Science Department Marking Policy Marking – best practice will include: SMART teacher comments / targets References to pupils’ current level and target level Dialogue with students (responding to teacher questions / tasks) Comments that demonstrate to pupils how to make progress Incorporating DIRT time into lessons so that students can respond appropriately All Key Stages All books must contain A Start of Year / Target Level sticker Evidence of literacy – keywords, definitions, labelled diagrams, extended writing. Evidence of numeracy – graphs, magnification, statistical analysis, equations. Presentation slide – title, date, CW/HW clearly marked. Learning outcomes in form of checklist sheet or progress tracking sheet for topic/unit. Record of assessment sheet Teacher Comments on all Minimal but purposeful, subject specific and used to Marking Stickers consolidate and/or extend pupils knowledge. e.g. practise question, correction of question/work, challenge question, catch up on missed work, extended writing, problem solving, research, hint or next step. Presentation, literacy and numeracy specific comments where appropriate. Key Stage 3 Formal Assessments Marking expectations (min) End of topic test throughout the year to be levelled/graded (with DIRT built in for student reflection for at least one test per half term) and recorded on record of assessment sheet. 1 traffic light sticker per half term or per topic. (with DIRT built in for student reflection) Evidence of peer and/or self-assessment throughout the year. Key Stage 4 Formal Assessments Marking expectations (min) Formal assessment tests for each topic throughout the year to be graded. (with DIRT built in for student reflection for at least one assessment per half term) and recorded on record of assessment sheet. 1 traffic light sticker per half term or per topic. (with DIRT built in for student reflection). Evidence of peer and/or self-assessment throughout the year. Controlled assessments and coursework formally marked throughout the year. Key Stage 5 Formal Assessments Marking expectations DIRT time examples for all key stages. Regular formal assessments throughout the year to be graded. (with DIRT built in for student reflection for at least one per half term) and recorded on record of assessment sheet. 1 traffic light sticker per half term or per topic. (with DIRT built in for student reflection). Evidence of peer and/or self-assessment throughout the year. Controlled assessments and coursework marking throughout the year. Where appropriate coursework/controlled assessment marking will replace folder marking for that marking cycle. Traffic light sticker Student Self Assessment Sheet Purple page of progress Verbal Feedback stamp 5 minute reflection plan Exit Stickers Green pens – peer/self assessment Purple pens – improving/redrafting work.