Session 3 (Principals): Meeting the Needs of the Most Challenged Students: Appropriate Accommodations of the Modules Sequence of Sessions Targets for this Session I can describe powerful accommodations and determine their appropriateness for students with disabilities. I can describe powerful scaffolds and determine their appropriateness for ELL students. I can evaluate the impact of a variety of accommodations provided to students. I can provide growth-producing feedback to teachers about their use of accommodations. High-Level Purpose of this Session In this session, principals will work together to understand how to best support the most challenged students in the general education setting. Principals will analyze (video) lessons in action. Principals will engage in conversation about accommodations vs. modifications. Principals will then construct growth-producing feedback for the teachers they observed in the videos with a focus on providing appropriate accommodations. Related Learning Experiences Participants will build on the learning from sessions 1 where they were already asked to think about scaffolding to support students. Additionally, this session links to learning that they will do throughout this NTI as they think about supporting teachers in meeting the learning needs of all students. Key Points Participants will complete a Written Conversation Protocol to set a purpose for learning (will come back to these questions at the end of the session to synthesize learning). Participants will receive resources to assist in determining the appropriateness of accommodations and scaffolds. Participants will enter classrooms via video and analyze instruction to improve the practice of giving growth producing feedback Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? I can describe powerful accommodations and determine their appropriateness for students with disabilities. I can describe powerful scaffolds and determine their appropriateness for ELL students. I can evaluate the impact of a variety of accommodations provided to students. I can provide growth-producing feedback to teachers about their use of accommodations. How will we know that they are able to do this? Collaborative Conversations Written Conversation Protocol World Café Protocol discussions and charts Fishbowl Protocol observation and synthesis Session Overview Section Setting a Purpose Time 1:30-1:45 Overview Participants will greet one another and be introduced to the learning targets. Participants will also complete a written conversation protocol. Prepared Resources Application and Analysis 1:45-4:10 (Break from 2:453:00) Participants will enter and analyze classrooms via video. They will also craft feedback and analyze the delivery of feedback through the Fishbowl Protocol Facilitator Preparation Review the Written Conversation 1.Written conversation Protocol protocol.pdf 2. Written Conversation NoteCatcher_Session 3_NTI_051514 3.World cafe discussion protocol.pdf 4.Access for All.pdf 4a.blueprint-for-ell-success (1).pdf 6.Rosenshine.pdf 7.3A's notecatcher_Session 3_P_052014_NTI 8.elg8m3au1lesson3103013 (2) Review the World Café Protocol Watch videos: Video link: Review Fishbowl Protocol Review Back to Back and Face to Face Protocol Synthesis and Closure 4:10-4:30 9.Fishbowl protocol.pdf 10.Notice and Wonder.pdf 11. Face to Face & Back to Back Protocol.pdf Participants will synthesize their learning and reflect on learning targets to end this session Session Roadmap Section: Setting Purpose Time: 1:30-1:45 [15 minutes] In this section, you will use the written conversation protocol Materials used include: to engage participants in the session. 1. Written conversation protocol.pdf 2. Written Conversation Notecatcher_Session 3_NTI_051514 Time 1 minute Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions Facilitation Note: In the “Application and Analysis” section of this session a principal needs to be “in the fishbowl” giving feedback to a teacher. Please identify a participant who will be able to do this OR plan to be in the fishbowl yourself if you cannot get a participant to agree to this. The preference is that participants would be willing to go into the fishbowl as this speaks to the growth mindset that we all need to have… Welcome and intro of learning targets: I can describe powerful accommodations and determine their appropriateness for students with disabilities. I can describe powerful scaffolds and determine their appropriateness for ELL students. I can evaluate the impact of a variety of accommodations provided to students. I can provide growth-producing feedback to teachers about their use of accommodations. GROUP Whole group 9 minutes Participants will use the Written Conversation Protocol to support a dialogue regarding the following questions: Participants will use a written conversation protocol to discuss the following: Prompt 1: How do you currently support teachers who scaffold module lessons to support students who are English Language Learners? OR How do you currently support teachers who provide accommodations for students with disabilities? Prompt 2: What do you know about the differences between scaffolds, accommodations and modifications? partner 3 minutes Introductions at tables. tables 1 minute A special note for this session: Let participants know that this will be an interactive session and depends on their willingness to share honestly and perhaps be vulnerable with other administrators. This time will allow us all to learn from one another and the vast expertise in the room. Additionally, as we work to give feedback that is “growth producing” for teachers, how do we provide that for one another, as well? Whole group 1 minute FACILITATORS say this: “Classrooms in many of New York's schools are extremely diverse and any given classroom may contain students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and students from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is important that students with learning challenges be treated as individuals with specific needs, rather than as a "group" with the same needs. Although many of the supports provided to students with learning challenges may appear to be the same, teachers should be carefully considering the differences between accommodations (specific supports provided to meet the individual needs of special education students) and scaffolds (specific supports provided to meet the needs of individual English Language Learners). Expeditionary Learning believes that every student deserves to be treated as a "general education" student and that every student deserves the supports he/she needs to participate fully in his/her educational experience. (Facilitation note: When discussing students' needs in this session, be sure to differentiate between the two groups and the two types of supports.) Section: Application and Analysis Time: 1:45-4:20 [minutes] In this section, you will support participants by analyzing video of students in action. Materials used include: 3.World cafe discussion protocol.pdf 4.Access for All.pdf 4a.blueprint-for-ell-success (1).pdf 6.Rosenshine.pdf 7.3A's Notecatcher_Session 3_P_052014_NTI 8.elg8m3au1lesson3103013 (2) 9.Fishbowl protocol.pdf 10.Notice and Wonder.pdf 11. Face to Face & Back to Back Protocol.pdf Watch videos: Time 17 minutes Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions World