‘El Camino’ Pilgrimage 2015 PRINCIPAL’S ENDORSEMENT FORM PRINCIPAL’S DECLARATION I endorse the application of as a pilgrim for the ‘El Camino’ Pilgrimage. Name: Date: Signature: School: Additional comments to support your endorsement of the applicant: In this endorsement you might comment on how the applicant: Demonstrates a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and learning in Religious Education; Participates in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community; Demonstrates an interest in professional and personal formation and a capacity for religious leadership; Displays the capacity to share insights with others; Has the personal skills to deal with unfamiliar places and experiences; Articulates unambiguously the mission and vision of Catholic education and communicates a strong sense of Catholic culture and ethos. Please submit this form by Friday 13 March 2015 to Sandra Bejjani by fax, post or email. Fax: (02) 9568 8434 Post: Catholic Education Office, Sydney PO Box 217 LEICHHARDT NSW 2040 Email: sandra.bejjani@syd.catholic.edu.au