Cafe Protocol: First, form split table groups. Each group selects a “leader.” The leader’s role is to first record the question that the table is discussing on the top of the paper (unless facilitator does this ahead of time) and record the major points of the conversation that takes place at the table on the chart paper. The group discusses the topic at hand until time is called. (5 to 6 minutes) Related topics. The leader stays put; the rest of the group rotates to the next table. GROUP Variety of groupings The leader (the one who didn’t move) presents a summary of the conversation recorded on the chart. Each table now selects a new leader who will record the thinking of this group on the chart. Group discusses and records and repeats the process until a participants have been to all three charts/questions QUESTIONS for CHARTS: Question 1: How do you plan and schedule services to support all students in an inclusive setting? Question 2: How do you determine the appropriateness of accommodations and scaffolds? Question 3: How do you know whether or not students met the learning targets of the lesson? Question 4: How do you know that all students are being supported to participate appropriately in a lesson? 5 minutes Sharing of ideas from the World Cafe Protocol Whole group 8 minutes Facilitator sets up that participants will enter a 5th grade inclusive classroom where they will see a lesson in action from Module 1. (1 min) Brainstorm 1. What will you be looking for to “know” that all students are appropriately supported to participant in this lesson? 2. Things you are wondering about before you enter the room. (3 min) Turn and share your thoughts with a partner. (3 min) Prepare to enter the room via video and capture your evidence and thinking in a way that makes sense to you as an administrator. (1 min) Solo and partner Watch video #1 of a classroom in action (PS 36) Capture your evidence while in the classroom. What do you notice? What do you wonder? What do you want to ask the teacher about scaffolds for ELL students? Accommodations for students with disabilities? What positive feedback do you have for this teacher? solo 10 minutes 20 minutes Participants will blueprint-for-ell-success (1).pdf Participants will read both articles and annotate the text with the following: o ! : a-ha! This is something that hits you from the reading and makes you go “a-ha” (could be helpful or new thinking regarding accommodations or scaffolds) o ? : I would like to ask a colleague about this o * : We are already doing this, so this affirms my practice Once participants are done reading they may begin their break and return for a discussion with other participants BREAK from 2:45-3:00 solo When you return from break fill out your 3A’s notecatcher on p.____ of your participant notebook. Pick the three things that you would like to share with colleagues from the articles that you read. In split table groups or groups of 4 discuss the articles Round 1: Each member of the group shares an “A-ha” from the articles Round 2: Each member of the group shares an “Ask” Round 3: Each member of the group shares an “Affirm” Review the lesson plan from grade 8 Module 3A before “entering” the classroom. Write on the lesson plan. What are your questions for the teacher? What will you be looking for? What do you hope to hear and see from students in the classroom? Split table Video link: solo Watch and analyze another classroom in action where a teacher is supporting students in an inclusive classroom. Collect evidence as you watch the video. 15 minutes 10 min 10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes Participants will synthesize their thinking about the video by crafting feedback to a teacher in the video (this is a co-taught classroom). Participants will craft feedback based on analysis of the lesson plan and the classroom in action (video). While crafting feedback think about probing questions that you may ask teachers regarding supports for all student, Solo and partner solo 15 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes Review the fishbowl protocol. Set up the protocol with the participant that is willing to go into the fishbowl. Fishbowl Protocol: One participant act as the teacher and one participant “give” his or her feedback to the teacher while others listen on the outside of the fishbowl) While you are on the outside of the fishbowl take notes about what you notice and wonder variety Back to Back and Face to Face protocol guided by the facilitator. (8 to 10 mintues) Mixed Have participants get back to back with someone that they have not worked with partners today. Once participants are back to back ask: What makes feedback “growth producing” feedback vs. non-growth producing? After about 10 seconds of think time, say “face to face” to discuss. Have participants go back to back with the same partner or have them switch partners. Ask: How did the fishbowl protocol support you as a leader? Then say, “all right now face to face” to discuss. Have participants thank their partner and find another person that they have not worked with today and get back to back. Ask: How might you use a fishbowl with staff? Say “face to face to discuss.” Participants can stay with this partner and go back to back again. Ask: How will your learning from this session impact your practice? Then, say “face to face.” Have them thank their partner and return to their seat. When participants return to their seats allow for 3 minutes of notice/wonder and dialogue about the fishbowl. (2 min) Ask for answers to be shared out about “What makes feedback “growth producing” vs. non growth producing?” Listen for “probing questions are asked”, “ideas are shared back and forth in a true dialogue about instruction,” “the teacher views you as an instructional “thought partner,”” based on where we intended to go with the learning (targets) and where we ended up, etc. Allow for discussion Section: Synthesis and Closure Time: 4:20-4:30 [10 minutes] In this section, participants will synthesis their learning by collaborating with others in split table groups. Additionally, participants will write an actionable step in their participant journals. Materials used include: Participants’ Journals Whole group Time 5 minutes Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions 5 minutes GROUP Revisit the questions from the written conversation protocol at the start of this session. What new thoughts do you have? Talk in split table groups ensuring that each person gets a chance to speak. (Prompt #1) Choose one: How do you currently support teachers who scaffold module lessons to support ELL students? OR How do you currently support teachers who provide accommodations for students with disabilities in module lessons? Prompt 2: How do accommodations and scaffolds impact alignment to the common core standards within lessons? Split table Synthesis: Look back at the learning targets for this session and self assess as to how you did on those targets You may also want to journal an actionable step that you can take based on your learning from this session. ASK: What learning do you need to pursue to solidify deeper knowledge about appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities? And, what learning do you need to pursue to solidify deeper knowledge about appropriate supports and scaffolds for ELL students? Solo and whole group